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Posts posted by TheTaoist

  1. Maybe this can help you. It's a short description I answered on another post.



    Immortality And Youth Techniques



    We have to understand first both topics:

    Aplicating Youth Technics is essentially influencing directly on our body cells, so that cell renewing happens in a "repeating process" and not in an "advancing process".

    This is the first step and "stops" the aging process. The second step is to "invert" the aging process which is more complicated but as well possible.

    Antiaging is no wonder, but a long lasting process. You can estimate a one year time gain aplicating during one year the rejuvenation technics, two years - two years gain and so fort.


    Essentially to Influence our body cells are the following steps, without going more into details at this point:

    -Body cleansing/purification with food abstinence during at least 10 days/twice a year accompanied by daily colon lavation. Detox is one important part of cell renovation.

    -Controled nutrition. Eating just fresh food that adds energy to your body. This is normally fruits,vegetable,crude fish-no sugar,no milk,no wheat. Drinking water,fresh juice and tea.

    -Opening the meridians with flexibility exercises, so that energy could flew.

    -Chi Kung exercises to accumulate and manage external energy inside. Advanced techniques can directly manipulate the DNA. The DNA in turn makes our body cells renovating in an advanced mode so that we get older.

    -Breathing with the diafragm to pump oxigen into your bloodstream.


    Immortality is possible, but not physically. It could be achieved to transfer the consciousness through death into next life.

    Taoist monks need a hole life doing exercises to reach this important goal.

  2. Prince K

    We have to understand first both topics:

    Aplicating Youth Technics is essentially influencing directly on our body cells, so that cell renewing happens in a "repeating process" and not in an "advancing process".

    This is the first step and "stops" the aging process. The second step is to "invert" the aging process which is more complicated but as well possible.

    Antiaging is no wonder, but a long lasting process. You can estimate a one year time gain aplicating during one year the rejuvenation technics, two years - two years gain and so fort.


    Essentially to Influence our body cells are the following steps, without going more into details at this point:

    -Body cleansing/purification with food abstinence during at least 10 days/twice a year accompanied by daily colon lavation. Detox is one important part of cell renovation.

    -Controled nutrition. Eating just fresh food that adds energy to your body. This is normally fruits,vegetable,crude fish-no sugar,no milk,no wheat. Drinking water,fresh juice and tea.

    -Opening the meridians with flexibility exercises, so that energy could flew.

    -Chi Kung exercises to accumulate and manage external energy inside. Advanced techniques can directly manipulate the DNA. The DNA in turn makes our body cells renovating in an advanced mode so that we get older.

    -Breathing with the diafragm to pump oxigen into your bloodstream.


    Immortality is possible, but not physically. It could be achieved to transfer the consciousness through death into next life.

    Taoist monks need a hole life doing exercises to reach this important goal.

  3. As we all know, Tao is just a word for something that could not be described. By the best means is Tao "the way" to merge with nature, while nature stands for the functioning of everything happening in the universe.

    Taoism is humans, animals and materials endeavor to get closer to Tao. That happens always and everywhere and makes everything work.

    Acordingly Taoism could not be compared to anything, because it already contains everything.

    It is no religion, even though certain groups of humans are more concious about teir goal to merge with nature than others.

    Everybody and everything has a spirit, but don't try to compare one spirit to another. This is imposible because that is where we are all connected. The total result of all spirits makes the "universal spirit" or "universal wisdom".

    Taoism is just the word for an old way to understand this.

  4. Strange thing. We try to talk about Tao while it could not be explained in words. One thing we know is that the only way to get closer to Tao is through permanent practice. The internet will help to wake up interest in Tao all over the world, but to spread the practice we will need transmitters in every place. That is how our ancestors previewed the future.

    Welcome to this nice Tao place.

  5. We have to make a difference between teaching and healing. Teaching is a long process and should be free of charge for "real" disciples. It is very difficult for masters to find such a person that rejects everything else for learning Tao. In seminars a master can just give an introduction and it is ok to charge an adecuate amount for it, so that the master can go on doing so, and doesn't have to look for another job.


    Healing should be free of charge worldwide and payed by insurance. But while reality is quite different, healers and as well doctors should be paid by donation. This is the fairest system because good healers persist while jerks disappear. This is a natural selection process.

  6. Rolf,

    Semen retention is very healthy but very dificult. It is important to know that it is not done with just the retention of the semen, you have to learn first how to convert this powerful energy fountain into useful (spiritual) energy.

    This can be done with a special inverted breathing technique, which is the first step for successful semen retention. If you do not learn this, the accumulated energy could become destructive energy because it stays in the lower part of the body instead of flewing through the backspine into your brain.

    The second step is increasing your emotional self control by way of chi kung and avoiding sexual stimulus of any kind during at least one month. This is important to "close the door" so that the energy could not escape. The first goal is 100 days without ejaculation. You can have sex when you feel strong enough to control your sexual desire. It is strongly recommended to speak with your partner about your goal and make her understand that she has to support you with your endeavor, stopping instantly stimulating you when you are in "danger" of ejaculation. When you feel that you come to the point of an orgasm you have to stop instantly, put your head back to your neck and breath with your diaphragm and pump with your prostate gland.

    This will channel your orgasm inside instead of ejaculating outside.


    You will notice that the orgasm last a lot longer than normally and that you are not tyred after it. While it seems a little strange for your partner the first time, she will apreciate the result because you can go ahead satisfying her much longer.


    The semen retention is mens strongest energy weapon. Have in mind that we where born with a certain amount of prenatal energy and the day that our prenatal energy is all spend we will die.

    To prolongate our life there are two ways: 1.To accumulate external energy (with chi kung,healthy food,etc.) and 2.To avoid the escape of energy (ejaculation, stress, bad food, addiction to vice,etc.), while the ejaculation is where we loose (too) big energy amounts in an instant.



    The best rule is to start all over if you should get weak on your way to the 100 day abstinence. Take yourself time, we are all just humans.

  7. Strange thing. We try to talk about Tao while it could not be explained in words. One thing we know is that the only way to get closer to Tao is through permanent practice. The internet will help to wake up interest in Tao all over the world, but to spread the practice we will need transmitters in every place. That is how our ancestors previewed the future.