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Everything posted by 11:33

  1. Introduction

    Hello, I've been enjoying reading discussions on your forum for quite some time. You come up pretty often in various Google searches I do. So I thought I would join some of the discussions. I am a student of many things. And have done a lot of my own personal experiential understanding. Too much to explain here. Way too much. So I'll save all that for some discussions. ~11:33~
  2. Magick! Is It Real?

  3. 1. Shaolin Cosmos Qigong and Kungfu 2. Whole Foods Diet 3. ? I'll fill this one in when I can think of something
  4. I've heard turmeric is a more potent anti-oxidant than vitamin E. I don't know how they quantify something like that though.
  5. When they say Russian scientists, why don't they give their names?
  6. Magick! Is It Real?

  7. Chi is the energy of life. Life is always directed lifeward. So yes, is the basic answer. However it depends on what practice you do. Certain practices encourage the qi to do different things.
  8. Yeah,I'll probably read through it in a skimming fashion. But only after reading GCBC, which has a lot more hardcore info from what I can tell.
  9. I've taken a brief look at Protein Power Life Plan... then moved on to Good Calories Bad Calories. I'm pretty sure I won't need to read Protein Power Life Plan after I"m through with it. Good Calories Bad Calories is an awesomely thorough book, which I am thoroughly enjoying.
  10. Hey so I thought since we have such a nice thread going about qigong and science it would be nice to start a similar thread about Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. See, I have wanted to possibly go to school to become a Chinese Doctor, but I'm not even sure it works! Do any of you have experience treating any diseases with Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture? And, more importantly, do any of you have information about research in the Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture field(s)?
  11. Thx, Scotty. I'll have to check those out.
  12. * BUMP * Anyone else have science info regarding acupuncture and Chinese Medicine on a whole? I am still trying to decide if there is enough merit in the system to consider investing in an education in it...
  13. How Do You Control Your Emotions?

  14. The purpose of Full Lotus?

    Hilarious. But oh so true.
  15. How Do You Control Your Emotions?

    Why would you get angry just because some one insulted you? Hehehehe... I know I know... But, really these reactions are culturally learned reactions. You don't have to have them.
  16. How Do You Control Your Emotions?

    Don't get them in the first place. Honestly, Shaolin Cosmos Qigong and Kung-fu make you feel so good that negative emotions don't occur nearly as much. Negative emotions come from tension; that tension blocks the flow of life force energy, and you feel crappy. Practice a high-quality art, and you won't have those emotions (nearly as much or nearly as intensely)
  17. Earth Expansion Theory

    You didn't know about those?
  18. Earth Expansion Theory

    For me this stuff is a great reminder that we don't know a lot of stuff. It's a reminder pointing back to the Great Mystery of life. There's always more to discover! Expanding Earth link http://www.expanding-earth.org/
  19. right or wrong!?

    I don't think there is a right and wrong etched in stone somewhere that is anything other than opinion. Now Effective, that's another matter. Plenty of things are more effective than others for what being/having/doing you prefer.
  20. ..........

    Damn! Good post Scotty.
  21. Reading this thread confused the shit out of me.
  22. Why is science having such a hard time finding chi? I mean, I can feel it! So why can't they find it? It's so weird to me. Anyone know?
  23. My 2 cents: The Abraham-Hicks teachings teach that synchronicities exist because in fact your whole reality is created from your consciousness. In my days of really being into Abraham, I would have some f#$%ing crazy synchronicities happen. Ones that there was no way they were just mathematically explainable coincidences. Just no way. It all comes down to consciousness creating reality. The more excitement you hold toward a subject the more powerfully it reflects into your life. These effects are easily explained away as tricks of the mind, except when it happens so regularly, in response to your desires.
  24. DaoChild, In my system of chikung/kungfu, the 'powers' come along with the normal practice. So you may be improving your health and mental freshness, etc etc and one day you realize that if someone hits you with a baseball bat to the back you don't feel any pain. It just develops on its own. (not me, but some fellow students I know)
  25. Learning on your own, don't expect any miracles. Personal training form a master can change your opinion very quickly.