White Wolf

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Posts posted by White Wolf

  1. I have been reciting this mantra since my teens, it's one of my favourite mantras :)


    I have this book; The Dharani Sutra by Wilson Yong and it's packed with many practical stuff including the 42 hands as expounded by the Bodhisattva Lord Avalokitesvara taught in detail and many other practical cool ways to use this mantra.



    Not going to break copyright by sharing the whole book but I'll share some stuff which you can try out and have fun with like making some tools for protection and other specific practical methods.


    2am now in UK so off to bed but I'll be back :)

    • Like 1

  2. Hi,



    Got permission from the mods to post here, didn’t want to spam in random parts of the forum.



    I’m selling Tidal Wave™ Chi Kung DVD Instruction Program including The Chi Kung Bible.

    Brand new price is $800 USD plus shipping.



    I’m asking for $300 USD ($250 for the set plus $50 tracked and insured shipping; shipping will be cheaper if I send it within Europe as I’m located in UK).


    The DVD set is in brand new condition (but The Chi Kung Bible has a little crease on top right hand corner of the front cover). I bought it in February 2013. I went through it once and took out whatever I needed for my taiji and it’s been sitting there on the bookshelf.

    Accepting payment via PayPal.

    Pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49301719@N03/with/9472995035/


    I will ship out within 48 hours. Meanwhile as you wait for it to arrive I will also send a download version of Tidal Wave™ Chi Kung DVD Instruction Program and The Chi Kung Bible too, so you can start right away.


    At the end of the DVD everything is put together into a 28 minute daily practice routine and you follow along each time you practice. There is a transmission from Gary built into the 28 minute daily practice routine, you receive it as you practice the microcosmic orbit. To quote Gary “I’m going to transmit energy to you through the video, I’m going to spin my microcosmic circulation at 1000 circulations per breath or at the speed of light.”

    So if you ever wanted to try Gary Clyman’s stuff but the price was out of reach then this is probably a good chance to check it out.


    Reason for sale is that I want to check out some internal iron palm/iron body DVDs so I’m selling this DVD set at a lower price, just to raise enough for the next thing I want to check out.



    PM me if you’re interested.

    • Like 3

  3. I'm at the end of my ropes in terms of my health and emotional issues. I have literally tried everything I could think of to remedy my situation, and have put in 150% effort to try to dig myself out of my hole but it seems like my life just isn't working.


    I am starting more and more to buy into the idea that I am indeed infested with some sort of energetic parasite, as Sifu Jenny Lamb claimed I was during my Skype consultation with her. It would explain a lot of the problems I have been having since I was a kid like the persistent fatigue and anxiety.


    I am more and more considering dropping everything I am doing now... seing the futility of my effort, and instead seeing her for treatment/entity removal.


    The only problem is that she charges 12,000$ for a 10 day treatment which I absolutely cannot afford at the moment.


    But like I said, I could drop everything and save up for the next year or two to try and make it.


    My question is- is it worth it? I know there are the testimonials on her website, but with all due respect, for this amount of money, I have to remain skeptical.


    Have a chat with Michael Lomax, I'll PM you on how he helped me.



    • Like 2

  4. Hi everyone,


    Sorry for opening yet another topic on sexuality, I see there are many already.


    I saw that there is much discussion on sexuality and I wanted to share a website which basically offers a 21 Day Challenge. Each day you get an email with a short video to support you (it’s all free as far as I know).


    So instead of trying to go with the big 100 days, you can try something shorter and see what results you gain. I’ll copy and paste the link and some info below; it would be nice to do a group challenge and support each other and see what benefits we gain.


    I'm not affiliated with that particular school of tantra in any way, I play around with tantra and think I found a really useful tool and like to see what others think of it.





    "Imagine increasing your sexual stamina, erotic connection and intensity of orgasm – in just 21 days. With the Advanced Sex™ 21 day challenge you no longer have to settle for basic sex.

    These are just a few of the results you can achieve from taking the challenge:


    • Learn how to reach & sustain 20 minute full-body orgasms
    • More lustful and loving sexual desire
    • Deepened sexual attraction to your lover
    • Men become harder and last longer than ever before



    The Challenge


    More than 95% of us are in constant orgasm hangover – without even knowing it. And worse, the hangover lasts for 17 days – causing anger & conflict in relationship, tiredness, less attraction in our long-term relationships and low energy, just to mention a few. To test how the regular orgasm hangover affects you, take the 21 Day Challenge AND stay sexually active. This one little sacrifice of the regular 5 second orgasm is extremely rewarding:





    • More energy
    • Cures most erectile disfunction
    • More attracted to your partner
    • Less grumpy
    • Positive
    • Happy like a child but fully sexual
    • Relaxed horniness
    • Cures most premature ejaculation
    • More forgiving and open hearted – even spiritually
    • Less emotional roller coasters
    • Can produce womb orgasm and full body orgasm."




  5. Mak claims that ALL religions and every sect of Taoism besides his own is evil.


    I know, have you ever seen anything like this before?



    Here is a blog set up by Wilson Yong of www.taoistsecret.com debunking Mak Tin Si.



    Also this website had put up a warning a while ago as he said stuff about their lineage too, I can't seem to locate it at the moment.


  6. All the Sutras are my favourite :D

    My favourite books are:

    Sukhavati, Western Paradise, Going To Heaven As Taught By The Buddha: Wong Kiew Kit





    The Dharani Sutra By Dr Wilson Yong


    I love this book because it reveals the 42 hands as taught by the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Nothing missing/hidden unlike the public translations you find these days. Covers the translation from the Chinese source then covers a translation from a Tibetan source, that's when all the missing pieces come together.

    Really fun read, has extras such as stories of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and many rituals covering spiritual cultivation and mundane needs.

  7. For someone new to s-m. is a distance class ideal? :huh:



    I should have been more specific.

    ShivaShakti asked if it was possible to do remote transmission without going to a real seminar.


    Michael says the distance class is not as good as going to a workshop since there is no one-to-one interaction (although there is a private forum). Michael does "light the fire" in the distance class so that enables the student to practice stillness movement but I wouldn’t say the distance class replaces a live workshop. I feel the one-to-one interaction makes a huge difference for a beginner or any practitioner of stillness movement.


    I guess the distance class is there for people who really can’t make it to a workshop but as Michael says it’s not a good as a live workshop.

  8. White wolf I would like to think I am open minded to that article however if I am honesty there is some resistance to that article.


    1) It seems like propoganda.

    2)Many spiritual people who have to live in a capitalist society will likely be finding it difficult, most native tribes who had to change their lifestyle become drug dependent etc because there way of life is ruined and they cant fit in.

    3) There are people here like Recep Ivedik and E.T thoughts I actually consider mentally ill, psychotic. Yet mental hospitals would consider them as normal because religion is accepted.

    4.) People who are likely to have waken up are also likely to have gone through much suffering..

    5) Also I am curious what is their suggested cure..religion (are they trying to say one cant be spiritual if not religious aka justifying beliefs) their pharmaceutical pills they get paid for.

    6) Writers write loads of rubbish to sell papers, as one person commented, everyone is considered to be more under stress than others..


    hmm nothig personal, I just find the article is invoking some kind of reaction in me.


    I posted the link to see what others think of it.


    Personally I view every human being unique and complex. A 'religious' person can have issues and suffer from depression, so can a 'spiritual' person and so can a person who isn't 'spiritual' or 'religious'.


    Even when they do refer to a 'spiritual' person, that word has so many different meanings for so many people different people and they don't refer to a specific path.


    When I first read it, to be honest it seemed a little insulting but I overcame that.


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  9. I'm very tempted in buying the Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong DVD, I first came across it in the Shattering Palm long distance class.


    I'm working through the Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong bit by bit, but now that DVD is like a cheat sheet so I'm not going to buy it for now as I don't want to spoil the suprise on what comes next :)