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Everything posted by 11:33

  1. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    MorePieGuy, If you don't think MoPai neigong can blow a heart valve, you don't understand the power these arts can have. Mo Pai is specifically dangerous. If you for some reason know this stuff and want to do it on your own, I can't stop you, but I encourage you not to. All the Best, Alex
  2. SALT

    What I am coming to find out more and more is that ANYTHING that has been processed commercially whether it be salt, flour, cereal, etc becomes bad for you. The refining process for salt requires them to zap it with strange chemicals, bleach it, etc. No way! Traditional cultures used salt. Many would travel long distances to get salt for their foods. Look for unrefined salts. The more unrefined the better The Himalaya salt is supposed to be even better because it formed before the sea was polluted so the salt is pure.
  3. I didn't mean legit in any hard and fast way. Truth is outside of books, books just point the way. Sounds cliche, again, but that's because its true, hehe
  4. Gauging a local 'master' ?

    It is TOUGH. It's really hard to know. I personally would search around for others who know more about the subject, and see what they think of the possible masters visiting your town. Just the way I like to check reviews online before buying things Maybe go to where the Tantra people gather online and ask them about them.
  5. What exactly do you find bullshitish about it?
  6. I kinda think, "hey who cares? Why does it matter?" The Kybalion has a certain message. I guess it doesn't matter to me very much who may or may not have borrowed from it. It matters what is true.
  7. I just read it yesterday. I think it's legit. I liked it.
  8. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    Sounds good. I wasn't saying you would always get things and not appreciate them. I said "can", not "will". However, in the unfolding process that comes up while learning these things there are many little insights you gain. For example, you don't actually NEED any of the stuff to show up, since when you experience it in your being you are experiencing it, and so you already effectively have it. (Of course this is when it does show up, hehe) The point wasn't that desire is evil, or desire inevitably leads to unappreciation. The point is, to know why you want what you want, and stop wasting time with things you don't truly want. It teaches you to really know what is valuable to you.
  9. comparative anatomy of digestive tract

    I've heard some interesting facts about the popular 7th Day Adventist study off of WestonAPrice.org. About how the data was incorrectly analyzed (agenda of the studiers), and in fact the vegetarians were not healthier. Another important thing to understand when reading about health studies for different diets is that some diets may decrease the rate of a particular disease, say heart -disease, but then INCREASE the rate of all other diseases. So the real thing you need to look for are studies that analyze deaths from all causes. In the above example deaths from all causes might have gone up quite significantly, and you are thinking "oh great its good for my heart, I'm all for it!"
  10. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    Actually something I found really valuable is actually GETTING some of those surface desires. And then seeing how over time you stop appreciating them, and suddenly you're right back where you started: dissatisfied. Hehe. All things are empty But it really takes some life experience to realize that you can actually get lots of things you wanted, and not appreciate them. Most people have been thoroughly convinced that happiness lies somewhere near a pile of new clothes or new cars or new ANYTHING. It's cliche, but it's true. Get stuff you want, but understand where the real happiness comes from, I say.
  11. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    I agree with freeform too. I would just like to add that for me at least I've found that even focusing on the surface desires, when done with umpf helps in time to lead you deeper into understanding yourself. You never do GET those surface desires, but you learn why you didn't actually want them, and you learn a whole lot of other stuff about yourself and life/the world/the universe/the tao. You can only start in life from where you are at, and most people are firmly in a place where these surface desires are really important to them, and no amount of preaching from me or anyone will change that. Hehe... Though maybe you all are smarter than I was
  12. Are there any traditional Taoist techniques for finding a girlfriend? I'm curious to know! All the Best, 11:33
  13. You know what's fascinating? My girlfriend who I've been with for 2.5 years (the one I met after I wrote the long list of qualities I had reflected on and wanted that I put in my bureau under the socks)... Amazingly she and I are compatible in every form of astrology and numerology I've ever heard of: western astrology, chinese astrology (I only checked the years, not all the other parts), numerology both based on name and birth date, as well as Mayan astrology. The universe can really bring you some good stuff when you ask nicely and get the heck out of the way
  14. Hi, I'd like to discuss Taoist diets, and your thoughts or experiences with them. In my studies of Chinese Medicine I've learned a lot of fascinating stuff about how food is like medicine, each food affects specific organs in the body. So if you have particular imbalances, then particular foods will help harmonize them. I've also found it in the reverse: I will naturally prefer foods that balance the particular imbalances I might have. Fascinating. One good book about this stuff is: Healing With Whole Foods, but it is reallllly vegetarian oriented, and many Taoists wouldn't agree with that, but otherwise there is tons of good information, and you can just add meat to the mix if you want. Some books I've heard are good, but haven't gotten to read yet are the books by Daverick Leggett such as Recipes For Self-Healing What are your thoughts about traditional Taoist diets, and also Taoist food therapy (using particular foods to correct imbalances)? All the Best
  15. But they didn't have night clubs back then
  16. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    Kybalion Book For FREE
  17. It is a shame so many "wise people" don't know more about nutrition.
  18. In kung-fu internal strength IS a skill. It's semantics. Why the need to nitpick semantics?
  19. If you are a kung-fu master then you are stronger than the student. It shows you have skill.
  20. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    From the above link: The problem with this is that to a large degree he's wrong. There is a LOT of truth in The Secret. (There's many a flaw as well) Reality does tend to magically reflect our mind-states! I don't know HOW! Thats what makes life so crazy! And better yet, I would say I really am happy The Secret was so successful because it put a concept like th eLaw of Attraction into the public eye. Of course it will cause people problems, they won't get everything they want, they will get what they want and still be unhappy, their egos may grow out of hand until one day they explode etc... But... but this is improtant, it changes the way people see the world. Most people actually think there is no spirituality. Most people think that we're just physical beings with nothing else attached. In life, you'll never get anywhere if you don't think for yourself. And don't learn to see through the seemingly endless supply of people promoting things that aren't true. So sift through The Secret, sift through Abraham-Hicks, sift through Taoism And find the truth, the real truth that can't be shaken.
  21. Nice post Pietro. I think romantic love is a shoddy imitation of real love. I think you could mistake in your post that somehow there is something "wrong" with relationships or marriage. The mistake isn't in the marriage, if anywhere the mistake is in YOU (not you personally Pietro ) Or maybe you don't even believe love exists at all? I can't go down that road. To me love is a natural result of Oneness. The natural desire to see all beings truly happy and wise.
  22. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    GoldIsHeavy, That sounds about right.
  23. Can you refer me to some of these masters in particular, so I can learn from them?