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Posts posted by 3L3VAT3

  1. Be VERY VERY CAREFUL with salvia. I tried some a couple years back and had a hellish experience. I don't even like to think about it...


    You won't know what it's like until it happens... sanity is THE MOST PRECIOUS thing.


    seriously be careful.

  2. With anxiety and a sense of not being grounded. I have tried to work with this area in many different ways such as yoga and more psychological methods but haven't found an effective method yet.


    I also have serious problems with being "ungrounded" and I find it very helpful to practive an exercise called 'shaking'. just stand in horse stance (or just bend the knees as much as your comfortable and put feet shoulder-width apart)and bounce up and down... my feet feel embedded in the earth but the rest of me shakes up and down...

    It feels good letting my nuts dangle!! :lol:


    I also find doing traditional squats (with or without weights) very helpful... also running or anything else that involves the legs is good!!


    Of course stretching is fantastic... its amazing how much it clears up the blockages down there!!

  3. Wow!

    Thank all you guys so much the replies!!


    That's why I love this site so much!! :wub:


    Another thing I should mention that might be playing a big role in this is that I am coming off of a long-time methadone maintenence treatment. I started it in 03 and am aggressively cutting back my dose (i was on 210mg and am currently at 17mg). It was bad before being on the methadone and got better while I was at "stable" doses. Now that I'm going lower on my dose I'm starting to get flare-ups again. The doctor said that taking methadone lowers ones testosterone substantially, so that might have something to do with it... Being on methadone definitley kills my sex-drive, and now that I'm lower on my dose the drive is back with a vengeance... but it's hard to get it fulfilled with pimples!! lol!


    Thanks again!! You guys rock!! _/\_

  4. I'm turning 31 within the month and have recently been experiencing some acne flairing up... wtf, right? :wacko:


    I was wondering if any fellow tbums have the same problem and what exactly they do to treat it...


    What is the reason for it within a TCM or "chi related" perspective? I get them under the mouth around the chin and right under the nose... does that mean anything?


    Is it too much 'heat'? Or maybe I'm just not keeping the heat in my DanTien so it's spreading? Or is energy getting stuck in my head and not traveling down? I remember hearing that acne is a outward manifestation of low self-esteem (although that seems like the RESULT of acne, not the cause)


    Please advise, it really sucks!

  5. yeah... opiates are bad news....

    between the 'chi-killing', the constipation, and the overall addiction; they suck majorly...


    To the other dude, benzo's are the same thing... your cultivation practive will come in handy when/if you decide to cut back on them... I'm sure your familiar with benzo "rebound"... it's no joke and can be as bad as heroin withdrawal... ask me how I know... but the fact that you practice can be helpful when dealing with the tapering effects... It'll mimick the effects of hardcore 'chi-action', but in a bad way really...


    Yea, drugs pretty much suck... :angry:

  6. But I mean what if you've lost all hope and you are actually hopeless, you've got various ailments that don't seem to be getting better and will never be, everyone around you is displeased with you, no one seems to care, you are nothing but a parasite for this world, etc.


    What then?


    Ok, you have no purpose couldn't even create even if you wanted to. So.. acheiving enlightenment, etc. is out of the question because it's impossible, or even buddhist is impossible. You're in the muck of the worldly life, and it has you trapped...


    Dude! Your caught up in the depression/negative-thougth cycle...


    Because you're in a depressed state your not thinking is negative... and because your thinking is negative you're having trouble thinking those happy thougts that would increase the seratonnin in your brain.


    Please check out the book called "Feeling Good" that I recommended in another thread... I'll send you my copy if you pm me or buy one from amazon and have it shipped to you. Seriously!!!!


    You remind me of me 10 years ago except that I turned to drugs (a form of suicide really)and I would be dead except that I was lucky to have some people point me in the right direction, which is what I'm trying to do with you. :)


    Don't ponder all these big questions, what you need to do is ACTION!! Do something like go for a walk, run, play basketball, taichi, vigorous masterbation, ANYTHING... but DON'T sit around in your thoughts all day!!!!

    Do some activity to get the serotonnin going and THEN you'll find your viewpoint will be mystically more positive!!! :)


    Seriously man, don't give up on life... Let me know if you want that book...

    okay? :)

  7. Hello again.


    I just wanted to report back since I had a shaktipat from Phore on Saturday...


    ...I told him I planned on getting a session Wednesday of Thursday of last week (around when this thread got started) and he said he'd gimme a lil juice over the next couple days to prepare me for the noon Saturday session. I immediately remember feeling more electric and throbbing all over (especially my head)...


    Now, on Saturday I... well, basically got high... knowing that I had paid for a session and that doing so would lesson the effectiveness of that service (In addition to all the other bad consequences... I've been very open about my struggles with addiction on this board)... so i didn't really feel much of ANYTHING on Saturday, honestly.


    But Sunday, my-oh-my... I was buzzing (not THAT kind of buzz, I mean i literally felt like I was plugged into a socket), my whole body was throbbing, and my feet/legs felt like ice water was surging through them (I had nerve damage to them 8 years ago, normally they don't feel like anything)and my abdomen was hot when i breathed into it...


    I meditate and am working my way through KAP1, so i know a little bit what chi/prana feels like, but this was like 5x's what I normally feel :)


    SO... I'd recommend his services to other people, based on my limited/novice opinion... and I apologize (to myself also) for squandering the experience on Saturday due to my own dumb-assedness...

    Thanks!! :)

    • Like 5

  8. 12 step programs CAN be helpful...

    but there are some weirdos and nazis there... yea, pot is bad, but it's okay to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes and drink a pot of coffee in 8 minutes... lol

    They are dicks when it comes to methadone too...



    WHen it comes to smoking, try switching to cigars! You'll get that nicotine fix, but in a different manner. Smoking cigarettes is like a rush, but puffing on a stogie is a relaxing, chill event... ;) totally different, and it can help you transition. You won't be smoking a stogie every five minutes like a cigarette...


    have it at the end of the day... you're lungs wont be as tore up (but your mouth and throat will still be at risk, obviously)

  9. Dont be so down on yourself bro!!


    I'm sure you have a lot of wonderful things to experience on this earth yet. You'll die someday for sure, don't rush that day!!


    Check out a book called "Feeling Good" by David D Burns... It's about cognitive therapy.


    you are caught up in a cycle of negative thoughts/depression...

    You gotta break the cycle!!!!


    Just by getting up and doing something in the solution you become more YANG!

    You may not FEEL like it, but FEELINGS come and go... just DO something positive and then you'll FEEL more positive!!!


    ...seriously read that book though... NO EXCUSES!!! ;)

  10. Yeah, anyway...


    I signed up for Phores shaktipat...

    It'll be for this Saturday, I'll try to remember to come back and tell you guys what happened...


    Now, I've never had a shaktipat that i really could tell (like I'm doing KAP1 but I really am not sensetive enough to know when I'm getting the juice from those guys or if it just means I'm just doing the meditation right.) exactly when it was occuring... I feel a lot when I'm doing the skype sessions and meditating with the ustream vid's but it' hard to differentiate...


    So I'll let you guys know.


    You guys should read through Phores practice journal, he's really cruisin!!

    • Like 1

  11. Always thought about the 'big questions' of life...


    Wasn't happy with myself or the world... started on the long, painful road of addiction. Continually bumped my head against the wall, but never really gave up looking for solutions, read Dr. Morris's books which really opened my eyes to another way of doing things and slowly started to implement some of the stuff in my life.


    I found this site also by doing a search on him... and I've stuck around since then cuz i mostly liked what i saw! Making progress little by little from an almost hopeless situation/outlook... :)

  12. Have you tried "Secret Smile"?


    ...it seems to be kind of a panacea... and it's fun!


    If your getting headaches when you bring energy up it seems like the energy is getting stuck in your head... Do you have the 'orbits' open? LIke can you bring the energy back down either the front or the back channel?


    I hope you find a solution! :)

  13. "under the "kill it" part of testosterone" ... "the ecofeminists love horticultural societies: their idea of heaven; we love dem old digging sticks" ... "not nearly as much fun as, gosh, big game hunting, which men had largely to give up" ... "men, of course, continued to wander off, male bond, and hunt, following the major drive of testosterone: fuck it (sic) or kill it"


    suffice to say I could not read any further, and so cannot contribute on the topic of dharma and money.


    why exactly?

  14. Personally, as an ex IV heroin addict whose in the program...

    I like the proposed changes for the simple fact that there are a lot of people that get turned off by the wording of the way it is now...

    As long as the underlying message is the same (which i believe dude did a good job of extracting the essence, from what little i know)then it can only be a good thing.


    A lot of people get turned off and leave because of all the god-talk and 12-step Nazis...

    I used to HATE going to meetings, and not just because i wanted to use... i thought it was total bullshit until i (luckily was desperate/lucky enough to) stick around long enough to have other people explain it a little different to me. I was like "oh THATS what that step means!! WHY didn't you guys just say it like that?" I could have easily died in the time when i started coming to meetings to when i started GETTING IT! Anything that makes it more accessible... HELL that's part of the reason why they do bowling nights and make coffee and shit, just to get the addicts in the room


    Even among people with LOTS of clean time there is still some individual interpretation of the existing steps with things like "oh, it says we 'came to make a decision' not 'we made a decision' or 'we HAD a spiritaul awakening' not 'WILL HAVE a spiritual awakening'... so people are going to get what they want out of regardless...


    The 12 steps are NOT EASY, they may be simple though...


    But i think that the Taoist breakdown is very good! KUDOS!!

  15. i thought i'd chip in because i go to NA meetings with regularity. I'm not really officially working the steps but i am slowly starting to come around to the whole program... The fact that i am on Methadone Maintenence is a tricky thing with regards to NA. I don't count clean days and only go over the 1st 3 steps until i'm successfully weened off (which is something i'm doing).


    I used to HATE meetings and i would come up with a whole slew of reasons why it was all bullshit... but in the end i found it highly therapuetic.


    I think what makes an addict and addict is the justifications that go through ones head; when we do this self-destructive behavior we have it all figured out so it really seems like a good idea... that's where the surrender thing comes in

    And i'm starting to realize the higher power thing as well, or at least a higher power that is "loving and caring and could restore me to sanity"

  16. I think tattooes are ultimately a spiritual act... they're on until you die... They should resonate with you.


    I have a tattoo of Da Mo (from one of Dr. Yang's book) and a kalachakra i'm working on ... i have a couple others as well, a dragon, starting a tiger, and one thats the buddha with his consort on his lap...


    just get something that's going to mean something!!


    of course i'm a little biased cuz im learning how to tattoo. :lol:

  17. yea i don't know about Theosophy but Steiner's Antroposophy seems pretty cool...

    i read Steiners biography...


    check out an article called "advent of ahriman" that's on the web that talks about a lot of intersting things.


    I especially liked the idea of 'luciferic' and 'ahrimanic' energies (which are opposite to each other, and in of themselves "evil" but in the total picture they force man to evolve).

  18. it has to do with power... it's only yours to the extent that you can keep it... and only things of value need power to keep.

    as far as the pebble, not too many people will rob you for that... but if it was a rare gem worth millions, you would need some serious power to 'keep' that.


    philosophy aside, and right and wrong has nothing to do with it... just power. Thats what it all comes down to really, whether land or ideas... shit, look at all the war that was over the 'idea' of communism.


    People are animals, and there are limited resources, so we use our brain to come up with clever ways to extend our dominion.


    You could say it's wrong and sucks (you would be right) but thats the way it is.