Machin Shin

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Everything posted by Machin Shin

  1. Vampires

    From the Sutra of golden light chapter 2 When all leechs Grow white teeth, Sharp and big, then there will be a relic I read this stanza to have an effect on those beings who consider themselves to be vampires. It is a statement found in sutra about the conditions for relics to appear. This relic will have the ability to control the god realm of the vampires. Gods of the vampires...time to study those six realms! You know in the mundane world that these beings are just humans who live a dark lifestyle and have been marketed to. They go to work during the day and have a tiny little apartment that is full of decor and trappings of a dark nature. Furthermore most of them have a mother and a father that they speak with in their times of need.
  2. I think that in this precious age the Panchen lama has gained control of the Mongolian people. The Guru did not forsee the rise of His spiritual siblings in that time. Where is the Menmo Monastery? I recall that it has been abandoned...
  3. Kum Nye

    Chapter 1 The Camel Filling the sun and moon channels. As well as blessing those on a caravan it helps Mongolian shamans to keep the good times going. The Conch The center channel, this is correlated directly to kalachakra teachings on stillness. The Flame The inner heat that arises during yogic practice. This asana is most likely in the padmasana branch. The Turtle This asana connects to the practice of elemental divination that uses the tortoise shell. The Plough Some Heruka in the nyingma thangka's are depicted with the plough as an implement. The asana is simple enough.
  4. Kum Nye

    In the beginning it is stated that this sadhana is the art of Union of Sun and Moon as presented by Vairocana. AS such it would fall into the category of Hatha yoga that introduces the idea of the masters vows. The vows of using vajra and bell are the primary focus of the buddha family of Vairocana and are the masters ows. As for the asana that are presented in the this sadhana... they give the artist something to work with. Yantra is the practice of drawing sacred images. These images directly relate to the asana and through these postures the artist is able to express divine joy. Study the meanings of the asana to find further knowledge. The conch shell is the center channel. What is a camel doing with a turtle? Where is it possible to see those two animals together? Perhaps along the silk road?
  5. Kum Nye

    Yanta is the practice of proportions and drawing sacred images. Tat tvam asi Kum nye seems to have been explained above. Why I say that Kum nye is related to flying is due to a visit to the Nyingma center in Berkeley. While on pilgrimage to Odiyan I stopped in to get some directions and attended a single class. The devotee that was teaching was giving out flying postures. I found them to be very similar on that day to the nei-gung that Max had created while teaching the Kun lun lightning forms. Which I haven't played with much since I no longer meditate in the pyramid. The postures were similar on that day but the yoga in the link above is something else. Which shows that Heaven is something that will adapt to the quest that the pilgrim is on. The difference is due to mastery of Intent. So does Intent reside in the heart or the mind? Tatvam and That...anybody remember? Sarva Deva Tatvam! All Gods are That! Dhruve tat shunyata! Examine that emptiness! Nama in Omaha Is he blind currently?
  6. Kum Nye

    I've thought learning it to get to odiyan and was exposed to it in Berkeley. I understand Kum Nye is about flying.
  7. Mantras for Vajra Guru

    O.K. It's really a mantis shrimp. Catch and release before it pisses on you. But did you know that it can see circular polarized light and has the most advanced eye sight on the planet? So it really is a ROCK LOBSTA!!
  8. Mantras for Vajra Guru

    These little creatures live in the oceans. Which is a real fine way to go. What was that? It was a Rock Lobsta!!!
  9. Mantras for Vajra Guru

    Subtle is the truth the you desire. Did you know that Achilles refused to fight during the Trojan war?
  10. Matter descends; consciousness rises

    Bara bar! Nice conversation today? The word Barbaric comes from Siamese. It is derived from bara bar which was a greeting that they used when the old chinese explorers found Siam. Bara bar! Here come the mainlanders!
  11. Visible magnetic fields

    I agree. It was a production put together by students at berkeley about what working in the lab is like. I liked the green ever expanding field sequence! It shows how an organized field generating structure displaces random magnetic phenomena.
  12. Visible magnetic fields

    Pay the electric bill of UC Berkeley? I'm sure that they'd love the private donation! I'll pray at Director Blum for your enlightenment. Mars has a very sparse magnetic field that does not cover the entire planet. The strongest region of the magnetic field is located in the southern hemisphere at 180 degrees right ascension and approximately 45 degrees south declination. Any manned missions to Mars would land in this area to receive some benefit from the magnetic field. The Electris region of Mars is named because of the magnetic field that has been observed with orbital instrumentation.
  13. Hubble Telescope Photos

    I suspect that this is a galaxy that has been torn apart by a collision. There are two cores with the debris strung out between them. Or it's a small galactic cluster that orbits a larger galaxy. The first picture is Zeus pointing the way! Watch out Max! Zeus found some new lightnings to hurl!!!
  14. Reptilians?!

    Soy est muy grande. Dobra do nupee umbaw wa du poolyee yama Nal Hutta, donde tu viyas para su dyst? Pateesa U wamma wonka su dyst er pawa? Wa droida bunno bunna droida. I had to use some Huttese because freewill is chaos Pateesa.
  15. Reptilians?!

  16. Through-the-day Practices

    Ode to the Mongolian Shaman O great shaman the dharma is vast where do I start? O great shaman the deamons of my bad habits keep interrupting me how do I make them stop? O great shaman the horns of a camel are neither dull nor sharp! When will you ride on one? O great shaman the more drunk you are the better the fall? If you ever see a drunken mongolian shaman on a camel with horns tell him not to worry, because you'll pay for his ride to the moon. Is the mongolian shaman drunk? I know that it's debatable! I would ask Max if I could...
  17. Tai chi has many aspects to it. The practice of Tai chi can be used to understand conflict in your world and will show you how to utilize those karma's that arise out of conflict. Look deeper and see if you can find a path of no conflict.
  18. I, Mudd

  19. Alchemy Verified: Piezoelectric ultrasound hydrogen fuel

    If I may chip in a suggestion from my time with a meditation pyramid....The "Iron Water" and the use of sonofusion seems to be something that the powers that be favour as a valid technology. (It's a pity that we can't use subscripts on this board) Fe(NO3)3 Ferric Nitrate FeCl Ferrous Chloride The use of chloride(Cl) is vital in oxidizers, which are half of solid rocket fuel. The chloride(Cl) reacts with the water vapor in the atmosphere and as it burns creates a large amount of gas that pushes the vehicle through the atmosphere. In stellar nuclear reactions (fusion reactions inside a star) a star starts to die when it uses iron(Fe) as the source of fuel for fusion. The process becomes endothermic(absorbs heat) and the star starts the process for a supernovae. I admit that I don't understand sonofusion too much. I've only spent a week reading through a patented device that used cavitation of distilled deionized water(H2O) to produce helium(He) gas in a controlled environment. If there is helium(He) that is detected as the device runs that is proof of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions(LENR) or cold fusion. There's a different level of energy technology that we are barely aware of. Can you imagine fusion power started by solar many acres of panels would you need to power a sonofusion reactor? Or Hectars if you use metric....
  20. Kun lun and Flowers

    From my trip to china to find Kun Lun one of the most powerful experiences was a dream of 2 large green women. There were two of them walking through a country. They were taller than me and were wearing the wings of enlightenment. As to why there were two of them I can't say, but the karma that they gave has been meaningful and manifests in a most joyous playful way. There might be a song that they sing about the sorrows and triumphs of the people of China. After all kunlun is a city in china...if you have the eyes to see it and a heart to feel it. So this song that these women sing might sound like A LA LALA a LA LA. Or maybe might start with SA.
  21. Kun lun and Flowers

    Spring in Taos has started. Yesterday was the first rainstorm that turned into a thunderstorm then onto snow. The plant that started the bloom was angels trumpet, related to belladonna but grows on a shrub instead of a vine. It had two layers of petals inner and outer.
  22. Kun lun and Flowers

    I have read in the lotus sutra that certain flowers can only bloom when there is a buddha present. I'll let the mystery translate the inner meaning of buddha.... When I was living in a pureland named the Greater World I was visited by Great Royalty, and prior to their arrival the garden bloomed. The blooming of those plants was an auspicious occurrence that heralded the arrival of Great Royalty and two world heroes. It was one of the few times that the plants bloomed in that blackwater garden.
  23. Kun lun and Flowers

    Tea cup mudra We did start to talk about that... There was imperial tea/court tea mudra esoteric tea mudra How to suggest that the student arrives a little early or the student enter in through the back of the house. At times it is a sign language. The tea language was something that I put several years of study into and travelled around to find the right teapot and correct flavours of tea to appreciate. Simply put the time spent with an accomplished Taoshih drinking tea is how you learn the skill of Fu shen. With the city Taoists it takes some time developing trust with a partner to fully understand mudra and Fu Shen, or you can go monastic and just drink and talk with interesting visitors over a warm pot of tea. As for the green women they came to mind when I saw Cat talking about them. I'm hoping that they are new protector spirits that other people have seen.
  24. Kun lun and Flowers

    Spiritual guides that have helped to provide insight about enlightened activities associated with taoism and it's influence on western culture. Sometimes acrobats here in Taos have emanated the wisdom of these spirits. my reply for the music something rare from the 90's
  25. Kun lun and Flowers

    Flowers can grow from the vines but as for a flower appearing because of harmony...not likely. I guess that liu he ba fa can be used as a source of water. Where there is water there are banks(theres a subtle pun here). And if the water flows from a high pure mountain spring then it's sure to be very cold and turbulent. So there's water to help the vines grow and harmony to watch the flowers with, but I've never seen a flower appear from Kun Lun just caught a glimpse once of some towers in the distance. I should use those fourteen routes to get to Kun Lun from Shambala. Shambala buddhism has a deep connection to the Panchen Lama. Currenlty this connection comes form the tantric class Bok Jinpa, which is a meditation class based off of teachings from monastic Tibet. The Lama teaching it has found a obstacle in her path and I'm out here doing some work on it. Namely the fact that the Panchen lama is now chinese and probably won't help Dalai lama anymore. There is a prayer for the Panchen lama's rebirth in the future as an adviser to a Kalki king some 300 years from now. It arose from the 3rd Panchen lama's work in the 1700's and has used in Russia during the early 1900's. O! Holy Lama this practice of opening the heart does require joyous effort! O! Holy Lama the path of emptiness that is taught can show many wonders? O! Holy Lama how quickly innocence becomes judgement! O! Holy Lama is it authentic? A little something to work with. Visualizing the Varja spining in the heart center. Visualizing a storm spiraling from the Vajra. During the thunder storm breath as follows The breath is deep like bellows being worked by a master craftsman 12 breaths with 12 mudra (learned with permission of the Holy Lama) as the fire arises in the mind that pacifies visualize a Thunder being centered in the storm. The meditation should last for as long as a storm lasts. purfication mantra for the practioner(Om Vajra Kilikilaya sarva bing nam hung)(hum if you are female) long life mantra for the opponent (Om amitayus amitayus maha Jnana Svaha) In the root practice Lama Ngakpa Dorje starts off with a Tibetan Deity(VajraKilikilaya) then switches it to Lei Kung (Taoist Thunder god) statue. Lei Kung in particular punishes evil at heaven's request. Two comments In Starwars there is a practice called Soresu (the way of the mynock) The philosophy of Soresu was described as "being within the eye of the storm". It uses very little of the swordsman intent and uses the opponents lethal intent as the source of energy for the battle. Mynocks drain electricity from the power systems of star ships(strictly speaking from the perspective of starwars cannon) to nourish their cravings for sustenance. The practice of blending intent between two different heavens is indeed a practice that can involve swords. Here I refer to the root practice from a vajrayana monastery that was carried into a taoist monastery. Now to bring it into western consciousness requires the finesse of a skilled swordsman. Not some stand alone intent of a wannabe in the middle of a park. sheesh look at that dork doing nothing with a sword! From the Guyasamaja Tantra Verses of Invocation summon the presence of a Heruka to protect the practitioner from opponents of the lama. Personal commentary For several years this storm calling practice has arisen in the form of aikido sword practice. Dedication of raw virtue May my intent be purified! May my ancestors be at peace! May all sentient beings benefit!