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Posts posted by 11:33

  1. Thats great! yes very dense book. protein power lifeplan can still offer some tidbits here and there which are good to know IMHO. But if you feel satisfied by GCBC then by all means follow your heart. :)


    Yeah,I'll probably read through it in a skimming fashion. But only after reading GCBC, which has a lot more hardcore info from what I can tell.

  2. Emotion is an effect, not a cause. I took a step back and watched my thoughts and emotions. After a while I began to realize how many of my negative emotions were caused by imperfect perceptions. Then I took a deeper look at those perceptions and once those were corrected, there was no need for those emotions any more. Now it is nearly impossible to anger or offend me because from where I'm standing, you just don't have that much power. :P



  3. Hmm. So you're saying if someone insults you (justified or not), you immediately blow up and get defensive?


    Why would you get angry just because some one insulted you?


    Hehehehe... I know I know... But, really these reactions are culturally learned reactions. You don't have to have them.

  4. Don't get them in the first place.


    Honestly, Shaolin Cosmos Qigong and Kung-fu make you feel so good that negative emotions don't occur nearly as much. Negative emotions come from tension; that tension blocks the flow of life force energy, and you feel crappy.


    Practice a high-quality art, and you won't have those emotions (nearly as much or nearly as intensely)

  5. I don't think there is a right and wrong etched in stone somewhere that is anything other than opinion.


    Now Effective, that's another matter. Plenty of things are more effective than others for what being/having/doing you prefer.

  6. My 2 cents:


    The Abraham-Hicks teachings teach that synchronicities exist because in fact your whole reality is created from your consciousness.


    In my days of really being into Abraham, I would have some f#$%ing crazy synchronicities happen. Ones that there was no way they were just mathematically explainable coincidences. Just no way.


    It all comes down to consciousness creating reality. The more excitement you hold toward a subject the more powerfully it reflects into your life.


    These effects are easily explained away as tricks of the mind, except when it happens so regularly, in response to your desires.

  7. :)

    Oh, he definitely has skills. I'm just not so sure he really needs them. LOL


    Seriously, the man lives in rural North Carolina. How many high-level martial arts masters (of the evil kind) is he going to have to fight to the death, on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. basis?


    It's just overkill. You don't need a Lamborghini to go get groceries at the local supermarket. A Ford Taurus (or even a bicycle, in good weather) will also do the job. But whatever. I just don't see the point in developing that high level of skill, if you will never encounter the kinds of people you would have to use it on. Besides which, I'm really good at talking my way out of dangerous situations. I am a charmer, so they tell me. LOL Why whip ass, when I can charm it? LOL


    In my system of chikung/kungfu, the 'powers' come along with the normal practice. So you may be improving your health and mental freshness, etc etc and one day you realize that if someone hits you with a baseball bat to the back you don't feel any pain. It just develops on its own. (not me, but some fellow students I know)

  8. Additionally: I'm not a Qi nay sayer! I practice two hours of Qigong daily, because I want to see if It produces any "real" effects beyond just sensations. Is that not scientific, while also devoted?


    If it doesn't do anything, why continue -- right? If those "powers" did nothing for your teacher, he never would use them or have learned them -- right?


    Learning on your own, don't expect any miracles. :)


    Personal training form a master can change your opinion very quickly.

  9. What do you think?


    I think humans are stupid. Isn't it well documented that fluoride causes problems for humans? And yet they started putting it in the water in Australia, when they have gotten along just fine without it for god knows how long...


    Here's some shocking news as well: peoples' teeth are still going to fall out. :lol: Crumby diet will do that :lol:

  10. thehatinthecat,


    Qi is energy, I can feel it. Just thought you could benefit from a personal testimonial. :)


    Also, qi can be transmitted out of the hands/fingers, how can it do that if it isn't energy? Talk to YaMu about it, he is a skilled qigong therapist.


    I have experienced tcm for many years. Acupuncture, Tuina, Qigong, herbs, etc. From my experience, yes, it works but a person's behavior also needs to change in order to have complete results.


    I'm talking about whole body and diet, life style changes.

    I agree with the diet part especially. You can't feed the body Triskets, canned baked beans, french fries and Twinkies every day and expect some needles to make you healthy. I'm very into nutrition actually.


    What are you trying to do? Tonify kidneys, reduce heat, dampness, etc. I have found that through diet (acid/alkaline) and qigong exercises (to remove bad qi, to build kidneys, to stimulate metabolism (stomach/spleen) is better than TCM in the long run. But, that person needs to adhere to these practices.

    I am not trying to do anything personally, only trying to learn if Chinese Medicine Doctor is a viable path for me.


    If a patient wants to get better the doctor needs to guide them in that direction. I have found this lacking in most TCM doctors.


    It seems Chinese feel they don't want to disrupt a patient's lifestyle.


    Just my (experienced) opinion.

    Yes, I don't feel good about not disrupting peoples' lives. I want to tell them to change their diet etc... However I see this as a potential reason not to get into the field. If people expect to not have to change their lifestyle I'd rather not even pursue the profession.


    Lots to think about...

