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Posts posted by andymach33

  1. hi , i'm the skinhead on the left. No fotoshop on the image, we used a camera however , but we couldnt find giant foam lettering, so we used fotoshop to put the heading in there.. Good reflexes from Kim (trusty cameragirl).

    Hey all sillyness aside , if you have any doubts as to ...whatever, just come. Simple......Feel it. Be shocked as to its power ( as i am regularly). We're not making some wild statement is what it is.

    As far as the arm placement...

    Always looking to play.


  2. Hello , Sifu Adam Mizner will be touring Australia during April/May. The Push Hands seminars will be intensive and hands on, giving participants a full day of training and learning. Principle based training suitable for all styles. Learn how to produce and apply internal power.

    The dates are :


    Adelaide : 24th April ( Contact Gerald 0424298121 )

    Melbourne : 1st May ( Contact Andrew 0406367321 )

    Sydney : 8th May ( Contact Andrew 0406367321 )

    Gold Coast : 15th May ( Contact Nicholas 0415640989 )


    Full Day 9.30 - 4.00pm $150


    Limited numbers, so book early.




  3. Hi Adam,


    Thank you for thinking of me :)


    I would love to do some training. I'll start saving now. As soon as you know dates let me know and I'll start booking flights and looking for accommodation.





    Hi Mal, i will be on the Gold Coast for the seminar aswell. It will be nice to see you there.


    Take care,



  4. How did the melbourne seminar go?:)


    Hi Jack, yes the seminar was great...different format again to the previous workshops. I suppose that's one of the elements that makes these seminars special. Sifu was injured and still recovering from food poisoning, and after taking his arm out of a sling, proceeded to demonstrate the skill and understanding that has made him one of the more exciting players on the scene. He went on to openenly expound his knowledge to his guests, touching hands with most during the ensuing excercises. Sifu Karram, from the gold coast/brisbane was also in attendance, bolstering the teaching presence on the day. The seminar explored the 8 energies of taiji.. in form and push hands. It was good to see the application of the 8 most seem to only use push...push and push.


    Take care,



  5. Hi fellas, thanks for the welcome. And to mouse, yes things are well down here in sunny melbourne. we've attracted a good bunch of dedicated, open guys, makes life pleaseant. And yeah, that guy did the whole bit , yell and all. Was cool. So where are you now? And how is training and the practice? It will be good to see you again, one of these days.

    Take care,



  6. Hi all, well last time i checked my teacher wasn't a circus performer and was certainly not into proving himself.

    Personally, in my first or second encounter with Sifu, i was introduced to this "empty force". I certainly wasn't a devoted student at that point. I was a scepticle hard stylist with a background in muay thai, wing chun and western boxing. And at this stage there were no youtube clips to pre condition me either. I'd seen a flyer on a notice board , i called him out of the blue and that was it.

    This no hands gear is not something we train specifically, but at the same time we are training our minds to be free from the restraints of conventional reality- the biggy here being the notion that you are there and i am here, and we are separate etc, etc. So if you practice ( in Buddhism /Taoism )the idea that you can effect your "reality" with your mind ,could be quite tangible. Yes? One only has to read a few lines from any given Sutta or Classic to be reminded of this.

    And for the record, Sifu claims to be nothing other than a teacher of the Dhamma( taiji falling under this of course).

    Hoping to cross hands soon,



  7. Hello, my name is andrew mackenzie. I would like to extend a warm greeting from Heaven Man Earth Taiji Melbourne. I train in Taiji and Buddhism under the guidance of Sifu Adam Mizner.