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Everything posted by Blissmusic

  1. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "You can through practice relax into a state of no-thought. It is not that you repress thoughts, but through focused awareness you detach yourself from thinking, you take away the power and identification behind the thoughts, you let go of the thoughts as they arise, and then eventually surrender into no-thought. There will be great fear around this, because once all thought ceases, you as you know yourself to be, as the controller and the doer cease to exist. So there is worry around this: 'What about all of my problems?' 'What about all of my responsibilities?' 'What will happen to me?' Thinking is the ego's mode of survival. So to the ego, allowing thoughts to stop is like allowing the whole world to crumble. So it takes practice to dip in and out. For a few moments the ego disappeared and everything is still okay. There is no thought yet you are still there to witness it. All of your problems are gone in no thought, but you can have them all back if you want them. Every night for a few minutes you enter into a state of dreamless sleep where there is no thought. And you gladly do. You would go crazy if you didn't. So what does that say about your thinking? We are stepping into a whole new world here but if you look at the facts, it is something worth exploring. Blessings, Kip" Learn How You Can Experience Deep States of Peace & Bliss Simply By Meditating to a Unique CD Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website
  2. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "The greatest mistake people on the spiritual path make is trying to turn spirituality into some sort of understanding or knowledge. Spirituality is about discovering the truth beyond the mind; to realize what is truly here beyond your definitions, knowledge and judgments. For this realization to happen two things are needed: One is some form of enlightened energy, call it grace, shaktipat or deeksha. And the other is practice: practicing keeping your focus inward, on that which is beyond the mind. Anything that can be defined or understood is still mind and should be discarded. Most people approach spirituality as 'First let me figure it all out and then I will practice.' The problem is the more you know about spirituality, the further you are from actually experiencing it. You could sit down every day and practice even the simplest meditation technique and through this practice you will attain states of peace and truth that one who has read all the books and know all the teachings could only imagine. Understanding awareness is what kills awareness. The mind cannot get enlightened. It is what keeps you from it. So whenever you find yourself seeking spiritual knowledge or thinking about what you know about spirituality, let it all go and come back to being present. It can be as simple as watching your breath. This alone can awaken you to truth. Blessings, Kip" Shaktipat on CD? Learn How to Awaken Yourself to Your True Nature Simply By Listening to a Unique CD. Visit the CD for Spiritual Awakening Website
  3. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "There are so many ways available to stop us from having to experience life. And technology is so great, that there is always something to distract you from experiencing this moment. They even have a television playing while you are waiting in line at the bank. And if not, there is always the cell phone, text messaging, blackberries and video games. The radio playing while you work, the television on and drink in your hand as soon as you come home. Always something to keep you from having to feel this moment, always something to distract you from life itself. What would happen if you were plucked out of society, and left in the middle of nowhere with food, water and shelter. Without any purpose or distraction. Suddenly you would be confronted with life itself and no means of escape. First thing that would happen is you would go nuts. You would see how addicted you are to distraction. But eventually, through surrender, you would begin to taste life. You would begin to experience what it really means to be alive the joy of unconditional, purposeless existence. Then if you would be put back into society, you would feel the stress and aggression of all of these things put in place to distract you. You would feel how this constant urge to seek pleasure and resist pain sucks the life out of you. Somewhere along the line you realized life sometimes hurts and then began the eternal quest to escape it. But the moment you are willing to experience life with all of it's hurts and insanity, suddenly there is a freedom and sense of peace that you are no longer willing to turn away from. Just the awareness that you are alive fulfills you. Because it is in being alive that you experience divinity. The two are not separate. This is meditation. Blessings, Kip" Learn How You Can Easily Experience Deep States of Peace & Bliss in Meditation Visit the How To Meditate Deeply Website
  4. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Take a moment to close your eyes and notice what is here beyond thinking. You are not to define it or describe it, because that would be thinking. Just experience what is here without thought. If you do this you will notice that there is an indescribable sense of existing in this moment. And this existence is conscious of it's existence. In fact, you cannot separate yourself, this experience of existence, consciousness or this moment, here and now. They are all one. By remaining in this experience of pure existence, you can quickly move to subtler and subtler levels of consciousness. The challenge is thoughts are going to tempt you to leave this sense of pure being to identify yourself again with thinking; to again become this thinking "I" with a past and a future separate from everything else. But if you can let go of thoughts as they arise you can remain in this sense of pure existence. What seems to happen is a pulse: You can remain in this sense of pure existence beyond mind for a short period and then very quickly, you will latch on to a thought arising for safety. Because the longer you remain beyond mind in this sense of pure existence, the more strange it feels to be without form or definition and the instinct is to jump back into identification. You cannot experience pure existence as yourself as you know yourself to be. You can only experience pure existence as pure existence. And being without identity can feel strange and void. So as your awareness becomes stronger than your mind, you will spend some time getting used to this new experience. At some point, attachment to identity breaks, the bliss kicks in and it won't feel strange anymore. It will feel like your true home as indescribable bliss, peace and love. Blessings, Kip" Learn How to Fast Track Your Spiritual Awakening Simply By Meditating to a Unique Shaktipat CD Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website Want to Feel Blissful? For Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit the How to Become Awakened Website
  5. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "The key to instant freedom is observation. Observing your inward experience in this moment without any control or resistance. Problem is you carry all of your memories into this moment. You carry all of your memories everywhere because it is how you define yourself. You believe you exist out of everything that happened before now. This is the mind. It is simply linking all thoughts together to create one identification. So really, the way you live is that you are living everything at once. You are living childhood, teenage years, what happened 10 seconds ago & 10 years ago. And so when I say observe this moment, all of it because of this common link of identification is attempting to observe this moment. But how can what happened 10 years ago or even 10 seconds ago observe this moment? How can this you, based on memory, based on time be present? It is not possible. So rather than live in this linear idea of time in meditation, let go of the past and observe this moment fresh and new. A thought or experience arises and you let it go. It is not that you hold on to this present moment because you can't. It is that you let go of everything else and experience what is left. By letting go of the past, automatically what is left is here. Not a linear here that was here a second or a minute ago, but a completely different reality. In this reality outside of mind, thoughts are not linear, they are impersonal, nonsensical & independent, arising and burning away in awareness. You are free from all personal identity, yet you fully experience what arises and then it is gone, burned away in blissful awareness. In this state of freedom, there is nothing else to do. You are fully content & blissful. There are no problems, no past and future, no fears or desires. In dreamless sleep, there are no worries and you are drunk as every cell of your existence is nurtured in deep rest and unconditional peace. This state of timeless observation is quite similar, except you are fully conscious, you are fully here and alive yet free of all individual, separate identity. You are free in a state of pure conscious unconditional peace. Beyond the self, as limitless awareness. And this happens simply in observation of your inward experience. You observe anything and you are free of it, simply by the nature of observation. Blessings, Kip" How to Awaken Yourself To Deep Blissful Peace Simply By Listening to Music For Free Samples Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website How to Be Blissful Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit the How to Become Awakened Website
  6. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "If you ever watch a documentary on wild animals, it will become very clear that life is all about survival. You are either eating another or doing your best not to be eaten yourself. In the wild animal kingdom, it is those that live in extreme separation, which survive the longest. If you do not live in fear you will be eaten. If you have any feeling for the one that is your dinner, you will starve. It is the biggest and strongest that survive and earn the right to reproduce. This is the function of the ego, to look out for the survival of the individual. As human beings, we have pretty much beat this system and separated ourselves from this natural cycle. Regardless of judgement most of us find ourselves in a unique position where we are safe enough that we can go beyond instinctual separation. Still the ego is all about survival through dominating everything outside of yourself. The ego tendency is to be bigger, tougher and better looking, richer and more successful, intellectually superior, to be the one that judges not the one that is judged, to dominate others to be the most popular. To be right. All of these things are the egos instinctual tendency to survive. Yet meditation and spiritual life means to do the opposite. You still look both ways before you cross the street, but it is when you stop trying to dominate others and submit to life, you grow in awareness and move closer to experiencing unity with the whole. It is in accepting all of these things in our lives that we resist where we actually have the greatest opportunity to be free of the ego and attain unconditional peace. When you truly surrender and experience hurt, loneliness, rejection, humility, confusion, weakness, vulnerability, When you accept that you cannot understand life and all of it's mysteries yet you allow it to be as it is that you find freedom from separation and dissolve into unconditional peace. You experience yourself as part of the whole of life rather than an ego separate from it. You are nourished by the whole as love itself, peace itself and perfect contentment. As long as you try and dominate life, you will be separate from it. As soon as you submit to life as it is in this moment, you live as life itself and that is bliss. This is the secret to being free from the ego. Blessings, Kip" How To Experience Deep Blissful Peace Simply By Listening to a Unique CD For Free Samples Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website
  7. The collected works of Blissmusic

    This one is a bit long & specific, but should bring clarity to a lot questions that have come in lately. "Meditation is a combination of both witnessing what is happening in the moment (as opposed to identifying with what is happening) and surrendering to what is here (as opposed to trying to control or resist your experience.) So you want to allow your experience in this moment to be as it is but without identifying with it. You want to experience this moment as sensation without trying to define it, describe it, judge it, or say 'this is me.' The main obstacle in meditation is the mind. Thoughts arise And the tendency is to identify with the thoughts, to become involved with the thinking. To think you are the thinker and that the thinking is important. And then one thought leads to another and before you know it, meditation time is up. Many will spend their entire meditation simply enjoying a certain relaxation while being distracted and consumed by the thoughts. This is normal. And there is a certain amount of spiritual growth that comes from just enjoying the peace that is there. But true meditation means to let go of this tendency of being distracted by your thinking. To little by little, have moments where you are not distracted by your thinking but are present with what is here beyond thinking. So you want to surrender to allow the thoughts & emotions to arise, because if you try and stop them, or control them, you will increase your stress. You want to surrender so that you can allow yourself to experience what is here beyond the thinking. Yet at the same time, you want to witness the thoughts arising, so that you do not become lazy and habitually get lost in your thinking. You want to be completely focused in the moment to see the thought arising and instantly let it go. So there is this balance that is always the aim: witnessing and surrender both at once. At first, these two seem to be opposites, but through practice you realize witnessing and surrender are one & the same. When you reach this point life will become very blissful. Eventually, both aspects are transcended into a state of perfect stillness where only pure formless consciousness remains. This is the beginning of Samadhi, where the personal 'I has vanished and meditation happens effortlessly. Blessings, Kip" How to Experience Enlightened States of Peace & Bliss Simply By Listening to a Unique CD Visit the CD For Zen Enlightenment Website Tons of Free Teachings on Meditation & Awakening Visit the How to Become Awakened Website
  8. The collected works of Blissmusic

    This one is a bit long & specific, but should bring clarity to a lot questions that have come in lately. "Meditation is a combination of both witnessing what is happening in the moment (as opposed to identifying with what is happening) and surrendering to what is here (as opposed to trying to control or resist your experience.) So you want to allow your experience in this moment to be as it is but without identifying with it. You want to experience this moment as sensation without trying to define it, describe it, judge it, or say 'this is me.' The main obstacle in meditation is the mind. Thoughts arise And the tendency is to identify with the thoughts, to become involved with the thinking. To think you are the thinker and that the thinking is important. And then one thought leads to another and before you know it, meditation time is up. Many will spend their entire meditation simply enjoying a certain relaxation while being distracted and consumed by the thoughts. This is normal. And there is a certain amount of spiritual growth that comes from just enjoying the peace that is there. But true meditation means to let go of this tendency of being distracted by your thinking. To little by little, have moments where you are not distracted by your thinking but are present with what is here beyond thinking. So you want to surrender to allow the thoughts & emotions to arise, because if you try and stop them, or control them, you will increase your stress. You want to surrender so that you can allow yourself to experience what is here beyond the thinking. Yet at the same time, you want to witness the thoughts arising, so that you do not become lazy and habitually get lost in your thinking. You want to be completely focused in the moment to see the thought arising and instantly let it go. So there is this balance that is always the aim: witnessing and surrender both at once. At first, these two seem to be opposites, but through practice you realize witnessing and surrender are one & the same. When you reach this point life will become very blissful. Eventually, both aspects are transcended into a state of perfect stillness where only pure formless consciousness remains. This is the beginning of Samadhi, where the personal 'I has vanished and meditation happens effortlessly. Blessings, Kip" How to Experience Enlightened States of Peace & Bliss Simply By Listening to a Unique CD Visit the CD For Zen Enlightenment Website
  9. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Life, existence, is happening all by itself in this moment. It is a flow of energy. Stress arises because you try and control this moment. You resist this moment. And the greatest way you resist this moment is through the identification with thinking. Thinking is always about the past or the future. By being involved with the thoughts, you avoid the present moment all together. You avoid life itself. You live in a mental world that only exists in thought. It is a dream world and it is a completely different reality to life in this moment. If you let go of control through the acceptance and awareness of what is in this moment, suddenly the mental world with all of it's conflicts and desires stops being real, and you experience life itself. There may be fear because the 'you' as the controller does not exist outside of this mental world. But when you realize this 'you' as the controller is the source of all stress, you become willing to give it up. Then you truly feel alive, as life itself, nourished in the eternal radiance of unconditional peace. Nothing dies in this process. Rather it is an awakening to true living. You discover what you truly are. Blessings, Kip" Discover How to Awaken Yourself To Your True Nature of Unconditional Peace By Visiting the Enlightened Spirituality Website
  10. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "If you look at your problems logically, you will see that the past is not your problem. Whatever hurtful things happened to you a minute ago, a year ago, a decade ago, are no longer here. But what happens is the mind replays the situation over and over. And you end up chewing on it, being totally involved and identified with it without ever even being conscious of it. All of these incidents build up & get replayed over and over and it becomes your identity, the program that determines your experience. By witnessing your thoughts, and letting them go as they arise, the thoughts still may come, but they no longer determine your experience. They no longer have any power over you. If you are not identifying with the thoughts, then the whole thought process loses it's power over you. Everything slows down, conflict dissipates, and your identity as your past falls away. The memories can still be accessed, but they no longer define who you are in this moment. Blessings, Kip" How To Be Blissful Free Teaching on Meditation and Awareness Visit the How to Become Awakened website
  11. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "I often get emails from people saying 'My mind is too busy, my ego is too strong to meditate and find peace' But such a statement is only an idea, it has no validity beyond what you choose to give it. The mind will always tell you why you cannot meditate, why you cannot be free of it. The mind will always choose to stay in control, to stay in power, it does not want you to be aware because awareness is it's undoing. The mind will either play the trick of stating that you are unworthy or that you know it all and attained it all and you do not need to be present. There really is no difference between arrogance and insecurity. They both are means for the ego to maintain it's power. It is through perseverance in awareness that you break through this trap. Because the mind is not going to be of help to you. It is those that are humble enough and courageous enough to persevere day after day in meditation practicing awareness that break through mind identification and find freedom. For them it is not about attaining some title or pleasure. Eventually it is the awareness itself that becomes the reward. The delight in being free of the identification with the mind. The delight in enjoying that which cannot be comprehended in words or definitions, in philosophical teachings, understanding or attainments. It all comes down to be present here and now. Because thinking about exercising is not going to make you fit. Blessings, Kip" How To Awaken Yourself To The Blissful Truth of Who You Are Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website
  12. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Beyond thinking, beyond body, you exist. This is easy to see: Simply close your eyes and notice your experience beyond thought. Stop thinking for a second or two and notice what is here. You will realize you still exist, without definition, without description, without limitation, separation or conflict. It is the identification with the thinking 'I' that causes all of the trouble. All of your problems worries and desires are about this thinking 'I.' But what is this 'I' with problems to solve? Does this 'I' exist beyond the idea of it? Is there really a you that you define by a memory of a past and an anticipation of a future? Beyond thought, does this 'I' exist? You assume it does, because you choose to identify with thinking. But if you look to validate it's authenticity beyond thought, it is not here. The moment you bring your attention to the experience of existing in this very moment, you are free of this thought of 'I'. You rest as awareness itself. Meditation is the means to break this habit of constantly identifying with this thinking 'I.' Because once you wake up from a dream that you were being chased by a monster, you don't have to run anymore. Blessings, Kip" How to Be Blissful For Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit the How to Become Awakened Website
  13. The collected works of Blissmusic

    Question: How do I overcome depression? I know you talk about allowing yourself to experience what is here, but for someone who is depressed this seems difficult. Answer From Kip: "The difficulty is not in experiencing what is here. The difficulty is because you have already defined this moment before you have even experienced it. You have brought in your memory of past experiences (which are nothing more than memories of other past experiences) and placed these memories on top of what is here. If you try and experience this moment with your mind, then all that you will experience are interpretations, descriptions, and judgements. None of it will actually have to do with what is here. If you truly experience this moment, what is here? If you say 'depression' then you are in your mind, you are trying to place your past on to this moment. So be very Zen: what is the sensation that you are feeling in this moment that you call depression? It is not to define it but experience it. Because really, that is all that it comes down to: sensation. And sensation is energy. And if you allow yourself to experience that sensation then your experience is energy. Beyond this awareness, all that is here are thoughts. Thoughts from the past, that you use to try and define this moment. They are not of this moment, they have nothing to do with what is here in this moment. To truly be present does not mean analysis, or emotions or remembering some story. If you really look what is here and now, in this very moment, there will be no words for it, there will be no one to describe it or own it. There will only be that which is self evident, without cause and without reason. This is the doorway, and this is the only thing that is real here and now. If you do this, then there will be no coming out of depression. There will be no getting better or becoming enlightened. There will only be that which cannot be described or defined and that is freedom itself. Blessings, Kip" Free Teachings on Meditation, Awareness & Self Realization Visit the How To Become Awakened website
  14. The collected works of Blissmusic

    Please Note: This poem describes the state of transcendence beyond any sense of self. It has nothing to do with personal power, but with the oneness of everything at it's essence. Read it to yourself. Enjoy: "I AM the Source of all Existence. Beyond name and form, beyond "me," beyond time, I AM Always Now. I AM nothing at all. Prior to all appearance, Prior to all experience, Prior to awareness, Prior to witnessing, I AM Light that shines forth Always Now as Everything. Beyond time IS, AS nothing. beyond all form, RADIANCE now ALWAYS. Beyond name and words, as perfect stillness, all is radiating without cause, without reason. It is simply wrong perception to see otherwise. To think I am a something a someone to even think these are words let alone a mine to have my words. Looking behind everything for truth, there is nothing, and that nothing shines forth as everything. From where the heart is perceived at the center, shines out beyond any point of perception everywhere as everything. Because I am not, there is only radiance. How could it be otherwise. Blessings, Kip" Discover How To Awaken Yourself To Your True Nature Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website
  15. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Inwardly, it is this constant effort to become something, that stops you from experiencing what you are. From the perspective of the ego, you believe that if you work hard enough, if you can change yourself, if you can have more positive and less negative, then you will find contentment. But the very act of trying to change what is keeps you discontent. Awareness is experiencing this moment as it is, right here and right now, beyond judgement, description and definition. Beyond the physical mental and emotional, existence is happening, life is happening but only in this very moment. Look anywhere else and you've missed it. The mind is in a constant state of resistance to now. Because if you are present, there is no mind, there is only freedom. Blessings, Kip" Gifts that Make You Blissful Visit the Bliss Music CDs that Meditate You Website
  16. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "There is a huge gap between thinking and awareness. You cannot experience stillness through knowledge and understanding. There must be practice. To take the time to sit silently and be present. Through practice comes clarity. Right here and right now, can you allow yourself to experience existing in this moment? Or do you silently say "I know this already." and keep seeking outside of this moment? Because you cannot think awareness. In fact, the more you know about awareness, the further you are from it. It is not a one time thing where you sit down and the mind is still and that is that. No one just woke up one day and ran a marathon. They got up and ran a little, then the next day, they ran a little more. Then one day, you love running. And that's what it is about. Suddenly, you fall in love with awareness and you give up all of your knowledge to simply be present. It is then awareness completes you. But it all starts with practice. The sooner you start, the sooner you fall in love. Blessings, Kip" Learn How You Can Easily Attain Deep Blissful Peace: Free Teachings On Meditation & How to Be Blissful Visit the How To Become Awakened website
  17. The collected works of Blissmusic

    Much love to those that were lost or did lose in Mumbai. This quote is in no way a commentary on the event. "We go around wearing masks and ideas going through the motions of work, rest and entertainment. Then something happens, some crisis whether inward or outward that shakes you out of the known, that pulls away all of the masks and ideas and leaves you with nothing for however long it lasts. At this point of emptiness there are no more words, no noise. You cannot call it happiness nor unhappiness, attainment nor failure, just a deep sense of stillness & peace. It is a strange process. It is not right that it happens, it is not wrong, it is simply part of life. And whether you judge the process as good or bad, you cannot deny that it brings you closer to the essence of life. No matter how painful it may be at the time, it offers you a greater freedom, from ego, a deeper connection to the whole, an opportunity to move deeper into peace. It is no easy thing. It can hurt like hell. And I have no wish to say otherwise. Blessings, Kip" Learn How You Can Experience Unconditional Peace Free Teachings on Meditation & How To Be Blissful Visit the How to Become Awakenedwebpage
  18. A different type of Meditation cd

    Hi, it's Kip again from Bliss Music. To answer a few questions: 1. You do not need to listen with headphones. 2. It is not drugs for the ears, it is good for you! And will help you deepen your own awareness much faster than on your own. 3. You are right. Listen to the samples and see for yourself what your experience is. This is what counts. Please feel free to email me directly with anymore questions. Blessings, Kip
  19. Introduction

    Hi, I am Kip Mazuy of Bliss Music. Not big on talking about myself so you can read more about me in this interview here Would like to submit a weekly short article on meditation/awareness every week to your site. Was recommended to your site by one of my clients. Here is an example: "In Truth, awareness is not an action. It is not something you do. Awareness simply is, unconditionally & unceasingly. When everything else is taken away, awareness remains. But because you are so used to identifying with thoughts, you are not aware of awareness itself. So there are methods such as learning to witness the thoughts, learning to let go of the thoughts, noticing the sensations that you feel in this moment. These methods are there to stop you from being distracted by your thoughts, to stop you from being involved with thinking, so that you look deeper and discover the awareness that is there at your essence. Then all that is left is to remain in this awareness. It could all be said by saying 'stop being involved with thought' and awareness would automatically be apparent. But the attachment to thinking is so strong something else is necessary. So there is shaktipat to awaken you to this essence. There are methods to awaken you to the awareness that is always present in every moment." Blessings, Kip
  20. A different type of Meditation cd

    Hello Everyone, This is Kip Mazuy of Bliss Music. One of your members alerted me of this discussion on Ocean Euphoric. I understand Ocean Euphoric is a bit more than regular CDs, but it has been proven repeatedly by thousands of users that if you use it regularly, it will take your meditation and experience of peace to a whole new level. Still, I understand that in this economy, 80 is a bit of a stretch. So will offer anyone who reads this a special price of $67 with the book and Free Nurturance CD to go with it. Simply visit the Ocean Euphoric Meditation CD website and send me an email with your order that I offered this special price and I will honor it. Please do not copy the CD. First it is stealing and second, it will ruin the sound technology on the CD. Many Blessings, Kip