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Posts posted by 3L3VAT3

  1. no doubt... people are sometimes quick to poo-poo the "pickup community/industry" but like that clip; there are some genuine good messages about self improvement!

    It's like saying "oh, martial arts is only for dudes who want to hurt or maim other people"

    ...that's simply not true and does a dis-service to all the genuine seekers of truth and discipline through the martial arts.

    Well learning what it takes to be 'successful' with women is no different: yea there is going to be some good and there is going to be some bad... it's what you as a person take from it... if you have a heart filled with hate then your going to learn some deceptive shit, and if your intent is good then (and less face it wanting to get laid is HEALTHY) you can use it to further your development as a man...

    ...which by the way is severly lacking in the world today: yea all you need is a pair of nuts to be a 'male' but really though, what DOES being a MAN mean?

    Really there are not too many people out there INITIATING young men into authentic manhood so that's why you have ...oh i don't know, gangbangers running around thinking that's what it's all about...

    one of the most useful things i've come across (from the community)is the KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN LOVER series of books... should be required reading for anyone with a pair...

    Men and women interacting is as UNIVERSAL as it gets, right? And no, some of it may not be Politically Correct...

    anyways, thanks for posting that...

  2. is there never a point where the 'sin' is bad/harmful enough to merit punishment?

    I guess in a taoist sense as well as in general...

    So in Taoist states there were no laws (I don't know if this question is valid, wasn't it the confusionists who were more into making laws/dogma and such...taoist were chillin in the woods not necessaritly in power, right?), it was just 'live and let live'?

  3. yea i got some good stuff from Way OF THe Superior Man...

    it was one of the better things that i heard about through the "seduction community/industry"...


    Ill have to go and read his other books now

  4. Yea i really liked the Prometheus Rising By RAW... the theory REALLY helped me make sense of people, like i learned more from that book than from the Psych classes that i took in school.

    Like how people are all this mass of conflicting urges and desires, how each 'circuit' has different desires(very much like the Hindu chakra system)... I think the trick is to INTEGRATE these different yearning/parts-of-ourself; after all INTEGRITY has a lot to do with INTEGRATION...


    so this book went WAY more in depth than Prometheus Rising... Like i said i'll have to re-read it again and see wtf i think (i have a big tendency to re-read something in a different mood and being like "well, it's OK").


    But i am most def going to check out some more of the stuff by this author...

  5. SO i made a post about Leary's 8-Circuit theory in Taoist Discussin and it got NO love, well no replies... what sparked it was i had just read Antero Alli's 2nd book EIGHT CIRCUIT BRAIN Navigational Stategies for the Energetic Body... which was his second book, and it expanded on Prometheus Rising (by RObert Anton Wilson, THe Big Homey)... i enjoyed it so much i thought i would go and get his first book; the one with the title of this post...


    Holy Shhniikees!! This book is so F'ing awesome my brain is leaking out of my ears as we speak!!!! Seriously though, i went through and highlighted some shtuff (just on my 1st read, i'm not done yet), and there are so many little nugglets of wisdom that i'm going to set up shop as a Wisdom-Nugglet Peddler... yea that's right...


    Now to be fair; i get this way when i first read through a book... like i'll think it's way cooler than it is but then on a second read i'll be like "hmm, yea it's pretty good... but not that great"... but i don't thaink that's whats crapenning with this one... I'll let you know what i think on the second, more grounded viewing of this book...


    but yea, i was wondering is any of my peeps peeped this book...


    I'll maybe put some quotes from it so you can see what i'm talking about... oh wait that would be copyright something... well just check it out on your own and lets discuss...


    Ready GO!!

  6. yeah, is shaktipat a type of "intelligent energy transmission"?


    Also do you guys know of any good teachers in the chicago area?


    At this point in my training i could use any of the above; forms, juice or clearage...lol... i just know i feel something going on, and it's VERY NICE!! so there is something to this stuff, a couple of years ago if someone said to me "intelligent energy transmission" i wouldve automatically writen them off, Now...

  7. Ok, i been hanging out with you guys here and having a good time learning and rapping about things... and i hear lots of talk about transmissions

    so, what exactly is it?

    is it:

    1) just the forms... for example Master Cheeba Chiballs is going to give me a transmission (like some dvd's say "contains a transmission"), is it just the posture and movements? LIke oh snap, just move my arm down five inches and i got this transmission?


    2) the freaky deaky energy you get... Like Master CHiballs is just emulating such JUICE that he breaks you off some and then you have some of his stuff going though your orbit? (although i hear people here say that it's really about energy passing through you, not hoarding or storing it) So i couldn't take some of thus said transission from Cheeba and put it in my TanTien until i need it?


    3)OR, it's the guru's juice that passes through you but it really just clears my channels, thus making me more open to develop my own? Like water clearing a clog in a hose.. The h20 being the transmission, and me being the hose...


    so yea, i'd like to understand this as it seems you need a transmission to get somewhere with this right? It seems as i evaluate different systems they make it seem like you need to get your chi from somewhere, like you need to plug into the lineage or something...


    and i've heard people say that you can get chi from a dvd or even reading the forum, although what this says about my notion of reality...

    thanks yall...


  8. maybe stop just jerking off so much and deposit your sperm into and actual FEMALE (if that's your preference)... it will be much more gratifying than just punching the munchkin... i mean you know yourself best, are you wacking compulsively? if so then cool it, but otherwise you should have pleny of jing to spare at 16...

    i mean look at your life as a whole... is this a REALLY big issue for you?

    It can be easy to get carried away with this stuff... so make sure you get out and hang out with some chicks or something....

    OH yea, major props for getting into chi/cultivation stuff at such a young age, you'll be ahead of the curve Mane!


  9. im not saying brutal is bad... well it can be...

    I guess the key work is CONSENT...

    If these guys want to get smacked around Hey at least it's in the pursuit of spiritual purposes/progress. and it's of their own valition.

    i'm sure it's very valid... like the opus dei dudes who flog themselves with the whippy thing to get in the zone...


    Me personally, im more into pleasure, less into pain...


    i'd problaby be more responsive to a tantrika showing me the good stuff than some old monk punching me in the face... but hey


    I think you also wanted to show the importance of the full lotus these guys subscribe to... if i remember some of your other posts correctly this is one of your main practices right Mr Hempel?

  10. yea, if all that pays off in satori or enlightenment then that's cool,

    but arent the people who are going to be attracted to that kind of abuse on some level masochist's (or they enjoy the pain)

    And the monks are sadistic right?

    i don't know, not my scene...

    i like the attitude of

    "keep going, keep playing"

  11. yea, while i don't pretend to grasp all the scientific implications... i remember hearing about the descent of spirit into matter, and the ascent of matter into spirit... and how it made sense that there had to be something to counteract the entropy of the universe... to prevent a situation where in a trillion x trillion years from now there is no life or movement or heat or nuffin in the entire universe...


    I think it was a Paul Laffoley painting that actually graffed this out...


    Maybe we can see this on a smaller scale in the 'spiritual' impulse to help others out... like instead of everyone just being entirely selfish gene-robots we have spiritual impulses to get us to help others so we're not thrown into utter barbarism...


  12. okay this is definitely not heavy metal, but this song always gives me a good feeling... PEEP GAME!


    edit: okay i don't know how to make the video magically appear in the post... my chi isn't cultivated enough, but here's the link to a good song:


  13. I just read Antero Alli's THE EIGHT-CIRCUIT BRAIN Navigational Strategies for the Energetic Bodyand was really blown away! I just gave it a quick read through once but really likes how it combines 'internal martial arts' with more western 'ritual magick' type stuff... Also likes how it really fleshed out some of the distinctions from the earlier work on the topic by RObert Anton Wilson's PROMETHEUS RISING(which is one of my favorite books by the way... i bought like 5 copies and gave them out as Xmas presents...lol)


    I definitely gots to pick up the earlier ANGEL TECH and ill be sure to peep some of his other stuff...


    Reading about how all the circuits interact, and just the system of classification itself really helped me make sense of the world/people/experiences i've had... like i can see that most behavior of people is Circuit 2, and trying to understand from Circuit 3 can be very frustrating... It also seems to tie into chakras and whatnot.


    anyway, good book... anyone else familiar with the theory? How does in tie in with ur practice?

  14. yea... there seems to be a lot of disrepency/different opinion as to wtf is up with the chakras...

    like for example they say to open em in order; but a lot of people here give advice that you should focus on the dantien... well isn't that the 3rd chakra?

    also some think the second is the point between the kidneys (gate of life, right?), and some say it's the sexual center at the pubic bone... some say the 3rd is the navel, and some way its' the solar plexus...

    hmmm, differnt strokes fer differnt folks...

    but i was watching the Esoteric Anatomy by UMAA tantra (JUST got #6) and i really like how they break it down in regards to easy access (not being too complicated) maybe you could peep it and it'll help you...

  15. yea, this guys videos are dope!!

    Seems like they are taylor-made for drugged states though (which i don't do anymore), and when you go through them the 2nd time you can tell that some of the stuff is just kind of strung together... like saying stuff without really saying anything... cool though!

    i wonder what Drew thinks though...

  16. yea, he's the founder of Dahn Yoga...

    i signed up for some of their classes a couple years ago and they KEPT trying to get me to sign up for some other shit... like very aggressive to where i would feel like a dick saying "NO... NOT right now!!!"

    apparently its an experience shared by many who took their classes... not my cup o' tea !

  17. HMMMMM...

    yea im a BIG time green tea drinker... jasmine, regular, mango, acai berry flavored... even black tea! ill have between 3 to 5 cups/bags a day, son!! Cause i used to smoke (alot) and do other REALLY unhealthy things so i figured the green tea would counteract the bad stuff, plus its mmmm-mmm delicious!!!!


    and i noticed that when i drink tea on an emply stomach: no good!! Yea i feel kinda queasy and prolly have funky breath


    but when i have it with food its all good!! in fact i heard you can swish it around your mouth as a mouth wash... but its prlly not the best mouth wash because it'll turn you teeth yellow...

  18. My 2 cents:

    the first law of nature is self-preservation! You can always count on people to act in their own interest, it doesn't mean that they are bad... it's part of their human nature!! Don't get mad at it... you wouldnt' get mad at a dog if you left it in front of a big juicy steak saying "don't eat this steak, dog, your better than that"... then get surprised/upset when fido gobbles that up! Its a good dog otherwise but It's its nature to eat that delicious steak! Same with people, it's in their nature to act in their own self interest (same with you)...


    As far as EXTREMELY selfish (you said evil/psychopathic) or people who are f-ing with your interests; yea cut them off!! Like a dog that eats steaks is ok (dont leave em in front of him) but one that eats your face off is a problem!!


    what kind of behavior is it that your classifying as evil n psychopathic?


    Also, take a look at your own motivations... in my experience "nice" people aren't raelly all that nice... but it's just a mask... passive aggressive maybe...


    read 'the 48 laws of power' for a much more in depth example of human nature...

  19. yea dude, i don't have my heart chakra open yet... but what you where saying about interacting with the ladies i wanted to respond to...

    you should try checking out MASF... it's a site about seduction (fast seduction specifically) and although a bunch of guys getting together online and strategizing about getting into womans pants sounds sleazy (it is :P ), there's actually a lot of useful shit on there!! Especially what you where saying about not making a move when the opportunity presents itself (however you put it)

    or you could check out some books by David Deida...

    ...see, people who are attracted to 'cultivation' seem to be a particular type of person: intellectual, introverted and the like... so it's good to remember to interact with the rest of humanity... and get some sweet, sweet lovin!!

    anyway, that's my 2 cents... GOOD LUCK

  20. ok that wheelchair was f'in cool...

    but the phone thing did appear weak... maybe it was just the presentation of it...

    Hey Drew, do you still subscribe to your 'actual matrix plan' over on BOTH? I know it was a couple of years ago you posted that but my head is still reeling from that...