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Posts posted by DalTheJigsaw123


    Likewise but practice Chi Kung will re-energize afterwards. BTW It even make one is more energetic and stronger than before.

    That is very interesting! Will start cultivating more. I have been running/yoga, but that is definitely not the same. Works different things.

  2. For $20 I grow $1000 worth of food!!


    I ate 5 organic tomatoes a day last summer -- $4 a pound for 2 large tomatoes!


    Yep.... I always exercise as my work -- that's why unemployment is so bad because all the machines have replaced human exercise.


    But this new soccer ball was invented that has a battery charger in the ball so when people play soccer they charge up the battery and then it powers a light. pretty sweet.


    Also a person can bike to run a t.v. - I know a guy who made this invention.


    Or bike to run laundry, etc.


    But anyway.... like the Old skool kungfu movies - the teacher tells the student -- go fish -- with your hands! The student does not even realize it is special training. haha. Then the teacher says - now tear the bark off those logs - with your hands! haha.


    Eagle claw training.


    The student just thinks he's providing food and firewood for the teacher. haha.




    Or the dude working making tofu - pushes the grinder by hand!!


    stuff like that.

    I wish i can grow my own food, I would have to buy property, which is like at least $400 or so a month. Those things you described is awesome! Yeah, machines definitely have replaced jobs. There have been so many articles/books written on this subject. It's only getting worse. You unemployed right now? What if you can give lessons in QiGong or something like that?

  3. yeah it's been proven that aerobic exercise activates the cannabinoids - the natural receptors that otherwise need to be activated by marijuana. haha.


    ummm also using a shovel is like using a kettle bell.....


    So I just transplant vegetables using a shovel - that way I am growing food to save money and I don't have any kettle balls.


    or whatever they're called. haha.


    Then in the winter I shovel snow. -- a lot -- like quarter mile road of snow.

    Interesting! Check out Onnit.com - They have good prices for Kettle Balls.

  4. yeah the original humans from 100,000 BCE would chase the prey - the males shoot the animals with a little poison arrow head and then the prey takes a day to die and so they have to run after the animal to exhaust it - so they run a marathon like that regularly. Amazing!! The Bushmen.

    Wow! I have to find a good Bushman documentary! That is amazing!

  5. that's awesome! I used to bike 10 miles a day but it's different muscles than running.


    umm.... yeah running high is the same as marijuana high. haha. Cannibinoids.


    oh yeah - I've never told this story - but I was in full lotus at the lake park where I grew up across the street.


    This dude was running around the lake over and over as long distance.


    I was transmitting energy and taking in energy and so I could just sit in full lotus as long as I wanted.


    The dude running by - he would do a three mile "lap" - and then shout out at me with a big smile - you're STILL IN FULL LOTUS? AMAZING! haha. I was pretty psyched to have this professional marathon running impressed by my full lotus. haha. He didn't know my third eye perineum secret.


    LoL! Nice! That's pretty amazing stuff, thanks for sharing. Yeah, running definitely gives me a high! It's a beautiful thing. I wish it lasted longer!!

  6. yeah I bet Joe Rogan can't get into full lotus. haha.


    Funny how the big mixed martial arts dudes are against traditional spiritual origins of non-western fighting....


    Jim Kelly pointed this out also!!




    I do spirulina when I get the chance. Magnesium is a photoreceptor to convert photons to electrons.


    ummm. Chlorophyll = magnesium. But there's also pigments in spirulina.... with more of this secret hydrogen power.


    LIke Melanin also does that - it's an electromagnetic sink.




    yeah full lotus you gotta be knee careful.


    Just tonight I thought - uh oh - and then my knee cracked and I could get back into full lotus. haha.

    Wow! I mean I still sit cross-legged, but I try to be more careful. Funny, as I'm trying to prepare for a half-marathon. I ran 6.6 miles 2 days ago.