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Posts posted by Jeremiah

  1. Humm well im a mountain biking nutso i guess, other than sex it's my favorite thing. The rides here in the Pisgah national forest are epic, even the short ones. the climbs can be brutal with a 36 pound freeride rig but the downhills are righeous.


    I get as many as 4 rides a week before my legs are mush. such a buzz being in the forest on a bike. most people don't have any idea what we do out there on bikes, how deep in the forest we get, the things we get to see, how difficult the terrain is & how much strength and balance it takes to have fun.


    on a daily basis i take:

    Dr Sears OmegaRX fish oil suppliment - great for the joints (not those silly!)

    Lifesource Superprouts

    Lifesource Collidial Silver and Gold

    1000mg C + B complex

    Zink / Magnisium / Calsium Complex

    8 oz Apple - Carrot homemade juice (from juicer)


    During a ride i mix Cytomax (orange or peach) right in the camelbak. about 2.5 scoops for a 100oz bladder that is mostly full. It makes for a lot of cleaning after rides but i prefer cytomax right in the mix. some people use a seperate bottle with cytomax or another mix. i don't know anyone that uses gatorade it's pretty sick. on a super long ride (5+ hours) i'll add a bottle of strait water on the bike that gets used late in the ride when i can't stomach the cytomax anymore.


    over the years we've noticed the riders that don't use some sort of electroite supplement drop off conciderably after a few hours. then they bonk which is always unlpeasant but much worse deep in the mountains. we're talking all day slugfests here with 3-6000ft of climbing. that's trail climbing. the mixes like cytomax really help the recovery as well.


    after a ride i get a huge meal in and a shower. a short nap sometimes is required the body just wants some down time.


    a note on qigong in general. before i really got into qigong i felt like i had to get some sort of intense ride every day to feel good. qigong taught me how to get that deep lifeforce breath going without the crazy amounts of exercise. this really freed me up on the rides and now im stonger than ever.


    oh the joy of the south, it was 60 degrees here in asheville today. i got in a killer ride, some 3000 feet of climbing on a 4 hour ride. the views are awesome with the leafs down & to ride in feb. the same gear as july makes for a great day. it may snow tomorrow but ill still go for a ride....


    ride hard,

    get big air,

    mic :-)

  2. hey,


    In another thread, a while back that cameron started i believe, "tao in a bottle", or something like that Karen suggested using gojo beans as an alternative to mangosteen juice. I'd have to agree.


    I ordered a case of the Xango and it is yummmmy but i'd rather sip on a 30 dollar bottle of old vine zinfindel. now that's worth 30 bucks. chicks dig it too.


    Funny how when you go to order the xango there is far more info on distributing than purchacing the product. as for the healing properties i can only assume all that natural juice is very good for you but there certainly are more economical ways to get them, leaving extra $ for deeper healing or more decadant endevors.




  3. Wow wild tread eh?


    i've certainly studied with chia and do not desire any further contact. but don't throw out the baby with the bath water so to speak there has been a lot of shifts to the practices that chia brought over the years by other vibrant souls. this is the way of the tao. he cast the vibes into the wind and they spread wide and grew. i do have great appreciation for chia because of his efforts and still do not see anyone other than michael winn presenting as complete of a practice. michael has worked with the practices dilligently and presents a new light to them at every crossing. this is the way of the tao. there are cetainly things that are missing but man what a package this is. and it is evolving. it is up to the rest of us to shift and bring new blossoms to the flower.


    as for Jerry Stocking he will quickly tell you that the inner smile practice saved his life. the simplest practice, yet so powerfull. i have not studied with him but count him as a dear freind. i met him during the many trips he made up the mountian to study with michael winn. he now teaches healing tao stuff as well. he has brought many of his own students to michael and they have stayed with the healing tao and moved into other really cool stuff as well. i have many freinds who have studied with Jerry and have never heard an unkind word from them.




  4. hey,


    i have to admit after 3 years i'm still doing this practice and still find it quite powerfull. i would not begin to tell you not to do it other than to wait for a couple days after sex to do the practice.


    other stuff & however yes, be sure you keep the qi circulation happening (orbit / 8 extra etc.) and don't start off with too much weight. massage is wise as well as trunk pointed out. i can't think of anyting to get your standing posture more grounded & the deep level sexual jing activated. you will exude sexuality i think maybe deeper and much more than tesostorone alone.


    you'll find the swing to ping to the top of your head activating the 9 or so core channel points. be sure to think of the where your feet touch the ground and how they ground your body to the earth. connect that to your entire body.


    i usually do a round bone beating (not that bone) with a wire hitter afterward. like most everything else i've taken this practice to extremes and still just hooked on the buzz of keeping the bones vibrating & the bones will really vibrate after these two practices combined.


    take your time & don't push it.


    good advice from everyone else too....

  5. hay ya'll!


    i'm back to the web after the holy days finally...


    pan gu can be used for all sorts of things....


    say you are working on something put the yin choice in the water, the yang choice in the fire and then mix them together, see how they balance... see which resonates with you ....


    with kan & li it's great to open up the couldren down the center core channel & really spin the left & right core channels ... or at locations in the core...


    i love the lotus flower and the prayer at the heart. seeing yourself in perfect light...


    use water / fire ..... blue / red .... light / dark .... sun / moon ... dis / dat ....


    red dog....ready to run.... :-)



    on winn's videos it's on the fusion 2 & 3 dvd/video.

    • Thanks 1

  6. You should e-mail Wu at his website and ask if he would sell you one without attending a class. They are not expensive.


    I know that last spring he taped the form so he may have it available as a dvd, which would be cool.


    I'm sure you could learn it from the booklet though direct transmision is best from Wu himself plus the way he does the form is just too cool. I'd highly recommend anyone to attend one of his sessions.


    Feel free to tell him that mike teeters sent you his way.


    qi :-)

  7. Wu is one of those real gems. He's a soul brother and has been there thru the turbulance of my recent life and is always sooo supportive and non-judgmental. He as Cameron noticed is a habitual over-achiever!


    I helped him put together his first book in english, "Three Sources Shamanic Orbit" shortly before the NQA conference a few years ago. That form uses mudras and mantras for the microcosmic orbit with no heavy mind manipulation. This is the practice i use for the orbit. I love his forms they are very diffent than what winn teaches and everthing has it's time and place. Honesty i practice and teach Wu's forms most often.


    Wu will tell you that everything that you do is qigong.


    He's a master Qin player as well. We recorded a lot of music "toning" together as i tune my guitar to the tuning of the Qin. I've been thinking on making a cd of the live in the studio music and the NQA concert/meditation. It would make a great meditaion soundtrack. Also, i'm amazed at how much i can make the guitar sound like the Qin. The Qin is an extremely difficult intrument to play and i think i'll stick to guitar. If anyone is interested i could post some of the tunings.


    More about the Qin, there are 7 strings, one for each element and two for heaven and earth. Playing music with the instument is musical alchemy, but isn't it all! The first time we tuned up i was like, hey so this is a pentitonic minor scale? he was like yea, and i felt right at home with it. Oddly enough, it was Jimi Hendrix that brought the pentitonic minor scale to popular music! Maybe Jimi was a reborn cosmic sage as well, oh of course he was.


    Hey Craig i told you about Wu several times! He's teaching out a lot more so that is great. I'm sure you could catch him in portland. It would be great to greet you again & im sure that will happen sometime. I'm going back to China with michael in may so i'll let you know how that goes.


    happy holy-days,




  8. Hi,


    I think this is a common pattern for most practices. The meditations work great and all but then you get back into the trenches of modern life and you are right back to the old patterns. But you are making some direct communication to yourself that you want to work thru that shadow side. Even if you slip back after the mediation you still have made some deep contact there.


    I would not be alarmed by this. There is no easy way thru this stuff & it will not happen overnite.


    If you are collecting negitive emoitions is some percieved location, are you giving them an option to transform? They do not want to just "release" because you took the time to make some pretty mondala of light & sound. (you are using sound too?) It's like they think they will not exist any other way that the way it is now. To them to release is to die, the end of the world. Ask them just to try some other pattern on. Just what that might feel like to be this positive form for a wee little bit. When you get that going ask them (the "negative" patterns) to maintain that positive vibration when you are not meditating. Ultimately some level of yourself is deciding how your reality is shaped.


    Also the Fusion practice is not for the shadow side of emotions only. Try reinforcing postive emotional patterns or positive vurtues that you want resonant in your daily life with the practice as well. Like pick something positive and build it and let it radiate thru the light of your soul. Let yourself know what you do want to resonate this positive voice as your vibration to the universe, inward, outward, dimensionally. If you spend all the time with the "negitive" emotions then you are telling yourself that is what you want to resonate. Spend at least equal time (or more) reinforcing positve virtues or emotional patterns.


    It's like training your dog. "Damit doggie, don't shit on the rug!" But you just projected an image to him of him shitting on the rug. So that is what he does. Maybe now you try projecting to him an image of him shitting outside. Wow hey smart dog eh? He's just doing what you project to him.


    The communication that you already have with yourself is very good. But yea, move on to Kan & Li if you are working thru stuff like this you are ready.


    in our light,


  9. Language is such a tough thing.


    if you don't think you are already "awakened" or "enlightened" and look up to certain people as "enlightened ones" or "masters" you probably will never find that pot of gold for yourself because you've already defined it as something that someone else has but you don't.


    i can deal with "awakened". For a spiritual term i use "awaken in light". whatever that means. but really i detest the term "enlightened" as refernce to a certain person as "enlightened" like yoda pointed out it's a bit too much end game. so you say this person is enlightened and this one is not is such b.s.


    but as a single or even lasting experince i can deal with "enlightenment" as i've so many light experinces now and more and more look out to the world from the center thru a spectical of vibrant, multidimensional light.


    isn't a native american thing, "to awake from the dream" means to die. and be reborn... there's certainly light involved there.


    oh sorry to ramble on, thinking on this i often talk of this "event" or vibration as a "cosmic opening" .... expanded inner and outer awareness to express my own experinces. but really for the awakening of psi or clarvoyant, claraudiant etc. experinces all of the above terms are quite inadequate!


    in our light,

    Jeremiah :-)

  10. There's certainly something to be said for grandpa's generation's common sense. i wear long undies all winter too even indoors and something around the neck is very important. remember scarfs? the wind gates on the back of the neck are very exposed in the winter. wind/cold invasion is a major disharmony leading to "disharmony" or "colds" in chinese medicine.


    but even for places like arizona there's still the seasonal entergitic shift. we are in a deep yin moment here on the northern hemisphere. the practices that are yin by nature will be supported now even more.


    qi :-)

  11. Welcome Roman,


    I look forward to your contribution here on the site. Very nice website & cool organization. Looks like a great group to be involved with.


    in our light,


  12. hey ya'll,


    you might ask Roman about this stuff. he just hung his hat & coat in the lobbly & works for this organization.


    I checked out thier website & the stuff looks very cool. I notice an interesting pattern there of the alchemy practices equating "karma" with prenatal qi. i guess that is one way of looking at it. lesser kan & li has a practice to collect your "shadow side" and dissolve it back to the pre-natal. seems maybe a similar practice.


    a note on the dvd's. i know the n. america mac quicktime player will play pal discs as long as the have no region codes. seemed most of Oleg's books are in russian but everything on the site looks cool.


    any review of material from this organization would be nice.


    qi :-)

  13. one thought on this is that in most people the front water channel is very congested especially in the chest / throat area. as the winter deepens, the water season, maybe the water channel in resonance has additional support from the season to open up. just a thought.



  14. Welcome Mandrake,


    I've long stayed clear of the boards too but now giving it a shot, mostly because i like to read about people's personal experince.


    Give a holler if you need help with the Primordial, it's pretty wild to learn on the video with all the turning and directions.


    belgium beer, yummm


    peace :-)

  15. I do the 8 brochades to close Fire Dragon as that is how Wu teaches and practices it. That is part of a lineage form. There's a lot of variations on the 8 brochades. I kinda just see them as housekeeping.


    I've retreated on practices many times. It's always good to step back and work in a confort zone for a bit. Listening to yourself & knowing what is gonna work at the moment is part of being in the flow.


    qi :-)



  16. "Also, when you described the feeling of doing blissful breathing qigong with 30 people it felt very near primordial, care to expand on that a bit further?"


    the room really clears out i mean like the air the qi everything is so incredibly light. primordial clears a room out like that with maybe 4 people that know it well and connect deeply but man the clarity with a bit group doing the breath stuff is really nice.


    have you ever opened all the windows in your house in the spring for the first time and maybe it's 70 degrees outside and all that fresh air fills the house. it's like that.



  17. Yea, the problem with learning the breathing form is that you get so freekin blissed out during it you lose track of where you are. i've not heard anyone complain after having done the form for the first time and often hear people say it's thier favorite. yea anyone that has studied taoist alchmemy will see all the levels in it but like primordial you don't really have to understand it all to get a lot of benefit from it.


    to answer cameron's question, i've done the classes thru greater kan & li with michael and then assumed another teacher which i'd rather not name for the rest of the formulas. i think this stuff is best learned via direct transmission with someone. i have to thank michael for working with me thru it to start, that includes the fundamentals maybe 8 times, fusion i dono 6 times or so & primordial maybe 6 as well. that's just the classes. i do practice all of this stuff and often teach. honestly joyce may be more of a teacher to me.


    anyway cameron, there probably is too much information in the fundamentals. i know michael just throws this stuff out there so that people can resonate with what they like but i think is overwhelms a lot of people. to really get a handle on this stuff it's best to keep into the kan & li's which is were it all gets very interesting.


    but it's all good, whatever you choose to do, do it with all your soul and you can't go wrong.


    in our light :-)




  18. Hi, Sean,


    We made the Ocean Sky and Great heart video for the funadmentals 3 so that both 3 and 4 would have thier own video. The form is one that Michael made up to do before he went to bed and night to clear a lot of stuff and cool everything down before sleep. We waited about 6 months before we taped it in his stone circle because he was still adjusting it. I don't know if anyone really knows how hard he works at all this stuff and studies constantly.


    The original name was "The Mystical Power of 3" which i still like a lot, then "Blissfull Breathing" which is quite accurate then the Open Center in NYC wanted a more grounded name for his workshop there because they were getting tired of getting the wrap of a wu wu center so he named it Ocean, Sky and Great Heart Qigong, Blissfull Breathing Qigong. Gads.


    So anyway it is repeats a bunch types of breathing stuff in patterens of 3. It's a nice form that really cools you down and is incredibly blissful as billed. When we do it in a room with say 30 people the space is cleared out in a way that rivals primordial. It's an alchemical form with many layers. Of all his forms this one is very complete and stands alone as well.


    We're doing fundamentals 3 & 4 this coming weekend at lighten up yoga in Asheville for anyone in the area.


    So yes, the old video would now be for Fundamentals 4 and the new Ocean, Sky and Great heart for Fundamentals 3.


    Hope that helps :-)



  19. The Kan & LI e-books are online versions of the booklets that have been available for a few years. In the lesser book the first half is devoted to the brain or the brain in your head. Fiting for a book. The second half goes thru the various steaming patterens & very breifly touches on the other parts of the practice.


    Overall it's the typical level of over complication / confusion heady stuff that his books contain. If you already have the practice down you might get something out of it but really it's not gonna help you with the coupling at all if you don't already have it. This stuff is tough in books. I'd reccomend a summer retreat with Winn or direct transmittion from someone really good if you want to learn this practice and have not already done so. The book is fun though im not saying not to get it.


    just my 2 cents,


    mike :-)




  20. Fire Dragon is a meridian form that i learned from Zhongxian Wu. Wu is an amazing humble being and an awesome teacher. He lives in Portland & teaches around the us. It involves a lot of bone hitting which i like to have an actual qigong form for that as i've spent way a lot of time beating mystelf with a wire hitter.


    The lineage form does a nice heaven & earth & meridian tapping with the hands. Oh and in involves dragons. Those that know me are laughing already because i have a rather comical relationship with a certain set of golden dragons.


    but anyway. i'm always working with the kidneys. mine were born in a very frozen state litterally and its taken years to get them healthy once i started paying attention.


    the winter shift to me means not doing forcefull meditaions, letting everything rest below.



    mic :-)