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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Haiku Chain

    Magician at large Each moment an eternity Full of miracles
  2. Kamusta!

  3. Haiku Chain

    not yet, but will... orbiting the sun eye of beholder catches prism's projection patch well done
  4. Haiku Chain

    not teacup in wind the tempest within subsides sake cup half-full too slow, me, must patch or scratch...
  5. Thoughts on Fire Vol.2 By Leon Basin (Download it for free!)

    Just picked up on Visions, Connections, sure got to like that and plenty others as well...
  6. Haiku Chain

    "Undertakers' Strike" Ptolemy, Pythagoras Think straight, be here now...
  7. Greetings to everybody

    Yes Estonia is in a beautiful part of the world...Baltic...welcome
  8. Sprouts...

    Excellent food - lentils are tasty...
  9. Haiku Chain

    the walker is walked hearing night sounds, moon silent, changing; stars in place
  10. F*cking Lost

    Right - when overwhelmed, maybe do nothing and wait...for the inner smile; it always comes around.
  11. Wholeness - One for all and all for One... Great thread, lots of good thought.
  12. Haiku Chain

    deja vu again do absolutely nothing, get wet in the rain
  13. I can't NOT think about Tao!

    Takes time to feel comfortable with it - more and more one's responses become a way of life when you go with the Tao, not so? Welcome, sounds like you've got a handle on it...
  14. Beginning I Ching

    Am most accustomed to the Richard Wilhelm translation...
  15. Haiku Chain

    I breathe moonlight fragrant desert air at night tumbleweeds roll by...
  16. random chance

    Many threads can distill out of that essay...
  17. Haiku Chain

    starts work too early! once started looking ahead brewing up...tea break!
  18. Haiku Chain

    luminous at night stream of consciousness flowing awake and aware
  19. Haiku Chain

    healing decades' wrongs maybe less than half that time returning to Way
  20. New Arrival

    He's just right sound. suggested governor-general of canada?
  21. Haiku Chain

    holding up the world the sky above, mud below, a moment's blossoms
  22. Haiku Chain

    that's my face that is. is that me in reflection? face says no, it's you
  23. Haiku Chain

    bright magnetic fields attract, repel, all at once capturing my gaze
  24. New Arrival

    Hello Lenny - welcome - any interest in haikus?
  25. Haiku Chain

    or just use a torch inner city fantasies and cave-art alive...