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Posts posted by Cameron

  1. meep meep.




    thanks for checking up on me cam. not ignoring you at all amigo, i'm just typically quiet(er) in winter and also busybusy with a new business, multitasking new love (!) and my spiritual practices (lol michael), while shirking an overflowing inbox and wanting to carve enough time out to give you something other than a rushed reply old friend.


    how are you cam, and how is china treating you? will you tell us a bedtime story about something interesting you experienced in 2011?


    sean <-- friendme



    I stopped using Facebook. You can't really access it in China. I mean I could if I really wanted but too much hassle.


    So far China has been good. One of my coworkers asked me yesterday if I like China or Korea better. It's a difficult question. Maybe I could answer after living in China for a couple years(I was in Korea for 2 1/2 years)


    Instead of stories how about try and visit? Check out my Hua Shan gathering thread. I was thinking spend a few weeks hitting the sacred Taoist mountains then travel to Tibet. Would be great if you could make it bro.


    If not then no worries and good luck in your endeavors!

  2. I am sensing a change in this regard.


    I do feel that their is a desire from the powers that be to honor and preserve authentic Taoism and Chinese culture in general.


    I like the direction China is headed over all. If we could just get affordable alternative energy for fellow Beijingers then I would be a super happy camper :lol:


    I am signing off for awhile. Catch you later!

  3. No, I havent been there. The main reason I am interested to go is I practice Maoshan stuff. That in itself makes me interested enough to just go there and vibe it out.


    But maybe your right and a week is too much. This is a very flexible and tentative schedule.


    Heck, I would be willing to scratch the whole plan and just go to Tibet for a couple weeks possibly lol. It's an idea. So far doesn't seem like any Bums are up for it.

  4. Standing qigong is great! It was my main practice for a couple years.


    I remember Max say when he trained with his Sifu in Hawaii he would hold stances until there was a puddle of sweat!


    It's not something I practice much these days as there is already plenty of energy from the Maoshan alchemy but I suspect I will get back into it at some point. The 5 element standing of the Kunlun/Maoshan system is excellent. Five postures to balance the 5 element/organ systems. It builds alot of qi!

    • Like 2

  5. Ok, so I am thinking do this in July. My tentative schedule is go to Xian and Hua Shan for a week. Then Luoyang and Shaolin Temple for a week. Maoshan for a week and Wudang Shan for a week. If no Bums can join no worries I am meeting some good friends in China who may be intterested.


    If your interested message here or pm me. I'll drop by every couple weeks to check.



  6. I had one incident where a guy came right up to my face and started talking to me. He said he was an artist and blah blah come see my artwork blah blah.


    I just smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder.


    On the whole, I feel safer in Beijing then some parts of America! You do have to watch yourself when you travel though. I usually wear hiking pants and keep my wallet zipped up in my pocket. In general, I have experienced Chinese people as being very friendly. The same goes for Korea.

  7. Haha, ahhh well China isn't going anywhere.


    So, my tentative plan is to hit Hua Shan, Shaolin, Maoshan, Wudang Shan for about a month. Then head to Tibet for a week or two.


    I'll drop in every week or so to see if there is any interest hopefully atleast a couple fellow Bums can make the journey!



  8. Michael Winn is having his wedding on Hua Shan in May. I would try to make it but working. Anyway, if there is any interest later just respond in this thread.


    I have posted quite a bit the past few weeks and it's time for a break. Will drop back in sometime next year.



  9. Much respect to anyone who can 'embrace the tree' for an hour. Anyone who is able to do it for longer is a qigong mutant!


    ps. several advanced qigong teachers I have learned standing meditation from do seem to say to build up the time held standing very gradually. But it sounds like ya'll are already seasoned standing vets!

  10. Other destinations I have in mind to do after Hua Shan.


    1 Shaolin Temple. It's pretty close to Hua Shan. I haven't been before but I think a few hours bus ride away.


    2. Mount Maoshan


    3. Mount Wudang


    If their isn't much interest no worries. I know people are busy busy. But it's something I'll probably do if anyone else is able to join.

  11. I think for most people the most expensive would be buying a plane ticket. Actually China is quite inexpensive. Staying in a comfortable bed on top of Hua Shan's peak only costs about $40 a night. If we take the train down from Beijing like I did a couple months ago that only costs like $40.


    It is a 14 hour train ride but hey, it's China and it's an adventure!


    So, not sure how long anyone would be interested in staying but using just going to Hua Shan for 5 days and maybe Xian and Beijing for a couple days that is probably doable on around $1000. Then whatever the tickets cost now(about another $1000 round trip last time I visited the states from Korea).


    If anyone is interested in a longer journey like I said I would be interested. I am thinking travel around for a month before heading back to Beijing to work.


    Anyway, it's another 7 months away so plenty of time! Any other more knowledgable Bums with cool ideas I am open.



  12. Had an idea.


    Seeing how next year is the year of the Dragon. And, well, ya'll are Tao Bums. Is there any interest in a Tao Bums meetup in China next Summer?


    I am thinking next July. We could either spend a few days in Beijing first or go directly to Hua Shan.


    Xian is also close to Hua Shan and is pretty cool.


    I will probably travel around China and maybe even go to Tibet afterwards. But even if people just want to hang out and meditate together on Hua Shan for a week I think that would be awesome.


    Any interest?

  13. Years ago, Before I started my current practice I built up to stainding in "embrace the tree" for an hour.


    However, I found my current practice gives my nervous system enough juice on it's own. Adding too much standing on top feels like "too much" juice.


    I like standing simple I Jong sometimes. Just standing pole with arms relaxed at the sides but mostly just to relaaaaaaaaax...