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Posts posted by Cameron

  1. Yes, that would be my first suggestion actually.


    Forget about meditating. Your young and need to get more social and be around people. Unless you are strongly drawn to meditate then try it. Use the link I gave for reference.


    Otherwise, get outside in nature, meet some new friends. And watch animals they are the best teachers on how to be natural and not full of anxiety and worry.

  2. That's another way to practice actually but I never tried it myself. You can use your heart rate as your focus. I prefer using the breath and actually if you can just use nothing.


    Using nothing means just sit and allow whatever happens to happen. Basically you are not trying to control anything. Whatever your mind does or doesn't do is sort of irellevent.


    Please take the time and watch or listen to some of the free material on Adyashanti's website. He explains it all very well.


    Ok, take care and good luck!

  3. And if your in NY their are plenty of excellent martial artists. In pretty much all the tradiditions.


    Not sure what your talking about that people here don't focus on body art I think that their are quite a few people into MA and working out here.

  4. I love Hua Shan. Definetly my favorite mountain I have hiked so far. My hiking buddy says he likes Wutai Shan better. And at the top of Hua Shan a woman from Shanghai said that Emei Shan is the most beautiful Chinese mountain.


    But it will take alot for to me to feel another mountain is better. Really strong spiritual presence in that place. I can believe high level adepts once lived there.


    One of my goals for the Spring or Summer is to hike Tai Shan. A Chinese man told me the home of Confucius is close to there would like to see that.

  5. Cool. Yes speaking personally I feel after over 4 years of practice my practice has entered my blood and my bones.


    but it has only really just started-I feel- to move through and purify my organs. Woah that's a wild ride and where all sorts of deep tensions and ego drama comes up.


    I suspect it will take atleast another 4 years to really get a persective on the organ dissolving. I guess from the Taoist perspevtive it's like "5 shen, meet emptiness, emptiness meet 5 shen". Or perhaps that's a bad explananation. My attempt at being intellectual about it.