Sahaj Nath

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Posts posted by Sahaj Nath

  1. you have got me sold. i'm going to fast tomorrow. can i still take my multi vitamin or should i only do water?


    this is basically what i'm doing


    wake up - drink 1.75L of water (water therapy thing cameron gave)


    follow this up by drinking a glass of water when i feel hungry.


    edit: after reading an article off of the site mikaelz gave, it is apparent that fasting for only one day is no good. hmm. there is no school monday which means i could fast until monday (two days) but then i'm faced with a challenge. how can i fast in school? this is what's picking at me. do you look all drained and messed up while fasting? is it possible to still do minimal physical activity? hmm. i'll try to fast until late monday and see how i feel.



    i'd lay off the vitamins if i were you. very hard on the kidneys, they are. and you piss something like 80% of them anyway. better to just eat and drink healthier.


    if you want to do a true water fast, then don't put anything in your body it has to process. give those organs a break. that's kind of the point. and even with a juice fast you want to avoid churning the digestive system. something solid like a vitamin will likely trigger the digestive process. that's a lot of energy that the body will be wasting.


    how you will feel depends on you; no one can answer that for you. i posted what it was like for me, but that's me.

  2. Procurator & Spectrum;


    Thank you both for your acknowledgment :)

    Its strange, in that I feel an urge to tell people about this , but cant really find much to say, as the whole thing felt 'Obvious' & somehow shouldnt need explaining . Does that make any sense ?


    Ive tried to explain it to two other people face to face, but felt a conflict of motivation. By which I mean one part of me felt all eager to communicate this, while another was puzzled at why such a discussion would be necessary.


    Why would you try & explain water to a fish, isnt it already obvious & utterly commonplace ?


    Its not a 'dilemma', just odd.


    Regards, Cloud :)


    not odd at all, i don't think.



    that's really great. and yet, not! :lol:



    you speak of the wonder of being and the passion of becoming. they seem at first to contradict, but they do not.



    the formless being has no propensity to come crying out that it is.


    the form of the becoming is a different matter. it lives and moves in an evolutionary universe. it has passion and the potential to change the world if properly guided.



    it's the same motivating force of all the great sages who have experience the full-blown satori, i think.

  3. and what if, the things we call greed, hunger, agression, passion, deceit and so on, are only functional designs of a greater organism.

    we call them names, based on our own set of values.

    but what if they are more than that, maybe even not really negative.

    we call them negative because it doesn't make sense for the self.

    but for the higher multiple-ecosystem-self, it has perfect sense.


    what if all the buddhist description of suffering is only that... the observing of natural processes by a mind concerned about it's own survival: birth, poverty, illness, death...


    if all of the above would be a taoist view

    I think it could be more selfless and compassionate than buddhist view




    does this make sense to anyone?



    it makes sense to me.



  4. What are you doing at Harvard Hundun? I will see what I can do for tea but the customs guys might mistake it for drugs or something :o


    damn, i never considered that there could be a problem transporting tea on an airplane.







    as for what i'm doing there: just having a good time and sharing some stuff. they have a meditation group on campus. (i can't imagine that it's very big, which is why i'm hoping some bums in the area might drop by.) i'll be giving a talk about meditation practice as a means of unplugging from cultural hypnosis. i'll probably touch on the accomplish-consume-acquire cycle that seems to typify over-achieving folk like those at harvard. i'll probably borrow heavily from the article i posted in the articles section.





    i'll also talk about qi and share some qigong practices. i'll lead a seated 20-minute meditation, during which i'll emit some qi, and then i'll probably just hang out. i want some of that famous clam chowder.


    i'll probably share some poetry as well, since i'm positive that their poetry group is much larger. i'll probably drop some lyrics the night before, and then invite those people to my talk the following day.


    i want to leave it all pretty loose, and just respond to the occasion as it develops.


    but i definitely want some clam chowder.

  5. I bought my plane tickets last night. I know that if I left it too long my mind would just start creating excuses on why I couldn't do it. I am really looking forward to meeting sifu Lin Aiwei, Hundun and any other TB's that attend. My flight lands at La Guardia Friday Feb 15th at 10:30am. :) .



    i'm still getting ready for my visit to harvard at the end of the month (anyone who lives in the area should come hear me run my mouth and participate), but after that's over with i'll be setting my sights on NY. i'll be there. i hope to contribute to the overall presence of the group.


    and change everyone's life with some good tea.



  6. Sorry if I disagree but grounding is dependent on Yin and Yang. Nothing to do with the mind.


    If you are a cave dweller and meditating non-stop for three years then only live on "qi" and water due to their extreme Yin condition. However, if you are doing a lot of physical activity and/or living in society then eating meat/fish is not going to deter your spiritual progress as in this state you are more Yang and hence you would need more meat/fish and sexual activity.


    It's all about balancing Yin & Yang according to our energetic requirements and own internal make-up following Shen Xiao (5 elements applied to Zodiac).

    Remember that Siddharta Buddha died of eating either "mushroom delicacy or soft pork".


    aren't your 'energetic requirements' primarily determined by your mind?

  7. Hundun,


    It takes courage to develop faith in a teacher, you have to lay down and surrender. Not an easy thing to do no matter how impressed you are with a teacher.




    You didn't feel the transmission from Max, have you considered that Kunlun is not your Tien Ming, meaning you are not meant for it and it is not meant for you. This is perfectly possible; and the person sitting next to you might be come enlightened from Kunlun, that could happen too.



    spiritual adolescence can sometimes be a pain in the ass, and i feel like that's where i am.




    i DID feel Max's trasmission. i took it's gentleness for weakness, especially in light of what he didn't seem to know. it felt weaker than a reiki attunement. as the following week progressed i resolved myself to embracing exactly where i was. to just surrender and stop seeking. then i felt a sort of energetic breakthrough, with not-so-subtle stirrings, particularly in my spine, and it seemed to have a similar... signature, i guess, to what max had transmitted. i'm no stranger to breakthroughs, but i couldn't swear that max's transmission didn't have something to do with it. it made me confused and a little more frustrated about how things went at the seminar. i wanted to create a space to open up a dialog about it, but that was when i got shut down by mantra.


    i think you may be right. the person sitting next to me just might gain a great deal from what Max is teaching. that's the only reason i shared it with two of my guys.


    my greatest growth periods have been in times of greatest surrender. i totally believe surrender to be a far more important ingredient than technique.



    your response was well-put. thank you. i will be thinking about what you wrote for a while.



    i think i'm done looking for a teacher, though. at least for the time being.



    i still have so much left to do with what i already have.


    time to move on. you're right.


    thanks again.

  8. If you really wanted to find out if Max is the real deal, you would have the courage to talk to Max personally and study his system in a sincere way. A weekend seminar is not enough, you have to actually practice the system for a couple years to really know something about it. Stop pretending you are on some quest to help people.


    Besides, the investment of a few hundred dollars and a plane ticket is really nothing to bitch about. I know people who have spent 10's of thousands, given up their jobs and dropped out of society to meet a teacher with no garentees they would get anything out of it, so what is the great difficulty you are sparing people from?


    1.) i'm not pretending anything.


    2.) a weekend seminar is more than enough to know some things about a person. i don't know everything about him, but i know that i came away feeling gravely deceived for many, many reasons. after the free lecture i could have called it quits and gone home, but i felt that would have been premature. so not only did i stay, but i encouraged others to stay and give it a chance as well. it was only money, after all. money had NOTHING to do with it. if you've been paying attention, you'd know that. i didn't ask for a refund. and when i got it, i was still perfectly fine with paying for the private session that i had.


    3.) nothing you've said here deals with anything that i've written about the matter up to this point. so what ax are you grinding?


    4.) you made me think about whether my disdain for the whole thing was unfair, and i appreciated that because i valued your perspective (before this, anyway). when i began to openly rethink my attitude about max as a person, i was attacked. and after we called a truce, i swallowed everything else. i had already been swallowing most of the crap. i'm not swallowing anymore. (i can already hear the puns stirring in people's heads.)


    5.) you and i obviously have different core values, and that's fine. but it doesn't make you righteous, any more than my position makes me righteous. i'm not a saint. not even close. the saints weren't even saints. but i have the right to speak my mind, and sometimes that's confrontation.


    6.) your argument is kind of ridiculous. for one, it's not a matter of courage. and secondly, i didn't go there looking for a system to study; i went there seeking the advice of a master on a few specific issues, and that went nowhere. i told the man that i do healing work for a living, and as i was talking to him about a patient of mine he cut in to spend at least 10 of our 45 minutes explaining to me the 5 element theory of the body. WTF? what's that? like page 20 of EVERY qigong book out there? and that's not even the worst example; it's just the easiest one.


    and third, you wouldn't invest thousands unless you believed the odds were favorable. of course there's no guarantee. that's not at all the point.


    7.) what difference is it to you, anyway? if you think i'm wrong, SHOW ME. i'm not incapable of changing my view. i'm sorry if i come across as too aggressive when i write, but this is how i write, nonetheless. i really thought about what you said before. and i think you were correct that one weekend can't tell the whole story; but it told me (and many others) enough to know we'd be better of looking elsewhere.



    if i missed my opportunity with a truly amazing master, then perhaps a truly amazing master isn't what i need, and i should refine my search. which i think i'm doing. like, for now at least, not searching anymore.


    8.) in the spirit of your "snap-judgments" perspective, you're more than welcome to get to know me off the forum and then decide for yourself who you think i am and where you think i'm coming from. if you have the "courage," or whatever. ;)

  9. i'm really torn about this issue.


    on one hand i believe that there are some species that lack the capacity for evolution of consciousness; on the other hand, though, there are more species than just our own who DO have the capacity. plus, i'm quite sure there are some that express evolutionary traits in ways haven't yet recognized.



    i just have a hard time believing that inter-species or intra-species conflicts matter a whole lot to anything or anyone other than the species themselves. compassion is natural, i think. but at the same time i also think it's a value choice that's become institutionalized into a social force.


    a million galaxies, each with a billion stars, with planets orbiting almost every star... and we're only one of those planets. at the point that we realize spiritually that we ARE the universe, and not just actors in it, what does it *ultimately* matter what our species does? we could get off on eating illegitimate children and wiping our asses with freshly clubbed baby seals, and it wouldn't impact the greater balance of the forces of the universe.


    and yet,


    even if these things matter only to us, doesn't that make them significant, all the same? shouldn't we be responsible to our natural inclination towards compassion?


    only i don't think that natural inclination is the same for everyone. i think it evolves as we do. we are not all at the same evolutionary point, and so conflict arises, thereby necessitating a sort of 'social force' intervention for the sake of (at least) moderate stability.


    in the end, if there such a thing as righteous action, doesn't it ultimately come down to:


    to thine own self be true?


    not as in, "do what you want," but rather "live in harmony with your natural inclination, from moment to moment."




  10. Wow this is fun, arguing about the past.


    Let me refresh your memory.





    This enjoyment does not equate with enlightenment or bringing students closer to truth in my opinion, however."


    Of course, I'm just highlighting the negative stuff. I left it in a cloud of "I don't know" since i actually don't know. Of course, I am partial to my experience. It is a sad person who has not seen their experience proven wrong time and time again, though. I certainly am not saying you are wrong or were wrong. I am just wondering why it is so important to you to be the only one to have shared a thumbs down experience of Max and the seminar?


    Does the world really need our argument with it?


    What do I know though? Maybe you're an enlightened sage, showing us the way. The question I was trying to open up, beyond he whole misperception of yourself and the ONE standing up for truth, is: if you are not enlightened, do these arguments and assertions bring you closer to truth? If you are not in full recognition of truth, are you really leading others towards truth? Are we not the pot calling the kettle black when we assert that our views are somehow more true that Max's views, or those of his followers?


    I get the point that in relative terms, you have leveled some very valid criticisms, that were not being aired. In relative terms, I am thankful to you for doing that, since I certainly wasn't in the mood to get into a fracas, and was pleasantly surprised when no one 'cept Cam took my bait.


    So why am I writing this to you? Who knows?


    Get what you will out of it.


    And certainly, believe what you will. :lol:



    clearly i should have gone back and read your posts. my bad. you did put it out there. so that makes two of us, though you weren't in the 'fracas,' as it were. ;)


    i did feel like i was the only one, and i did feel like i was standing up for truth. i got a number of private emails and messages from people who agreed with me but didn't want to catch any heat for it. so yeah, i felt like i shouldering a lot stuff on my own for a lot of people, and for the 'truth,' if that's the term you want to use.


    it wasn't important for me to be the only one; in fact, it sucked to feel that way. my hope was to inspire others to come forward. the discrepancies didn't take a genius to see.


    the point was that mantra framed his position as if he was responding to hundreds of critics, as if my criticism was just the final straw on a mountain of similar ones and he finally "lost his patience" for a moment, as apparently he did again in this thread. lol!


    but no, the world doesn't need our arguments with it.


    the world doesn't need us at all. not really the point, though. we determine values for ourselves, based on our information and experiences. and i believe my criticism to be of value to those who would otherwise follow blindly or be enticed enough to travel across the country when almost everything they're reading says that this guy could be the real deal.


    could i be wrong? sure. but obviously i don't think that's likely.

  11. Wow, what can I say? My instincts were spot on with you. Good luck dude.


    Good luck with your standing postures too. Oh wait, those are too hard. Never mind.


    Anyway, you seem to know what you are doing.


    After all you have "outed" a big phoney like Max. You are right and everyone else (including the Dalai Lama) were wrong about him. Hundun knows best.


    Kan (another "nobody") too failed to see your "power" that isn't there. Fools.


    I drop my guard to try to be nice to you, you see it as a chance to attack. Sweet.


    You will make a great teacher. You are an inspiration. In fact, I think I'll go pick up a day laborer to help teach me how to build a free energy machine. Why not?


    Those who can't do, teach.




    really? THIS is your response?



  12. There is nothing inherently wrong about someone's dietary habits, and by imposing human moral systems onto other animals you are creating sets of rules and truths that simply don't exist.

    ...I'm just sayin that sometimes you gotta get your kill on in order to get your eat on...that's all





  13. I'm not sure why I'm stepping in here, but you were the only one? How was I so easily erased? I shared my experience, then let it be. If we attacked everyone who said an untrue thing, we'd be attacking everyone, every time they opened their mouths. Besides, I don't know the way. What use is it to tell everyone else that they don't know the way either? It might be that people who are taken in are getting exactly what they want, and to them they are not being taken in. They are following their integrity. Hard to say. In my perception, there were strong elements of hypnotism at work. It is an interesting question, however, how much of our lives is not influenced by such hypnotic conditioning? I also saw the dancing girl only spinning clockwise, and never counterclockwise. What is a true perception? And what are we creating with our views?


    you did share your experience, and i forgot about that. you reminded me that max claimed to be physically immortal at the free lecture. still, you didn't really level a criticism, so i wouldn't include you as being 'in the fray' so to speak). you said it wasn't for you. in fact, your post now is about why NOT to criticize, in a sense. so i still wouldn't say that you fit what i'm talking about.


    your point about attacking everyone who says an untrue thing sort of misses the mark. i mean, it's a nice sentiment, but there are degrees as well as contexts.




    again, believe what you will.

  14. Hi Hundun,


    It's funny. Tonight at Tai Chi class we were discussing Master Moy Lin-shin, the founder of Taoist Tai Chi Society. Some of the folks who have been around for a while were talking about how he kind of "lured" his original cadre of students in. He began by promoting the martial aspects of his arts. That's what people "thought" that they wanted. Once they took the bait he began giving them something much more profound and worthwhile.


    I think the same applies here. People watch some of the sensational stuff thinking they want to stop punches in mid air and such. They begin the work, and it starts taking them down paths they never thought about. That's kind of what happened with me so far. If nothing else it got me meditating on a regular basis which is much more useful than stopping a punch with some mysterious empty force. How often have you guys even had someone walk up and take a swing at you out of the blue? Stilling the mind and spirit helps me everyday.


    Peace brother!



    you make a good point, and i think it needed to be stated.




    is it possible? yes. but i don't find it probable in this case.




    master moy was, in fact, a master of taiji quan. and he met people where they were.


    this is a different scenario. just look at some of the claims that have been made. there's just no comparison.




    direct quotes from mantra's earlier posts:



    "One-on-one he can answer specific questions in a private setting. He will scan you to see your potential, your lineage and your current state of health. From there he will tell you or give you what you need to achieve your goal."


    "When you get to a certain level of mastery it becomes quite simple to recognize the key elements in other systems and thus understand the system. When you have a strong past incarnation with Taoism, Mongolian Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, the Egyptian Priesthood, and Native American Medicine like Max, it is easier to just recall the information. I say this not to insult your intelligence, it is just the truth."


    "Also, the difference between Max and the YouTube guy is that Max is an excellent martial arts technician. He knows when to apply the subtle energies and when to simply smack the hell out of you."



    " He can teach many different styles of kung fu and is quite an accomplished martial artist."



    "The answer is yes, it can be applied to people who are not open. The price for doing so is that their nervous system can become severely damaged."


    the 2nd one simply can't be verified, but is certainly sensational. the rest are patently false.


    it's deceit. and it's completely unnecessary because the technique being offered speaks for itself!


    people aren't attending in order to learn martial arts, and then, once they're there, discovering something vastly more profound as with the founder of your school. people are going with the belief that bogus claims are true (or at least might be), and once they get there, they use the technique and become blissed out. thereby proving the validity of... what?


    everything sounds good when you're tripped out on Kunlun.


    cult leaders used a similar tactic with acid in the 70's. i know that's a harsh association, but i don't think enough people have considered the parallels.



    i have students that come to wanting the sensational all the time. i don't necessarily turn them away because of it, but i certainly don't encourage the mindset, and i don't use deceit. one of those students joined this forum a little over a month ago.


    just look for yourself. believe what you will.

  15. doing the whole line-by-line refutation thing would be a waste of both time and energy. i don't want to get sucked into an adversarial posture, though i still want my criticisms to be considered.


    what you described in the spirit of serving others with a gift is NOT a contradiction, and i would never take issue with that. i do my best to live that and to teach that every day.


    but when these things become the 'main attraction' it's a different matter. and that's how these things have been used. maybe there are things that you haven't shown (none of us can evaluate the truth of that claim), but that doesn't change my point:


    your approach is encouraging attachment to phenomenon!



    a week or so ago i taught the kunlun 1 method to 2 of my students (uh oh, hundun's hijacking the system!). i told them all about my experience at the seminar and my criticisms and the whole nine. and they both know that i don't practice it. but i didn't want my attitude to keep them from exploring something that could potentially benefit them.


    one of them is really taking a liking to it. that's fine by me. if he benefits from the practice then i'm happy and i'm grateful that you and yours have chosen to share this with the world. and should he decide at some point to attend a seminar, i'll support him the same way everyone supported me.


    but i still feel like your approach is geared more towards getting people in the door who are dabblers or who want to be like Dragon Ball Z than people who are genuine cultivators and spiritual aspirants.


    it's not how one acts so much as where one acts from that i respond to. enlightenment isn't holding its flag up on the surface. it's the root. i've seen the root many times in drastically different guises. maybe i just missed it. maybe you're right. but i can't just take your word for it. you're too invested. too attached.


    i didn't want to cause any complications for the man by outing him, but Kan was the one i was referring to when i said one of Max's students recognized and commented on my energy level in a manner that Max himself seemed incapable of doing, even in our private session. and Kan happens to also be a qigong master apart from any training he later did with Max. but his energy didn't really speak to me, either.


    i see and listen with more than my eyes and ears, and i don't just go with "i have a feeling," either.



    "one moment with one individual (out of hundreds)" makes it sound as if you've been put through the ringer here and taken it all in stride. i'm the *only one * who actually went to a seminar and openly leveled a criticism at it. i'm not one of many. i'm one. and maybe the uniqueness of my position was a bigger threat to the image, and maybe THAT'S why you reacted the way you did.


    and you don't belong to any "warrior clan." Max isn't even a martial artist. he said so himself (or was he just being his 'trickster' self when he said that). that's the kind of sketchy shit that gets thrown around all over the place and undercuts the true value of what you guys are sharing.



    you don't have to admit fault. i don't expect you to at this point. even your agreement with trunk has dodges all over the place.


    whatevs. you have your followers. you have your leader.



    i follow myself. as Max claims is the only true way.

  16. Anyhow, I don't think conflict is necessarily bad - and can often even be good. As long as we don't lose sight of the message in lieu of the messengers.


    i fear that i have already done this. because i can't get myself to practice the kunlun method.


    i see the messengers as the fruit of the message, and i don't see enlightenment, i don't feel enlightenment, and i don't trust all the messages.


    mantra is the yard stick of SIX YEARS of practice with these techniques. if this is any indication of what i stand to gain, i think i'm doing better on my own.

  17. i'm glad you wrote that, trunk.


    this is probably more tactful than my temperament would have allowed.


    i think this is pretty much right-on.



    it just doesn't cut it for me (or a lot of others) when the intellectual depth is being compensated for by sensationalism and fluff. then it comes across to we folk who 'think too much' as deceitful when there are also statements like:



    "we are taught that if phenomena occur to just ignore them and not become attached in any way. They are just side effects."


    --i personally think this statement contradicts the vast majority of what you say around here. i might have turned out to be one of your strongest supporters if not for this discrepancy.



    it frustrates me because i honestly want to be supportive. but i cannot and WILL NOT accept contradictions and dubious claims supported by sketchy analysis and poetics. to dismiss me and people like me as scared or egotistical or otherwise 'unfit' because of our brains is just not genuine. it's a dodge. many of us have been on our path for years. we know how to let go. we also know how to think.


    "in the old days you would have just been given the practice and then left alone to figure it out for yourself."


    this just doesn't mean anything. this doesn't somehow turn everything you share, however questionable, into a precious gem. i imagine that since this technique was a guarded secret in the 'old days,' then the people who were left alone to figure it out were not likely novices, but well-seasoned cultivators. there are many martial and cultivation systems from kunlun-shan that predate this technique. Wild Goose Qigong just happens to be one of my favorites. and it's 1800 years old. 72 levels.


    i digress.



    authenticity trumps esoteric knowledge & senationalism.



    and... um.... you do police from time to time. you certainly did it to me.

  18. thanks for the advice Hundun.

    how did it impact your meditation practice?


    i've never even thought about an enema, the idea of sticking something up my butt isn't too pleasing. you have to go to the doctors to get one?



    you can pick one up at the local drug store. they're actually very common. women buy them far more regularly than men do. i almost paid $80 to have a professional do it because i was so uncomfortable with the idea.



    as far as impacting my meditation... i wouldn't even know where to begin. Lin Sifu could probably do a better job of explaining that one. what i can say is that by day 10 my energy body felt pretty liberated and expansive. i took to watching the movements of some of my students with my eyes closed. it was easier to move the energy around in their bodies from 7 feet away seated in half-lotus on a cushion, than it was to touch them or to project from just above their skin.


    i hardly wasted a single breath during that fast. every breath was both cleansing and nourishing. by day 17 my body just felt like a cumbersome formality.


    Wow, were you juicing fresh plants...or just drinking fruit juice from the store?


    And I've done colonics before, I think it does help to clean out your large intestine. Not the funnest thing in the world, but I think something at least worth trying...



    on juice days i mostly drank juice from the store, but it was still pretty fresh. apple hill is only 40 or so miles from sacramento, and there are no additives or preservatives in the juice that comes from there. apple-pomegranate juice is pretty amazing. during the last 4 days of the fast i had odwalla superfood.


    also, i would get fresh wheat grass juice from my next-door neighbor who grows it. one of my students lent me his juicer, but i never used it.



    feces from a decade ago remains lodged and packed into our intestines. most people's bodies are in a continuous state of mild poisoning because of this. it's surprising how powerful the body's natural healing ability is when not being sapped by the intestines.


    i read an article earlier this year about a reporter who went on a 5-day cleanse in thailand. fasting, fiber-rich juices, and enemas. one of the guys in the group said that on the 3rd or 4th day his bowels passed a marble he had swallowed when he was a child!


    it's insane the amount of *shit* our bodies can hold on to.



  19. It is bad - period. Look at all these office cubicle dwellers - always a bottle of soda, or water or a cofee cup glued to their hand. That is not a crowd i want to belong to. They are killing their kidneys.


    When fasting the body shuts down all external intake, different subtle gears are coming into motion. Drinking throws a wrench into these gears.


    These experience is typical "nightwatchdog Posted Today, 05:48 AM "



    PLEASE tell me there's a punch-line at the end of this comment which you somehow failed to post!


    lol! :lol::lol::lol::lol:




    look at office cubicle dwellers? i don't want to belong to that crowd, either. so guess what? I DON'T WORK IN A DAMN CUBICLE! anxiety, fear, and stress in the form of paperwork and office memos, in the context of a sedentary work environment IS death to the kidneys. AND the liver. AND the spleen. And the lungs. And the heart. And the intestines. and 5 sodas, 3 lattes, and a raspberry scone for the day's nutrient intake certainly doesn't help matters.


    so... water is just like soda ...and just like coffee...



    yeah, i can see that. :blink:

  20. I'm pretty much here to learn how to punch through walls and push around objects. I saw this one guy lift up a bottle with his mind...that would be fun






    i think i like you already!





  21. Red Phoenix is a practice that you do.


    It involves yourself.

  involved your body and mind.


    In addition..the universe is also involved.









    Red Phoenix is the one thing I really really want to learn... Dont know anything about it but I have a feeling I really want to learn it.


    well, of course you do! it's the forbidden fruit that no one (not even myself) is divulging. not because it's a powerful secret, but because no good will come from it, as far as i'm concerned.


    if you're gonna go the Max route, then the kunlun practice is the one that matters. red phoenix is almost like the technique for people who don't have a lot of time for cultivation, but still want to enjoy some shitty side-effects.



    interesting article I found so I tried water fasting for 36 hours, never fasted in my life and it was hard, but after i got over the hunger I felt great. i'm going to start fasting one day a week and in december try a 5 day fast.


    do any of you guys fast? do you find it beneficial?


    my longest fast just this year. 25 days of water, juice, and tea. just water some days. just water and green tea most days. but on days when i had to go to work, i had some juice to help keep up my stamina. very cleansing, sort of like the cycle the body can be thrown into after a powerful transmission.


    after the second day the stomach doesn't even growl anymore. but if you're gonna go with just water, the cleanse can get pretty heavy. flu-like symptoms, headaches, eye soreness. really nasty breath and a filminess on the tongue. aches and pains where you didn't even know anything was wrong. there can be a few cycles of this. if it ever feels too severe, just throw some juice into the mix and that should help calm down some of the symptoms.


    once you get through the heavy cleanse days, your body can just buzz with energy. old scars may start to disappear and serious conditions can begin to reverse themselves. a lot of people do deep fasting for the healing benefit.


    if you're gonna cleanse, i think you should go ahead and cleanse out BOTH ENDS. i was really, really reluctant to use an enema, but once i got over myself, i was glad i did.


    5 days isn't very long, so i don't think you have too many precautions to worry about. it would be good to read up on smooth and safe fasting, though.