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Posts posted by Maatsuah0

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have decided to put my journal on Facebook and keep it more private. I will come here when I want general information on the Tao and good conversation.


    I respect the fact that it is an oral Tradition. I strongly believe that not eveything of this nature should be written down. This protects a lot of people. This society wants everything to be written and does not always respect many of the customs of ancestors. However, many ancestors had solid reasons for doing things in an oral tradition. I know that writing things down is helpful most of the time but there are times when it, in my opinion, shouldn't be done. I don't believe the things done in KAP are meant for everybody who might happen to wander onto a particular site and develope an idle curiosity about what is happening there. The students on KAP make a conscious decision and commitment to study with someone and do not just cruise through a lot of superfluous info on kundalini by themselves.


    I went to a lecture many years ago and listened to a Shaman named Malidoma Soma. He was initiated by his tribesmen in Barkino Faso. He said that there are some subtle concepts which simply become perverted or lose their efficacy if they are written down. This was a new idea to me at the time but I believe more and more in this idea as I practice.


    I am just glad to have the best of both worlds by doing my journal on Facebook and coming here at other times thanks to Mal.


    By the way, I love reading the posts in which Santiago debates about kundalini. He is one of the few Teachers that I know of that speak of femanine energy and its importance to the extent that he does. Most of the other Kundalini methods that I've tried seemed to be biased toward the patriarchal side of the Kundalini Tradition.

  2. to Post or not post: )


    Maatsuah0 the important thing is to stay in contact with your teacher. In this case that is Tao.


    That is what matters most since 1) He has gone through Kundalini 2) He is fully capable of guiding you 3) he is transmitting to you energy that will help you go farther for yourself so there is already a "link".


    If you post here I can help you But I am not your "personal" teacher. & Tao will express KAP his way as he should see fitting. I do head the KAP program and transmit energy to all KAP members but Tao is your guide so Its important you stay connected in contact with him. + you have a great benefit Tao can articulate things very well for people and can really help you on your way he is very intuitive. The face book groups do get a bit "lonely" but there is info there that is NOT meant for the general public. My students post their experiences that is ok but as you will notice they never give out the methodology.


    Now there is a unspoken RULE in kap and that is to be aligned with GIRI. If you have someone in your heart that has helped you in the past & you truly love that person and want to see them get better you are free to share with them what you know it must be done in private & they must respect your wishes to keep things from surfacing " Videos, Audios' Methodolgy" etc. Experiences are ok to write about as are concepts. Glenn asked us to keep it an Oral tradition. So I am doing his wish. That is My giri to Glenn.


    So I see no problem posting here or on FB. Key is here you will have the KapBumbs & Bumbs + me on FB you will have your teacher Tao : )


    So peace and enjoy your course!


    Best wishes



  3. :

    It might also take a few days :) Sean gets quite a few PM's and has mentioned the 'bums is getting a bit too big for him to keep his finger on the pulse.

    :blink: Thanks for the suggestion Hawk Over Water. I really don't know what is best as keeping a journal on the internet is all new to me. It does make sense to let Tao see what is happening with our practice. I will keep both of these suggestions in mind.

  4. :)

    THe course outlines for each "level" are given at the course.


    Are you in my class or Tao's?


    As Mal said he and I are in the same class and I'm very happy with such quick results. I was practicing with AYP and doing well when one day after experiencing the breathless state I started seeing loads of blue lights but I also felt dizzy. I actally felt as though I had something stuck in my chest. My heart started irrigular palpitations and I began to have problems digesting food. Even going to the doctor did not show anything. This was no surprise to me because I suspected that I had too much energy stuck in my chest.


    When I started KAP Tao gave us some simply things to do to alleviate tension and help distribute energy throughout the body. This seemed to help me a lot more than I thought it would. I noticed that I already have more energy than I did just a week ago. I would say that I'm off to a good start. I also agree with Mal about the secret smile. It does seem to help already.



    Thanks Mal. I would like to start a journal here. What should I do? Tao suggested that we keep a journal of our meditation practice and I felt to lazy to start one at first but I know the importance of keeping track of your progress. Since I come on this board anyway I would probably do a good job in keeping entries. I was going to Facebook to keep up with things but the discussion boards are a little to quiet for me over there.



    Peace and parties


  5. :D

    Is this description accurate? Is this all the 1st level or the entire teaching?




    :D This thread has all the relevant info I need. I started level 1 in January simply because I wanted safe Kundalini arousal. I was unaware of this specific a breakdown. I would be very interested in looking at the practice journals if they give even more information.


    I don't know if all the level 1 KAPers area aware of this syllabus.

  6. The vast majority of people "interested" in Taoism are idiots, insane, or insane idiots . . .


    My god.


    If it weren't such bad form to post private emails . . .


    I'm so glad I'm not 15 years younger so I don't have to track people down and beat them on youtube . . .



    Hi Mal


    I started taking the same class you're in with Tao in January. I just joined this site to open up my appreciation for Taoism.


    I love your post cause I can always use a good laugh. I'm what you might call funtionally insane. I keep my game face on at work and uptight social functions, but I'm pretty much out of my gourd at other times so maybe I'm on the right site.


    By the way, I think the class is great. I'm learning a lot in the few weeks that I started.


    Peace and parties for all.



  7. When I was younger I listened to a lot more blues and main stream music. Nowadays I listen to more jazz.


    Believe it or not, John Coltrane can take you to some interesting levels, especially with his later free form jazz but most people have to cultivate a taste for that kind of music.


    I listen to a lot of Sun Ra. He is a genius. I kid you not. When I listen to Heliocentric Worlds at night and close my eyes, I feel as though my body disappears and I see a whole galexy around me. But I must warn you that you definately have to develope a taste for his music. Many of his recordings include primal drumming. I would characterize a lot the his later music as free form and cacophonous.


    On the back of many of his album covers he writes about the spiritual effects that will take place with many of his listeners. When I first read the back of his covers I remember thinking that I did'nt believe him. I was just curious about his music. After listening to many of his albums. I started experiencing all sorts of odd phenomenon.


    On my daily train commute to work I would close my eyes and listen to his music. After many months, I started to see a red dot in the center of my forehead. Over the weeks, this red dot turned into a sun on a shoreline with an adumbrated skyline behind it. After a longer amount of time, I would see the sun followed by a series of pictures of jazz musicians. I told my sister about this and she said that Sun Ra was probably leaving a calling card with me.


    I have listened to a copious amount of albums that promised to induce altered states of conciousness in the listener, but most of them did'nt do anything for me. I didn't start listening to Sun Ra to have these experiences, so when they started happening it took me by surprise.


    My favorite group of singers is Take 6. When I go hear them in person, they sound as crisp and tight as they do on their albums. They can sound like horns, base, drums, all with their voices. They don't ever need any music to accompany them despite the fact that some of them can play instruments. Some of them are also skillful music arrangers so that even when they sing a song that you've heard before, they put their own signature sound on it.



  8. When I was younger I listened to a lot more blues and main stream music. Nowadays I listen to more jazz.


    Believe it or not, John Coltrane can take you to some interesting levels, especially with his later free form jazz but most people have to cultivate a taste for that kind of music.


    I listen to a lot of Sun Ra. He is a genius. I kid you not. When I listen to Heliocentric Worlds at night and close my eyes, I feel as though my body disappears and I see a whole galexy around me. But I must warn you that you definately have to develope a taste for his music. Many of his recordings include primal drumming. I would characterize a lot the his later music as free form and cacophonous.


    On the back of many of his album covers he writes about the spiritual effects that will take place with many of his listeners. When I first read the back of his covers I remember thinking that I did'nt believe him. I was just curious about his music. After listening to many of his albums. I started experiencing all sorts of odd phenomenon.


    On my daily train commute to work I would close my eyes and listen to his music. After many months, I started to see a red dot in the center of my forehead. Over the weeks, this red dot turned into a sun on a shoreline with an adumbrated skyline behind it. After a longer amount of time, I would see the sun followed by a series of pictures of jazz musicians. I told my sister about this and she said that Sun Ra was probably leaving a calling card with me.


    I have listened to a copious amount of albums that promised to induce altered states of conciousness in the listener, but most of them did'nt do anything for me. I didn't start listening to Sun Ra to have these experiences, so when they started happening it took me by surprise.


    My favorite group of singers is Take 6. When I go hear them in person, they sound as crisp and tight as they do on their albums. They can sound like horns, base, drums, all with their voices. They don't ever need any music to accompany them despite the fact that some of them can play instruments. Some of them are also skillful music arrangers so that even when they sing a song that you've heard before, they put their own signature sound on it.

  9. Hi Taocultivator


    I just joined myself today. I'm sure we are both in the right place to gain as much knowledge about Taoism as we can handle.




    Enjoy the site.

  10. Hi Everyone


    My name is Pat Lodge and I just joined The Tao Bums. I have started studying kundalini with Tao Semko at KAP and would like to increase my knowledge of Taoism.


    I have studied and read many books on Kundalini, however it has been from the Hindu Tradition. I am also interested in Egypt, great movies, reading, art, life, you name it. I am especially fond of reading the posts on this Site. They are stimulating on several levels.


    I will finish my intro right now so that I can read.


    Have a good day.