Bum Grasshopper

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Everything posted by Bum Grasshopper

  1. Death, Life, and Meaning

    I am deeply sorry for your and you're families loss. It is your loss to suffer, and suffer you will. Take comfort in knowing that your brother will visit you in your dreams for many years to come. I have lost my sister, as well as both my parents. To this day I have vivid dreams that I must purposefully wake myself because I know they are dead, and it can't be real. Taoism tells us that if babies are to be born, then others must die. Your brother had a purpose in this life, and his death is a part of it. It is all within the grand scheme we call the Tao. No storm lasts forever. Soon the sun will shine upon you.
  2. Taosim For Dummies

    Funny, I had posted an exact thread almost exactly a year ago when I started my path of the tao. Tao for dummies Of the suggestions I have received, I suggest: The Shambhala Guide to Taoism by Eva Wong- gives a great overview of taoism from history, schools of thought, magical taoism, alchemical taoism, etc. Although his teachings have met some scrutiny on this board, Mantak Chia's The Secret Teachings of the Tao Te Ching was the "dummies" book for me for deciphering the posts on this site. Great info on alchemy, I Ching and Tao Te Ching. Take comfort knowing I have been in your shoes my freind
  3. Ayuhasca?

    His name is Alex Grey. Here is a video of how he had a vision of 9/11 years before it happened Alex Grey on You Tube
  4. absolute direct work with fear

    As a competitive swimmer and free diver in high school, I had little fear of holding my breath. However, when cornered by bullies threating to kick my ass, I was frozen with fear. It was not until I trained in martial arts and was able to face the bullies with confidence that I was not going to die or get terribly disfigured, did this fear subside, but not go away completely. A little fear is good. So my take is study everything about what you fear. Then you will find a way to conquer it.
  5. Taming the bull ink prints

    I saw an ink print series of a boy who tames a bull as a description of gaining enlightenment. Any one know where I can purchase a set of these prints?
  6. Taming the bull ink prints

    Found this set for only $20! Ox herding prints
  7. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    I have developed a brainwave entrainment track for Kunlun. It is based on the Schumann Resonance, the natural frequency of the Earth's magnetic field. It tracks you down from beta to 7.83hz, the same frequency the Earth vibrates. This frequency has been proven to increase human growth hormones, increase blood flow to the brain, and is the most prominent brainwave reported during out of body experiences and other paranormal phenomena. Then I step it up following each harmonic, with an extended pause at 31.32hz, which has been proven to really boost HGH and healing. It continues up into the gamma frequencies, which are the brainwaves that are recorded from Tibetan Monks when they are melting snow with their body heat. It then tracks you down to the Sensory Motor Rhythm, proven to quiet the body and improve the immune system. It also contains an Audio Strobe track for use with light goggles. All I can say after using this track during Kunlun practice is WHAT A RIDE!!! Check out the link posted below to download. I would love to hear your comments.
  8. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    I have not used those specific programs, but I have found that the upper reaches of gamma is too fast, and the lower frequencies of delta too slow for my brain to entrain to. At least at this point. I know holosync gradually takes you down over a period of years, maybe that is the way to go I don't see why not, although some people have difficulty getting to sleep after entraining to the higher frequencies like gamma late at night. Give it a shot.
  9. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    I have converted the files to mp3's , which allows me to post it on rapidshare. Unfortunately, the conversion corrupts the audiostrobe track, so light goggles will not work. However, the audio works just fine, with headphones or not. A short 30 minute version Kunlun Short Version The updated 1 hour version Kunlun II These both guide you to earth frequency 7.83, then ramps you up int gamma using Schumann harmonics.
  10. best burial practices

    I will recycle my still usable parts like a great old car that has out lived it's usefulness. The rest will return to where it came from. By donating organs, won't that give you good karma in the afterlife?
  11. Social Life and Energy Work

    As a home brewer, I can see the Tao of beer. Fermentation is a natural process in which yeast, a one cell organism which is both a plant and and an animal, turns sugar into alcohol and CO2. The process of beer making is truly an amazing work of the Tao. In moderation, beer tastes good, relaxes us, makes us feel good, and is healthy for us. The amount of alcohol in one or two beers a day is better for you than no alcohol at all. The amount of calories in a beer is less than an equivocal amount of soda or juice. Beer is nutritious. Brewers yeast is very high in B vitamins. If consumed in excess, beer gives you a hangover and causes many problems. Some attribute the cultivation of grain (to make beer) as the facilitator of the birth of civilization. As civilization grew and polluted the drinking water, beer sustained life in the big city. I think of beer as a great gift of the Tao. As for social life, mine has increased since I started cultivating. Most of my socializing is with family. I just seem to be more open and supportive to them lately. I also get great social interaction at tai chi/ chi gung classes.
  12. Happy Birthday Ian

    I guess it would! Do exactly what you think is right ! Happy birthday bro! Joe
  13. Brainwave entrainment question

    Alpha programs are good for visualization. Most brainwave programs start in beta ,guide you to alpha for a while then down to theta.. Do what you like, then relax and let it flow.....
  14. Happy Birthday Ian

    If you are 40, how old is your mother? I wish you and your mother a long life so she can correct you on exactly how things should be! "be less timid" Does that mean being more of a prick?
  15. Taoism meetup If anyone lives in the Detroit area, check this out. Darrin?
  16. New Taoism meetup in the Detroit area

    Nope. Joe. Hope you can make it Darrin. Would be great to meet you in person.
  17. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Well, a whole pound arrived yesterday. It looks and smells a lot like catnip. Tried to chew some, but it was like chewing sawdust. Picked up a bottle of 151 rum to make a tincture. I guess just steep it for about a week? BTW, the rum cost more than the ginseng
  18. Vitamin supplements

    Yea, you got me going on the clay/psysillum thing a year ago. I kept going with the psylliym thing, sonne's clay when I think I need it ( like right now). Do you take a multi vitamin once a day? Do you care what kind?
  19. Vitamin supplements

    There is so much of that in the market. Fish oil $. Omega 3 capsules $$$$! Same product. Same result. Naive public.
  20. Meditating somewhere haunted

    Agreed. Undertakers have historically raped the public, preying upon our beliefs, grief and traditions. It costs tens of thousands of dollars in my country die. Well, the undertaker can send me the bill after I die! I will donate the the parts that still can be used to whoever needs them, and recycle the rest. I should be paid!
  21. 'Whatever you do, DONT LAUGH!' :D

    A similar story when I was an altar boy as a kid. I was serving a wedding. The bride was chunky, and looked like miss piggy. Well she started whimpering, sniffling, then full blown sobbing. It was so Muppet like, I could not help but to laugh. I suppressed it for a bit, clenching my lips together. When I turned to get the water and wine, I let it loose, hoping to let it out and return with a straight face. But when I returned her nose was beet red, her cheeks drenched with tears, and howling WEEBBEE!, WHO HOO HOO HOO!! sniff sniff WAHAAA!! I could not hold back any longer and burst into a laughter fit that could not be controlled! Needless to say, I did not get a tip from the groom
  22. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Ginseng root Stuff looks way different than the other ginsengs. I will try it out and let you know.
  23. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Thank you Craig. Siberian is defiantly A LOT cheaper! How about the whole dried root? Can they be chewed, or steeped in tea like other ginsengs?
  24. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Any good suppliers on line?
  25. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Thank you Franklin. I have hereditary anemia, so I suspect I may be deficient in some area. Would it be O.K. to take both types as needed throughout the day/week/ seasons?