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Posts posted by Inedible

  1. In the beginning, you use effort to get the orbit to run - but at some point it takes on a life of its own. At that point, you should switch to following it as it runs on its own instead of using effort. If you continue to use effort at that point, especially if you decide that it isn't going the way the book says, so you are going to make it go the other way, you might get into a bit of trouble. When you have things happening spontaneously that is really good, but until then you can use effort to get the process started.

  2. It isn't about solving the problems; it is the being heard and understood. You have been chosen to provide that emotional support and part of the job is to empathize - you are supposed to go along for the emotional ups and downs even when it seems to be all downs. You wouldn't still be in the situation unless you had reasons of your own, if only in the back of your mind. It can be easy to focus on the negative aspects to the point of completely forgetting the good things and that can lead to some serious resentment. If you can find the good things it will be easier to go along for the ride and to recover more easily. It also gets easier to see through the emotional displays to a deeper layer of communication.

  3. A little less simply, it is like the battery a car runs on. It can generate energy, but its main function is to store the energy you generate for later use. There are some discussions here about filling the dan tien to capacity and whether this is a good thing to do or a waste of time.

  4. I 've tried to help before here but folks do not get it or want to get it.


    good luck.






    This is my first day here. Oddly enough I wanted to know more about both Kunlun and Mo Pai - and here is this thread that seemed perfect. I'm finding it very difficult to find people who will actually talk about techniques.