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Posts posted by Shura_no_michi_o

  1. Thank you for sharing rodgerj,

    It's been almost 5 months that i'm practicing and I have not been in a seminar yet, so i'm always happy to read about first time in a Kunlun seminar :)

    After 5 minutes with I-Jong I start to feel the shaking, I preety much try to keep the posture, but when i'm doing the 5 elements when I shake my hands go out of the posture and my head start to shake(the "NO" shaking).



    Im very curious about this kunlun I've done plenty of reading but so far I cant quite grasp it.. some people say its the same as kundalini some say its comletely different... Do the practices mainly create movement that corresponds to energy or does it also focus on emptiness or silence..?

  2. yo, whats up,


    been reading this forum for a while and decided to register and participate a bit, my background is primarily in kriya yoga but i also practice some taoist neidan techniques also..

