Machin Shin

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Everything posted by Machin Shin

  1. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    Yeah I remember when Max told me about Ultraviolet 3. I thought that he was being esoteric and talking about a movie that had not been made yet. For months I would walk around UVA...UVB...UV3??? Just stit and forget.
  2. Spiral Galaxy

    I dig that bass rhythym. It's what happens when a supermassive blackhole takes you out for dinner/dancing and romancing! I don't have a clue about breakfast.... Why I remember back in my youth when I worked in Aspen at the Aspen Institute. The physicists were having their annual winter lectures and Lisa Randall was there. There was some flirting going on but it was mostly juvenile pranks involving snowballs. I believe that Lisa is an accomplished yogini, but I could be wishing on a string! Some Phd.s need some serious lessons on love and spiritual maturity. Pioneer in blackhole physics Check out the web lectures!
  3. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    Repetitive? yes! But just in case you want some serious scientific progress here is a NASA webpage on twin satellites that view the sun from both sides.
  4. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    The creation of higher energy in the upper atmosphere is fascinating. As we learn more about the weather phenomena on different planets the similarities of the dynamics of energy creation become clearer. In this NASA webpage the creation of antimatter and matter was observed by an orbiting satellite. This pair production is a phenomena that is predicted to exist around blackholes, and to find it happening on this planet as a result of simple thunderstorms is astounding. So on all of the spheres in this solar system there is a process of energy creation and release. This video shows another plasma filament being released into our local neighbor hood. i am a small being
  5. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    What?!? Do two PHd's and several years of hard work in the Ivy get your goat? Neeeei!!! Or is it time to admit professional defeat like I have and enjoy the results of their effort. I'll have to read their BIO's a little more so I'm not working from my dark ignorance. Just to stay on topic Saturns plasma field
  6. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    So I can quit wizarding and understand the facts with out the superstition. Real climate I'm still a small being. And you?
  7. Jingui Golden Shield QiGong

    100 days... I did two years. Hwasang Mahayana how are the days in heaven? Have you donned the inner armor of a monastic lifestyle? Hwasang Mahayana The excellent robes of ordination await you and, once you have donned the inner armor how well can you guard the senses? Currently in Shamabala Boulder Colorado talking about Nam Cho and flying craft from a different world.
  8. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    The "dragon storm" on Saturn appears to be the same behavior as sun spots there just isn't any fusion happening to give the coronal mass ejections. The atmosphere of Jupiter, Saturn, and this star are a fluid that behaves according to dynamic laws. The only difference is that the star is under pressure and is a plasma. I theorize that the metallic hydrogen core of gas giants produce similar magnetic phenomena as stars. It's just a matter of scale and proto stars produce the same behavior as stars. I hope my friend gets his render farm up and running this year so I can model giant gas spheres....yup late nights programming code just to think with funny smelling gas!
  9. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    Solar weather I wonder about those that have learned magnetic palm techniques. Here is a very large and complex magnetic phenomenon. Or what about burning palm?
  10. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    The result of the hard work of the plasma dragon is in. Cosmic Smile
  11. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    World Trade Federation(WTF) wholly owned by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) approves! The slider is touchy on that page, and while the content is educational the real pictures of objects would give it better content. Yeah I like that page overall and will recommend it. ?
  12. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    The sphere is the Cosmic Background Radiation. The structure in the middle is the universe that this race has been able to see using various instruments. The sphere is 12~15 billion light years, or the estimated age of the universe. Which ever is more accurate. Yes all those little things are galaxies full of stars and life. The average galaxies is 100,000 light years wide. A photon uses 1 second to travel from the surface of Moon to the surface of Earth. Light that leaves from the surface of the sun reaches this planet in approximately 8 minutes and 30 seconds. I am a small being. <---WTF
  13. Plasma Dragon Consumes all of the Problems!

    yep more smallness of the self the really big picture It is a quicktime movie and takes a little time to download, and is worth the wait.
  14. Eye witness accounts of the spirit world

    I had an interesting though about a large body coalescing around an even larger body. As the moment spins and heats up it collapses. The spinning allows for order to exist and as the moment collapses it becomes stronger, yet the existing moment of the larger body prevents the smaller moment from being the primary moment in the frame. The two bodies disrupt the harmony of the moment, then the work is shared between the two bodies. After awhile harmony is restored.
  15. Eye witness accounts of the spirit world

    The suchness of bliss The emptiness of truth
  16. Will history regard us as creators or destroyers?

    Feel! Don't think! Ancient Chinese curse/blessing May you live in interesting times!
  17. Sea Launch or a submarine. I don't know for sure since I didn't give the orders to fire.
  18. Te

    Why can a duck sit next to a turtle but a man can not? If the turtle told the duck a joke would it Quack up?
  19. Te

  20. Te

    The Te contained in this teaching was quite impressive. I can recommend sitting at a duck pond to listen to turtles telling ducks jokes as a healthy path to success!!!
  21. Shambala buddhism in Rusia

    No good guru Last year Trinlay Thaye Dorje did a small trip through Russia to tie up the white tara cycles. I see this article as a result of those teachings.
  22. Shambala buddhism in Rusia

  23. Shambala buddhism in Rusia

    The connection would be the practice of Kalachakra, which is whence Shambala is created and was created by Buddha Shakyamuni. Since time is in all things the connection is valid. The Trungpa Tulkus have been helping the Karmapa for a couple centuries now, and with Mipham Rinpoche as a throne holder or Sakyong it would be time for the Karmapa's to do their work in the America's. As is stated in the king of concentration sutra. I imagine that it will be the 18th Karmapa that is to do this.
  24. Shambala buddhism in Rusia

    As one of the Karmapa's He has some serious work to do. At the beginning of last century the High Lama's saw the Romanov Family as an Emanation of White Tara and sent several lama's to Russia to teach Shambala Buddhism. This was from 1890's~1930's. Things have ended and new things have started.
  25. The Light on Vedanta

    Adhichitta higher mind Adhi=higher Kara=??? could you break apart the two syllables? Ka means etc etc ra means etc. etc. so Kara is such and such If I could find the library in the city of Brahma that contains a palace and the sun and moons travel the firmaments in their ways and the wind blows the banners of victory I would do the translation myself. At take this translation to the precious general and precious minister of the Victorious King of this city of Brahman. And outside of the court of the victorious king there are mighty chariots of the air and mighty elephants of work. On the day that this translation would be spoken to the Victorious King many beings of this Brahman realm would gather and hear the proclamation of the Dharma that was well spoken. There would be Maharajas, Kimnaras, Asuras and Devas. The Garudas would fill the air as well as dragons of all colors from the various clans of Qi mastery. And such is the Peace of the Dharma that is well spoken by a Victorious King of Brahma that even the Nagakings of the water realms would attend the assembly and not attack their natural enemies the Garuda. If only some one could translate these words....