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Posts posted by Epicurious

  1. ya...i find a dam good bounce on a bed with a game old gal ta be the foundation a my health happiness n peece a mind...each ta there own...freeform fukin...hahahahahahaha...bet theres money ta be made n a dvd a that...damn...

  2. weeeeeee.....i gotta tingly.......must be cheeeeee.....ha....horseshit.....dr fidly...in tha name a sience who about ya stick yer ball sack in a ringer n crank the handle a few times...bet yall feel that from toe to tit n beyond ;) ...an you...doobie dude....ya xeno...damn son...i got a blow job from a hooker n bangkok...son...damn...them old girls r tha best cos they can take out there teeth ya now ;)...anyhow...shit...when i shot i thought shed set offa a grenade in ma ass n broke ma back n blew ma hed of...ya gotta watch em finger nails boyz n girlz...anyhow...were was i...ha..had same thoughts back then...ya...horseshit...hahahahahahahahahahaha.....

  3. as normin who liked stormin once said...bovine scatalogs...pie dude...shit son...it aint dullness...thats just whats in yer head...shit...disconnected...it aint that boy...its BEIN connected...gaddam...ya aint payin attention boy...n whyd ya go n sign up a new name mat...that cabin a yours got tha net n all that...kinda kills tha point a bein in isolation dont it...or did ya chickin outa that...hell if ya wanted a new name we coulda fownd one for ya...sumtin snapie like doormat...hahahahaha...damn...ya...all them folks meditatin all them thousands a years jest ta be DULL...gaddam...shoulda listned ta them folks who told ya ta lay offa them squirel brains...

    • Like 1

  4. ha...dont be hard on the boy darin...ya know how ya used ta play drs n nurses when ya was a youngun...well...dr fidleys just wantn ta play drs n drs ;) ...hey fidley...ya dont have ta learn nuthin ta find some fella who'll jam a latex glove up yer ass for yer all full a fist... :blink: them sorts aint jest in ya dreams... :lol:

  5. fidly in the beijing hood eh...shit...well expect there may be a few lonely types lookin for a 'special' friend to keep em company n such like...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...backs to the walls boys!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...only kiddin with ya son...pass me the soap while yer down there...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...shit...ya need to be workin on your ENGLISH boy afore ya go off n think ya can learn the civilized tung...god help the poor bastards whod need ta rely on you for there tai chi lessons...why dont ya goin find some poor bastards wife ta cheet with...ya...youd make a fine example of moral behavior...shit...be a real shame if the husband court up with ya...lessen hes lookin fer a special friend also..

  6. shit...you younguns...ya aint very bright are yeh...damn answers easy...humility is bein yourself without the bullshit n posturin n seein shit the way it is n not bein opinionated bout it...damn...means shit aint right nor wrong just is...ha...n yall call yourself taoists...shit...

  7. hahaha thank you epicurious for your obnoxiousness! !


    I'm sorry, guys, (and pietro, I respect your word in this range of matter,) ...but I'm not getting anymore specific about these experiences.


    In fact, I'm forgetting it. =p


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...its all inside ya boy...quite litraly...shit...well take it from your answer that you is indeed takin an not givin...hell son...dont be goin all self hatin...just be yourself n take it like a man...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...damn...why dont you n 11.33 n the white tigger all arrange ta meet up sometime...they surly dont like the ladies...recon ya all could be 'special friends' :lol: ...oh n son...you understand jack shit bought pretty much everythin ya bullshitin bout...jack shit...

  8. If I let-go of thought and enter emptiness, if I let go of ego, then what will assure that I don't rot and loose my home and die?


    Is this where these ancient teachings meet the concept of God? Is God or the Tao what ensures my body doesn't go without food or shelter? Because if I let go of the *I*, it does beg the question "well who else is gonna take care of 11:33's body, his home, his loved ones, etc, etc"


    shit...ya dont do yer homework...ha...bet thats what all the teachers say ta ya...anyhow...it aint thinkin nor 'thought' thats the problem...its WRONG thinkin...shit...go get your books boy an do yer studyin stead of asking stupid questions all time...goddam kids today are to damn lazy...shit...quick son...look in the mirror..you got any scars round the forhead...

  9. There's a picture of him at the bottom of this page on his site and here


    I went to a TCM doc for serious sinus issues, and with a combo of herbs, accupuncture and diet therapy he cleared up something that caused me more pain than childbirth and that western medicine had been useless to treat.


    The diet he put me on he called the clear bland diet, no spices, no major flavors, no garlic/onions/chili/pepper/curry, lots of bland grains and veggies, small bits of meat if desired but very little, broths, teas. Importantly everything was to be warm, nothing cold.


    since then I've noticed if I consume anything cold, my problem sinus area acts up, so I don't consume much cold foods/drinks anymore unless I'm willing to suffer slightly.


    he told me he thought I should make that diet the basic diet i follow for life, but I found it depressingly boring and I love eating too much to stick to it, though I felt great when I was on it. I became aware of the energy inmy hands when i was on that diet, I could feel liveliness in my fingers and hands, something I've only felt when I was true to that diet over a couple of weeks.


    sall in the circulatin...cold stuff screws it up...all health comes down to yer circulatin...have what yer want but dont be piggin out all the time...lots a green leafy vegeys...darker the better...whfoods.org have some fine recipes...chili...mmm...eat yer vegeys an ya wont be cravin the bad shit...ya could try the hay diet n not mix yer protein n carbs...some folks swear by it...remember...its all in the circulatin..

  10. Erdweir,


    It's all good. Sometimes in life, not everyone is what you think.


    To be clear I didn't mean that everyone's thoughts are useless. I meant everyone's opinions ABOUT ME are, unless they take the time to really understand where I'm coming from. That's all. Nothing more nothing less.


    In the future if I suspect someone is saying something to me that is based in not even knowing anything about me I will respond with this:


    <Fart Sound>


    Simple as that. :)


    ha...bullshit son...dont you be worrin...noone gives a toot about your bitchin...all sounds like its comin out ya ass anyhow...try gettin it into your THICK teenage skull that this here little world aint revolvin around your good self...shit...your an open book an you dont even have pretty pictures to look at...if ya cant play with the big boys git back to yer porn an take out yer frustration that none a the gals like ya there...damn..what your mama do to you ta get ya this pissy...

  11. yeah...but spiritual types dont wanna be round those damn vampires n shit piles...would just drag ya down...theres a difference between getin horny n high round a high wattage dude n actully wantin ta BE someone better...shit...after all that bliss n shit then the real shit inside starts comin up...aint no gettin round this...them fukers want energy let em stick there fingers in a wall soket...


    intrestin thought though son...nothin wrong with thinkin...

  12. Pros:


    1. More time to practice the spiritual path.


    2. Less time for distractions and society's mind and energy pollution.



    1. Food, hygiene and maybe shelter. Who is going to feed you while you wander around? Where are you going to wash your clothes? What if they wear off, who is going to provide you with new ones? I guess this wouldn't be too much of an issue if you happen to ask in monasteries and the like.


    2. Visa issues




    I am thinking of becoming one for at least 5 years possibly more but nothing over 10 years once I finish paying off my debts, finish Bagua training and have some money saved up for when I return.


    Places to wander:


    Mainly central Asia, China and India.

    I would like to hear your opinions on this issue.



    thats all very nice son...but what YOU gonna do for the good folks ya meet...let me give ya a clue...MONK...ya think monks go round just poncin offa folks...na...they do things like blessing an prayers n shit like that...thats why folks give em food n shelter...what you talking about is poncin...and yeah...ya rite to be thinkin of those visas cos if you aint got...well...they got enough of there own begars n poor an no need to be importin them...shit...spend some time in these places and yall come runnin n screamen back to good ol civilization...

  13. Does anybody else have a problem with homoerotic fantasies whenever you practice retention?


    I do. I said it. I admit it.


    I'm not gay and I don't want to be gay. This really really sucks. So whenever it happens I just give in and release.


    I hate this so much. someone please help me with this.



    AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...SUCS DOES IT....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...JUST GIVE IN WHEN IT HAPPENS...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH...DAMN...son...your in denial...not to mention some other shit to..hahahahaha...damn...seriously though...i shouldnt laugh...ive a question...in these DREAMS of yours...you givin or takin... :blink: ...shit...dont be getin your panties all in a bunch son...come over here and sit with yo daddy... :lol: ...dude...hell...well thats what the bible thumpers say...dont be worrin over that...git yourself over to the greek heaven...theyll take care of ya... :o ...alexander took half the world between takin his buddy..so your in good company. As for the rest a ya...group photo!



  14. goddam...hahahahahaha...sheeet...dr daisy rears his ugly turtle head again just like thatn wont flush away down the john...qualifications....hmmmm...walter mitty school o horseshit and the barnum ones born every minute certificates printed on THE finest john roll...yeah...the dudes a john roll alrite...11.33 n white tigger...wtf you boys doin ralin on a lady for..u got some issues with a woman tellin you shit straight...shit yeah...that 'compassion jest glows from the page...grow tf UP children...damn...and xenospliff...dude...shit...dont be watchin those star wars movies or playin with your toys while drawin on those homemade herbals son...shit...when your mama catches you she aint gonna be happy... :lol:

  15. ok, i got some questions...

    where did he get his 'dr' title from? last i heard theres paper to go with one n i'd like to see this...

    how can he be an anthropologist if he doesnt speak or read the lingo? shit show me a real one that cant...

    who sayz he joined yin n yang? his teacher? john chang? evidence? even if he did join yin n yang who sayz its the same as the mo pai joining? him? his teacher? john chang?

    maybe theres a big and little joinin? theres a bunch of people who can zap and have ya feel magnetic and electric shit. shit...seems like john chang went to a fuc load more trouble to get his yin n yang...how the fuc does dr daisy KNOW his way is the right way?

    what universities n groups he worked with? never met a university that had a problem listin there visitin academics...the opposite in fact...

    who cept dr daisy and his followers is blowin his trumpet? shit i like some indepentent testimonials...talkin a testimonials...why aint we herein of the wonderful shit his people are feelin...like details..'my dics grown from 3 to 3 n a half inches since i swallowed this horse shit' ;):o:lol::rolleyes:

    who said he could teach? yeah...even in asia if you get qualified you get paper nicely stamped n chopped. so who the fuc said he could teach n were is the damn proof...

    he claims to be a 'special' student of wang liping, john chang, etc. there other students say he aint. that dude in russia with wang liping and some indonesia dudes with john chang. whos tellin the truth?

    how come he tells us all his teachers are the real shit then comes back later and just tells us there shit? john chang is 'only' level 20...you there stop laughin at the back...jiang dude is just a ten...wang liping...well hes just a mountain hermit dude...anyhowz i know some dudes who fly around on pink clouds n shit...maybe i'll tell ya bout them later...ya we take credit cards...

    how the fuc does dr daisy KNOW what level his teachers are at? i mean KNOW and not just sit there with score cards like a fucin ice skatin or swimin judge? how the fuc does a student sit in judgement on his teachers level anyhowz? he aint there nor even close so how come he is so high and mighty about there levels...

    how come he keeps stickin the knife into his teachers? shit, the old sayin about students being worse than enimies must be true! john chang cant even read his own book...wang is keepin the good stuff for himself n his old students cant do jack...jaiang...hit the road jiang...dont you come back no more no more no more hit the road jiang dont you come back no more!!! what you sayyyy!!! hit the road jiang dont you come back no more!!! dr daisys got him a LEVEL 47 now! run along you aint needed no more!

    Hahahahahahaha....shit...i dont give a one...but the payin public those amex black card wavin feckers...expect THEY do. all the other teachers list their credentials and some PROOF baby proof. shit...just cos i met the pope it dont make a damn cardinal.

    dam! nearly forgot...why in the name of my wifes cardinal purple g string would i want to pay thousands of damn euro funny money to meet the damn teachers hes gone and said aint worth shit anyhow? wtf gives dude?I like them smiles we need some more...weres the ass wavin one?

    aaaaaaand another thing...all these weird names like lee shan dao an shit like that...were apart from dr daisy can i find these names in legit chinese books? i mean like some old documents or somethin..shit..ill settle for a new one...but were ELSE can i see em mentioned..must be SOMEWHERE...or did he make em up himself? mmmmmmm...

  16. Epicurious,


    I'm getting my shen on!!! :lol:


    Welcome to taobums!


    Your pal,





    You bring the lightsabres n i'll bring the ninja masks... :ph34r:


    Barwench! A bottle of Dr Daisy's Chateau d'Yequem for my little green friend!

