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Posts posted by Lakenvelder

  1. Hi Lakenvelder,




    May you enjoy your time here.


    Just a note. If you are reading into the religious aspect of Taoism you should be aware that you are going to find just as much mythology, rites, rituals, and ceremonies as you knew in the Catholic religion.


    In the most part, religions differ greatly from their philosophical roots.


    Be well!


    Thank you Marblehead,


    I am glad you replied with the explanation that you did. I guess my way of phrasing needs to be adjusted. I am now learning to follow the philosophical ways of the Tao and adjusting my religious views. I have moved away from Christianity and have a great sense of piece with the path I have chosen. I look forward to future discussions.

  2. Hello, I have recently (within the past 2 years) made the decision to walk the path of Taoism (Daoism) however you wish to spell it. My path is not the western philosophical but the eastern religious aspect of Taosim.


    A little background information about myself. I am 28 years old, Married

    I was raised in the Catholic church. 18 years educated and confirmed. After High school I joined the Military and became an Infantry Soldier in the U.S. Army. I traveled the world and saw many different religions and had many different experiences. The last few years of my military career I had some difficult experiences to deal with

    I began doubting my religious beliefs early in my military career and spiraled into a dark place (not suicidal, just angry at the world). I my soul search of where to go I took a world religion course at a local college and the Professor (Hinduism) introduced me to Taoism. I looked into it and began reading the Tao te Ching. The Poems were like nothing I had read before, I actually felt at peace for the first time in years. So I looked more into the texts and found interpretations of the translations so that I had something to argue with. I now believe this is the path I wish to walk with my whole heart.


    Sadly in the Midwest of The U.S. there are not many people to discuss this with so I am looking forward to reading other other people to interact with


    Thank You,


    Real name: Zach

    Screen name: Lakenvelder (German breed of Chicken)