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Posts posted by Kiafi

  1. One of my favorites:


    Take a handful of Goji(wolf) berries, throw them in a mug and pour some boiled water over them. Let it steep for a bit, then add a tbsp. or so of Shou Wu Chih. Drink it as a tea, berries and all.


    It's all tonic herbs, all very tonifying, especially to the kidney, and if you get the good Shou Wu Chih made with sake' it is especially nice to get the liver going in the beginning of the day. Tastes great too. I've heard it described as the best, simplest male health tonic you can have.


    I would also recommend Magnesium supplements; you can find pills in huge bottles that have magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Take that and some Centrum and you should probably cover all of your bases.

  2. On a few occasions I have had an odd experience-


    The first time, a woman came by who did Holotropic Breathwork, and she did a group session with my Adjunct Therapies class. I dont remember every detail, but we moved our arms up and down to our sides while hyperventilating for a while, and then all laid down and relaxed and switched to deep diaphragmatic breathing, while the lady gave us visualizations. Soon, I felt a tingling numbness, like light rain on the tops of my forearms, and then it switched to a deep, clenching and rumbling. It basically felt like all of my torso supercharged with air and then vomited stagnation out through my fingertips. My wrist and fingers clenched up and curled, and I couldn't move them at all, at my fingertips it felt like circular holes were present that everything was draining out of. (Or almost being pulled out of.) The more fresh air I supplied, the greater the feeling of resolution, like I was filling parts of my lungs that I was stretching for the first time. Her assistant went around and checked on me and did some light pointwork on my head. After a while my arms released and relaxed, and I felt great afterwards.


    Another time, I got a deep Tuina treatment from one of my teachers. After things began to move, I felt the rain sensation again on my back and on the tops of my arms. This got more and more intense and the same thing happened, not as intense as the first time, but still awesome.


    Now, when standing for around 20 mins, I occasionally get this in my arms, and if I stretch my legs out enough I'll feel it in my calves as well. Always feels great, though sometimes scary.


    So my question is, has anyone had similar experiences with this sort of thing? Can anyone explain what this even is? It seems to be deeply connected with breath's role in clearing the channels. Hyperventilation seems to bring it on a bit more, how can I safely use this to intensify the experience, or should I at all?


    Any ideas, suggestions, warnings, snappy comments?

  3. Hello,


    I practice a lot of different things, and I'm currently at an interesting stage in my body being development. I am very much interested in the expansion of the human experience through a vigorous training cocktail of magical study, martial study, gross physical advancement, paradigm shifting, mental control, etc.

    I've just finished 3 years of school and since August 06' I've begun my first year of practice as an Asian Bodywork Therapist, I do Zen Shiatsu and Tuina(Ba Qi Ba Fa, main teachers are rolling and grasping style), and I have a decent beginners knowledge of Qi Gong Therapy, Wei Qi healing, tonic herbs, and nutrition.


    I dabble in a lot of things, but my current focus and skillset is mostly in Qi Gong, Wuji/Death Posture, Breathwork, Flexibility/Strength training, Meditation, and numerous occult studies. (Mostly Zos Kia and Elder Futhark right now.)


    From what I've seen people here are sharp, so I'm glad to learn from you all. Here's hoping I don't come across as a huge ass.