
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Tao99

  1. What are you listening to?

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  2. KAP

  3. Being Banned from Taobums

    Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Yo, BuyMyProduct.com Doing that in the Lobby in every thread on this public forum is spam. That's the real issue here - the lobby posting of above style product pitches, which he was starting to do. If he can do it, anyone can do it, and it will make this site look like a dead site that has been taken over by spammers. So I believe that's the only issue here, and my vote is: no spam - unsolicited (not the topic), content-empty, repetitive, product pitches - in the lobby. Maybe Drew would agree.
  4. hello taoists

    Hi and welcome. I'd say that Tao(ism) is Taoism, Buddhism is Buddhism, Indian yoga is Indian yoga, reiki is reiki, etc. Tao(ism) is a complete Chinese spiritual/way of life system in and of itself, as are the others I guess.
  5. Taoist Philosophy

    Hi and welcome. Those are good points and questions. As an HR leader you might appreciate that I once taught Tai Chi to corporation employees on-site. The trick was a] nothing far out b] no mention of spirit, heaven, gods, guides etc. as that's considered religious and the class had to be non-religious to be approved. c] have a specific goal in mind that Western science has some experimental understanding of (I chose the 'relaxation response,' which is the same as an emptied mind, with relaxed muscles and slowed, lower belly breathing.) My objective, like you, was to show them a (Tai Chi) way to bring about the state you talk about because it reduces stress on your organs and systems, and so improves health/helps avoid stress related health problems. The (standard) technique is to "relax the muscles, deepen the breath, and quiet the mind" so that you enter a state of "quiet observation" w/o thoughts or judgments, in other words an emptied mind. So I would recommend Tai Chi for your purpose.
  6. Being Banned from Taobums

    I second that motion.
  7. If 'grace under pressure' is so important it would be in the forum rules. I think they call that 'rule creep' - start out with 5 rules, and end up with 105. It's alright to stand up for yourself. It's alright to make a stand for your way. It's alright to be displeased with someone's misinformation and respond to it. It's alright to be displeased with someone's insults and respond to it. And with as little grace as you want. None of that is against forum rules. What's not alright, is personal insults, etc.
  8. The Pursuit of Power

    I wouldn't count mma/bjj out as top of mountain just yet. What do you make of this? a Kiai Master offers a 5000 dollar challenge that he can beat any MMA fighter. Too bad for him because his techniques doesn't affect this MMA fighter. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  9. I feel like I'm being targetted

    Sorry but I feel this is harsh and hyper-critical. It can be of great help to be and feel self-sufficient, and try to think things through to look at them differently and come up with novel solutions. I don't think 'bootstrap pulling' should be discouraged or disgraced. Of course if you are feeling sick, seek medical help. But it's a great feeling to know you can work through some of your problems on your own, without need for pills, highs, guides, or gods. In fact, that's what the Tao is all about, and Buddhism.
  10. Is Taoist Knowledge a "Given" ?

    Hi M, This caught my attention. Let's see, 'All is tao' so we have a set {tao} with All - or all entities, both real and unreal, positive and negative, high and low, left and right, up and down - as a member. So the set {not-tao} is very mysterious and in fact I call it the Mysterium. This is because it contains neither existences or non-existences - both of them are in the tao. Thus I describe it: Beyond the tao is nothing, not even nothing. So if you say nothing is beyond the tao, wrong - Beyond the tao "is not even nothing". If you say there is something beyond the tao, wrong again - Beyond the tao "is nothing." Thus all dualities are a part of the tao. And the set, not-tao, the Mysterium, can be created by the mind, but it is beyond all thought, and completely inconceivable. It contains neither wu or yo, so what's to think about?!?
  11. Here is Liu I-Ming's take on it: The Tao is not apart from virtue (De) and virtue is not apart from the Tao. Those who would practice the Tao, must first bring about virtue. Liu I-Ming, Awakening to the Tao
  12. KAP

    I hope you don't mind, but since Tao is my religion, I feel the need to point out that no Taoist considers "it" = supreme being / GOD to be the TAO, or the TAO to be GOD. They are not synonyms, as you portray them.
  13. The Tao is Super-Commonsense

    Hi, Call me crazy and in need of a diagnosis, but isn't the Tao both obscure, as mystery (wu), and not obscure, as manifest (you)? So sometimes someone will say "Oh how obscure is the Tao!" where what they mean is the mystery of it. But of course, the tao can never be rightly described in one sentence, because the tao is both a and not-a. Anyway, nice high-level poetry river gazer.
  14. KAP

    Really? Interesting. So why do you 'masters' come here then? To pitch products I guess.
  15. New Taoist Home-Study Course

    Good points creation. I have same concerns. I would change my vote if a teacher as you recommend was teaching it.
  16. Is there an objective world?

    Well my nose tip is 2 inches away, and the moon is 93 million miles away. Self/Buddhist mind stream <==> ||Images from Sensors (eyes,etc)|| <==> {Objective Reality} How about the difference is in the subjective imagery (sensory, thoughts) between them, not the objective, external world they are trying to "map". The moon is 93 million miles away for both equally.
  17. Is there an objective world?

    Prior to that there was no him, not no cosmos. Dinosaur bones in museums prove this. His birth was just the year that he himself became aware - via his sensor images - that the cosmos exists. So that was the year his awareness of the world came into existence, not the year the world came into existence.
  18. Is there an objective world?

    A metaphor to another subject (God) doesn't make a counter argument. Here is my proof of external reality, for your consideration: 1. 35 billion years ago the universe was created in the Big Bang, and there were no human subjective images of it. 2. 3 1/2 billion years ago the earth was formed, and there were no human subjective images of it. 3. 300 million years ago there were only fish on earth, and there were no human subjective images of them. Thus external, objective reality clearly exists. (without us, subjective imagery of mind streams).
  19. Is there an objective world?

    How profound of you to ripple with that! I'm so glad you didn't forget it, but recreated it just for the heck of it!
  20. Is there an objective world?

    funny you should say that, I just had the same problem. This puzzle is a real mind teaser. It was something like a chart of the situation over time: Self/Buddhist mind stream <==> ||Images from Sensors (eyes,etc)|| <==> {Objective Reality} So, whereas its true that all externals are mediated by internal subjective images, that in no way entails that there is therefore no objective, external reality. So I believe there is, just as Marblehead says, with its own inherent properties, etc. Or something like that.
  21. What to do if there is nothing you can do?

    Hi and welcome, great question we all must ultimately face. And one that always reminds me of the serenity prayer: God please grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference. Even if you don't believe, me thinks the principle is right on the money. Also, take compassionate refuge in quietude. take care of yourself help out your family feed your cat
  22. Plattfform Zin

    Zen Master Hui-neng, generally speaking (paraphrasing) describes Zen in the Platform Sutra as follows: .. What is practicing Zen ? To practice Zen means to be mentally unperturbed in all outward circumstances, be they good or otherwise, from within Samadhi. To practice Zen means to manifest the emotional imperturbability of the natural mind nature
  23. Plattfform Zin
