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Posts posted by gossamer

  1. You know, I used to live out in New Mexico, the "enlightenment capital" of the United States.


    I have a policy, when someone actually says that they are "enlightened", or "born again", this absolutely means that they ARE NEITHER OF THESE THINGS.


    When I hear these words from someone, I run as quickly as possible, the other way.


    Question: Did Laozi write the Tao te Ching for "enlightened people"?


    Peace, gossamer






    You can never fully understand someone unless you're on the same level. So when dealing e.g. with Eckhart Tolle's words, you actually don't so much try to understand it in your current state as you try to ascend to his level in the process.


    As long as you're not in an enlightened state, don't feel bad when you don't understand everything he says. How could you?

  2. Of all the quotes presented by you here **NOT ONE OF THEM**conflicts with what he said on PBS.


    He doesn't believe in any kind of SURVIVAL of the human soul or spirit AFTER DEATH.


    To say "Life is Eternal", but I'm personally gonna be mulch for the worms and a part of the ecology.....AND THAT'S IT, is only to say "I don't personally believe in survival of the of the soul/spirit".


    All of those quotes really CONFIRM what he said on PBS.


    Peace, gossamer






    I just have to counteract this innacurate portrayal of what he has to say for himself with some direct quotes of his:

    My thoughts on his work is that he is very good at putting difficult concepts into words. He is not a master, he is a wise man with the gift of words and this gift is helping many people to become more conscious beings, which is great. My husband and I met him casually on a ferry one day as he has a home on an island close to the island where we live, and on person he was humble, simple, friendly, and quite plain. His books are helpful, but they are not a complete system or religion or anything like that, they make the concepts of consciousness, meditation and mindful living easy to grasp for people who don't have masters teaching them.

  3. I hate to rain on this party..........but I saw Eckhart Tolle on PBS television and when the host of this program asked him "What do you feel happens to us after death?" Tolle's reply: "I think that we are just dead, and our bodies return to the dust from which we are made".


    He believes in NOTHING (that's far different then Nirvana!) after our life here on earth.


    If he was ANY kind of a Master, he'd know better then thinking in this way.


    And I have his book: 'The Power of Now', and I think that it's great! He's a great writer, but a pretty poor philosopher/"Master".


    Peace, gossamer

  4. Yes, I'm in complete agreement that Yeshua (Jesus) is both the Son of God, and was the Son of Man when He walked here upon the earth.


    In fact, He might also STILL be the Son of Man, because I believe that he (still) has a body, different then ours, but yet He's still embodied with a physical body.


    Some food for thought.


    And for THIS day: "He is Risen!"


    Shlama (Peace, Wholeness---in Aramaic) gossamer





    Christianity says Jesus is the begotten son of God. Christianity says we are all children of God. This is the subject of a sermon that I am giving in June.


    Romans 8:14 "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons [and daughters :)] of God."

  5. Dear Bum Grasshopper,


    There is a Syriac (a dialect of Aramaic) New Testament called 'The Peshitta' (or 'P'shitta').


    It's much clearer then the Greek (or Latin, for that matter) versions of the New Testament.


    But that said, I think that ALL versions, especially the Greek versions, of the New Testament have places where things were "moved around", edited, and even added to, at a later date (then the originals).


    I think that the Gospels came to us ORIGINALLY as 'as ORAL STORIES'.


    The problems began when the "organized church(es)" got involved.


    As I said yesterday, I also think that the Gentiles lost all of their 'Roots' within Judaism, THAT'S when the disaster really began.


    I think that the Holy Spirit is Restoring the Jewish Roots, even within Christian Churches.


    But this is a S-L-O-W process that's meeting great resistance, within "Organized" Christianity.


    All of that said, I'm a Christian Friend (Quaker) and if the Quaker movement had not pretty much died off (except for a small band in Southeastern Ohio, and maybe 200 more Christian Friends scattered around the USA and Britian.....who are connected to the Friends in S.E. Ohio), it was in my estimate, pretty near how the original Jewish Believers worshipped and lived.


    I believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah, just as he said that he was (and proved he was, in my opinion).


    But I've studied the New Testament, especially the Syriac version in the last few years, and I see real problems with later "editors".


    I've also studied the Tao Te Ching for YEARS, and I percieve that the original text was pretty much kept intact.


    This is apparent with the Silk Dao de Jing, and the later Bamboo strip Dao de Jing.......our modern versions of the Tao te Ching are VERY NEAR to these very early versions of the DDJ.


    I find it literally tragic that I cannot say the same thing for our modern New Testament. :(


    Peace, gossamer









    My parents raised me a catholic and sent me to catholic school. As a child I had complete faith in the religion. I went to church, prayed, and confessed my sins to a priest. It did nothing for me.


    After I quit putting faith in the system and started thinking and doing things my way, things improved. I felt more spiritually connected in a forest rather than a church. I did not believe that Jesus performed miracles or even existed.


    After studying Taoism, I now see Jesus as a great sage that had healing and manifestation powers. He ultimately became immortal, and later ascended when it was his time. A feat that has been said accomplished by many Taoist masters.


    If Jesus never existed and was not such an extraordinary sage, I doubt that his following would have survived for so long and be so powerful. It was mankind that bastardized his work and turned it into what it is today.


    Christianity says Jesus was the son of God. Taoism says we are all children of God. And we all have the power to love, heal, and even become immortal.

  6. I'd like to say that I'm a Christian Quaker ('Friend') and have been involved in Celtic Christianity, for many years as well.


    However, I honestly believe that Jesus ("Yeshua") came to completely reform/rebuild Judaism.


    And Yeshua came to fulfill very ancient prophecies in the Tanakh, or the Jewish Old Testament.


    ALL of the early Messianic Believers WERE JEWISH, they were NOT "Christians", and NEITHER WAS Yeshua!


    It was later that Gentiles started "Christianity".


    At first these were Aramaic speaking Assyrians, from The Church of the East, that lived in what is now Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran.


    The ancient Church of the East carried the Gospel far away on the Silk Road into India, China, and Tibet.


    There was a kind of synthesis between Christianity and Daoism in China.


    Here are some scholarly books that tell this story:


    1. By Foot To China--Mission of The Church of the East, to 1400 by John M.L. Young


    2. A History of Christianity in Asia (Volume 1) Beginngs to 1500 by Samuel Hugh Moffett


    3. The Lost History of Christianity--The Thousand Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia---And How It Died by Philip Jenkins


    4. The Jesus Sutras--Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity by Martin Palmer


    That A LOT of Lao Zi's teachings are VERY SIMILIAR to Yeshua's (Jesus') teachings in the Gospels, goes almost without saying.


    Did one Faith inspire the other, or did they grow indepently of one another??


    These are the real questions. And neither of these religions would probably admit it NOW,even if it WAS true!


    But that there was a fusion between Daoism and Christianity IS AN HISTORICAL FACT, and is not speculation, or just some wild theory.


    'The Jesus Sutras' by Martin Palmer is the best telling of this fascinating story.......if you've not read it yet, you SHOULD!


    Just my two pence worth.


    Peace, gossamer

  7. Dear Stig and Tao Bums,


    I wanted to thank you all.......my Blessings even to those who haven't been on board for this.


    Stigwerd, I know that I don't really know you like a friend there in Oz might know you, but I wanna say that I Love you for doing what you've done for me......I know that it's not really "manly" to tell another man that you Love him in public. Apologies if I've embarrassed you. That's plainly NOT my intention.


    You've been so Compassionate and understanding and long-suffering through all of this.


    I don't really know what to say except 'Thank You!', and to tell you that I Love you! :D


    And thanks to Sean for his GREAT toleration for this spiritual program!


    Your Brother, Albion/gossamer






    I am thrilled to report that the healing ceremony for Gossamer was perfomed on schedule :D


    I'd like to thank all of you who sent forth your own beneficial energies to support this process. It has been a joy and a privelege to be involved the way I have.


    Part of the ceremony was the blessing of a talisman for Gossamer which, after I add the finishing touches to it, I will post off to him to serve as an anchor for the healing energy generated and also as a reminder that he is well loved by the Bums ;)


    Cheers once again,



  8. Dear Stigwerd & Forum,


    This post will probably go over like 'a lead ballon', but these are some of the thoughts that I've had over the subject(s) that we all have discussed in these many posts.


    Over the years, especially as I've grown older, I've once again come to the conclusion that there is (literally) spiritual evil.


    I don't know if I want to make even an educated guess at it's origin, but that it exists, is in my opinion, beyond doubt.


    I know that "evil" is accepted in Religious Daoism, and in some sects of Buddhism and Hinduism, and of course it's accepted as existing by the Christian faith and within some sects of Judaism.


    But 'New Agers' and a lot of Philosophical Daoists deny it's existance altogether (some [most?] of Philosophical Daoists even deny the existance of a God, or any kind or sort of a Higher Power).


    But I've seen real evil and I believe that it exits. Why it exists is a nother whole question, that would take even more hours to speculate and wonder about.


    So, to write about a topic like 'evil' here on this forum, may be a really bad idea.


    I don't think that I can take the idea of evil being an "illusion", as serious, or even as an intellectually honest question (or suggestion).


    OK, so let's say that you can help to heal a person, I can accept that, but if the long term attack upon this person is being perpetuated by an evil force operating through a person who has fallen prey to disembodied evil (spirits), then how is healing person number 1, going to help with the attacks by person number 2, who is being manipulated by disembodied evil forces (spirits?)??


    Yes, you can make person number 1, stronger by removing the stuff (curse?) that person number 2 has done, but how is that going to resolve the overall problem of evil using person number 2?


    Especially as person number 2 has probably opened himself to being used by evil (forces) against person number 1, in a long term 'spiritual vendetta'??


    I'm certainly NOT opposed in any form to being HEALED, that's NOT what I'm saying here.


    Please don't blow me off by telling me that spiritual evil is "an illusion", or is only my perception, or something along those lines, because I've actually SEEN evil operating over a six year (going into year SEVEN now....) period.


    I have SEEN what evil can do, if someone (person number 2) opens himself to evil operating THROUGH him.


    This is NOT some illusionary idea, or something that arose from my early Christian training, but something that I've REALLY SEEN HAPPEN here on the earth plane that we live on.


    I've literally seen the person in question (person number 2) sell tee shirts that say "Evil Silver Crow" on them (and I might add that "Corvus Argentum", is only Latin, for "Crow, Silver").


    So, here is a person accepting the self designation as "evil". And even selling tee shirts to further this idea.


    Now, I feel that you, Stigwerd, have probably abandoned the whole idea that there is spiritual evil, or if you do accept this term that you might think that evil is some idea of illusion, and evil has NO EXISTANCE as a spiritual entity..


    There is nothing else that explains why someone would stalk someone all over the internet for over six YEARS.


    So, how is healing ME going to cause this evil to cease, and this magical/spiritual attack TO STOP??


    Now, this whole post may be meaningless to you, because I have one of those gut feelings that you (Stigwerd) do NOT believe in, nor accept, the existance of spiritual evil.


    Again, I'm NOT saying that I do not want to be healed, but how is healing ME, going to cause these spiritual attacks/curses from person number 2 TO CEASE?


    Please, please do not try to tell me about illusion or that evil does NOT EXIST, I've seen too much over the last six plus years, to believe THAT.


    Thank you for your time and energy in replying, and thank you for really LISTENING TO ME.


    Shlama (Aramaic for: "Peace and Wholeness"), gossamer

  9. Dear Stig,


    Only one question here.


    Do YOU actually believe that what I'm saying has REALLY HAPPENED?


    Or are you one of those....."Stay on your meds........."kind of people??


    I'd like you to answer this here in public, if you'd not mind.


    Thank you, gossamer






    Glad you are still with us Gossamer ... how are you going with those exercises? I can't stress enough how important they are and will be to the outcomes you are wanting.


    Stay well my friend,



  10. I guess that I should say that in my younger years I experimented with magic as a Gardnerian (so-called) "wiccan", and later as a family/'Traditional witch'.


    I left all of that because I saw that 98% of it was about power, sex or money.....money, sex or power, sex, money or power, and that most the people involved were not the kind of people that I wanted to associate with, or to have as friends.


    I have in my later years been pretty involved with Celtic Christianity, Early Aramaic "Christianity", Quakerism, and with philsophical Daoism.


    Having said all of that, I think that negative entities pretty much need BODIES to work with and through.


    They USE (in the most literal sense of the word) human beings to work through.


    A lot of these types of people (but not ALL, by any means) are usually involved in occultic stuff, and don't mind being used, because they get "a charge" by being used.....and a lot of them are involved with the occult because of the three reasons that I spoke about in the second paragraph of this post.


    So, demons without "hosts", is a kind of oxymoron really.


    Demons need people=people need demons.


    Peace, gossamer

  11. Dear Paul,


    Thank you for simply believing me.


    Only you and one other fearless 'Tao Bum' have actually believed me.


    The computer geeks have been the WORST, as they have ideas about what a very sophiscated hacker can really do, or NOT, but they don't take into consideration that this socio-path has been given hard ware and software that had been formerly used by the U.S. Government (the State Dept.) to hack our enemies overseas (with)!


    The geeks have NO idea what this man is REALLY capable of!


    He literally can install a keylogger, and other malware and spyware, into the BIOS of one's computer (while your online) because of the U.S. Government equipment that he has.....NO ONE believes this, but it's TRUE.


    But yet the BIOS space is rerally quite tiny, so HOW is this actually done......I don't know, but I know that he's actually capable of this.


    I have a notarized statement from an Arkansas Sheriff Dept. where David was publically overheard saying how he was going to murder one Tony ------, and dispose of his body, to where not even any of his DNA would ever be found!


    This is the kind of person that has been writing to all of you here on this forum pretending to be meek and mild.......REALLY IS!



    I can never go home to Arkansas to live there again, without having a shotgun beside the bed, and a pistol with extra magazines, on the bedstead.


    Who WANTS to live like that?


    I would finally have to kill this SOB, when he came to kill me, and I have NO desire to kill anyone!


    Tell me that it's not extremely SAD that I can never go home to live there, ever again??


    He brags about being a former U.S. Navy SEAL, whether this is really true or not, who knows, because he LIES about EVERYTHING!


    Before he was married, his magic was non-existant, AFTER he was married, his magic is better...............what does THAT really say??


    That he's cursed me (or someone ELSE that he knows or associates with, has cursed me) goes without saying.


    So Stigwerd, if you're reading this, there's a heads up. I might be able to airmail a photo of myself to you by April 9th, 2009, IF you want me to send you a photo of myself, please send me your snail mail address in a PM ASAP, if not, that's kool too.



    Here's some more of this whole story:




    https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us...May/145072.html Guidelines



    Thanks again for really hearing me Paul!


    Your friend, gossamer





    I feel that it is important to remember that most people who have posted to this 'saga' have been counter-productive and/or confused as to the issue of concern. The issue was one of helping a person who has problems by acknowledging the fact and acting on it. It is not up to Gossamer to be 'reasonable' and to not expose his pain in whatever way it manifests-if that is how it should be then he probably wouldn't feel the need for help and would seem perfectly 'reasonable', therefore 'normal'. His very expression is the thing you should hear, not the red rag of the language. I simply can't fathom how people love conflict so much that they play into it whenever they feel it is expressed by others. It says so much about peoples (in)tolerance levels regarding their own lack of empathy. What's interesting is the flack one posting party has received for being in pain and the complete neutrality the other party has inspired by seeming perfectly reasonable. As tao people and the like, that way of looking at human interaction is so simplistic and laden with pop-psychology that.......arrrghh........ Many historical examples (real bad ones too) could be given to illustrate the fallacy of looking at things so reactivly. Perhaps people can take a step back and find some connection with this person who needs to be heard instead of judging someones pain and therefore ignoring it. We live on this earth as humans-suffering is the issue.

    Gossamer I don't know you/your life but your suffering breaks my heart.

  12. I'd like to reply to the Tao Te Ching question.


    We have probably around 40 translations of the TTC/DDJ.


    Here's the skivvies.


    Translators translate in one of two ways.


    Word-per-word, or they "paraphrase".


    The great word-per-word translators are: Red Pine, David Hinton, Jonathan Star, John C.H. Wu, Michael Lafargue, Philip J. Ivanhoe, and Robert G. Hendricks.


    Sam Hamill and Arthur Waley, are both GREAT translators, but neither of them translated word-per-word.


    Two more great translations are done by Hua-Ching Ni,who operates his own lineage and training centers.


    And one more really great translation is by Liu Qixuan (it's called: 'The Way'). It's especially good for those with Christian backgrounds, as Qixuan juxtaposes the TTC against the Gospels.


    My personal favorites are by David Hinton, and Red Pine, both of which are excellent!!


    Peace, gossamer









    I picked up Sam Hamill's translation last year and have been enjoying it. The intent of this translation was to capture the poetic nature of the TTC. In my opinion he succeeded in delivering a straight forward, poetic translation.

  13. Dear Stigwerd,


    YES, if it's YOU, I'll go along with any kind of healing that you could perform.


    While I think that you have believed David and his wife, to a certain extent, I also believe in your heart of hearts, that you truly want GOOD for me, and others.


    It must be remembered that I've hated this guy for years, he's runined large portions of our lives for over SIX YEARS NOW, and he seems to have NO intention of ceasing his stalking me all over the internet.


    Not to mention that he's cost us somewhere over $6000.00 these last six years.


    I absolutely meant what I said about the carwreck and David.


    I have no remorse over this, it'd be a far better world WITHOUT him.


    That said, YES, I'll go along with YOU doing any sort of healing that you'd choose.


    If you can deal with all of what I've said, my answer is YES.


    Peace, gossamer






    Thank you for your reply Gossamer :D Please let me respond carefully to your post ... I have deliberately overlooked the parts that are excessively rancorous and points that, because they can neither be proved nor disproved here, are simply outside of my ability to comment on.

    That is fine ... I have fairly much considered this to be a closed avenue ;)

    And I have called you my dear good friend ... my neutrality is uncompromised :D

    I have dealt with you all as you are ... neither believing nor disbelieving the assertions of either side. I have valued each of your perspectives for what they are.

    Are we to take this as your final decision? I had something else in mind that would fulfill my originating intent of wanting to do something to truly help you.


    If you trust me, if you believe in my integrity then I was about to suggest that the donations stay with Sean and that I personally perform such a healing ceremony for you. I have some considerable skill and experience in such matters and I would be more than happy to help you in this way.


    Neither Mak Tin Si, David nor his wife would be involved. It would be a sacred contract between you, me and the good spirits that guide and watch over us.


    But the final decision is yours and yours alone. I am here, I am waiting to help you in what ever way I can. All you have to say is "Yes".



  14. 1. First, I'm *NOT* gonna get into it with Mak Tin Si again, over "donations".



    2. David says when I write about him he finds what I say by searching search engines for his name.


    Fucking liar.


    There is a KEYLOGGER on this computer with which he gets a print out of every word that anyone types on it!


    And you all BELIEVE every word that he says! Are you STUPID or do you just have completely NO spiritual discernment???


    David is a HACKER/CRACKER, and THAT'S ONE OF THE THINGS that St. Vincent's Infirmary FIRED HIM FOR.




    See, David already KNOWS ALL OF THIS, it's NOT news for HIM! Or his wife!


    Here's Stigwerd calling David's wife "Dear"...........gee's, I really appreciate your "NEUTRALITY" Stig!



    OK, I honestly appreciate everyone's HELP, and everyone trying to help ME. I really DO!


    David and his wife are LYING, you all BELIEVE THEM.


    Fine, have you ever gone to the 'Original Arkansas Witches' website and actually read about this guy?








    "Silver Crow"? He's a scumbag, and has been for YEARS. Why does he hack google and take off the bad shit OTHER PEOPLE say about him?? (People who are NOT ME)


    Because he doesn't want it read!


    Why did he pretend to be "A Nazarene" and hack my review at Amazon.com?


    Because he's like A MERCENARY, and will deal his hacking services out to ANYONE.......AS LONG AS THEY *HATE ME TOO*!!!



    And Stig believes all of David's SHIT, and people here say "How grounded" that he and his wife are!


    What a riot! ROTFLMAO!


    Do something nice to help SEAN with that money. He's been long suffering through ALL OF THIS. PLEASE, help SEAN.


    There are at least 100 road blocks to all of this, and they did NOT happen "by accident".


    Ponder THAT, and help SEAN.








    It is the Waning Moon, nearly Dark ... time to reflect ... nothing can or should be achieved here right now. A moment for introspection ... letting go of attachments to outcomes ... to regroup one's energy ... to breathe with the flow of the downward/inward cycle.


    *takes deep breath ... slowly exhales*



    Here is where we have come:


    Gossamer came to our lovely little corner of the world laden down with the trauma he brought with him. He was obviously seeking help. He turned to Mak Tin Si for help but was taken aback at the idea of being asked to 'donate' specific amounts of money in exchange for the ceremonies on offer.


    This is where I stepped in. My intent was three-fold:


    1. Provide a source of healing for Gossamer

    2. Give Mak Tin Si a chance to demonstrate his services

    3. Dispell the turbulence that was being created


    I put out the call for people to donate a small amount each and we all witnessed the phenomenal support that rolled in ... it was truly amazing and I want to once again express my deep admiration and gratitude for all the generous souls who gave so selflessly!


    :D Go team!!!


    Now I will take it as no coincidence that David and his wife where drawn into the circle, I see it as a perfect resonance to the pool of healing that we created. Of course this caused a mini-tornado of stress for Gossamer and I was not at all surprised to see Gossamer flee from the scene.


    Now admittedly I was starting to feel a little frustrated and my attachments to an outcome nearly caused me to make the error of acting hastily and perhaps inappropriately. Thankfully David himself stepped in and quite correctly said that we needed Gossamer's full consent for the outcome to have integrity.


    Now Gossamer if you are reading this, however you want to interpret things, David made a move of integrity that was for your highest good. Please my friend, see this as a sign that David wants this whole unfortunate business to over as much as you do.


    Now here we are in a new thread with, as I see it, a couple of major obstacles:


    1. David and his wife are amongst us and Gossamer adamantly holds that they are here with ill-intent and that we are all being duped by them.

    2. There is a general, and obviously increasing, sentiment, both from Gossamer and other folks on this board, that Mak Tin Si's view that he doesn't charge for his services and yet insists on a donation with a set minimum amount.


    So let us take a moment to reflect on where we have come. Try not to make declarations of who is 'right or wrong'. Let us think creatively for a solution, for a way past these obstacles, that will be of benefit to everyone.



  15. Me disrespecting Mak Tin Si?


    It seems the other way around, to ME.


    Furthermore, I've NOT been involved in magic since 2002.


    And THEN it was becoming 'One' with the Spirit of ancient Britian, also known as "Albion".


    But I I absolutely DO hate and despise David Screeton, and if he was destroyed tomorrow in a car wreck or whatever, I'd not lose even one minute of sleep!


    In fact, instantly the world would become a BETTER PLACE, for MANY people, and NOT just FOR ME!!


    I've NEVER cursed David, EVER, and I highly resent someone implying that I am involved with negative magic!


    That this group CANNOT "see through" David's LIES, is utterly amazing to me.


    There are one or two fearless people who seem to have 'clear vision' (spiritually) here, but they are the exception to the rule!


    I've told you THE TRUTH, and it's not from being crazy, I just told you what's REALLY HAPPENED TO ME.


    It's your CHOICE to believe me, or NOT. But I HAVE told you the TRUTH, the whole time.









    Mak Tin Si has proven his healing ability. Yoda's wife was healed after trying a ton of other stuff just by being added to the Lineage. The proof of the pudding is in the eating I guess. I can also attest that the results so far from my practice in stage one of Chi In Nature are very strong.


    Many people here put there hands in their pockets for you Goss. If you were starving hungry and I invited you into my house to feed you only to be told 'I am not eating that!' Then it is not my fault if you starve. you cannot be forced to eat.


    You accused people of causing you harm, then someone turns to help and you point a finger at them?


    As bad as this all seems, if the trend continues and you move to another site accusing whoever of doing you wrong, I hope they can come here and see that you were taken in, accepted, people reached out and you rejected and insulted them all.


    I truly hope you find peace and health. But do not disrespect Mak Tin Si.


    Good Luck.

  16. Now THIS is the person who is supposed to be "healing me"..........



    "That is what I meant by "Gossamer deserve his own karma pay back" a long time ago. He love to do crazy stuff with people on the forum, internet, so what he get in return is the same problem too. Can't you just see the pattern of karma running?


    So let's say he is being attacked by black magic, what do you think he usually do to people he dislike?






    Mak Tin Si 麥天師 "



    FUNNY. Real funny.


    Ask David Screeton why he HACKED my book review here:





    You can read my comments right after Dave Bauscher's review.


    David is A LIAR. His wife is A LIAR.


    You guys bought into he and and his wife's LIES.


    Oh well, believe whatever you will.


    Take the money, and help Sean with the website. That would be my desire.


    Mak Tin Si cannot "heal me" and say bad shit about me in the same sentence.


    That doesn't make ONE BIT of sense to me at all!


    I came here this morning with the INTENT of going along with this "healing".......and THEN I read Screeton's and Mak Tin Si's posts.


    Mak Tin Si believes that I AM the problem.


    Screeton, is of course, afraid that this "healing" will effect HIM (and his hacking and his negative magic) in some negative manner, that's why he DOESN'T REALLY IT WANT TO HAPPEN.......that's why he didn't want it to go on, when it was about to, when I wasn't here..........believe me or NOT, I don't really care.


    David Screeton is bullshitting the whole bunch of you. Very, very SAD.


    WHY can't you all 'see through' his bullshit?? Is your spiritual discernment really so very WEAK?





    P.S. You guys SHOULD HAVE REALLY LISTENED to Paul Walter when he wrote THIS:



    "..........So, in summary--I recognise goss' pain as something complex and real. Something has happened which people aren't acknowledging and are actually getting sick of hearing (remember it wasn't acknowledged as something that happened to him in whatever form so Goss would feel the injustice of it if his claims are true or even exaggerated by pain, and like me he seems to be at wits end trying to be heard). The 'accussed' party has a very deliberate engagement pattern on this forum which is almost too reasonable and too willing and pops up at oppurtune times. There is too much repeated reasonableness in goss' outraged postings to ignore. I hope i am wrong on all of this and that goss is making shit up about people or is paranoid-but hey so was Hemingway!......................................I have come to learn that if someone asks for help they need it on THEIR terms first or they won't change because the initial fear/defensiveness about being misunderstood/hurt again comes into play. Again, I HAD to write this because the whole forum was so disturbing to me. this is all to bring things to light NOT to keep the fight going. In the 'end' the solution will be the same as what people said in the 'beginning'--letting go and moving on however best one can..."

  17. I don't know just WHO the fuck that you THINK that you are, but both the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service KNOW THAT'S it's POSSIBLE, and they KNOW that's it's happening, and that he's (DAVID) doing it!.


    I'm tired of being called a liar, fuck you , you don't know me from Jack Shit.


    I'm NOT lying, and I'll post a statement from a Police Agency in Arkansas within the next two days.


    Proving (ONCE AND FOREVER) what kind of person that your beloved David REALLY IS.


    You don't like what I post, call the Police agency and call THEM "LIARS".


    Your a mean son of a bitch WITHOUT ANY REAL Compassion.


    And ..........just for the road, get fucked again.




    P.S. After I post the info from Arkansas, I'll leave this list, and you have my WORD, I'll NEVER RETURN.




    Dude. Please. Just stop.


    It is none of our business to ask him why he was fired from a job. At all. Some people make mistakes or do stupid things.


    Now, as to the rest of your post. Just stop trying to lie and pull the wool over peoples eyes here. As of now, it is technologically impossible for your accusation to be true. So really, the only one causing harm in this thread, is you.