Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. any fasters here?

    Man your Street Cred just went up!! That sounds just too good. I am putting that up near the top in my thing to do before death list. Wow! Thanks again. Seth
  2. Raw vs refined

    Nice. I used to strive in my practices as well and it was great, lots of 'fire works' and crazy experiences. It was a thoroughly engaging time. Now I am just doing what I love, because I love doing it and I am more dedicated than ever. Maintaining presence and mindfulness feels nothing like a chore any more. Nor does maintaining a continual awareness of God. It just feels beautiful and easy. I like the Tantric way of constantly refining at the same time as letting the Raw material move exactly as it likes without repression. Maybe a funny way of looking at it is: Raw without Consciousness = Bogan. Raw with Consciousness = Powerful and on the way to refined. Refined without Consciousness = Anally retentive British lord. Refined with Consciousness = Powerful Saint Lol, or all that may be rubbish! Seth
  3. Out-of-body experiences

    Thanks. I don't mind his stuff
  4. Yet another spontanous movement technique

    My god that middle one was a flash back...
  5. Tao Babies

    Joe I relate to that negative feed back thing speeding up the heart. when I was a violent young Teen I began meditating to develop chi cause i thought that if I could smash bricks then I could definitely smash skulls better. The only meditation I could find was a Buddhist technique observing the breath at the nose/heart/abdomen. as it moved in and out. if i didn't pass out drunk I would meditate at night and a freaky thing started to happen. the breath would shorten and shorten till I could only feel it at the nose, and then after a while it would seem to stop. and my heart would have slowed right down as well. At first I would freak out and make my self gasp big breaths of air but i wasn't out of breath. So after a while I decided to trust it. and low and behold, my body would seem to disappear and I would feel like I was floating in an Infinite sea of the most incredible peace. I have no Idea how long I would stay there but I loved it. The effect on my life was huge. Every time it happened I came out seriously altered. I began to Love the feeling of being mentally clear. Began to hate alcohol and pot. Began to find my friends repellent (thugs) and even more began to hate my lifestyle. It led to my escape from my home town and I can't thank it enough. But techniques that try to slow my breath only seem to kick in the negative feed back thing. Any feedback? Thank you
  6. Out-of-body experiences

    One of my weirder ones was during a healing session. I had my hands on the clients shoulders and suddenly I slipped up through my crown, out over the table to stand at the other end of the massage table with my 'hands' on her feet. The weird thing was i was still in my Body and could see my white energy body with my eyes and at the same time I was in the energy body and could see my physical body. I was in both places at once. Its Very hard to describe how strange that feels. After the session she asked who came in and worked on her feet. I didn't know what to say as was feeling quite spun out and stretched, so I said a guide and left it at that. Consciousness is amazing
  7. Tao Babies

    Joe, that's fantastic Thanks. I can't wait to read your full article. And I thought I was good just meditating on the breath expansion and contraction starting and ending in the LTT. I am going to re read this a few times Seth.
  8. Global climate change.......

    thanks Joe and Hardyg. I feel I should tell you first that I don't totally believe the perspective I have been voicing. I was not trying to upset anyone, but I was trying to explore an Idea I wonder about, and I do that best by stepping into the position as fully as I can. I really was (and still am) looking for other ways of viewing the situation, and especially other strategies for fixing the problems we face. Thanks Joe for offering what I was asking by presenting the Argument that the crisis is not real. I'll have to disagree on this one. I have red extensively on both sides of the argument, they both have sites dedicated to proving each other wrong, and usually both read well, but over and over again you Find the funding for the Anti-warming sites come from Petrol/oil/wood chipping Industry. Some times the sites are free scientists but they are drawing on the research of others who were Funded by above mentioned Impartial Institutions. I am also sure that there are un-touched free scientists as well but in so many cases this is not true. Plenty of people show really good arguments against the Anti perspective. Maybe in another way I just don't care if Global warming is man made or not, as long as It inspires us to get to work on the real environmental issues we have. Hardyg, you read me wrong again I was not coming from a place of Aggressive Intent. You did not like what I suggested and reacted emotionally (which is O.K.) and cast dispersions about me (which is O.K. too ) saying i was like this or like that. It's alright, but maybe learn to relax those emotions so we can engage in intelligent debate. Freedom must be able to engage Any Idea. Other than that thanks for your posts. Now speaking of propaganda, what about the Massive job done on Cuba. Every one 'KNOWS' Cuba is evil, but how many have actually been there? Have you? My friends have spent years there and Love it. One friend, Aunty Tony, was partly responsible for helping Cuba go permaculture in the 70's. She spent 10 years there. One thing is certain. Cuba may be the only self sufficient community on the planet and will probably be a model for the rest of us in the Future. Sure it has its problems, like you can't speak out against the government, but what about its good side? Free education, Free Hospital/medical care, fruit tree's in the streets, 7 million public bicycles, And Community consciousness everywhere. My friends say its the most Loving Helpful and Fun place on the planet. Music in the streets... and an abundance of good food. No one really speaks out against Castro as nearly everyone their Loves him, and thinks he is a legend. The discontents there are (you guessed it) the people who lost money or property in the change I really find it hard to sympathise as I think creating a sustainable community like that is far more important than who owns what. There is no place on earth I would Rather live. Partly for the sake of my Children. Would you really want your Grand kids growing up in the U.S.? Thanks again. Seth.
  9. Tao Babies

    thanks everyone Joeblast, would you like to describe the Longevity breathing routine a bit more? that rang some bells for me as I remember sleep after long pranayama sessions (with a lot of belly breathing) Often feeling quite different to normal sleep. I wonder if it was similar...
  10. Tao Babies

    Cool, thanks. Do you think its prenatal yin or shen? please explain. I defiantly relate to the Deep peace part... Is your teacher a Taoist or..? Seth
  11. any fasters here?

    Fantastic, in the Sahara Desert, wow. That must have been Amazing. What did the Desert feel like? How did you get there? was it organised through another party or did you just go and do it? I would love to hear more if your happy to share... Thanks. Seth
  12. Yet another spontanous movement technique

    Lol, thats what I do. cool.
  13. any fasters here?

    I Love Fasts, I like juice and I also like pure water. I want to do one soon on just watermelon juice. I like 1 day but prefer 3-5 day fasts. It doesn't matter but I prefer out of city when possible. And I like to meditate and take slow walks in nature. Oh I Love it! Seth
  14. Global climate change.......

    I am sorry my friend. It is not fear to asses a dangerous situation practically and look for a solution. I want to cross a 120mph busy 12 lane super high way on foot. do I: (a ) just jump out and trust? (B ) wait 100 years for everyone to have evolved enough to be driving really carefully so i can just stroll over? [C ] just not think about it and give up? (d ) Look for a foot crossing bridge? lol, there are probably some funny options I overlooked like (e) use advertising to convince everyone to ride bicycles. You can frame me however you want but I have been deeply involved in my spiritual practice for the last 16 years and I am considered a very Loving person within my community. I work as a healer and counsellor, I am a loving father, and Many people come to me for the help I can offer. I love life, people and nature, and more than anything I love Communing with the Divine in silent Meditation. (lol, head getting bigger!) My perspective in no way condones Hurting anyone, in fact its the opposite. I would like to see the change happen as easy as possible for everyone. I would almost say that your perspective which involves very little action and a lot of trust (but not path of no resistance as I see it) is going to cause Far more death and suffering than mine. We must act very soon.. How do you propose we do that with 6 billion on board? they all have their own wants and desires, and beliefs and program constructs and are already completely brainwashed by whatever society they live in. I would love for you to give me some well thought out practical alternatives. I have been looking at this from every angle I can find for years and I came to my perspective Very slowly and reluctantly. Media programming is the only thing I can find that can successfully move a Huge mass of people. In the states 'free' Americans voted in bush. that was a media victory. As I don't believe in 2012 or some kind of mass spiritual awakening, I will find it hard to accept arguments based on The power of love. I am a total believer in the power of love but I also believe that love has to be invited to work, or we wouldn't have the horrible situations all over the planet. I hope I am wrong and I will always continue to work on my vibration for the good of Humanity. I am reminded of a story where Buddha forgave one of his monks for killing a few people to save a hundred. and I don't want to see anyone killed. All I am suggesting is using some Counter Brainwashing on already Brainwashed people till they are ready to start thinking for them selves. I think Lao Tsu would have loved it... He wrote a manual on how to lead the people. You might have heard of it Thank you as well for engaging me in dialogue, please continue Seth
  15. Global climate change.......

    I would love an alternative mindset if you can offer me one, but here is a prerequisite: It must take into account the time constraints we are under. So it must offer alternative ways to create an info structure that is almost non existent at present for 6 Billion people. You will have to give me something very practical, not something like (and i mean no offence) "Yes, it may take hundreds of years, but you change people's hearts and minds with truth and solid logical reasoning, not by force...for when its done by force it is merely but a prescription for backlash." this is not a solution to a critical problem, and as i already said, we don't have time for this. I would also like to point out That some of the argument seems to be suggesting that people are free to choose what to believe and they are, to a certain extent, but in another way they are not. The current world view has already been forced on the people. Our society has programmed us with a ton of false truths about what life is about, how we should live, and I don't believe there is any harm in using propaganda to our advantage to try and get things back into balance. People choose to believe what serves them, what makes them comfortable, or what lets them feel right. What does this have to do with truth. Thank you for engaging me in this debate, I truly hope you can show me an alternative I can see as achievable. Seth.
  16. Global climate change.......

    I dont believe we have time for the people to learn to live in that way. that would take 100's of years at least. And I think a Facsist envioromental Dictatorship is probably exactly what its going to take to ensure the future of Humanity and the earth. I really love and care about my Family, my neighbourhood, and my whole species, hence the fact I believe what I believe. To save everyone I/we love, is going to take the most Humongus effort and unfortunatly will probably have to be enforced. No one will like this. Bitter medicine. We dont have the time to sit around hoping everyone suddenly gets their shit together. Thinking we do is nice and comfortable and fluffy, but... I really hope there is another option but I cant see one yet. If you have Ideas please share... I forsee (if we are lucky and can pull it off in time) a return to sustainable eco villages, decentralised power structures, Permaculture and other advanced gardening processes, as many clean energy sources as can be managed, each village having a shared pool of higher technological equipment... assuming you agree that survival will require a system like this or similar, then How do we implement it for a whole society without pissing off 95% of the population? A population at that, that hasn't learnt to think for it self, or logically, and that doesnt have the time needed to learn? I dont hate them for this situation. I see humanity as a work in progress, much like a baby. You dont hate a baby for not being able to walk, but you do stop it hurting it self and others. If the baby is on a road and a car is hurtelling towards it, and you can see that it doesn't have the time it needs to learn to walk to get out of the way, you pick it up and move it, no matter how pissed off it gets. I think we need to ban Planned Obselesence in any product anywhere, with serious consequences. Doing this will piss off nearly everybody. The now much better made items will rocket in price - consumers not happy. They will cost much more to make - Industry not happy. Can you imagine the outrage? "your taking away our freedom!!" Other countrys saying its breaking trade agreements.. Accusations of Facsism.. Greens ruining everything.. But This is just one small step of what needs to happen. Who is going to do this? The beer swilling red necks are not... The right wing Industry lap dogs are not... Politicions scared of loosing their voters are not... Anyone to busy and caught up in a comfortable lifestyle is not either.. Who does that leave? Seth.
  17. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    For Me for my first 16 years of practice, i practiced intensly any thing I could, read mountains and was completly dedicated to standing on my own without a teacher - Getting it from within as some put it. I wouldnt trade this time in for anything. But then I Found my teacher and the funny thing was with him, there is no in or out. And Thankyou to him. He has and is still helping me see things i had missed, helping me experience more Samadhi, deeper connection... In some way its no big deal. I think i probably would have got to this stuff eventually (only because I am unrelentig in my quest) but he has fine tuned and sped up the process. So In some other way It is a great deal for me to have a teacher. God bless him forever. The whole inner/outer thing seems hilarious now. There is only one Self and someone who knows this (Really not mentally) is invaluable. Seth.
  18. Global climate change.......

    Hardyg and Joeblast. Thank you for your responces. I find it amusing to think that i completly agree with the logic you outlaid, and I live my life by these princaples, Truth and inteligent enquiri over one camp or another. Maby I have just given up on Man kind. I believe 95% of humanity are cattle and need to be led. When Genghis Khan decided Invade another country, he ignored any arguments about wether it was right or not and threw everything he had at them and did not stop untill they were on there knees, which was Supremly effective. I think Rabid Enviorementalism is exactly what we need. I think most people are too stupid, or confused, or comfortable, or entrenched in a right wing perspective to take a quest for scientific truth or any other kind for that matter, So - They have to be led.- I think its too late for niceties. I think a wave of Rabid Enviorementalism has to sweep the planet like Genghis's army for there to be any chance for a extended future on this planet. Sure the leaders should look to the most effective ways available, but Pubicly Support all enviormental projects. Peoples minds work like this: when caught between two polar perspectives, (as anyone not in a quest for truth is) Any thing which puts a chip in one side only serves to strenghen the other side. One such polarity in the minds of the people is the Right Wing - Left Green polarity. Thus any argument that damages or challenges the greens, strengthens the rightwing, and they already have most of the power. The war for the minds of the people is the war for our plannets survival, so i believe if we are going to challenge the greens we should be VERY carefull how we do it... Maby recycling isnt as good as it could be, but it is a powerfull symbol in the mind of humanity. So rather than fighting it, offer improvements but from a Hurrah Recycling perspective... you say you want to help the enviorement but then use terms like "Rabid Envioromentalists" which is a right wing slogan or catchphrase, designed to frame sincere people worried about the future more than they are worried about their wallets, in a negative light. Terms like this serve to turn off thinking. its like a magic switch. If you drive past protesters, and you have a magic switch in your head like -Tree hugging hippies- Rabid enviorementalists...- you shout out the window "Tree huggin Hippies!!" and you dont think about it again. Very dangerous. Humanity is not in a place where it is ready to calmly and logicly asess the situation it is in, and then proceed in an intelligent way to remedy the situation, as only a small % of its members have that capability for themselves. So again if any of us want to survive, lets use Mob mentality to our (and the planets) advantage Lets fire up Envioremental Fervour, Use the passion that we all have since so many lack the logic... Lets get a billion people planting tree's, Chanting Earth first!! putting Massive political pressure on whoever... Seth. Yay Rabid Envioromentalism!!!
  19. You know what would be cool

    What a cool Idea! it may put to an end the "your 12 years old" accusation as well if we have skype video as well I think i have been guilty of that one as well Sethism
  20. drunken fighting style

    Get Drunk and Fight!! Its awesome!!!
  21. Global climate change.......

    I guess the problem here in Australia is that any of the Anti man made climate change proponents are Rabid right wing pro Industry anti green people. They are basicly thrilled that some scientists (a couple of thousand - a reletavly small %) say that climate change has nothing to do with us (or that our part is very low, and the rest is just part of natural cycles...) And interpret that as meaning 'Yay! The enviroment is fine, lets put up more refinerys, chop more trees..." Also science is far from a field of emotionally impassionate objective people. I watched my Friend ( a scientist ) go down the No man made... path. He is basicly a Right wing conservative, and once he heard the idea it took him all of an evening to read one side of the argument and proclaim it as "Proof!" Basicly the second he saw the chance to Alli himself against Tree hugging hippies, he took it. he and many others fall into the category of "How dare you tell me I cant have a Television in every room, vcr's, Dvd's, mobile phones that i replace every 6 months, Drive suv's or better yet a Hummer, have swiming pools, and create mountains of trash a month!!!" These people just do not want to change. If they accepted That the greenies might be right they would have to change their lifestyle, by being pushed into a position of responcibility. And know one wants that . (I dont want to feel guilty for aquiring all the stuff i am used to having) Hence I am allways for any Envioremental message or campaign as it is creating awareness in the minds of a people caught between Right and Green. Any public attack on the green (even if correct) is a dis service to the planet and only serves to lean the minds of the people back towards the - You can have it all, whatever the cost- mentality. Also many of the -not man made- arguments have been readily dis proven as well. And the whole end the Kyoto thing is plain B.S. The underlying message is Yay! lets burn heaps more fossil fuel! I think if you cant see the simple equation that Toxic smoke up close, is also Toxic when it spreads out into our air then you are maby - A scientist payed by the petrol industry to find the right proof -A scared little person terified of having responsibility -A scared little person who is worried he will be forced to change his lifestyle that he likes and is comfortable in -mentally impaired -Or just an entrenched intellectual who loves to Pick the least popular argument as his truth and create as much emotional stress and turmoil over it through arguments as he can. We all have our addictions and many people simply need conflict chemistry to feel alive. If you are in this category you probably dont even know that you gravitate towards the perspectives that will get you your fix. You think 'you' believe them, the same way some one with candida thinks its 'them' that craves the suger. Stop poisoning our planet you Assholes! Over and out!
  22. How edumacated are you?

    Expelled in year 10. opened a second hand book shop. Bored, escaped the small country town and the Fundie Cult i was brought up in at 17. Began my Spiritual Quest. Since then have spent a fortune and nearly all my time on this quest. Have red 1000's of books, studied councelling, healling, massage, Philosophy, Mysticism in many forms, comparative religion, Martial arts... Its my favourite way to live Seth.
  23. God / Enlightenment = SEX

    Ah ha! I love this subject Its interesting to hear the different perspectives, here is mine: Love is not an emotion, It is the feeling of the Infinite universal presence. The Infinite universal presence is One. Whenever we experience a degree of oneness we experience Love. Love is the feeling of oneness. Feeling is diferent to emotion. Big love is not related to things and events, and it loves no one more than others and is unaffected by any of the things that affect the emotions. Big love is oneness. Little love can be a Door to Big Love. Sex can be Enlightening. So can Meditation. I wonder why, with so many people meditating that there are not more Enlightened people walking around? Well, i think because they are in the process of being enlightened bit bye bit, from sex and meditation. Well for me Sex is a form of meditation, and a door into Union. Its how my Kundalini was awakened and it continues to deliver me too Samadhi. I personally think the sexuall Tantras of the budhists are second rate and are exploitative to the women involved. then again many of the Hindu ones are too. (there may be exceptions but so far i have not been able to find them) True Tantrism has a great tradition of mutually beneficial, deeply spiritual sexual practices. And a host of other fantastic practices to take the student into the Self, or Big Love. Seth Ananda
  24. Global climate change.......

    Nice posts sea dog.. I have always loved the Sky, espescially that Crisp, Clean Blue on a bright cloudless day. Its getting harder and harder to find Sky like that. I used to be able to drive 40 min's from the city to see it like that, but now its at least a 4 hour drive. I miss it. I would have thought the Taoists here would be more intune with Nature. My mistake Seth.