Sloppy Zhang

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Everything posted by Sloppy Zhang

  1. You know there's a mental disorder where you worry about if you have a mental disorder.
  2. Fire or Water?

    The thing is, I don't think there IS a pure water/fire method. I myself have been working through Frantzis' energy gates book. On kind of an intellectual level, I like his idea of "ice to water to gas". But in practice, it seemed really.... I dunno, I could never get the right feeling or intention. But then I thought about science courses I took when I was a kid, talking about temperature, then you think about cooking and stuff, I thought about the process that transforms water to gas. You have to get HOT to transform water to gas. I mean, all along I've had this "cool" thought in my head (temperature wise), about the "water method", and how "fire method" type of "heat" is bad.... but then I was like, wait a minute, you gotta get pretty hot to change water into gas! Then stuff really started happening to me. That's just kind of a personal observation that I found in my training. It's pretty general, and specific to myself, so it's not of those things you won't really find in a book, but something you find from personal practice. HOWEVER, Michael Winn wrote an article about the Fire vs. Water "debate", and he does bring up a good point, that you do need fire to turn water to gas. Even thought Frantzis talks about not "forcing" things like the fire schools, you do have to center your intention on a blockage and "work through it"... though not in a "burn it" way, but in a "dissolve" it way. But even then, it kind of blurs the lines.
  3. Kunlun follow up poll

    As someone who hasn't practiced Kunlun, I find it amazing that there are some people that have talked about super positive things they got from it, but there is another group that talks about how freaky it can get I mean it's one thing for people to say a practice isn't for them, but some of this stuff is getting pretty serious It makes me wonder about what coming in the mail for me....
  4. Kunlun follow up poll

    You're a better person than me!
  5. Having you ever thought about being a monk

    Let's say I designed a game where you hand to spin a hoola hoop around you as you sang Hannah Montana songs. If you clocked enough hours doing that, I would give you various degrees and certificates that told people how smart you were. The more hours you spent doing that, the better certificates you would get. To get some certificates, you would have to spin the hoop counter clockwise, or maybe even sing a song backwards. Let's say to get the best certificate you had to do that for 14 years. How many years do you think you could do that? Oh, and just keep in mind that if you quit, you are running away from reality and everyone will think you're just a loser, and obviously not as smart or qualified in anything as the people who did it for 14 years. (for many schools and students, I am not exaggerating here) Like I said, it's good IN THEORY. But in practice it can be very stupid. (again, never said it was ALL stupid)
  6. Having you ever thought about being a monk

    Sure, the thought comes up every once in a while. Don't know where you went to school but... a lot of schools can be REALLY stupid. Serious wastes of time. Like, it's a nice thought to think, "stay in school and learn something", but it is NOT an exaggeration when you say school can hold people back. It depends on the person, depends on their field, and depends on what they do with their time. There are plenty of people that became far more successful and happy and got real results going outside the system than they ever would by staying inside the structure. But that path isn't for everyone so, yeah.
  7. the balloon debate

    A shaolin monk would jump without hesitating. Why? 1) it's the right thing to do 2) it's good training, hitting the water will be good training for taking powerful blows, and swimming to the island (which is visible anyway) will help build strength and stamina. Everyone will reach the island safely.
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    My copy of the Kunlun book just shipped yesterday!!!!!! So I don't know, can't answer yet, this poll came too soon! I'm gonna try it for the first time at the end of the week!!! Finally I'll get around to experiencing the practice I've heard so much about! I am excited and apprehensive and curious and doubtful all at the same time! So I will answer the poll when I have something to answer (it will be my first experience with spontaneous qigong though so..... no idea what to expect)
  9. 10,000 practices, but how many do you need

    Depends. I've found some practices that I like, but I also look into other practices. The ones I found I like: Zen meditation B.K. Frantzis' meditation/qigong system I'm waiting for the Kunlun book I just ordered to come in the mail. Kunlun was sitting in the back of my mind for so long, then when I decided to get the book and check out the practice for myself, I felt a lot better. So we'll see how that goes when it gets here.
  10. Making the Jump

    Well, when I first came to this board I saw a lot of Kunlun threads, and didn't know what they were. Did lots of forum searching, read through all the old threads, thought it looked kind of neat, but I had other stuff to do, and figured I'd work on those things before I moved on to Kunlun. But all the while Kunlun was in the back of my head, and every time I saw it I'd think about it again. I had also started reading some other things, researching and doing some other practices, and the more I learned the more I started to hear echoes of Kunlun. The things that Kunlun people here have said, and what they have quoted Max as saying, it started to sound very similar. Even though I haven't quite done all the things I said I'd do first, I feel I can't put Kunlun off any longer.... at least looking into it. So I'm thinking of getting the Kunlun book. I see there's a link to buy the book from the Kunlun website, are there any other Kunlun books, or is there just this one? because in some threads in the past, people have mentioned a Kunlun level two book, but I'm not sure not that I'd be using it, I'd just like to get it and put it off to the side, so I can visit it when I get around to it. So.... yeah
  11. Making the Jump

    Well I ordered the book today. Now all I gotta do is wait till it arrives and then practice and then.... see what happens
  12. Hatred and intent

    One of the things I've found helpful is to stop and critically assess the things you are feeling. Take hate. What does it get you? Let's say some dude is really pissing you off. Let's say you start to hate him. Okay, where does that get you? Chances are good the dude you hate doesn't even care. He probably does stuff to people all the time for his own reasons, or maybe he does it just to you, for his own reasons, but chances are he's probably not losing any sleep over what he does/did to you. You hate him and boil over and it rises up in you every day, and you think every day and night about how much you hate the person. Let's assume you are socially adjusted. You think you could go beat him up one day. But what would that accomplish? You could get thrown out of school, or fired from your job, you could be arrested, he and his friends could come by with weapons or something and hurt you even worse. It will never end, and you will end up getting hurt, and he won't even care. You will hate him more for that, but you won't end up doing anything to him! So just let it go. The only person you are hurting is yourself. As for someone hating you? Try to be more conscious of how you act around them. Maybe you should make an effort to avoid them or something.
  13. I suggest B.K. Frantzis' "Opening the Energy Gates of Your body." Followed by his other books "Relaxing Into Your Being" and "The Great Stillness." Great introduction with some pretty simple practices to get you started. Michael Winn even said in an article that one of Frantzis' methods was actually a great way to open the MCO, even though Frantzis doesn't teach his methods for that purpose. So it all leads to the same place.
  14. gold dragon body

    That's funny because I haven't seen Sean at all.
  15. I don't know if seeking to run away from "real world responsibility" is such a good idea. Then again, maybe it's just the way that was worded, and I'm reading into something that isn't there In any case, you can always just go out and sit under some trees and meditate. Or join some monastery.
  16. gold dragon body

    That girl is a meditation genius. If she took up any type of meditation seriously, she'd probably go right to the top. Or she's just a naturally sensitive person, and picked up on your practices (in the past I think you say you've had experience with Kunlun, maybe she picked up on that) and she reacted to it. Or it's an April Fool's joke in which case haha very funny.
  17. New student who wishes to continue on the path

    Hey Cyril, glad to have you with us!
  18. The Russian Pyro

    Ah, I see now. Thanks
  19. The Russian Pyro

    Well the reason I said "jump out of the second story window" is because I am typing these posts in my dorm, which is on the second story, so it'd be much easier for me to fly out through the window than to go down the stairs and initiate flight from the ground Also, it's much more dramatic if both my legs break than if I just sit there doing nothing Don't take jokes so literally Now, as to what you actually said: It ALL exists on that spectrum of belief. You said yourself that when you say "know for a fact", it's still on the spectrum of belief. So naturally if you say "I believe I can fly", that's STILL on the spectrum of belief. So is it really JUST BELIEF? Is that the only spectrum that matters? Or is there another one, like "realization"? Or do we have to get rid of our various scales altogether? I don't know. You seem to be pretty damned sure you know for a fact that belief is all that matters. So now we know where you stand on the spectrum of belief, now don't we? That sounds to me like there's another spectrum, that of understanding. What if I believe I understand everything? Now I'm right and you're wrong You "know for a fact" that me and Jedi777 are wrong, but you just aren't on the right spot on the spectrum of belief. You need to start believing that we are right
  20. The Russian Pyro

    "Hey guys, look at me, I believe I can fly!" *jumps from second story window, breaks legs* "Hey, what happened? It was just a belief, I got rid of my beliefs about my body, about gravity, about danger and pain, what happened?" Like Jedi said, realization and belief are a bit different. Well, if it isn't realization, then there's SOMETHING to it besides just belief.
  21. Boddidharma and his transmission

    Everybody is different. Everyone learns differently, thinks differently, lives differently, etc. Everyone is on a different path, although the end result may be the same. I can say something a certain way. Then someone else can convey the same meaning, but with different words, and someone else will understand his post and have an "ah ha!" moment. Then a year later some OTHER person may come back and read my words, and have an "ah ha!" moment. I can read something in the Bible, or other religious book, and go "ah ha!" while someone else may see something in real life and go "ah ha!" The words that convey your own understanding, or, should I say, the words you THINK convey your understanding in the best possible way probably won't. The tao that can be explained is not the true tao, right? Words on a scroll may make sense to one person, or maybe a certain type of person, but that doesn't help in creating a universally accessible system, now does it? How can you claim to be able to reach enlightenment when it relies on you being able to comprehend things from a certain way? Hence, learn the way you learn best, in whatever form that is.
  22. Making the Jump

    Yeah, I'm usually pretty far from the seminars and stuff as well. It's too bad about the restricted access to the Kunlun forum, but there are quite a few trustworthy people here who are still active posters that have experience with Kunlun, so I feel a little bit less bad about the restricted access to the official Kunlun forum. (I went over to the official Kunlun forum just a day or two ago, and this forum was displayed as a link to learn more about kunlun which was pretty cool)
  23. Am I just a sliver and why is time the 4th?

    Well that's all within the scope of the conversation anyway, so it's all good After that video I started thinking about that, and in fact I was thinking of slivers just the other day. Looking at other people, we only see cross sections of them in their lives. A higher being would be able to see the entire string of a person's lifetime. It kind of reminds me of Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, I remember from the movie how he mentioned that he viewed time quite differently from everyone else.
  24. Am I just a sliver and why is time the 4th?

    Don't know if these videos have been posted before, but these two videos talk about understanding the 10th dimension. On the way it talks about the 4th dimension, and the slivers that we're talking about: I really liked this set of videos, and the visual descriptions are cool too