Machin Shin

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Everything posted by Machin Shin

  1. Knights Templar prophecy 900 years old...

    Prophecy is very difficult to translate. For example each chinese character has several meanings. Take Ma for example: horse, mother, question particle. Tibetan prophecy is a little clearer for some since it has it's roots in Sanskrit. But that's nyingmapa territory and not very friendly. Catholic prophecy involving conquest involves the Holy Grail. The Cardinals probably have a different set of images that they use.
  2. Would you write a little about yourself? Thank you for the post on flowers.

  3. How do you say?

    How do you say Blackhole? How do you say Event Horizon? How do you ask a celestial master these questions without being a planetary lord?
  4. How do you say?

  5. How do you say?

    What are the characters in pinyin for black hole or event horizon?
  6. Hello from North Georgia

    ELE!!!! That's it!!!! If I only....mumble mumble where's my telescope........
  7. Well I've got powers and they give me contacts in the business world. Really the whole spy thing is a really big joke before "they" get here. Did you know that the former Holy Roman Emperor was doing business in California near the Governor that will be back? It's an Austrian thing if you know what I mean...
  8. Stumbled into a bit a of Kung fu/taoism esoterica. The UK named it's early nuclear warhead designs Green Grass and Green Bamboo. There is a green bamboo meditation in Taoism that I use. Pretty simple one just meditate on Bamboo and how fast it grows, the core being hollow allows one to be flexible. The founder of Chow lee fut is the Green Grass monk.
  9. New Immortal

    Does anybody know who the Immortal of Machines is? Or what about the Immortal of vehicles? I believe that they don't forget yet... These immortals have got to be so young that they still live in cities.
  10. In this life I've had this fascination for working on the dark side. Recently I've realized that its the dark side of the moon that I want to work on. The work that I'd like to do is mining 3He for fusion. The dark side isn't really that dark for two whole weeks it's in the light, we just can't see because of it being a sphere. If you really want a teaching about failures and conquest try asking these two questions: Who's the Panchen Lama? Which one is the Karmapa? There are two people currently for each of these positions. A lot of Vajrayana is tied up in these two questions and we are swimming in deceptive realizations of highest reality. As for Daoists and the gossip of villagers...It doesn't bother me much. That's why there's tea ceremony!
  11. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    I am not an electrical engineer. I wonder about the uses of radio frequency and electromagnetism. The field size of a levitated magnet is proportional to the amplitude of the charge that is induced in the levitated magnetic core. Field size equals the wave amplitude of the effective electrical charge. The density of the EM field is proportional to the frequency of the charge that is induced in the magnetic core. Back to HAARP: I've heard it said that this planet has a radio frequency. This makes sense once the workings of the innercore are understood to generate a large magnetic field. The mass of the innercore is the moment that the EM field is anchored to. How much does the planet weigh? The mass of this planet equals the amount of energy(E) that needs to be worked against. If there is an image to see with your minds eye its the similarities of a magnetic core of a planet and a levitated magnetic core.
  12. Oh crap I'm in the basement! Did you know that this is the same real estate company manager that the FBI is persecuting as a russian spy?
  13. Free Will

    Prasangha! This is it! No! This isn't it? No! Since this is and isn't it you must explain! No! You understand that it is! No! Okay explain! No!
  14. Hello from North Georgia

    You should read through the HAARP vs. Flying craft from another world system post. The first post is mine and has links in it to a report page for those of us that have witnessed flying craft from a different world system.
  15. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    You're welcome. Strike out on the journey, resistance creates the direction. The journey is into harmony. Redirect the resistance into emptiness The foundation of the path of aiki.
  16. Unique Sources of Water : Taobums Invitational

    Distilled deionized water that had been run through a fuel cell to produce electricity. It was very...mechanical, but felt cool on my hands and tasted like clean water.
  17. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    1138 1139 What do these numbers represent? If you wanted to launch an experiment into the sun it would need to be launched at Jupiter. Caught by the gravity well of of Jupiter then the experiment would be able to fall into the sun. Any other orbits have enough Kinetic Energy that they tend to be stable. Find the Greek characters that are used in orbital mechanics and this will start to make more sense. Pi sigma gamma delta rho nu etc. delta nu tau, but tau rho rho up the delta. The HAARP I said I'll have to sit down and do some calculations. Mathematical calculations do tame the mind. Here's the warm up! Thermal control of the radio emitters is very important. As the transmission of power occurs the equipment heats up. As the equipment gets hotter during transmission it becomes less efficient, and due to this loss of efficiency the cost of operating it goes up. As the cost of operating the equipment goes up several things occur. Management reacts, assets get spent and the price of the stock shares lower. Did you ever hear of the story about the radar operator from England during WWII that would sit in front of the array to get warm? The atmosphere is comprised of many gases in a homogeneous mixture. Nitrogen (N2), Oxygen(O2), Argon (Ar), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) being the most abundant. What is it that is causing the glow? Well that's the question of the month...Is it coming from excited gas molecules? Perhaps it's water vapor being turned into a plasma. Plasma is a gas that is hotter than 6000 degrees kelvin. Anybody remember Lord Kelvin? The blue light occurs when an element is ionized and escapes the reaction site. The atoms of the element are excited and the outer electrons are stripped away. The atom of the element has a lot of energy imparted to it by the radio source. Since the atom is in an excited state it will glow and try to acquire electrons to fill its valence shells from the surrounding less excited gas. The radio wave is the carrier wave of the transmitted energy and the ionized atoms will be visible along it's path. From here it becomes a matter of style. Keep the energy lower to avoid ionization or crank it up to get the job done quickly.
  18. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    You should report it to the local newspaper or T.V. station, the nearest airforce base, and Hundreds of people might have seen it but not many will report the event to the institutions that give shape to our society. Did you have thoughts of kindness and curiosity, or anger and aversion after the event?
  19. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    This facility to cope with radiation...well let me share an experience from the Ashram. It was after a trip to the Spaceport. The trip was "to" the Spaceport because the Spaceport has not been completed yet. On the trip I spoke with a Knight about radioisotope thermalelectric generators. Radioisotope thermalelectric generators are what deep space probes and the future probe missions that land on the moon use as a power source. Radioisotope thermalelectric generators are publicly understood as nuclear batteries. The probes that land on the moon will use radioisotope thermalelectric generators to generate electricity. The probes need the use of RTG's because of the cold that is experienced while the surface of the moon is turned away from the sun. The probe experiences extreme cold due to the length of time that is spent in the dark. This time is proportional to the rotational time of the moon and affected by the distance from the pole. When I returned from the Spaceport I had dinner at the local Ashram. In the dinner beets were served. A couple of days after eating beets the body passes excess nutrients from the beets. For some reason when I was passing the excess nutrients from the beets I had a though about radioisotope thermal generators and passing blood from radiation poisoning. Divine intervention? In a private conversation with David Sereda it was stated that the propulsion used by the flying craft has the ability to divert the visible spectrum around the hull of the flying craft. NASA has footage from the shuttle that shows this phenomena. The footage might be on youtube, or on the Discovery channel program that David Sereda is on. The program aired in 2007.
  20. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    What's the angle? I'm a buddhist walking/driving in a land full of believers of Christ. Working with Angels is the best way that I know for conveying this message to awakened beings. Then there's my practice of Zhi Tro or the mandala of wrathful and peaceful deities, and it's use of certain bodhisattvas. Zhi Tro teaches how groups of compassionate beings pacify ignorance. So feel free to laugh. Do you see the duality between Bodhisattvas and Angels? The emotional shock of seeing two craft release a small group of craft that are able to bend a little upsetting and truly fascinating. The next day I went to the monastery to receive some wisdom from the mind of the Buddha. I experienced the process of creating the craft without too much detail. The basic logic of mining the materials, refining, and construction. Three groups of beings making a living on a different world system. Then the process of receiving permission to travel to this world. I had thoughts of epic adventuring and contemplated about the results that these being experience from these ventures. Basically I'm curious about the social impact that they receive from watching this world system level of population and technological achievements. I used an Orrery to get a picture of the planets position on that night and have a recent issue of National Geographic that shows the location of exo-planets. The Kepler Space Telescope is the instrument that this world system has for finding exo-planets. I look to MIT and the levitated dipole experiment for an understanding of how electric flight might function.
  21. HAARP versus Flying craft from other world systems

    The planet is full of minerals that are Beta emitters. Recall that there are three types of particles that are carriers of radiation Alpha Beta and Gamma. It is highly refined elements from the Actinoid series that most people are afraid of. Angels are the only beings that are immortal. Each one carries a Syllable or a single Word of God. It is many Angels working together that is the Will, and each religion has it's teachings for becoming a Angel. Basically the path is selfless service... Recently I was contemplating the similarities and difference between Bodhisattva's and the Angels of the Cabbalah.
  22. Hey Darksider! Set yer profile so we can talk about spice and the latest smugglers runs.