Machin Shin

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Everything posted by Machin Shin

  1. Tibetan Herbs

    Umm your mildly drunk. Yes Kombucha is a fermeted drink. One fungus among us must unite us! Drink the largest mushroom on the planet.
  2. How Many Brass and Woodwind musicians are in here?

    This makes me wonder about a friend of mine...Last time I got to visit him was in San Fransisco in 2006 and he was practicing shakuhachi. He had a version of the heart sutra that was shakuhachi music. It was really nice to go to sleep listening to his early skill with the shakuhachi. I wonder if he still plays....
  3. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    Does anybody have a story about lions? I'm trying to make some sense out of an old Indian mathematician and his personal goddess Namagiri. Namagiri was the consort of Narasimha a lion headed diety with four arms that is popular in Southern India. As for the Imagery of Narasimha one arm holds a chakra in the mudra of warning one arm holds a conch shell symbolic of the winds in the sun and moon channel merging into union in the center channel, and the other two arms hold a corpse. The bliss would arise from the activity of helping others to overcome their terrors. Math that is terrifying? teeth chattering body shaking eyes bulging in terror.... sine=opposite/hypotenuse cosine=adjacent/hypotenuse oh man here it comes Tangent=opposite/adjacent Roar a lion appears What about hyperbolic functions......oh no don't go into that forest there might be lions!
  4. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    Your right Rain I'm probably showboating....or am I. But the whirlwind palm is a part of the Mao Shan tradition of Great Purity and I haven't figured out the true meaning of it. Emptiness can perceive the cut. Use your mainframe to understand the core of a Lion. Perceptions used by the mind cut at attachments. Holds on the body are perceived as attachments. Harmony teaches to see the holds as they happen and move with them to a peaceful solution. The last couple of forms that Max was teaching in Santa Fe are elemental. In the sequence of moves there was a turn that is much like the Irimi tenkan (spinning entering) practice in aikido. The Bagua that I started was blended into aikido with the help of the last series of elemental forms that were taught in Santa Fe. Hmm... Sensei Dunn always tells us to move from the core...and on this day Sensei Dunn used mainframe instead of core. So afterward my mind jumps to this word of the largest supercomputers is in Los Alamos. I wonder what sort of project I would want to run on it?
  5. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    I just had a visit by the aboriginal dream walker from U lo roo. The convicts that were forced to inhabit ausralia call it ayers rock. Mao shan practice....Thunder magics from Max Christensen. We practiced whirl wind palm and taught about twenty Teenagers from the highschool Bagua. Sasha even put on a show at the local theatre, four dances did twenty three palm changes... Very mesmerizing those hips moving in circles for hours..... Reminds me of the time I got a body blessing from Kali. Whrilwind bagua I still think about that day the we got ahold of the wind in the class. A few summers later I ran into a dust devil and ran with it. I covered three miles in about two minutes. But the whirl wind techniques I have written down in a book of vows. Max doesn't care anymore...not since they built my monastery I pretty much do what I want. Yeah I have my own monastery
  6. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    Chogori is a climbing route on K2 That was amazing to see. But it makes me wonder about the future of lions and other wild animals. Basically I'm trying to tame the spicy life at the ashram and the practice of Narasimha and namagiri arrived as a result of recent yoga. Narasimha is a lion headed wisdom deity and Namagiri is his consort. Namagiri is an aspect of Laksmhi. Nama is name and Giri is hills. The Yoga Temple of Narasimha is reputed to remove mental disorders. I can tell you that for the past week the yoga that has lead to this wisdom diety has been fierce. The diety gets ahold of you and plays with you just like in the vid...
  7. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    Nothing....But I did stop global warming and help to remove subtle ignorance today. Oh yeah I had a couple of cups of chai from the local ashram. Dur ??? Khrod anger or wrath Cho dhamra Gori ???
  8. Green tea vs Black tea

    Duh No I mean it like some serious Duh on that place right now. They have some of the rarest teas that are prefectly alchemical. I had the best vision while there of entering a three story tower and meeting others that could float at will through the structure. That was the only way to get to the higher levels was by floating up to them. Even now the experience ...returns? For a couple of years I would do a pagoda meditation from visiting the seven teacups. Strong alchemy...
  9. Kun lun and Flowers

    Well it's a funny property of luckycharms that they actually float when a fresh box is opened. Quoted from the director of The Astronaut Farmer when asked by three little girls about floating lucky charms
  10. Lots of Phoenixes

    Eva Wong Teaches a form of Red Pheonix and is a teacher in Colorado at Shambala. They advertise it as a high level practice. Any way whats the worst that could happen you spontaneously burst into flame and arise out of the ashes? 888 is a number of Chaos. It is one of Rage, War and Martial Prowess. But the center of it? Is probably hollow like much does bamboo cost today? Probably less than a Hamburger! In some parts of the world Bamboo is a weed that is cut down and thrown away while in more cultured areas Bamboo is used as a construction material or for delight. I guess that Bamboo is useful because it grows straight and true and has a hollow core. Yes a hollow core which is very desirable because it is empty. And in the Game of Go a good way of making territory is by using Bamboo shoots. You also get to play with dragons and Bamboo is a really good way of stopping dragons. Overall and in conclusion bamboo is green strong and grows back once it gets harvested. Why did I do that? Right becasue of Chaos.....
  11. Anyone ever heard of vajra boxing?

    It is breaking vinaya. Once you have taken refuge in the buddha to actively teach warriors is against vinaya. It's a minor offence and not one of the four transgressions that causes immediate explusion from the sangha If the Practioners are monks then they would be held accountable by their superiors and forced to do purifications. This is only valid if the person in the video is a fully ordained monk and does not have the permission of his superior to publicly perform.
  12. The exploits of the pharmaceutical corporations

    Ken Shamrock's place in california? Have you seen Bob Cook recently?
  13. Avatar (the movie)

    When I left the theater I had the thought. We watched but did we See? The message of not destroying our environment was very loud. Loud because that's what the moral of the movie is and loud because they had the speakers turned up. A couple of weeks ago I had an interesting night when a shaman from australia came dreamwalking through my mantra practice. He was all in black and had white dots and lines painted on him to go walking among the stars. The protection from those symbol looked much like the bioluminescent spots of the Na'vi. I'd been wondering about that experince then I saw the now I know. For the past two years I've been part of a business that will be part of the spaceport industry in Southern New Mexico. The primary goal of this company is to improve the quality of life here on this world so we can make it to the moon by producing the right technologies for power collection and distribution. Energy technology and effecient system design that is harmonious with this environment and will provide an environment on the moon. So to see this movie and be connected to an aboriginal shaman is very empowering. We watched but did we See?
  14. Progress with Mantra

    An informal writeup Playing around with the spirit last night I was mixing two chord singing and dijeridoo breath techniques. Circular breathing without the instrament In through the nose and out through the mouth while maintaining a stead stream of sound. Circular breathing is a musicians technique for woodwind and brass instruments but carries over into the use of dijeridoos. I was seated in a lotus asana got the breath going by humming Uluru(oo loo roo). the lower humm was in the throat the better the sounds became. After awhile I was mixing uluru with rulu rulu....rulu rulu is a mantric seed from bardo thosdrol. Next I started to visualize Uluru and shamans from the outback doing their dance around the fires. Most of the shamans I saw last night were in black with white dots and stripes. I don't know from what tribe or what ritual they were doing. Things got pretty good started to hear bull roarers and a couple other dijeridoos.. might have heard a frisky dingo in the background as well telling a wallaby up from down. Stayed seated for about an hour and went to bed with the music still going. Had a most vivid dream here in Taos. Very vivid colors early dawn into the morning. The moon is full and in a cluster with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury.
  15. Watermelon prank!

    This ain't no trip to the south pole to find the broken weather station. Naw man it's the real deal! I recently received a watermelon for payment! Umm I should put some stuff about Egypt in here...but first I gotta find a gateway to kunlun. That's right find a gateway to Kunlun to fix a broken weather station at the south pole. Perfect sense if you were there on that windy day! Ya ya! No it's ya ya ya! Ya ya!
  16. SRS Simple Random Sample A drawn sample of people from the populace. These people are then given a questionnaire by a statistics student so the student can complete a stats class.
  17. I think that the LHC would get much better results if it was built at an L point. Wikipedia has a page for L points Lagrangian Points
  18. Lama Dorje Number Two

    Celestial Masters recieve esoteric teachings. Planetary Lords record those teachings and transmit them to whomever. It's time to reread Candide! Get your hands off of those women! Filthy monkey!
  19. This planet orbits around the sun. This planet spins while orbiting the sun. The LHC is not in the same position in the winter as it is in the summer of any given year. I think that the particle misses the target since it isn't aimed. (movement through time and space Kashmir by Led Zeppelin) Celestial Masters write esoteric teachings Planetary Lords record those teachings and transmit them to whomever they feel like.
  20. Kunlun Book

    How about the Kunlun "Yaya's"? Does anybody know what I'm talking about? You probably had to be there to understand the Yeah Yeah! My most powerful kunlun teaching is Yeah Yeah! See what I mean Yeah Yeah Would You quit Yeah Yeah Arrgh I get Yeah Yeah
  21. "The Art of War"

    My knowledge of war comes through study of martial arts and the game of Go(weiqi). Currently I practice aikido with Sensei Craig Dunn who runs a dojo started by Sensei Steven Segal and I know some kung fu from Sifu Bob Cook. Sifu Cook's son, Bob Cook Jr. trains UFC fighters. For example Bob jr. trained BJ Penn back in 2002 and a little bit earlier fought against Tito Ortez in the mid 90's. I don't fight, but train frequently for the cardio conditioning and currently am studying and finding old sword techniques at Sensei Dunn's dojo. The change in servicability of battleground technology is important to know about. I understand that the infintry men are better able to perform in the field and have less to worry about if the equipment is "bullet proof". The M-16A rifle during vietnam was a constant source of problems for the platoons on the move through the jungle terrain versus the AK-47 which I'm lead to believe is less sensitive to weather conditions. Durability of design with redundant robust systems are important concepts of modern engineers. I wish that there is a way of designing systems without the impetus of war. With the advent of modern communications equipment the U.S. armed forces can create a battleground very rapidly. By surveying the movements of suspected terrorists with modern surveillance equipment the force commader can deploy troops. Thus controlling the ability of engagement. The ability to control when and where the battleground forms is mastery of war. This sword of knowledge must be why foriegn nations such as N. Korea are striving for space based capabilities. I wonder how good my golf can get?
  22. "The Art of War"

    Marblehead Would explain some of the radio technology that you were working on? Radio communications were the only means of communicating over distances during the vietnam and korean war. Desert storm would be the onset of satellite communications and observations for the U.S.A. Superior technology and holding the high ground...Sir Charles (a knighted friend of mine) told me once that there are 27 hubble type telescopes in orbit and 26 of them point down. Hmm some of these movies that I have recently watched are making sense. So much pain in these words.
  23. "The Art of War"

    City of gold is a local gambling casino that is between the where I currently live and where ralis lives. The connection is that Los Alamos National Labs designs explosives and has had advanced designs stolen by chinese agents. We should get to the chapter on the use of spies Chapter 3, Article 2: Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. The use of nuclear weapons are used in two primary ways; 1. above ground detonation 2. ground level detonation The effects of these two types of explosions on the populace are equally demoralizing, with the ground level explosion causing the most trauma to the nation that might be the target of an nuclear attack. Anybody care to evaluate Iran or N. Korea? One important piece of chemistry to understand is the half life of tritium (H20^3+) Tritium is used in certain nations to enhance the characteristics of nuclear warheads. The half life of tritium is 12.3 years. Making warheads that were produced decades ago less effective. Fortunately due to the efforts of the U.N. and others the weapons producing facilities of the superpowers have been regulated and decommissioned. So ninpo me this ninjitsu me that what do you know about the terrorists activities in the world? Useful ninjas are full of secrets right? Like vital strikes coming from an unexpected angle
  24. The stele from Xing fu temple talks about a mysterious craft that comes down and takes away a strong female practioner(maybe an archetype of the mother of the west?). The stele is in a collection of Bada Shanren a calligraphy artist from the ming dynasty. Bada was a decendant of Ming Royalty and a became a monk to survive the political upheaval. Wonder if he reincarnated?
  25. ommm

    It's about time. Well where have you been? I've been waiting for about four years for you to get here. Any zombie's along the way?