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Everything posted by 11:33

  1. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    My 2 cents: There is absolutely 100% definitely a magical force in the universe that tends to respond to your thoughts, visualisations and preferences. It is not something that can just be explained by the normal physics model of the universe. There's more going on than that.
  2. Teaching for free is not the mark of a great master. I don't really know much about Wang Li Ping, but I thought I should point out that teaching for free doesn't mean anything. And charging for lessons doesn't mean anything either. There is plenty of good teachings out there in the world totally free. So why do teachers need to teach free? They don't, because you have so much free teachings at your disposal via the web.
  3. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    It's not that you don't create with thought, but that you don't need to create with thought. We're already thinking, all the time. The cycle of rebirth is on autopilot. Once you can see that life IS responding to you personally (God knows every hair on your head...) then you can release. And you will need to release, in my opinion, because to become enlightened you will need to release even the concept of self. So I like the yin/yang concept being brought into this ... If you want to learn about the Law of Attraction read: Ask and It Is Given. It is much better than The Secret. I worn you, it is NOT Taoist, hehe. It's about as New Age as you can get, but there is valuable stuff in it. Just don't forget that you will have to let go of your self to understand true wisdom. Peace.
  4. I also know people who have experienced this stuff, who don't do qigong, but who specifically focused on feeling really good. I'd like to hear more about Listening. I think I probably get the gist of it, but still would love to hear about it. All the Best
  5. Hey Uncle, I have aquestion for you. How come sometimes the I-Ching seems to give me a long series of extremely accurate answers. But then it just starts seemingly giving me junk. It makes me not want to even mess around with it, because something that is right sometimes and totally wrong others is even worse than something that is always wrong (cus you would never use something that was always wrong!).
  6. Yeah, I am not trying to "prove" anything. My Jewish friend was diehard, he wore finny clothes and all that jazz.
  7. Is each moment new?

    You actually think you know what is true of everyone? Come on dude, I just told I don't get bored. If that is hard for you to fathom, well hey what can I do about that. I don't know how to help you not get bored. If I did I'd give you some suggestions, methods, techniques, etc... Maybe suggest you practice finding excitement in the smallest possible things. Practice over and over until you literally can't get bored because there is always some little thing that is exciting.
  8. Is each moment new?

    Maybe that's part of my equation? I almost never watch tv.
  9. Is each moment new?

    Boredom is just a bad mental habit. I for example, never get bored. Honestly. How can you get bored with such a wonderful world all around you filled with so much fascinating stuff, like dirt, bugs, clouds, cheese, feet, cats, etc?
  10. I feel ya, MPG. I mean, I always say you should appreciate where you're at, however, sometimes your discontent is good because it is leading you to something more appropriate for you. So who knows. But the world will always be filled with people who don't understand things. There will always be others living their funk ass lives totally different than you. I don't know that it is such a big deal karmically. If you weren't working there someone else CERTAINLY would. Most of the karma falls on the cigarette companies etc, for intentionally harming people. You're just living, the karma is probably nil. Just my 2 cents. Peace.
  11. Hey Michael, The part I bolded and italicized is what I most wanted to talk about, because whenever I hear someone mention a phenomenon that I have experienced that most people don't relate to I want to ask them some questions and share notes so to speak. I have experienced the above highlighted phenomenon hundreds of times. It is what I used to call the Joy-Flow. In that the more joyful I felt and the more flowing I felt then I would flow right into some of the most mind-boggling synchronicities imaginable. But very few people seem to even know this phenomenon exists. Is this something you have learned of on your own? Or is it related to something your Taoist teacher(s) have explained and taught to you? I have wanted to understand more about this phenomenon so I could best harness it. Man, because I've had some pretty darn wild things happen to me over the years. Also, how do you feel this phenomenon relates to the Tao? Is it something even related to Taoism per se? Is it related to this quote from the Tao Te Ching #50?: I believe part of the reason I experience this a lot is from my qigong training. When I feel joyful I feel an enhanced flow of energy through me, which must be affecting some magical-situation-producing cosmic power hehe... Your thoughts on this, or better yet your experiences with this?
  12. Hmmm... The most powerful qigong exercise I've ever experienced would have to be any of the exercises I've been taught as part of my Shaolin Cosmos Qigong training. A few of the experiences I've had while at courses with my teacher Sifu Wong Kiew Kit were so powerful, you don't have words for it. Lifting the Sky, Carrying the Moon, Merging with the Cosmos, Small Universe, Big Universe. Hmmm... Besides this, I've tried some other styles of qigong for curiosity's sake, of those I've thought Spring Forest Qigong was good, and also Cosmic Freedom Qigong. But I can't say whether those would have been as nice if not for my Shaolin cosmos Qigong, who's qi benefits carry over to if I try another system for fun...
  13. I guess appreciating your work is out of the question?
  14. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    New age stuff is like a giant heap of horse shit with gold nuggets in it. Sometimes you just wish you didn't have to dig in to find the nuggets, cus you might get poop on yourself in the process. It can be a very messy process. I took a shower, but I can't get the poop smell off ... On the other hand, maybe it's not just New Age stuff, but all of life: Mostly horse shit, a couple gold nuggets.
  15. So what's up with all of the age misrepresentation in these arts? (misrepresentation is a kind replacement word for lying)
  16. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    I suspected you were being a weirdo, Blasto
  17. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    I read the obvious places on the Schumann Resonance, which described what it is, but not what it is for. And the links others posted with audio files for download had dubious-sounding powers attributed to each audio file. I don't understand the connection between the frequency of the Earth and these different files.
  18. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    MorePieGuy, Far be it to actually discuss it. I guess I'll have a discussion with Google. Oh wait. Google can't talk. Or type. Or think. ... So can someone explain to me the value of Schumann Resonance, and if it is scientifically verifiable?
  19. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    So what is a Schumann Resonance? Has it been scientifically studied?
  20. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    I have no idea what that means.
  21. freesun, You aren't the human specie, you are just one person. To assume that every other person won't crave meat, or doesn't biologically need it, just because you don't is too much of a stretch. For thousands and thousands or years our species developed eating meat. Your body may not want meat, but many many many people have different feelings on this. Ahahahahha. We got sidetracked from "Do Taoists Really Have Extreme Longevity? Or is it exaggerated?"
  22. Anyone have a Schumann Resonance link?

    What do you do with these Schumann Resonances?
  23. Well, I would like to point out that there are things in animal products humans function best consuming. I personally was vegan and then vegetarian and it doesn't work for me. Through reading about traditional diets (Weston A Price / Sally Fallon) I've improved my health. So it isn't "just to satisfy your pallet"! That's the point. It is to live a healthy life like we're supposed to. Vegetarianism is not the majority diet because its not natural. People naturally crave animal products. Isn't that what wu wei is about, being natural? Would you feed your pet lizard wheat flakes? No, because while you may see it as the compassionate thing to do, you are actually harming your pet lizard. I had a Jewish friend years ago who told me that in traditional Jewish towns they picked the most compassionate person to be the butcher.
  24. Eat all the veggies you want, but eat your liver! I eat my liver so I can be gangsta like those rats. ... Hehehe... How long have you been vegan for? The body uses up its stored vitamins and minerals, so you don't notice any depletions until months or a couple years have gone by, once the stores run low.
  25. from http://www.westonaprice.org/foodfeatures/liver.html