Bum Grasshopper

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Posts posted by Bum Grasshopper

  1. A parable comes to mind when a passerby observes a monk trying to retrieve a drowning scorpion from a fast moving stream. Repeatedly the scorpion would sting the monk and he would drop it, only to chase it down the stream to get stung again.


    "You foolish monk, why do you continue to save a hapless scorpion that only wants to sting you"

    The monk replied

    " It is the scorpions virtue to sting. It is my virtue to help all in need."   

  2. I'm kind of scared to go to a girl's house. I don't live in a western country and people are kind of conservative here.My dad said the first thing he'd give me an apartment, when his business gets going again and my mom said she'd get me a wife at 25, if and when I get established by myself.


    I wonder what the Taoist take on this practice. I know of no other life form that procreates in this manner. My understanding is that it was developed to gain social and/or political gain.



    I know a lot of girls fancy me in my neighborhood and outside too if I....uhh..retain my seed.

    This comment shows confidence



    I'm kind of scared to go to a girl's house. I don't live in a western country and people are kind of conservative here.

    This comment show lack of confidence.



    Liminal, I won't use a condom or any other prevention methods, thanks for concern.


    Not a problem if you are both committed to a long term monogamous relationship. If either one of you are having multiple sex partners, it is totally irresponsible.



    what does this mean, if she can sing and dance beautifully then that's fine.


    This comment is extremely shallow, and maybe even sexist. I pray that you really don't feel this way.



    mayhaps you guys are fine with women who neither keep their purity, nor have any virtue


    but I see red flags for what they are


    Though if I encountered a female who kept virtue and was beautiful, I'd be lovestruck beyond belief. These woman deserve literal Gods for husbands - powerful, handsome, intelligent, charismatic and all those masculine characteristics at their peak.


    This statement is entirely judgmental. Who defines what is pure, is beautiful or has virtue?


    When everyone in the world sees beauty,

    Then ugly exists.

    When everyone sees good,

    Then bad exists.



    What is and what is not create each other.

    Difficult and easy complement each other.

    Tall and short shape each other.

    High and low rest on each other.

    Voice and tone blend with each other.

    First and last follow each other.


    So, the sage acts by doing nothing,

    Teaches without speaking,

    Attends all things without making claim on them,

    Works for them without making them dependent,

    Demands no honor for his deed.

    Because he demands no honor,

    He will never be dishonored.


  3. One thing I learned later in life that I wish I knew when I was 22, is to wipe all expectations of sex as motivation when seeking a relationship with women. Women can see this as clearly as a neon light on your forehead I WANT SEX. Unscrupulous women will use this to their advantage to scam you. Good women will reject you knowing that all you want them for is for sex.


    Don't chase. You chase, they run away. Be completely open and honest. Pretending to be something your not is also projected to others. If they can't accept you at face value, then this person is not for you. Get involved socially in areas that interest you. Your passion will show, and if your intentions are pure, you will form many rewarding relationships. The benefits of such relationships may net you a lot more than just sex, such as a better job and more independence,    

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  4. Hi all! It's been a while since I last posted here, and I have a funny story of how it came to be.


    A few months ago I regained an interest in playing the bamboo flute, and have take to it quite seriously. I play everyday now and have amassed a collection of 6 flutes, the latest a Chinese Dizi. This is where the story starts.


    Searching online for info on purchasing and playing the Dizi, I found a series of very helpful, informative videos featuring a kind of pudgy quirky fellow that was quite talented at playing a variety of Chinese instruments.  Noticing his name was Mak Jo Si, in the back of my mind I recalled the Mak Tin Si debacle played out here a few years ago. Checking the info given on YouTube, coincidently this guy fancies himself as a Taoist Master. I went to his site chinnature.com. The first red flag was a bold statement on his site not to expect anything for free, and even had a shopping cart were you could buy anything from a $1 blessing to a full blown Counterstrike Exorcism for $1,800 at the click of your mouse! Coming back here, I discover that indeed Mak Jo Si and Mak Tin Si are indeed one of the same. 


    Now I am thinking of some comments I got a while back while looking for instructors stating that "when the time is right, the instructor will find you". Could this be more than a coincidence? You have to admit, what are the odds that we cross paths again, but this time I actually learned something from the guy, and uncharacteristically, was free?


    I have no interest in his brand of Taoism, and frankly can't afford it. I still get a chuckle when I think of his thread on stepping in dog poop, and how he attempted to monopolize this board posting 10- 20 or more posts a day. I'll just hang around here for a while and hopefully something else will manifest. 

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  5. Being an insomniac, I practice after midnight quite often. It's 2:00 am now, I am wide awake and will be doing an hour of Kunlun + before going to bed. If I can't get to sleep, I will get up and do some emptiness meditation. It is not uncommon for me not to get to sleep until after 6:00 am. I work sort of an afternoon shift (1:00pm- whenever) so it works for me.

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  6. For me it's simple. If I don't feel like practicing, I don't. I's great that I have the permission to take a day, 2 or maybe

    4 days off. On 'off' days I still like to do RP- like I said it is very relaxing, and feels good. 1x a day is more than enough for me, total routine = I jong + 5 elements in the AM, KL1 + Golden flower in the PM. Sometimes it feels good just to go fishing with the neighbors. :D

  7. Doing well balance. Practicing RP1 as well as 5 Elements and Golden Flower certainly does make Kunlun feel more of a complete system. I always thought just doing KL1 that I should be doing something else also. It has greatly sparked my interest in doing the practice again. I have been practicing almost daily now for 3 months. What's next?

  8. I find Red Phoenix very relaxing and I find myself doing it whenever I want to relax (without the mundra). When I do it with the mundra, I will start spontaneously moving within 5 min. I am concerned about accumulating too much energy in the head, as I do not close down each time. So far, I am not experiencing any problems, but I want to avoid any trouble if I am doing something wrong here.

  9. You could try brainwave entrainment sessions made with software such as the NeuroProgrammer from Transparent. Such software will allow you to modulate tones above or below your range, challenging new dendritic growth. Such sessions also increase blood flow to the brain. The brain is very plastic, and can be coaxed into regaining function, if the damage is not too great.

  10. Why? The state is natural and, for her, normal. There's no reason to play with it or alter it. The problem most people have is that they're unaware of how often they enter an altered state during their own lives. Ever drive someplace, arrive, and forget most of the drive? Well that's an altered state of consciousness. Our mind processes so much information that we can't really keep up with everything that's going on around us. In order to do compensate for this sensory overload we have the ability to shut most of it out and focus on just those things that are important at the moment. An example is walking through the woods.


    Well, I suppose if she knows about her hyper-suggestibility and is okay with that. Otherwise you would owe it to her to protect her from unscrupulous individuals who may use her gift against her.

  11. The world of hypnosis is definitely the wild wild west. Mostly uncharted area, and almost no regulation.


    I had my doubts about the necessity of suggestion years ago. There was a girl at a party that was very susceptible to hypnosis, the most susceptible I've ever met in fact. I used to choose her a lot at parties for past life regressions (before I quit doing that), because I knew she would be an easy subject. One day I ran across her at the store and realized that she was in a hypnotic state. I thought that I had done something wrong during our last regression and started to get worried. I actually brought her out of the trance, then I called my teacher and he informed me that if she was as easily hypnotized as I had stated, that she was most likely entering the state on her own without any notice of it and that I should leave her alone... too late for that. Anyways everything ended up fine. As far as I know that girl still spontaneously enters trance states. She's gone to doctors who've diagnosed her as having a dissociative disorder, but I've always been convinced there was nothing wrong with her, it's just the way she is.


    She shoud have a Hypnotherapist give her a post hypnotic suggestion to not enter hypnosis except when instructed by him/ her.

  12. I wouldn't say that's necessarily true. Hypnosis is about achieving an altered state of consciousness.



    Hypnosis is about communicating with the subconsious mind. This can be done without the subject being in a trance. NLP which can be construed as a subform of hypnosis, is done without being in a trance.


    Suggestibility, on the other hand is ubiquitous in all forms of therapy, society, social interactions, cultural etc.. Even asking someone "how do you feel about XYZ?" is itself a "process suggestion" because it generates an internal response from outside the person. I know this is very controversial to many people trained in traditional hypnosis but many of the brightest minds in the field (Rossi, Hilgard, O'Hanlon) seem to concur that suggestion is at best something that enhances trance phenomena, rather than the essence.. and I know that I've probably stated otherwise even on this board, but I've found that approaching it this way, people that are not normally hypnotizable can suddenly do all sorts of things in trance and I think that was a major key to why Erickson could have success where others failed..


    I can agree with that. :)

  13. About the OP...depends on what meditation you're doing. Some produce trance states, while others produce awakened states.


    Some types of hypnosis are done in awakened states also. Those with analytical minds are hypnotized not by putting them in a trance, but by overloading their conscious mind so that the therapist can get past and communicate with the subconscious. Hypnosis is all about communicating with the subconscious mind.

  14. Some forms of meditation can also be called self- hypnosis for sure. Take a look at guided meditation scripts and hypnosis scripts. Some are almost idenical.


    But I do belive that other forms of meditation, such as emptness meditation, does not entirely fit into the definition of hypnosis. Hypnosis usually has a specific purpose, such as changinga habit.


    It took nearly sixty years before we understood the potential for hypnosis, hopefully it doesn't take that long for meditation.


    I can tell everyone that I am seeing a hypnotherapast, and nobody will bat an eylash. If I thell them I am going to a Swami to learn meditation, everyone thinks I'm weird. It's all a matter of perception.

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