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Posts posted by DalTheJigsaw123

  1. Haha SoundCloud! I was on there, a loooooooong time ago.


    I checked out your song. I thought it might go in a different direction until it'd finished loading up.


    My honest opinion, there were weak points if we want to take it as a serious piece of music, but as an outlet I thought it was pretty awesome. Some parts were really well written, and sometimes your flow would throw a little surprise in and make me grin. BTW did you wear a white top when you recorded this?

    Thanks a lot for the awesome feedback! This was a Freestyle, I recorded this on my iPhone and this is for therapeutic purposes. Did you have anything you can share with me? I have other song on YouTube - www.youtube.com/karmicdrifters - I'd love to hear your stuff sometime. Hope you're well. Thanks a lot for checking my stuff out. 

  2. Hey Leon - is there a specific reason for posting this in General Discussion? I'm going to move it, quite possiby to the "what are you listening to" thread, unless you can make a strong case for its being here, ok? Thx


    No, wasn't sure where to posted, so wherever you think it should go, I'm all for it! Thanks so much!:)

    • Like 1

  3. Namo Amitabha Buddha


    Hi Leon,there is artwork in this vid,there was an expectation of portraits or landscapes.

    The music was like a relapse,having abstained for many years,poetic and important,no longer for these ears.

    Must get back on the wagon.



    Humbly juls

    Interesting observation! Thanks a lot :)

  4. Gabriel Cousens, author of the Rainbow Diet and several books on diet and meditation, says the secret to the success of his meditation training for enlightenment was to avoid all sugar, even fruit.


    That's when he was at the ashram meditating all the time with Muktananda.


    For me - basically sugar creates free radicals in the body and the chi energy neutralizes the free radicals causing an internal tingling sensation. Sugar feeds anaerobic bacteria also - so then for me this leaches out of my skull as impurities.


    So lower the glycemic index of food you can add vinegar or sulfur foods like onion or garlic or salt.


    Salt though also shuts down the chi energy because salt spikes the stress sympathetic nervous system - overcharges the dopamine while the chi increases from potassium and positive ions. Salt has the chloride negative ion.


    So anyway this is a huge issue for me everyday since I work with fruit - another thing you can do is "burn" off the sugar - by benchpressing or some other type of intense activity - say horse stance with thighs horizontal for as long as possible.


    Or pull ups, etc.


    Sugar causes a spike in the stress cortisol hormone and so it causes inflammation.


    Another thing is to take cayenne which relaxes the nerves and increases parasympathetic activity.


    Or you can take terpenes that are antiseptic since again sugar increases the crap in the body - e. coli as anaerobic bacteria.


    Corn syrup is especially evil since it is an "unbound molecule" contrary to sugar being a bound molecule of glucose and fructose. So that's why the t.v. lies promote corn syrup as the same as sugar when in fact it's way worse than sugar - corn syrup is digested by the liver and turns straight into fat causing a spike in insulin and also obesity while sugar is digested in the small intestine after enzymes have to break it apart.


    So it depends on the fiber ratio for the sugar - like a banana is the same as a cookie while cherries or blueberries are pretty low glycemic level.


    Sugar also spikes the insulin levels and then this causes the "sugar blues" - a crash of lethargy which then forces the adrenals to get more sugar from your extremities - and this causes cold hands and cold feet. That's why corn syrup, worse than sugar, actually forces people to get feet amputated.


    Sugar is a gateway drug since your brain on sugar is the same as your brain on cocaine - and any other substance that spikes your dopamine levels.


    Green apples have lower sugar levels than red ones.


    That's about it. good luck with it.


    Thank you for that! My questions to you is, which diet, or what type of diet closely resembles yours?

  5. I wanted to add this: Puttin is quite off-putting! LMAO! I know he has done a lot in Russia in the sense of economy, but now he is becoming more and more of a dictator! This is his third term, if you will not include his friend being the president and him being the vice-president. The people, however, did vote for him, so what else can I say...But I will try to speak from the Ukrainian standpoint, in my next article.Thanks again!!