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Posts posted by yabyum24

  1. Hi SJ,

    The idea of this thread is to discuss personal experience rather than 'do's-&-don't's' of meditation.


    Perhaps you could start an info thread about 'how to meditate correctly according to Buddha' or some such title. Then everyone could read it and know exactly what they should be doing.


    On the other hand, if you have any direct experience of what you have written, please feel free to share.

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  2. As an elf, I'm a huge fan of archery




    (source: http://imgur.com/gallery/X8qVCeF)

    This reminds me of yesterday evening at my archery club. There has been some "re-shuffling" and I found myself sharing a target with two pretty ladies (both new to the club, but competent archers).

    Another lady I've always liked had been moved next to me, on the other side - so I was effectively sandwiched between these elf-princess warriors.

    Just that bit tougher to get into the zone and focus on the target. Just about managed to get a decent score, though I was distracted on a few shots and they didn't go too well.


    It must be the Lunar Goddess messing with me again. All good for training the mind though.

  3. This isn't linked to any system or belief but all my adult life I've noticed a rise in energy during the waxing phase of the moon. It corresponds with the appearance of and interaction with sexual potential.


    It peaks at full moon and thereafter decreases. If I keep celibate during the waxing phase and beyond, the energy is sustained even during the dark phase. If I don't, then I have to wait until the waxing moon for the next "infusion".


    My health and stamina are also much better during a celibate waxing phase. I can feel in it every way. But I go deeper into meditation during the new moon rather than at full - too much energy somehow.


    The closest I've ever got to an explanation, is in reading native European (pagan & folk) material. Robert Grave's White Goddess was an inspiration. The three phases are definitely there, represented by the maiden, the woman at her peak and the old lady.


    Big question: Has anyone got any further information about any of this? Any ideas from any source are welcome.


    Note: I placed this in occult, as it is, for me, non-religious and primal.

  4. Nice insight into the ego. My own experience has been similar. In practicing mindfulness meditation I have found the RAIN formula to be useful.


    R- recognize what arises in your mind.

    A- accept it (don't be harsh on yourself or try to make what arises "go away")

    I- investigate it

    N- non-identification (realizing that your thoughts and conditioning are not who you are).


    The simple act of bringing awareness to what arises in the mind has been very useful in lessening ego's ability to wreak havoc on my peace of mind. Sometimes I actually laugh in meditation as I begin to get a good look at what the ego (my conditioning) is telling me or actually wanting.

    The formula is very good. No suppression, judgement or identification. Just observing and letting it pass.


    I find there's all kinds of stuff going on in body & mind. You can soon begin to uncover it.

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  5. There's a sort of 'recommend a friend' thing with a large group of young single girls, who are out for some fun.


    When I was in halls at college, there was this small, podgy ginger dude who had a phenomenal string of girls running around after him. One or two made it into his room for the night (usually different ones each night). I was struggling to understand how this antithesis of the alpha male was pulling at such a rate.


    Then the penny dropped. He was easy-going, flirtatious and not the kind who wanted to commit at all. He had a way of approaching the girls which did the trick. It was the cheeky twinkle in his eyes I think.


    The second factor was that the girls were all friends (or at least acquaintances) and there was some kind of herd-curiosity thing going on. One had tried him out, so the others had to have a go too. It was almost like a big game amongst them. They knew he wasn't serious and that it was just sex, so they felt safe playing around with him. I lost count of the girls he bedded and was even more amazed when he committed to a "proper" girlfriend towards the end of the course.


    He stuck with her as well.

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  6. Thanks for finally having the wherewithal to express your own views on the matter SJ. It makes for better reading than copy/paste. I can't discuss the matter with you, as your posts are inconsistent.

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  7. I'd just like to thank all those who have contributed to this thread. As it appears to have got as far as it's going to get, I'll bow out now. If anyone genuinely feels that there are some unresolved issues, then feel free to pm me.

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  8. Let me be the judge of that, yabyum24. I am asking you a simple question. A simple answer is in order.

    It's not.


    I have no idea how you define ego (you flatly refuse to say), so anything I may or may not have found is irrelevant.


    I meditate, find stuff and keep on meditating and studying. Regardless of where I am, it's not over till the fat lady sings and she hasn't sung yet.

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