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Posts posted by Eviander

  1. There is no end to this whole... who can experience all nuances of everything all at once? All endless cycles of cosmic eons? Show me that being?


    If you are merely referring to states of infinite consciousness... infinite space, such other formless samadhis. You should read the suttas, maybe some abhidhamma even. Or Abhidharma Kosha? These are still merely just references to individual exploration of ones own unconscious.


    The whole is conceived as the supreme being, god, universal consciousness, call it what you will. That being is the multi-verse which is far from being inanimate.







    Sure... it's just infinite potential... that doesn't mean it's a real entity in and of itself. You are merely projecting "self" onto infinite potential that has no reference other than beginningless time as it's own cause, which is also an effect.


    You haven't studied much buddhism, so you haven't meditated upon it's meaning, so you would not have the insightful experience of it's explanation. I do recommend it though.


    Well yea, it is all potential, it is the essence which gave you substance allowing you to contemplate what realness is. As far as its realness goes it is more 'real' than what we perceive now, which again is only our interpretation of what is there . It in itself is the only cause, our existence the measure of its effects.


    And no, studying Buddhism is just as important as studying all religions, to me.






    This is still merely self projection. This is merely the collective unconscious, not a self shining entity.


    This is not a self projection, it has nothing to do with self or such ideologies, it is simply the measurement of what is there. Only counting material bodies. It is not the collective unconscious it is simply the vibrational field that is outside us, that we interpret as the physical universe in our subject frames of reference.





    No, you can transcend the human brain too. Just get into immaterial realms, or rather, more refined material realms. Of course, the brain has openings for this experience of brain transcendence.


    Such is the reference to the astral planes, which are still limited in experience because we are incarnate in a physical body with a limiting brain, we can only traverse so far without having to come back to the body.









    It's obvious you haven't delved into Buddhism without attachment to pre-conceptions.


    I could say the same to you about other schools of thought. But in this sense I am not attaching, I am simply assimilating my knowledge to assess the soundness of other bodies of knowledge.








    You don't receive the explanation well.


    Do you drink spoiled milk?





    Yes, but "right view" the 1st noble truth understood is the only view that empties all these experiences of inherent quality and sees their dependency within infinite regress and does not create a rooftop concept that is independent which all other experiences originate from or upon as their platform for existence.


    Truly seeing this intuitively leads to an entirely different understanding of existence.


    Basically... if you want to know what the Buddha taught... study it. If you don't, then don't. Study yourself without an intellectual, emotional, or experiential excuses for ignorance, empty yourself of yourself.


    thought forms have their dependency within self fulfilling belief cycles. If you go into it without thought or thinking of a right view you see things as they are.


    All of these paradoxical statements might make sense to buddhists, but to me they seem rather avoidant of direct responses and immediate results.






    You might like to study more of the Pali Suttas. Try some Theravada studies to begin with.


    I used to believe as you did, but only due to a lack of study and experience. I won't say much more on this, as I'm not trying to bring forth a sense of personal reaction from you at all! That is not my intent.


    Likewise you should study the mathematics and the sciences to understand how the physical universe operates and how that reality ties into understanding metaphysics. And just as well you should study all religions to see the ever apparent unity that unites them to end suffering and gain insight.

  2. This idea is based upon your attachment to a notion that there is a "at once"


    If your trying to point to experiencing everything in intervals then we would still experience it all as separate bodies perceiving fragments of a whole. I'm not sure if that is what you where referring to though, if not then please elaborate.





    Finding it would only originate dependently... and be just as illusive as anything.


    No, finding it would prove we are Dependant upon it.It would create breakthroughs in science and human understanding, and its in the ball park of the next 20 years.


    There is no source beyond us... I do understand how deep the attachment to a transcendent super being is though... a transcendent essential self... it's a multi-layered attachment. It's ok to have it... it's just not going to lead to the "Awakened" insight of experiencing.


    Actually, its already proven that what we perceive is a vibrational field that is constantly pulsating outside of us. It is simply the way in which we form the image of the vibrations on our retina and inverse it in our cerebral matrix that is Dependant upon our own mind. The material world is completely objective and outside of us. This is no attachment, this is a simple assessment of the countless mysteries that modern science provides us, which leads to the source of this vibrational field of our reality havening its origin in a intelligence beyond the scope of it conceivably being inanimate.






    Nirvana has nothing to do with God... read the Suttas for verification... meditate deeply on what you find there for experiential data.


    These are not my opinions.


    My bad, I got confused with the Hindu definition of nirvana.




    Then transcend your humanity... which is one of the human capacities... strangely enough.


    This I agree upon, but It can not transcend the faculties that the human brain gives one, it only allows what psychic function is available for it to perceive.





    In Buddhism... we see that theistic paths can lead to all the mundane siddhis, or powers... supernatural or just deeply natural?


    Anyway... the power of insight into dependent origination is the liberating siddhi or super-power that has no signs, and is not determinable outside of it's own realization of self transcendence, or rather, just seeing through oneself and all being eminently, while being... also very strange. Seemingly anti-natural even. But it's really just being natural in seeing through oneself.


    There are certain aspects of Buddhism and other meditative schools that are universal to most other traditions, for example, though you may disagree as a Buddhist, I perceive your religion to be similar to many forms of Hinduism, taoism, Jainism, ect. And though again, you might not see this, but your search for insight or the ultimate reality is the same mystical quest that other traditions go through. If you take out the traditional values you simply have mysticism..you as a Buddhist just use different semantics or words such as Dependant origination, ect, to explain the same phenomenon that is universal.






    This is not what emptiness means... like an empty jar from the popular English ideation. Shunyata means malleability, non-static nature, no inherent essence... inter-dependently originated.


    What you are referring to is space or ether.


    You don't explain it to well




    Actually, these realms do exist on a co-objective or rather, inter-subjective level, just like this one. Go deeper into meditation and verify this.


    Likewise with the same intent and same results I could go deeper to verify the fact that they are fabrications of the human mind. Just remember Buddhist are not the only ones who have entered deep states of meditation and explored the hidden dimensions of existence.






    This is merely your self clinging talking... it's ok. I understand it's depth. I feel it's self importance.


    Just... study more, practice deeper and contemplate it's possibility is all... nothing more, nothing less. Just open up to it's maybe-ness?


    I practice a non-secular meditation along with other methods, though I see how Buddhism is essentially the same intent as other mystical paths.

  3. Actually, the weight is, is that we are that energy, as in all endless sentient beings, not one divine entity. We are those consciousness' (plural) that are the circuit board... all equally empty of inherent existence and all co-dependent for existence... endlessly, since beginningless time.


    It's easier to conceive of us as being objective expressions of this energy if we are looking at a working scientific model of phenomenon. If we where what was emanating this energy we would experience everything at once. Yet we are limited to our bodies for experience, therefore we are part of and Dependant of this energy for food, air, the light of the sun, other bodies ect, we are emanations of it.


    You certainly don't have to call it god which is why I emphasized it as 'god', it can be conceived as the supreme being, the universal consciousness, ect. Of course we are extensions of this principle, we are powered by it, modern physics is looking for it in verifiable data and it is considered the "god" particle. but yet we are speaking on a objective level here. For it is through objective measurements in which the scientific method gave rise to computers to allow material bodies to surmise about such instances of creation and thus measure the separation in 'oneness'.


    And in my original post I directly said we where the consciousness and matter that is the circuit board but yet we are powered by the source which gives light to the circuitry.


    To see it's weight, you have to experience it's weight directly, by seeing what it truly means, experientially, surpassing all the meditative, and contemplative experiences that once supported your belief in a single "god" as supreme entity and ruler of the cosmos.


    Certainly. All mystics have had experiences pointing out that at a subjective level we are connected and may connect back with the oneness that is god, nirvana, have it what you may. As in this case I am not arguing in a single material entity as god, I am arguing from a modern pantheistic view which purports everything is of the essence of god, or is within the body of god. Again, semantics play a big role in any philosophy, but I stress that whatever you call this this energy, it certainly has an intelligence far surpassing the limits of human contemplation.


    The Buddha wasn't an Atheist for no darn good reason... he was because he saw through all the experiences of all sentient beings, into dependent origination.


    Well, the Buddha was not an atheist since he founded his own religion, but I would like to open you to the view that he was not the only enlightened being to tread this planet. There where countless mystics who received such a light from the depths of their being and had abilities such that the Buddha had.




    Oh... it holds weight... it is all weight, empty of itself. :lol:


    Its emptiness is what makes it easily filled.



    You are free to believe in god... but it's a delusion that will keep you recycling yourself, over, and over, and over, and over..... from bliss realm to hell realm, to bliss realm, to hell realm...


    This is the kind of primitive belief that defines a religious faith.



    p.s. This truth may make your heart hurt for a while as it looses it crutch for support... like a bad break up, but possibly even worse. Then... you'll get it, and realize directly how liberating it is!!! Far more than any theism can do for you.


    Unfortunately you failed to define any truth, only easily debated Buddhist philosophy

  4. Came in a bit late and didn't read the whole thread but.. I don't see how the argument of Dependant origination has any weight against the argument for god. If reality is dependently originated it requires the independent agent to power it. In this case our world of matter and consciousness can be likened to a circuit board which is dependent on the constant energy powering it which comes from a divine source, or 'god'.

  5. Yea I practice them as well. I don't how they work in technical energetic terms but they certainly are better than hatha yoga poses. In fact I would like to learn more Tibetan yoga which I believe is still concealed to monks rather than adding the five rights to the end of my hatha yoga practice.


    Anyways I get a very calm and centered feeling after finishing the 21st spin..it does feel like it might work on the psychic bodies better than other forms of yoga.

  6. I just read that Shakyamuni died from eating poisoned mushrooms to the extent. Though other sources say he died of old age, I doubt that is the case. Also, why would he eat poisoned mushrooms intentionally, and why would someone feed him this if they did not intend to kill him? The sources that claim he died from poison make it seem like it was an accident but the facts don't add up. The question is then..was he potentially assassinated?

  7. I guess its just a personal thing. Because I subjectively never see myself getting past the threshold while living in society. I am already planning on taking many 6 month or maybe even year on end meditation retreats..just so I can actually get somewhere.


    Again it could be just something that effects me, but I feel like I am unable to "get it" in my current life situation.

  8. Very much agreed. You see your spirit world while I perceive a completely different way of life and illumination. For example..since you believe in hells they manifest in your subjective phase of consciousness regardless if they objectively exist. Or since you believe in reincarnation you re create it for yourself.


    Your eye witness is in fact your exploration into your own inner dream state. While you live off imagined past lives and necessary reincarnations..I live off of creating my own essence and realities as I move through change.


    Your eyes are much different than mine

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  9. So basically I have 3 options for my first Tai Chi instruction. I am not really that informed about the different styles and how to spot good teachers ect, but would like to start ASAP considering there are 3 schools in my area. I would just like the humble opinion of the bums so I can go ahead and lay down the cash down for a session.


    Michigan Tai Chi center


    This one is a Yang style traditional Tai Chi class and to me looks pretty solid.


    Wu style


    This is a Wu style, which even though I have read the difference between yang and wu I guess I really don't get it besides the style of the forms. This one also seems pretty solid to me.


    Peaceful dragon.


    This one does not specify a style, so I was a little skeptical but it is the cheapest one. Though to me it seems a little more like pop Tai Chi.

  10. Another thing...I have perceived a reptilian female entity(s)that looked inter dimensional many times on a few different entheogens. One of the times it (or they) carried with them profound fear and the thoughts of damnation and burning in hell...


    Also on my latest shamanic quest I perceived the reptilian inter dimensional looking female and it at first brought fear of hell..fire..ect..then slowly turned into a sexual feeling and mixed emotions before the perception went away. (it was green during the less lucid visions...then it was green and turned purple in my latest and most lucid vision)


    I have seen these female inter-dimensional looking reptilians on a few occasions on certain entheogens(psilocybin and salvia to be precise)..and was wondering what you taobums think..if I am actually for a limited duration in contact with an inter-dimensional being(s) ( I thought it was a demon the first few times I saw them or it). Because these thoughts keep coming up (you are going to hell..ect hell hell) and for a certain period of time I thought that these demons might be attacking me or be evil..


    Now I am a bit more well versed in snake symbology and think it might be my minds projection of kundalini shakti (if others have experience it also could actually be an inter-dimensional being I don't know) but I did not know that kundalini could actually be symbolized by visions of inter-dimensional looking female snake beings..if anyone has information or sources on predecessors who have had the same visions or just has a well educated opinion on this strange phenomena I would like input..

  11. Also I had a shamanic journey the other day..where a python and then female serpent beings where the common visions..(followed by other unexplainale shamanic stuff). Again this female serpent being keeps bringing up hell...does anyone know what this symbolizes or stands for or has encountered this?

  12. Dont focus on powers, when you raise the snake, shoot it very slowly through the third eye and the crown. then bring it back down and stand up, root your feet and shoot it through your fingers dont keep the chi in the higher chakras your only asking for trouble. If you wont be unnerved do it in the dark you will see light coming off your finger tips its such a great feeling this is what the masters are trying to show us. Not just being a sitting Budha and letting the crown shower and shower this can lead to problems. Always be grounded in your practice, never let others mess with your energy. Use your chi, kundi, what ever you want to call it the proper way and karma will reward you many times over. Cloudhand


    I did get some misty light pop out of my hand the other day while playing guitar. I also sometimes see flashes of light while trying savasana...

  13. Halucinogens will not activate it - What has happened is that you have lost controll.

    You are meeting what is called "The Guardian of the Gate" which is your fears, hopes and desires in a lucid dream like halucenogenic state of mind.


    Good luck as you have done this to yourself.

    The only way out of the trip is Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C in average doses. B Complex is the mind's vitamin. According to what you took - it may take some time to get it out of your system.


    If the situation gets too heavy the hippies used to titrate the halucinations with medical pot but that is very expensive and some places it is illegal without a Dr.'s prescription ...


    Sorry I have no clue what your talking about. Whether the hallucinogens did or not is irrelevant I guess...the real consideration is that my kundalini has been activated..its been well documented this energy takes the symbol of snake imagery in your third eye...


    I just discovered that my lack of feeling love has blocked it at my heart chakra...or w/e you want to call it and now I am starting to feel better because I am feeling this love..

  14. I just sort of had a 'kundalini break through' today. I realized that I was actually causing a blockage in my heart center area by making excuses not to feel deep love for the whole of existence. Weird because now I am starting to feel strong sensations of a sort of love that is beyond the personal self..

  15. Some thoughts:


    - Trunk


    Based on the suggestion I decided to start eating fish today and had some grilled salmon which does seem to help. I will also take a look at the self accupressure.


    Hi Eviander.


    You might find this website useful for tips on nutrition etc and also just from the sharing point of view, to recognise your own experiences...


    biology of kundalini



    good luck.


    Yea I have skimmed through that website before but I was not in the mood to read, I will have to take a closer look.



    Interesting. Have you had a spinal sweep yet?



    I suppose so maybe like a year ago? I do feel jolts of energy moving up but I am more or rather paralyzed to an extent..and bliss is not what I have been feeling.


    My recommendations VERY IMPORTANT

    1:Practice the inner smile AND the secret smile.

    2:Practice grounding visualizations

    3: make sure ANY and ALL meditation you do is done standing with eyes open,

    3:Eat meat and cut out junk food

    4: supplement with Minerals, Iodine, manganese, zinc, calcium magnesium ect

    4:walk barefoot when you can, take hot baths, drink water and exercise or practice martial arts or both

    5:Try acupressure and foam rolling

    6:try joint mobility and work on you posture


    I won't do only standing meditations but I will take standing meditations into consideration..(maybe post your technique). And the only form of meat I will eat is fish...which I did start today coming from a solely vegetarian diet.

  16. Have been having kundalini experiences for the past two years now and they have not been well to say the least. My third eye is starting to open and I am having semi-clear visions of snake entities, snake eyes, and sometimes a blue eye (I have brown eyes) that is in the center of my head. I also am developing clairvoyance outside of my inner eye.


    Anyways..I would like some people to share their kundalini experiences they have had and share some good ways to deal and develop the energy.

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  17. The question is are these reptillains a negative force?


    I have been having kundalini experiences which have been potrayed in my third eye imagery as reptillain figures, snake coils, and reptillian eyes.


    Besides we do have a reptillian brain...and the kundalini (or kan and li) is protrayed as a serpent energy. Also I read in buddhism that these reptillians (or nagas) are very spritual in nature, and actually helped the buddah when he was on the path to enlightenment.

  18. Dont know. The theory that the moon is not a crater from the earth is not his theory. Russian scientists have been speculating about that since the 1950's. What is his theory though is the whole control station projecting a false sense of self...


    I don't know what to make about that but maybe hes having kundalooni trip? He does seem to write some of the best information on the banking families that rule the world..but he makes alot of connections in old stale occult theories that are irrelavent to his cause.