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Posts posted by mojavedollar

  1. How is this racial discrimination?





    treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit


    I just used the word discrimination.


    Chinese are one race, nationality, group, income, etc (which ever noun or adjective you want to use) with different treatment compared to foreign nationals a different race(s), nationality, etc.


    Charging two different prices based on nationality/race sounds like discrimination to me.


    Actually, the Chinese probably wished the US had a tiered pricing system based on average income - because then they would only pay 10% of whatever Americans pay here. Americans mainly use uniform pricing here because it actually works to their advantage 90% of the time.


    "Jesus" certainly charges. The Bible instructs Christians to tithe 10% of their income to the Church. And what do you get in return for that? Basically the same sermon every weekend and some social networking. But certainly no Gnostic or Essenic techniques.


    Mahayana Buddhism doesn't charge, but esoteric techniques in say, Dzogchen Buddhism, are not handed out easily or "freely." Just like how esoteric techniques in the Knights Templar or Rosicrucians aren't either.


    And again, the USA already does have different pricing for different races - see race-based affirmative action here. Are you saying that's not discrimination?


    Whereas the Chinese policy actually isn't race-based, it's nationality-based.


    All this said, I don't think it's "wrong" for foreigners to complain about high prices. Ask, and thou shalt often receive! However, whether it's high or not, foreigners are nonetheless paying the same relative price as local Chinese.


    And as far as how "fair" tiered pricing in general is, I guess it depends on how you look at it. But, it is also done here too.

    - For example, a friend recently went to a hospital and was billed ~$3500. Now, someone who qualifies for some type of indigent care status would only be required to pay $100 for the same services. In essence, those who can afford it are forced to subsidize those who can't at a ratio of 35X here. In fact, that's how most insurance works. Those who can end up paying more for those who can't.


    - Another female engineer grad recently got a ~$75K starting salary, which is about 50% above the norm. She is not particularly bright, but since women are so underrepresented in engineering, companies had a bidding war over her.


    - Many bars & clubs have "Ladies' Nights" where all women get in free. There are never "Men's Nights" for men anywhere.


    I can give many more examples of this here in the States. But if you are against variable pricing (as unfair discrimination), then you have much more fish to fry than just in China. I'm not entirely for or against it myself yet, so just saying...


    Thanks for your reply. I'll just stay simple. I appreciate what they do. If they decide to charge for it, it is their choice, okay. If they have "tiered" pricing, they have the choice to do it. But with tiered pricing, just by definition it makes a distinction or a discrimination between different people. We are not talking about the end of the world but I would like to think more spiritual people wouldn't be making such distinctions or discriminations.

  2. All,


    I am very thankful to Master Wang Li Ping and Kathy Li for sharing the teachings. They are very kind.



    Though I am rubbed the wrong way with pricing. Why should Foreigners have to pay more? Do we have higher prices for Chinese when they travel overseas? For the most part no. But I have to pay more going to the Forbidden City and pay more to listen to an English audio tour than a Chinese does.


    In my opinion the best is to spread the teaching all over and see what becomes of it. Jesus nor Buddha wasn't charging. Second best would be to charge a fee to offset the modern costs. But when you have different pricing for different races that is discriminating and unfair.


    If you have a product or service your costs are the same and doesn't depend on the race or origin of the individual. So the price should be the same for everyone.


    With all respect to the gracious teachers mentioned, foreigners are subsidizing Chinese and if they were having different prices in the USA it would be considered discrimination.


    My hope is they would have the same pricing but it is a free will world and they can do what they want. I wish them and the group as a whole good luck, and thanks.