Bum Grasshopper

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Everything posted by Bum Grasshopper

  1. Phobias and Cultivation

    Spiders are amazing creatures. They are found all over the world, including the polar regions where they borough in the snow and prey upon small fish. They are the natural born killers of the insect world that even instinctively build traps (webs) to catch their prey. There are very few spiders that harm humans, but they rid the planet of more than their share of deadly insects (mosquitoes being #1) not only by eating them, but snaring them in their web long after they are gone.
  2. Phobias and Cultivation

    I read that the only fear that you are born with is the fear of falling. All others are learned. I feel that irrational fears are a product of the ego mind. Exposure to our parent's fears, scary movies,stories and such have trained our ego self. Steps to dissolve the ego self may dissolve your fears also.
  3. Dementia in old people

    I used to think that dementia was nature's way of anesthetizing us for death. Now I suspect there may be something spiritual involved. Why do some get it, others do not? Aren't these people returning to a child like, ego less state that cultivators aspire to achieve? I wonder what some of your thoughts are on this?
  4. Dementia in old people

    I think we remember too much!
  5. Dementia in old people

    Is this not what we aspire in Taoism. to dissolve the ego self and be who you truly are? Are you falling into dementia or are you getting enlightened?
  6. Dementia in old people

    Thank you Karen. What you say makes a lot of sense.
  7. Dementia in old people

    My grandfather was fine one day, the next, he wandered across the street and could not find his way back. My grandmother had a gradual effect, over years. Yes, even though they may have forgotten who I was, they still had the same underlining spirit. Now that I have been contemplating the ways of the Tao I am looking at the process differently. I have had other relatives die of old age that kept their demeanor right up to the end, or very close to it. Blockages, coping mechanisms, viruses, toxins and the like have their way, but am I not correct in that western medicine has no evidence of a cause or cure in most cases? I wonder how TCM views the condition?
  8. Pros and Cons of sharing spiritual experiences

    I would show it to only those who would appreciate the true beauty and significants of the jewel. IMHO my spiritual experiences are deeply personal and intimate. I do not go running off the mouth each time something happens, just as I don't go telling everyone of my sexual trysts. If someone asks, and I feel that they may benefit, I may tell.
  9. I had a similar problem with my breathing. The doctor said it was polyps in my nasal canal and the only way to get rid of them was surgery. I don't know exactly when it happened, but my nasal passage is now clear, so hang in there and do the best you can with what you've got.
  10. Kriyas

    Thank you for your positive replys. It is comforting to know I must be doing something right.
  11. Kriyas

    When I first started seated meditations I experienced spasms similar, but not as bad as the article. Also, creepy crawly itching. It was very distracting, even frightening. It took a few weeks, but they finally subsided to an occasional twitch or itch. I don't know if I have experienced any "awakening" though.
  12. Semen Kung, Chi Kung and Crown Center Orgasms

    Good stuff. Would make a good Wedding Vow.
  13. sex - the secret gate to eden

    I didn't think it was lame. Very interesting. Goes to show you how things can be interpreted in different ways. I saw it as a validation of Taoist alchemy practices.
  14. An Observation

    I have found the posters on this board to be a bit long winded at times, and the subject frequently ventures far off the original subject. But I do not look at this as a bad thing ! As far as the ranting and raving, well that happens on every board.
  15. Judgement -vs- Intuition?

    Let me put this scenario to you all: A stranger moves into your neighborhood. You find that this person is on the sex offender list. You immediately gather your children and sternly warn them to stay far away from the house and the person. You instill fear in your children that this person is BAD and DANGEROUS! You call all your neighbors and inform them of your find. You are protecting your children from their innocents. It is your duty. Neighbors take up action to try to get this person out. Everyone sneers at him and offers no kindness. Later you find that the reason this person is on the sex offenders list because he got caught taking a piss behind a bar and got arrested for indecent exposure. He has a steady job and volunteers his time at the senior citizen center. The Tao Te Ching tells us to be kind and trusting to all, good or bad. But when does this become negligent? What is the difference between judgment and intuition? Would it not be O.K. if we sensed danger and took appropriate action? Is it not possible to be wrong in intuition? I transfered this from another post because it kind of got lost, and I wanted to hear some of your thoughts.
  16. Nobody's perfect- NOT!

    Let me put this scenario to you all: A stranger moves into your neighborhood. You find that this person is on the sex offender list. You immediately gather your children and sternly warn them to stay far away from the house and the person. You instill fear in your children that this person is BAD and DANGEROUS! You call all your neighbors and inform them of your find. You are protecting your children from their innocents. It is your duty. Neighbors take up action to try to get this person out. Everyone sneers at him and offers no kindness. Later you find that the reason this person is on the sex offenders list because he got caught taking a piss behind a bar and got arrested for indecent exposure. He has a steady job and volunteers his time at the senior citizen center. The Tao Te Ching tells us to be kind and trusting to all, good or bad. But when does this become negligent? What is the difference between judgment and intuition? Would it not be O.K. if we sensed danger and took appropriate action? Is it not possible to be wrong in intuition?
  17. Nobody's perfect- NOT!

    I found that if you look deep inside of yourself, you find the Tao, which is perfect. If you peel back all the layers of an individual, you will also find the Tao, whether you care about them or not.
  18. Benifits of Moon Chi kung and meditation

    I visualize pulling energy from the stars into my fingertips in my chi kung practice. Also pulling energy from the soles of my feet from the earth.
  19. How often do you engage in stillness meditation?

    Perhaps you are meditating too long. I had the same problem with Chi Kung practice until I read that 5 minutes a day is better than 5 hours once a week. In this hectic world it is tough to fit 4-5 hours of practice in every day. Try to do at least a little every day.
  20. Nobody's perfect- NOT!

    I have only been practicing now for a few months. Since, I have quit drinking alcohol and coffee. I am eating healthier choices and portions. I practice Tai Chi/ Chi Kung and meditate everyday. I am more aware of my thoughts/ feelings/surroundings. I am sleeping less and better than I ever had before. I have much more energy, yet I am profoundly relaxed. I treat people better. I am more alive! I have stopped taking anti depressants and a drug to treat restless leg syndrome. I try not to put anything in my body that does not naturally exist in nature. And all this comes with no conscious effort. These changes just seem more natural and appealing now.
  21. weight loss=penis growth?

    It just gives the illusion of being bigger because everything else is smaller
  22. Nobody's perfect- NOT!

    Good point. It is amazing on how many levels we judge on. What if I had met Buddha and thought that! At what point in your practice did you lose all the weight?
  23. I thought the left brain/right brain illusion posted earlier brought this subject to light. I saw the dancer spinning clockwise, my girlfriend counter clockwise. Which one was reality? I suppose neither. The dancer was an illusion designed to trick the brain. But I SAW the dancer spinning right. And seeing is believing. I suppose not.
  24. Favorite Music to Practice With?

    I listen to brainwave sounds. They are scientifically produced sounds to coax the brain to specific brain waves. Alpha sounds are pouring down rain sounds with fast paced cricket like sounds in the background. Theta is a relaxing water splashing sound as if you are taking a soothing bath with varying background sounds to take you deeper and deeper. They have helped me tremendously. I always had problems getting songs to quit playing in my head. Concentrating on these sounds clears all thoughts quickly. I also had problems with incessant itching and wild twitching. Those phenomena have disappeared, except for a few mild twitches now and then. Anybody else have experience with these?