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Posts posted by fuego

  1. Ah! But there are those here who thrive on "my school is better than yours" uneupmanship.


    One man's trash is another man's treasure. :D


    Indeed - each has their own path, and each of us has different things that makes us truly happy.


    I feel that the very fact that many of us here choose different schools of thought or feeling is a wonderful thing - how boring it would be if we all followed the same drum! ;)

  2. Everyone is perfect eh? Sure judging people can be bad but what about, I dunno, caring? I think it's okay to judge others if you care about them and you do it gently and appropriately. It seems to me like being detached from everything is just as bad as being attached to everything, calling everyone perfect is just as bad as saying no one is perfect. Gotta keep things in balance, that's what I think.


    Ah, perhaps I did not elaborate fully. I shall do so now.


    To be able to have compassion and understanding for yourself is the foundation upon which one's compassion and understanding for others is founded. Once I accepted myself for who and what I am in this moment, for all my flaws and imperfections, I began to truly have compassion and understanding for myself, and then began to accept others for who they are in this moment, without judgement. This is what I mean when I say "everyone is perfect in their imperfection," because though we might reach and strive for what makes us happy, the very choice to do so is a beautiful one.


    I hope that this makes more sense - if not, I'll try to elaborate more.

  3. I can attest to similar changes in my own life, since I began the path walking through myself a bit more than a year ago, now. As I said in another thread, I think that everyone is perfect in their flaws and imperfections. In learning to accept myself for who and where I am right now, I found it much easier to do so with others.

  4. To be honest, I didn't like this set when I first read and watched it.


    However, after further looking, and further listening, I began to like both he, and his approach. He does cover the bases very well, even if I personally am biased toward a few exercises or thoughts that he didn't show. His approach is unassuming, quietly grounded, and actually rather comforting. I would recommend it to someone who wishes to get into the basics of their practice, and can't find a good teacher.

  5. In reading this thread, I've seen a few things that disturb me somewhat. For instance, sweeping generalizations about whether or not entire groups of people are more "spiritually fit" than others. To classify an entire group of people in this regard merely attempts to fence those people into neat and tidy little boxes for classification. The problem with this approach is that to get those people to fit into those little boxes, one must ignore or trim off those people's other qualities.


    When one really distills things down, what truly matters is the quality of self one brings to one's practice. No more, and no less. We each are here to grow, be hurt, have joy; to truly have the experience of living. With that in mind, I cannot see how anyone is less capable of "enlightenment " (which, personally, I think is an utterly nebulous and subjective term) than anyone else.


    True, the things one does may harm another, or even yourself, but those actions are brought about by the quality of mind one brings to one's life anyway.


    I'm still relatively new along my own path of awakening, enlightenment, or whatever you wish to call it. I'll say that upfront, and I'll eagerly admit that I've much more to learn, and much further to go. However, I don't think that whether or not one has red hair, whether one was born in the african bush, whether one is homosexual, whether one likes anal sex, or whether one was once another gender has really anything whatsoever to do with the quality of mind and being one brings to one's daily life.


    If one does not have compassion, empathy, or understanding for themselves, they're not going to have it for anyone else, and that is what I do think is important.


    EDIT: Er, "mind," not "mine."

  6. SFJane, your post touched me, and I felt I had to reply.


    Most of my life, I had grown comfortable hating myself, always looking into something outside myself; not even for happiness, but for something to continue moving.


    This changed a little over a year ago, when my journey through myself truly began, thanks to my close friend and teacher. I grew as a person - I grew the courage to face all the parts of myself I was dodging or hiding from. I learned to eventually accept who I am right now, with no reservations. I learned to take joy in walking outside, looking up into the night sky, and staring at the stars in wonder.


    Quite honestly, I don't know what "enlightenment" means. I do know that I've learned to become happy with the journey I walk each day, in each moment, for I am right now. I've learned that I am perfect in my imperfections and flaws. I've learned that nobody gets out of life without scars, and that's a beautiful thing.


    I've much further to walk, but I've learned to appreciate each step with acceptance, wonder, and even glee. Even stopping to breathe is still movement, and even moving slowly through some practices I love brings me stillness.


    I don't care about becoming "enlightened," I don't care about being able to break bricks in half without touching them, and I don't care about learning powerful ancient forms, though they can be fun to move through.


    I do care that I can help others if they ask, as helping others heal themselves also helps to heal myself. I do care about feeling that I am much larger than my body would suggest, that matter only matters to matter. I've thrown away my depression that has been my constant companion for most of my life, and I've gained myself. I'm deeply enjoying each step, and each moment of my journey now, and I find that's what is most important. The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination.

  7. hello fuego

    welcome to this great forum .


    Thank you! I look forward to reading much here.


    I just signed in this spring, and I have learned a lot already from asking questions, reading earlier posts, trying out links.


    Same here - half the fun is learning the right questions to ask, though.


    Staying in the "now" is no small task if you ask me. I am full of admiration.


    It's not easy - I've slipped a number of times. However, it is worth striding for; the change in one's point of view alone is worth it.


    I just got the wonderful advice to practice "beginners mind". Funny how personal history repeats itself, and is full of remembering and forgetting. <_<:)


    Indeed - once you're thinking and being from the right place, the little training wheels you used to get there aren't as important - unless you slip, and have to work your way back to that state. ;)

  8. Hello, everyone, and may this message find you well.


    After my good friend and teacher told me about this place, I decided to join, particularly after reading some of the topics and posts. I admit to being intrigued.


    When I first began my practices nearly a year ago, I wanted to "awaken." Since then, my goals have shifted a few times. I grant they may change again. Currently, I'm realizing the full value and wonder to be found in "now."


    I have learned that it's not important to define things into neat little boxes - learning to not overanalyze and just be is my greatest accomplishment with internal arts so far. I grant that this will change too.


    I look forward to talking with all of you.


    (EDIT: Somehow, I managed to miss the final "o" in "Hello.")