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Everything posted by 11:33

  1. Thanks Lucky7Strikes, From what I understand from experience and theory both is that the ego is the swirling mass of structures/filters through which I experience reality, largely they are composed of thoughts. We begin to think this swirling mass of structures/filters IS us, and let it control the real us, which is delusion. In emptiness meditation we experience reality without these filters. It's cool, I have my own path, as do we each individually, so experiencing that path is unique. I like to ask questions to get more discussion going. All the Best
  2. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    I am sure everything will work out. All the Best
  3. Good stuff guys. Especially Epicurious, great suggestions, bro. All great stuff. I think I'm about to find out for myself
  4. Better yet. I'd like to thank everyone for putting some real nice posts about what energetic practices have to do with enlightenment. They really broadened my understanding of things.
  5. Video- What is this Sword Form?

    Lol. Nice video. Can't help you though...
  6. I don't know. I guess when you are beyond words, there is bound to be interesting ways of perceiving things that feel different, and are hard to put into words. I guess that's just the Way it works
  7. Water style boxing

    Actually I would say that some of the moves I see in that form constrict the flow of qi. Like that reallllly low false-leg stance she does near the beginning.
  8. It's not philosophical to me, its based on my experiences. If I drop the ego, the ego can't do the house cleaning, something else has to do it.
  9. Amusing Ourselves to Death

    Amazingly to my eyes it seems we have managed to achieve a bit of both, Aldus and Orwell all at once (though leaning more to the Huxley)
  10. Thank you Brother K, I wrote a nice response but it seems to have disappeared... I won't try to re-write it though. If I (the ego) isn't what is moving, then what is moving?
  11. You can get that book, "Tonic Herbs" used for very cheap on amazon, it is supposed to be a very good book, with herbal combinations and such.
  12. I don't believe that. Just based on personal experience. I can see how needing something to support your ego (such as God), is then a crutch... But it doesn't mean that there isn't something, case in point the enlightened people who walk the Earth, they don't lose their homes and not have food to eat and have life just stop still...
  13. That sucks. EDIT: Clearly SOMETHING has to support you. It says it clearly in the Tao Te Ching that he who gives up everything attains everything. That the Tao nourishes and supports all things. Is this not meant in any spiritual sense alla God?
  14. ...

  15. How exactly Does One FEEL Chi?

    Yeah probably I thought someone reading this might find it useful to know about. I didn't even know what the San Guan was at some point, so the more information the better for anyone reading.
  16. When in doubt you can look for the herbs in bulk and get better prices per lb probably. For easier to find herbs I really like: http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/ They don't have deer antler though which is supposed to be potent good stuff. On another note, I've heard that Teegarden's book "Tonic Herbs" is very good. I want to order it soon for my Chinese Medicine library. All the Best
  17. Taiji Sword and Qi Questions

    Hey Darin, Don't you just love the internet?
  18. How exactly Does One FEEL Chi?

    When I had the Three Gates opened along the Du meridian in my spine, I remember that I could immediately feel my chi flowing like little streams around my body much more than before (when I could barely feel it, even though I'd been practicing for a year). I think it is called the Three Gates or San Guan??? Usually the point at the mingmen, behind the heart and behind the head. Don't know all the technical acupoint names, though.
  19. Erdweir, It's all good. Sometimes in life, not everyone is what you think. To be clear I didn't mean that everyone's thoughts are useless. I meant everyone's opinions ABOUT ME are, unless they take the time to really understand where I'm coming from. That's all. Nothing more nothing less. In the future if I suspect someone is saying something to me that is based in not even knowing anything about me I will respond with this: <Fart Sound> Simple as that.
  20. What some of you may be missing is that there is no traditional Master-Student relationship being played out here on TaoBums. If, for example, I was Confucious' disciple, the entire situation would be different. For one Confucious would know me personally. He'd know my past. He'd know what I don't know, what I know, and where I am in the middle Confucious, being a master teacher, I would give my utmost attention to. If any of you are Taoist/Buddhist/other masters, please make it known, and I will take your opinion (About me) with more care. Otherwise, your opinion (about me) is an opinion. Floating out in cyber space, that opinion about me really only has two ways of being of value to me: is it from a person who knows me, knows where I am coming from? Or is it from a master, who not even knowing me has so much insight that I will consider carefully what is said. Without either of those things then it's just two students AT BEST, two talking heads AT WORST. It's not personal. But being around cyberspace long enough there are opinions everywhere. If I didn't have filters in place, that would be a mess.
  21. Master Kwan Sai-Hung

    Yes, I understand... I am a little disappointed. I thought I might be able to find him in Massachusetts, but now I know he's a fraud... C'est la vie!
  22. Master Kwan Sai-Hung

    I assume outright lying is not a trait of a Taoist disciple? I looked at his old site and that kind of outright lying makes my stomach churn.
  23. Master Kwan Sai-Hung

    That video was impressive. I guess imitation is one of the many ways of the Tao. Tht bird could impersonate cameras, and chainsaws, amazing!