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Posts posted by Cameron

  1. I was always very close with my mother. She is a very cute lady from Australai. Even though she doesnt' do any qigong or anything I always found being close to her produced a very strong qi field.


    Probably has something to do with the fact that I came out of her :)


    Best wishes Lilli,



  2. Finally, a good production on the excercises performed by indian wrestlers. i have been interested in these excercises since Matt Furey introduced them to mainstream America 5 years ago. Now you can check them( and other training) by the dudes that invented it!


    I am ordering mine today!



  3. Lozen was mentioning the Dogbrothers and how her teacher beat them or something..


    I was reading a BJJ forum that was talking about it .They said the stick fighting was impressive but the grappling doesn't match up.


    I don't have an opnion about it but it looks sort of interesting..



  4. K,


    The way I presently think about it is the tan tiens.centers are like the Tree of life. You plant the seed of health and vitality in the lower tan tien and through daily cultivation(Qigong) the seed grows and reaches the upper tan tiens and spreads qi through the entire body.


    The spirit(Shen) is peacful and happy when the body is filled with qi and this ultimately helps you realize the Tao(Enlightenment).

  your Avatar :)

  5. I have heard/read different explanations. Obviously, Michael Winn has pretty strong feelings about what the 5 shen are and he really works with those alot in his practice . Basically the Interior Gods model that sees humans as a collective of hun and po spirits that have different roles.


    One joke I remember Winn saying how these Shen work together.


    " Your driving on a highway and a truck starts coming into your lane. The heart shen says " I am one with the truck driver" the kidney shen says " Get the hell out of the way!"


    That makes sense since we can all relate to that. We seem to have these different aspects to our personalities that come into play. Is the part of me that craves sex the same part of me that craves love? Is the part of me that wants to get in shape the same as the part that wants to east Krispy Kreme's? These different aspects(or spirits) seems to be what constititues human beings.


    Then of course the real questiona do I get these different aspects into one? How do I unify all these different wills and feelings? And that is what Taoist Alchemy by Michael Winn's teachings is largely about. After you merge or unify these personal shen through Fusion and lesser kan and Li you move onto the greater soul of the Sun and Moon .The Sun relates the the heart and moon to the kidneys. the greater and Greatest kan and li's supposedly merge the shen with early heaven and star qi.


    You develop a pearl that acts crystalizes or congeals these shen into a single essence that can be moved down and merged with the earth or outside and into space(I think chia does that alot..from what I have heard)


    Presently, I am just taking Ken Cohen's advice. If I remember correctly his book basically jsut says "Do Qigong and you shen will be happy". End of discussion.


    But it is interesting if your getting into the Winn HT alchemy and is defiently a large part of his courses.



  6. Since we are getting all "Family Ties" in here I decided to update my avatar with Master Yoda's long lost brother. He got kicked off the Jedi councel several hundred years before Episode 1 for what some Jedi referred to as " a habit that clouds the force."


    Apparantly briefly joined the Sith but wasnt motivated to take over the universe and rule using the dark side. He instead preffered to hang out outdoors and created an advanced form of hackey sack that attracted hippies from throughout the galaxy to hang out, smoke, and watch the mysterious green dude move things with his mind.


    Both the Sith lords and Jedi knights considered him an embarassment and actually worked together for the first and only time in history to rid the universe from what they apparently referred to as ' God damn Hippie Scum".

  7. How old is he?  Maybe you can teach him retention and he can have a dramatic comeback like Foreman did.





    He said he is done fighting .but if I see him around town I'll let him know B)


    I think he needs fusion more than anything though..he looked like he was having an emotional/nervous breakdown last night on the stool.



  8. Just saw Tyson get beaten by a virtual nobody in the boxing world. Sad stuff . Mike said this was his last fight and he was only fighting to pay bills. He stopped enjoying it in 1990.


    Something about watching this guy who used to be so fast, so strong, and had such a strong heart/courage get beat up by a guy he would have killed in the first round when he was champion that seems very dharma to me..


    I wish all the best to Mike and wish him luck in his future life. People were throwing things at him as he was walking to his dressing room. Damn that must have been hard.

  9. George W-The President of the United States of America..what's the general opinion?


    From pretty much all Taoist/Buddhist type people I have heard he is pretty much though of as the lowest of the low..The worst scum plaguing the planet..the smelliest foulest shit..ok you get the point..


    Then I talk to people I certain members of my family..that are rich and from the Middle East that think he is actually a really good leader. They think he is looking at the situation in the Middle East philosophically and thinking about bringing democracy to the region long term and stabailizing it.


    Then I talk to people in the Oil business who are super wealthy(I mean really filthy rich) thata re maing hige profits of the "War in Iraq" and totally disagree with the U.S being their .Some think the real reason we are their has nothing to do with Oil or any of that but is really about ISRAEL.


    Opinions? thoughts? ideas? feelings?

  10. I love the clubbells. I don't think there better that body weight excercises for all around functional fitness but are fun and useful. I think his other stuff(body flow/freedom by degree) looks cool but havent getten into it yet. I could see the value to grappling/BJJ though.


    But I don't agree with what he says about the Back Bridge being dangerous..atleast I think I read he says that. The back bridge..atleast in my the best excercise in existence.


    basically what your doing already just with your head(nose touching the mat) supporting you instead of your arms. but that gymnatic style bridge you do is fun too and I have been playing with it.


    The next level of that bridge that Matt Furey teaches is flipping backwards and standing up..then being able to flip forward on your hands( or head if your insanely advanced) back into the bridge..he call this "Bridging Gymnastics".

  11. You can accomplish whatever you want in life. It takes focus and hard work but it's all possible if you take the right steps and believe. I have a long way to go in achieving my many goals and my mind is sometimes clouded by doubts and negativity. Then I hear about someone like Kyle Maynard. This guy has no arms or legs(Well..a stump) and is entering and WINNING grappling matches/tounraments.


    A friend of mine sponsers him(Cassca Grossa) and told me about this amazing kid a couple months ago. Whenever I have a negative thought about achiving my goals I am going to think about this kid and realzie how full of crap I am.


    Check him out


  12. I do 1 maybe 2 a week. I can't even drink other coffe anymore nothing gives me the buzz like starbucks coffee. Everyday would be way too much though . I had an iced venti coffe this morning and was choking out cowrokers in the afternoon.


    This evening I was voerly aggressive playing tennis..


    my opponent:"Ok, 30 luv"


    cam:"What!? What?! It's 30 Up!! Ok..wait..your right 30 luv! Serve! Damn!


    Yes..stabucks coffee..the gentler version of crack :)

  13. One of the most interesting internet experiments I have found is the Zen Radio teachings and discussions at


    It brings you right into a contemporary American Zen Monastery where modern day people are training and trying to get enlightened.


    Whether you practice Zen or not it's a lot of interesting discussions and if you do practice Zen it's probably an amazing e-teaching.


    Some of it is pretty deep discussions between monastics but alot of it is useful to beginners and people on similar paths..

  14. Same as Peter..I often do it with hindu squats. Also it's great with the back bridge. This guy Lar Short that posts on Matt Furey's website/discussion says that bridging is great for qigong.


    I don't really lift weights much anymore just some occasional Clubbell or kettlebell swinging but I don't see why it wouln't work also.


    The problem with weights is weight training is very brief. You get to 10 reps or something and it's all over. With CC(combat conditioning) your literally doing hundreds of reps so it really helps to open things up.


    Also CC makes you FOCUS. Weight training where reps are low doesnt' depand that same level of concentration. unless your doing poerlifting or something but thtas 1 rep and useless in regards to what your asking about.

  15. I cannot deny what you two are saying and your wisdom is irrefutable. How have I have been so blind to even pay lip service to a man that clearly has no fashion sense. Perhaps the dawing of a new age of enlightenment is beyond reason but the eternal downfall of the age of the mullet and all that wish to keep that fire alive is a goal I think we can all share.


    In mullet hatred fellowship,

