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Posts posted by 3L3VAT3

  1. yea heat would be really good for the ladies... how hot does it get? you could use a thermometer (i think it's called "sounding") into your wee-wee...


    i mean, i could see where TOO much heat would be bad... ladies don't like scorched



    how hot are we talking?

  2. Well I guess since were talking about it.


    If you eat 2 or 3 a day and drink water, you produce "scary" amounts of um.. Junk ^_^



    Don't wana sound gross but I was a little worried the first time I found out, cause the amount was a little scary. That was over a months time of that diet.


    Hope it helps


    Mental Note:

    Eat peaches... and celery... and drink pineapple juice...

    aww yeah! I on my way to starting my career as a porn star!!

  3. I guess no one is picking up on the POWER... of peaches haha. Alright then.



    do they enhance jing or something?

    Or just cuz they look kinda like round asses...


    also i heard that Peter North eats a bunch of celery to enhance his loads...

    and of course pineapples are supposed to be good. but they may just enhance the taste of the baby-batter...

  4. i read a little about it wiki...

    said it was administered to people with some kind of debilitating pain, and at LOW doses... the people were depressed cuz they couldn't get around!!! SO the low does of K helped cuz of the anethesia effect, but if they tripped out they were given a lower dose... also said they couldn't move around much and just vegged out and watched tv...


    ...now you know ravers all around the world are going to read the article you pointed out and be like "oh yea, there ya go! I'm going to do a vial of K tonight so i'm not depressed... it's on the internet must be true" :lol: Addicts will see/hear what they wanna...


    Personally i hated the stuff... alittle made me feel drunk and a lot had me in a hallucinatory coma... i remember being at parties with kids just in STUPORS!!! Looking like straight RETARDS drooling on themselves and throwing up... :unsure:


    K sucks bigtime...

  5. i forgot who said it but something like:


    "the best way to ensure a fight is to not be prepared for one"


    meaning that the better prepared you are the less you may actually need to use your skills.


    Or the other maxim; "Kill rather than be killed, maim rather that kill, and avoid rather than maim"... or something like that.

  6. It's me first. Sorry, that's just the way it is.


    Peace & Love!


    NO doubt! THat's how i feel also...

    but a lot of people try to push that 'white light' self-sacrafice stuff... I'm sure there's something to it but i don't really understand it...


    Do What Thou Wilt... ;)

  7. Good replies all.


    What about situations where it's 'You or Them'... like in ghetto's or some other situation where you have to take another life or do something heinous to provide for yourself or YOUR family?


    Isn't there a side also where if WE ALL ARE ONE, by struggling and weeding out the 'weak' that the whole is made stronger?


    I guess what i'm saying is

    I see where you want to have life in order and THEN you help someone else... like a rich soccer mom who gives a couple old shirts to charity... but what about when you cleary have to decide between yourself or someone else? I think they call it a 'zero sum' game...



    Also what explains SUPREME acts of sacrafice like this monk that set himself on fire.?

  8. The actual subject it seems to me, here, is "How is your practice going?"


    If it's going well, the 'need an ego boost by doing something that looks good' is really alien.



    But what about doing something genuinely good (which sometimes involves giving someone a kick in the ass or telling them off)? Something where its the right thing, but everyone will hate you at first...


    Doesn't Buddhism have Compassion as a HUGH part of the whole system? (i dunno about taoism though)


    Maybe even compassion is a form of self-preservation... Like 'oh if i help this loser co worker with his annoying girlfriend problems, it'll maybe stop him from coming in here and shooting the place up or something'


    In one of Yahuda Berg's books dude talks about real spirituality being doing something when you dont' want to do it but you do cuz it's the 'right thing'... he says that if you want to do it then its not spirituality... I think that's a crock of shit, but maybe i'm just a selfish prick...


    I posted a topic a while ago about the famous picture of the monk who burned himself in protest... how does that figure in? There wasn't much self-preservation in that...


    and of course the whole Jesus myth...

    but then so many Christians are masochistic douches who just want to feel morally superiour because they are mad at the rest of the world for having so much fun. (sorry i work with some real nutters, they are petty sneaky miserable things...most of em ;) )


    But there HAS to be a place for genuine service to others... otherwise this whole life is just a cruel Psychopathic battle... right? i mean, wtf?

  9. i got serious acne at 17 (when most people clear up) from f'ing with psychadelics and whatnot... brought some serious things to the surface i guess.


    Getting better now that i PRACTICE... B)

  10. I mean really...

    this seems like an important question...

    do people ever really do something they don't want to do. Or really GIVE without expecting anything in return? If they do, then isn't what they are looking for is the ego boost of being like "oh i'm such a good person"


    I don't totally believe that everyone is completely self serving, but that seems to be the rule... perhaps the exception is COMPASSION, helping others, you know...WWJD...LOL...


    Is it synergy then? That we want pleasure but it's out true self that benefits from helping other, in that WE ALL ARE ONE?


    I dunno, just sum thoughts...

  11. Testicle Breathing is to me a very direct method to tap into the cold sexual energy.

    Once you study more about it... there, the door of wonders!


    wait... male sexual energy is cold? i thought one of the disadvantages of 'retention' is overheating... isn't yang inherently hot? :unsure:


    i know when my boys are danglin they feel cool... but when it gets 'going' it heats things up real quick... ;)


    what the dilly yo?

  12. Any comparison in actual effect/impact between brainwave entertainment/bianural beats and actual drugs like cocaine/heroin is a joke.


    that's what i'm sayin...


    Like; OH i got a serious Digital Smack habit! :blink:

  13. okaaaaay...

    what is this stuff?


    It seems like the crap in the back of the high times magazines, only hoakier.


    is the first one free? Lol, if it's half way real... any drug dealer knows they GET YOU on the come back!


    So does this stuff work? For ReaLZ?

  14. What kind of breathing do you do, direct or reverse?


    With the reverse breathing the energy naturally goes down along the conception vessel, there should not be any obsructions. Not sure about direct breathing.


    i do direct... buddha's breathing... the one where i fill up my lower abdomen first...

    but I'll have to mess around with the reverse breathing again, see what it does.

    thank you.

  15. Are you saying it feels blocked just where the little dent is where your bottom ribs meet? Or is it higher than that?


    My take = mind/body/spirit deal is all one deal (or at the very least in constant interaction).

    I'd take a mad guess and suggest that you're dealing with "liver chi" issues like half the population :lol: No, seriously, I only said that because of the anger thing and because I'm working on it too.


    What part of your system does methadone hurt the most, also hurt first? Like the examples of certain food types being good to strengthen certain organs but in excess overloading to others. Be sure that certain other substances hit them up too in varying ways.


    If I knew anything about meth I'd say also go get your heart checked out, it feels like it might "overclock" you on heartbeat and that could cause long term stress (tend to want to avoid that :) )


    Really it's the whole neck chest sternum area... i'm working on it and it seems to get better though... like i used to have neck issues, like it just felt weird... now i realize it's a chi issue. I do weight training on my neck (and whole body) and THAT's better now. the upper area of my chest when i focus on it feels 'clogged' and i get short of breath, the bottom part feels sensitive, like i'm afraid of someone punching me there, or like there is an injury.


    Just an FYI... Methadone is a painkiller/opiate... people hear 'meth'adone and think Crystal Meth as in Methaamphetamine's... TOTALLY different class of drugs! Methadone is used for Maintence of heroin addicts... if anything opiates tend to slooww the heartbeat (except when in withdrawal, like me when i gradually reduce dose)


    Taking the methadone first thing in the morning i notice tends to make me tired... i'd say that it affects 'jing' because sex drive lowers, and it's notorious for it's constipatating effect... sometimes it can be euphoric, othertimes just makes me tired...

    NOW, when i lower my dose (which is what i have been doing sloooowly over the past 2 years every week) no matter how slow i go i still have withdrawals... i'm sure you've seen opiate addicts in movies, yea it's a lot like that... all the above reverse's: extreme restlessness, diarhea, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, disphoria etc etc... the trick is to reduce SLOWLY so i can deal with the withdrawals; you know, hold down the jobby-job, deal with people, post on Taobums ... Reducing slowly actually feels good if i do it right; i feel more like ME, i feel creative and just less MEDICATED... but it exaserbates any 'chi' issues i have, thus have been meditating so much to help with this, and it really does!


    oh and fyi i TOTALLY DON'T do drugs anymore... i only take my methadone... (although it can be abused, hypothetically speaking) well if you count caffeine and nicotine from cigars then those too!

  16. Hey Guys :D

    i apologize if this has been covered 1000 times before but i just wanted to put this out there to get some feedback!


    I have been curious dabbling with 'chi stuff' (for lack of better term) for over a decade, mostly research... a lot of raeding and little actual practice... and a lot of unhealthy things too...


    but the past year or two i have REALLY been getting into this stuff as i KNOW that it works... like there is not a single aspect of my life that isn't improved drastically with this stuff!!! For realz!! :P


    i am also slowly weening myself off of methadone.


    I definitely am discovering that there is a lot of stuff "going on" with my mind/body/spirit... When i practive diligently i get definite electrical surges, warm tingles and whatnot... blissful mostly but other stuff too sometimes...


    I try to do microcosmic orbit a lot and can do it except for the area around my chest;

    I get chest pains (not throughout the day, only when i'm meditating raelly) and the tip of my xiphoid process i believe it's called feels weird...


    I know it's not just my imagination because i used to get MAD alergies and stuffed up but i can feel the energy drop when i put my tongue to the roof of my mouth and i get almost instantly cleared sinuses!


    is chest blockages having to do with anger?

    the solar plexus is considered the 'ego' right? So a block there would mean not having much energy, bad digestion, low sex drive, not grounding and stuff like that?


    I tried massaging that area lightly with my thumbs and it seemed to really work, like my navel warmed up right away...


    Should i keep working it or just chill and let it do what it do?


    Oh i do believe i have an "active kundalini" or some shizz, because i used to be VERY much into psychadelcs... like i can trace a lot of things going out of wack when i was 17 and eating mushrooms, acid and other stuff every weekend for a while... was fun at first then really burned me out... i think it was like a 'dark night of the soul' kind of thing (for 13 years :( ) I felt like icarus with his melted wings really


    any advice or wise words for a brother? ;)

  17. Sorry, just because Wikipedia says that his heart was intact despite cremation does not mean this actually occurred. Prove that. Where is your B.S. O'meter? For this kind of claim, there needs to be trustable, independent verification. Smells strongly of 'Urban Legend' to me. Can you provide more verification than a Wiki article that can be authored by anybody?


    What? You mean the internet may be less than 100% accurate? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...



    no , but seriously though; i just added the part about the heart as an extra... i dont care if nothing was left... it's still CRAZY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!


    The heart part could be total Buddhist propoganda but still doesn't change anything.

  18. He must have somehow relieved his soul of his body after he lit himself on fire and just watched calmly from a distance close buy as his shell whithered away. That or he was there all the way.


    However you look at it, it is truly remarkable.


    WORD UP!! I don't need to see chi balls flying through brick walls... i'm sold that meditation/spirituality works!!

  19. lots of good points.. my head is spinning trying to think of all i want to say...


    THERE will always be scarcity!! The first rule of nature is self preservation, and survival of the fittest... I personally would prefer if it were all sunshine and puppydogs and blowjobs for everybody but LOOK around: Life is suffering!!

    Doesn't mean there isn't JOY or kindness or pleasure but those only exist in contrast to their opposite... isn't this truth on its' most basic level: no pain, no pleasure... no light, no dark... and all the infinite variations of yin and yang...

    i believe our job as humans is to always strive for the good, but that battle is NEVER actually won, right?

    that being said; what is the point of pain and suffering? Well, i believe it exists to make us grow...

    look at mating... women lose a lot by having sex with a man won't stand up for himself... how the PHUCK is he going to protect the women and the inevitable offspring from the IMINANT dangers that exist in the world when he can't even handle her?

    And by the way your example of 'going on a shooting rampage' is a textbook example of a man who is caught in the Shadow of the Warrior Archetype... fluxuating from the extreme of getting masochistically beat on to then going to the other Sadistic extreme of rampant violence...

    the truth is to embrace the Benevolent Warrior... as some of the other posters takled about a Real STRONG man is supposed to stand up for the weak... Look at the Knights of old days, Chivalry and all that... they weren't supposed to be running around the countryside looting and raping just because they were bad ass, they were supposed to defend a ladies honor and fight for God and all that...

    Seriously read the book; Warrior Within... and some of the others.

    I believe we as a society (i hate it when people say that normally...) are so off course, men have become SO emasculated that women are STARVING for any source of Masculine energy they can get, whether that be from some dushbag Bad Boy, or whatever... cause there are so few REAL MEN...

    ONly a damaged women would choose a sadistic man over a strong and righteous guy...


    so yea

    look at Martin Luther King, Gandhi and all the men who FOUGHT (not violently, but FOUGHT nonetheless) for righteous causes, that's what Mr. Deangelo is trying to say...


    I called it a Seduction Industry as well as a community because it is just that... it exists to "MAKE MONEY" so they come up with some "oh, now our angle is Cocky Funny, now it's Indirect Game, Now it's Direct Game now it blh"

    Truth is truth though and it dont always make dough!!

    anyways.... Mr Non, i hope i don't come off as a jerkus malurkus or nothing... i just wanted to put this out there like that... i think there CAN be some good things from guys learning pick up...

    world is going to need some STRONG leaders (prolly going to be men) to get us out of the mess we are in... STRONG men who take action, not hang there heads and complain... this is something i'm learning myself too
