Josh Young

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Everything posted by Josh Young

  1. Haiku Chain

    towards tomorrow here in this moment of now what else has there been?
  2. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    I am A-synchronistic, that is to say without synchronicity.
  3. Is Micheal Jackson really dead?

    Get ready for huge MJ record sales and lots of people saying that have seen MJ alive and well in the frozen food section of their local supermarket.
  4. Does Taoism presuppose a political viewpoint?

    Can it ever prescribe? I would say yes, that it affords a type of clarity which can precipitate the formation of a view or even abstaining from forming a view. The content of the DDJ pertaining to governing pertains as much to the government of self and the administration to the body as it does to the role of government.
  5. DMT vs. Ketamine, PCP, DXM, ...

    People with severe head trauma also show similar symptoms. Maybe these drugs mimic head trauma?
  6. Boycott Science!

    Funny! Because science as a greater inclusive understanding does not exist. There are many sciences, or fields of study, but there is no Science with a capitol S, nor can there be because each individual field must have its own unique language and domain of publication. There is no giant table where the great minds meet and share, and if they were they could not be understood. Science is the tower of Babel, attempting to build a tower to god (or god like understanding) it develops so many languages and terms that it cannot reconcile them to be able to establish and greater picture. Alas that the attention of one should be so limited as to be unable to encompass the whole of knowing anyway, so there is not only no big picture, if there was it would be inaccessible to beings such as we. One day many of the concepts we both believe to be true and take for granted will become viewed as the foolish views of a misinformed past. This is the way it has always been and so it shall be until people exist no more. But most of us will never know this, for most of us fail to realize that there is nobody who exists and understands what it means.
  7. I am neither a taoist nor not a taoist. I neither believe nor disbelieve in the mentioned things as a generality, but in context I believe some and not others. For this reason I will not vote in the poll.
  8. Feds to kill any type of blogging?

    It makes perfect sense and I support it. Jones is a fear pusher. Here is the problem as I see it: there are laws for truth in advertising, but several companies now use blogs as a form of advertising and so can lie openly and legally about their products. Since they do not have to disclose a conflict of interest you do not get to find out if the blog is written by an employee of the company selling a product it is making false claims about. Don't worry about free speech infringement, it does not contradict the ability to write what you want as a blogger unless you make false claims, speculation and opinion are totally safe, but lying to people to boost sales of your product would be illegal for bloggers, it currently isn't and many corporations are abusing this heavily.
  9. Science and Acupuncture / Chiense Medicine

    It works, but not always. Consider that no drug can do better than that. People use acupuncture for anesthesia in many areas, for surgery and dental work. You can't do this if it is fake. The explanations given for why it works are often silly. Who cares why when what matters is that it does work for many people.
  10. Do a Conspiracy Really Exist?

    Read the very definition of the word and ask yourself the question that is the title of this thread. Does the following exist? Note that the very word conspiracy does not entail secrecy as a major part of the definition. Now what of government conspiracy? What do you know about the Iran contra affair? Did you know that it was testified that the CIA imports drugs to sell to be able to buy the weapons that were given to the Iranian terrorists in exchange for hostages and just as aid in general? Oliver North admitted conspiring to perform illegal acts, he was of course given a pardon by Reagan. Several white house names have been dropped by cocaine traffickers and a CIA jet used to transfer people to secret US torture prisons crashed in Mexico the other year with a great deal of cocaine aboard. Military people in asia have reported that heroin traffickers said they did business with white hour officials (reagan years)and that without the help they received from them they could never ship heroin from remote third world nations into the US. A mafia mans daughter gave testimony a few years ago that her dad was involved in trafficking drugs with one of the same men who is said to be involved in the JFK killing and these other cases of drug importation. That man is a former president who used to run the CIA. (now there is a law abiding organization...) The mafia daughter also said that man did business with Noriega, which is interesting because he took Noriega down. But the man also did business with Osama Bin Ladin and later had his son go to war against him. That same man supported Saddam, but was in the oil business himself, so when Kuwait slant drilled into the Iraqi oil across the border and Saddam retaliated with military force then that same man mentioned before started an oil war in 1991 that is still costing lives here in 2009. Of course oil companies love this guy because he made them more money than ever before, he even saw too it that they got no bid contracts in the war effort. If I believed in an Antichrist, I'd say that the man I am talking about is him. It seems that where there is money to be made illegally, people conspire. The governments of the world deny all wrong doing no matter what. They all have a policy of conspiracy. Did the Nazi's admit the holocaust? Many still deny it despite the overt proof. Consider how China conspires to prevent the acknowledgment of Tienanmen square massacre. Or perhaps the the US secret prisons across the world where we take people to be tortured and killed. These are known to exist. There is no end to it. It is worth accepting as a fact of life and moving on rather than dwelling on the simple fact that you cannot believe what governments tell you. Propaganda is a very old technique. Here is a conspiracy of which you may not know. In media theory education it is said the purpose of the information or news media is not to inform, but rather to persuade. The whole goal is to present news in a manner to achieve a desired effect. Thus the gatekeepers of media, those who decide what information you will be presented with have final say over what you see and hear and they follow the will of their employer. It turns out the media in the US is owned by very few interests, nearly all of them conservative. Check out the ownership if you want to dig deeper, it can lead you to a lot of curious information. Microsoft has released fixed which crash competitor programs, you can bet that was the result of conspiring minds. They were convicted of anti-trust and then that conviction was overturned, again the result of conspiracy. What are you gonna do about it? And for the record I think Alex Jones is a tool and that he is not to be trusted. His agenda is questionable.
  11. Creating Gaps in Thought

    I practice Japa, I really appreciate that last post.
  12. How to commit suicide?

    I hope to be able to stay around. I want to meet the children of my children and my children are still young. Last night I wanted the pain to stop, so I thought of the irony of my thoughts in this thread. I slept very little because of the pain. I fear that I will die because of teeth infections. But I hope to be able to die from a less painful method in the distant future. Facing pain isn't easy, life has some suffering in it. But it certainly isn't the same as suffering itself.
  13. Phurba and dorje any others?

    Of course the Dorje is the Vajra, this is the sacred thunderbolt of the gods, including the roman and greek gods, which are actually just translations of the Vedic gods. The hammer of Thor is analogous to the vajra/dorje and the runes are analogous to the i-Ching. Then there are stones called celts but known as thunderbolts in nearly every place they are found. This is relevant because the word for these stones has the same meaning in every culture, even Mesoamerica, Chinese, Indian, African, Germany etc. They are the thunder stones of the gods and match better the early descriptions of dorjes in the vedic scriptures. This type of weapon, a celt, can also be made out of jawbones, when you hear of a certain biblical character killing people with the jawbone of an ass then consider that such bones have been used to make the very sacred weapon of which I speak. Celts are indestructible compared to most things and are typically made from very hard rock, the vajra name means diamond, this seems to be an allusion to the celts. People will tell you celts are axes, however they have been found in pouches for ready use without a haft, they have been found embedded in animals, well preserved, but without handles. They could be hafted and were often in a couple of ways, but they make excellent throwing weapons and hand held cutters. they are like a combination of spear, club, axe and sword. If you want to learn more about the vajra and dorje, look to old religious art, the farther back you go in this regard, the more curious the design of the sacred weapon becomes, becoming more axe like. The old tales also mention the dorje/vajra being made of human bone. It is a tremendously powerful weapon that works very well with taiji.
  14. Creating Gaps in Thought

    ever drop a thought before it was completed?
  15. How to commit suicide?

    Last night my teeth infections hurt so bad I kept telling myself I would not kill myself. It was very tempting to end the pain with a bullet.
  16. Bruce Lee?

    When I was a kid I thought he was cool. Now after having more training and having studied many of his written works and those of many other martial artists: I am no longer impressed by his skill or knowledge but am still impressed by his love of the art. Mastery has nothing to do with how long you train with a teacher. A teacher could teach someone all they need to master in less than 5 years, still it would take mastering those teachings to become a master of the teachings. I was told by my Wing Chun Sifu that if I was dedicated it would take about 6 years to get the art down including 3 hand and 2 weapon forms and several other aspects. I am somewhat impressed by WC, I have met 5 local teachers of the art and one or two of them know it as an internal art, while many are very external in their use of it.
  17. New comer has suggestions and needs guidance!

    I cannot answer why i find sedation undesirable, rather I can say that I do not wish to elevate my prolactin levels because of the impact upon the hormones of the body. It counters the effects of testosterone, thus excessive sexual practice leads to decreased muscle tone and low male hormone levels in men. There is a reason that many martial arts and health practices insist on celibacy, and that reason is found in the biological impact of the activity.
  18. China blocking media yet again

    Tianamen square made me cry as a child. I remember seeing it on TV when I was 10 or so. I was very disturbed by it. It was only later when I saw that the US treats protesters in the same violent way that I realized what it was about. When I saw the flamethrowers on the tanks that burned down the Waco compound on video I understood that our (US) government has no problem murdering innocent people to maintain its image either.
  19. The Silent Flute / Circle of Iron

    Watched it once... don't think I can bear to watch it again. It was really out there for me.
  20. The rumors of what was done, and is being done, that come from the soldiers is very disturbing. I have family in the military, I don't need the news to know that our actions are as ethical as those of Iraqs former ruler. That we frequently refuse to follow our own engagement rules in combat is also very disturbing. That our bullets are made of nuclear waste... any idea what having uranium 60% as radioactive as normal around you all the time does? Lets just say the pentagon is not concerned with the long term health of grunts, let alone the fact that we are spreading radioactive waste. That our leaders will openly lie to their own people and the world. Will there ever come a day when we demand accountability? Several of our recent leaders should be on trial for treason.
  21. Kaballah

    I've studied it for about a decade now. I commented on the other thread about it regarding my own beliefs. Ever study the Gez hebrew tradition? It is way cool, very close to the original practices, very different from modern Judaism.
  22. Risks of Genetically Modified Foods

    I see. Thanks for the clarification. In general I agree.
  23. Kabbalah

    I've made a study of Kabbalah and found that the version we often have today is a modified version coming from medieval Europe. My own study indicates that some branches of Taoism have symbols with the same essential content of paths and points, but better numerology, than the derived Tree of life. Have you read a Garden of Pomegranates? I found it ok but a little speculative. The above is the pathways of the bagua. the 9th sephirot is the central one, the 10th is the outer circle. there are two pillars, one odd and one even. All of the direct paths of the sephirot add up to nine, thus 1-8, 2-7, 4-5, 6-3 are the paths. The unwritten 9 is implied by them all. The totality of paths is 32, of course, however each path runs 2 ways, thus there are 64 pathways. This relates to the Tarot, the paths of the bagua are used in divination in the East, while the paths of the Tree are used for divination in the west as the tarot major arcana. The concept of the origin of taiji in wuji and the concept of ain-soph and the abyss are likewise connected. I'd elaborate further but there will be those who do not believe and there are already those who know.
  24. What you think of Witchcraft?

    I've noticed in my studies a very high success rate for Loa relative rituals and a very high price for the results in terms of loss of life. I'd not mess with obeya at all, but it is fascinating stuff for those interested in the occult.
  25. Hello...I have an interest in water

    I want to see the same type of study made but including hindu devotional musicians. I'd like to see the brainwaves of devotees making music compared to the brainwaves of people who perform for other reasons. I'd scope the waves of people chanting mantras and doing doing devotional dance as well. Your videos are compelling.