Seth Ananda

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. RE: The Buddha Bums

    I have Zero interest in belief, thus I feel that I can not be clinging to the Idea of a Self. I don't need the universe to be a certain way, and feel completely emotionally un-invested in wanting the world to be a certain way, as all I am interested in is discovering the Truth. Over and over again I bump up against the fact (for me) that my continued experience of the Universe is as an Intelligent and Interactive Being. That's why I like some of the traditions that relate with the universe in this way. I Find it interesting to hear what other explorers have found for them selves but in no way do I give them any authority over my own perception. I am willing completely to be challenged to question, Ask me to look at anything I take for granted or claim to experience in a way I haven't or in some new light, and I will straight away. But you seem unwilling to engage in actual conversation as you go straight to a fanatics stance and just start cramming your dogma. Or you use the snide escape saying "Get some more transmission from good teachers" which is basically saying be a Buddhist. What kind of conversation/argument is that? And bye the way I have had transmission from numbers of Buddhist teachers, Namkhai Norbu included and am doing the SMS base course at the moment with his organization. I Love Buddhism but feel it is only one lens to view the universe through. You Can apply Emptiness and Dependent Origination to Everything but that is only using one Lens. Its like the Quantum particle/wave debate. Through one set of equipment and with one set of observation parameters quantum substance 'Is' a particle. But with another set of gear and some different guide lines, the Stuff 'Is' a wave. Buddhism is only one Lens and will only show you things that that perception/ system of thought can show. But other Lenses will show the same thing in very different ways making it appear very different. Do you have the Guts to look at some of the alternate ways the nature of the universe can be experienced or will you keep quoting flakes like Thussness and claiming that you somehow have the complete comprehensive knowledge of all traditions which you have already out grown? Are you even close to approximating a Christ or any of the great teachers from any number of non Buddhist traditions? I don't think so. Be Honest. I know you think you transcended the Tao, but If Lao Tzu was sitting here and you claimed that, he would laugh in your ignorant face. what wise words would you babble then? You are clinging to the Idea of Emptiness as you are afraid to simply open up and really explore and experience the nature of the universe for your self, with out the crutch of other peoples Ideas. Keep eating the Menu my friend and one day maybe you will have the guts to throw it aside and Eat a meal. What ever, Live in blinkers if you want to... "I will Only EVER use a particle accelerator to view the universe, everything else makes life a little too confusing and messy for me, I Need it all neat and Ordered, I Need to feel Really Really secure in my belief's so I can make this scary world conform to Something that I can understand. It feels so Good knowing absolute truth! Now I can't even be challenged, Hooray! I am Safe! Hooray for me! I transcended everybody else!!! Yay! I know more that all of you!!! It feels so good! Hang on, what stinks? Oh my God? what is this? oh my god, its Shit! I am surrounded by Shit! Oh it stinks! It's a wall of My own Shit!!!! ...WOW I am really safe behind this shit! Awesome, no one will come near me, Oohh I better add some more, pflflflfrrrp! Ahh... there I go, ill just pile that up here...
  2. RE: The Buddha Bums

    I Love how anyone not believing the Buddhist Dogma is automatically 'clinging' to a Self. I haven't heard such Absolutist Fanatical Rubbish since the church I grew up in. Seriously Vaj, Nac and Mick you put those Guys to shame. I can see from Vajrahridaya's pic he is just a sweet but unintergrated intellectual with very little understanding of what he is talking about... despite his claims for having attained the Tao and grown beyond it... But Nac, how old are you? do you really believe you have any Real understanding - outside of the Ideas you borrowed from others - of the way anything in this amazing universe works? You said about NDE's : "Woah, you have no idea! " Well, please enlighten me what I have no Idea on... Do you have any actual experience to draw on...?
  3. RE: The Buddha Bums

    The more Buddhist material I read and listen too the more I find great teachers saying things like Sogyal Rinpoche says when he includes all the saints and masters of all traditions as embodiments of Enlightened mind... I have backed away from Buddhism again as It just cant answer certain questions for me with any depth, such as Why? Why for existence? And beginingless endless dependent origination is a real shabby answer. How is such an amazing universe made? How does Unintelligent E&DO in its infinite blind cycle make such and awesome display? Impossible. There are deeper answers outside Buddhism! Also the After death teachings in Buddhism (to me) seem to lack much connection to reality. Near death experiences all over the world have a fairly universal element within them (as long as they went into the light) and that is the experience of the life review. It offen differs a bit in its external form but its essence is that the person having it gets to see/review their whole life in the light of how well they did in achieving what they came here to do. This smacks of conscious volition in incarnating and is very unbuddhist as a result. No reincarnating as an animal or hungry ghost. Often the person is given a new task or mission in the experience, and usally comes back deeply transformed. You cant write this off as new age waffel as it happens to people all over the world from different religions and perspectives, including Buddhists. Key features that stand out about this experience to me are: 1. We have a spirit. 2. Our spirit chooses to come here with a purpose in mind 3. The universe is an Intelligent and Loving consciousness that is actually helping unfold the needed events for us in our lives. So its not all E&D.O. There is purpose. The divine Has many aspects and I feel that Buddhism and some other traditions are very 'one sidedly focused' on the Being aspect, and their adherants only ever experience the 'Being' and 'wide open' face of divinity. What about Divinitys Intelligence and Will, it's Creativity and Energy?
  4. Why Taoism is different

    Taoism is different for me because it is better than Buddhism. Or maybe because it doesnt has as many annoying prolifically writing mental masturbators like Vajrahridaya. Sorry just having a whinge. I dont come here much lately, and it seems that when I do half the threads have been hijacked by a preaching buddhist fundamentalist. If I wanted that I would go to church. Its worse that he talks like he 'Knows' or that somehow the arguments are over once he has spoken. If he Knows he must be enlightened. As he has said he attained the Tao and moved beyond it, but when I look at his picture of himself, he just looks like a sweet, but unintergrated intellectual . Dont worry, Ill get over it shortly.
  5. Erection problem

    I agree. It sounds as if the erectile function is working fine, so its psychological or energetic. I Had an experience like this recently. I left a Painfull relationship about a year ago(with the mother of my daughter) and recently met my new partner. At first I would be really hard but when it came to penetration time -no show- I really had to look at some fear I was carrying about starting another sexual relationship. Fear of further pain, and let it out of my body. Now I am back in the saddle and we are having 4-5 hour sessions, Wahoo! The kundalini thing is of interest as sometimes a really strong upward draw of energy depletes the sexual organs. This is usally temporary, and do practices that bring energy back down and even flush the sexual organs with good chi. I like MCO, Bhastrica or Khapali Bhaat and some good pc workouts. Also fantastic is to work the Foundations- Legs and butt. Dancing, horse stance, lunges, capioera or wushu, anthing that will give you awesome leg and ass stability - also awesome for your sexual skills. Good Luck. Beautiful. Thanks. And yep dumping the porn is Highly recomended. It destroys the sexual imagination and the capasity to be a sencitive lover.
  6. Placebo effect

    Dont forget the negative effects, called 'Nacebo'. They can work together Like in the woman given Placebo Chemo who slowly got better but still lost all her hair and had all of chemo's expected side affects. I love Placebo The BBC docco (i think BBC) Called 'Placebo and Nacebo' is the best thing I have seen on it so far. It can also be a good cop out for the Industry when they fail and an alternative therapy works. I often wonder why though it didnt placebo the person better in the first case with western medicine... as that is where their faith was originally.
  7. Bronnikov Method

    On my First Peyote trip I could see out of my body and more strongly out of my feet. I closed my eyes and did the run through thick forest as fast as you can thing, junping logs and ducking branches. It was great. I would love to develoup this...
  8. Chaos Magic

    Lol, I love you Hundun I havent seen any posts from you for a while... Ill pm you Ape soon.
  9. Chaos Magic

    Hi Ape, I have some experience here. What do you want to know? P.M. if you want. We can always do some stuff when I come up to visit...
  10. Is Micheal Jackson really dead?

    Didnt Jeff Goldblum just die as well?
  11. scary stuff

    Want to hear the funniest Joke ever? 'Building 7' And Nearly as funny... Titanium Jet turbines evaporating? Turbines that are designed to contain a constant explosion of jet fuel inside them to push a plane through the sky. Just evaporated? The explosion was so hot they just evaporated? Yet some how Passports and 'DNA' survived unscathed... WOW!!!
  12. Orgasm throughout the day (and night)

    lol, No they are not hard to come by Its just all together in a potent little package. Sorry though, when you attend you give your word not to discuss details of the course. Seth
  13. Orgasm throughout the day (and night)

    No, I am in Melbourne, Australia. I am sure Ipsalu will have peolpe in the UK. (i think Tantrika International will give you the details) Not much I can say about level 2. No point doing it if you cant feel energy. Awesome emotional clearing... Deep bliss states... just worth having done
  14. Orgasm throughout the day (and night)

    Maby 'Bored' is a little strong, but maby not. I helped some friends do a 'Pop' tantra workshop 2 weekends ago and so most of the weekend was spent in an Orgasmic space as that is what they seem to prize above all else. At the end of the work shop all I felt was that I had wasted a weekend and not done my practices that I feel are actually doing something good for me. I am pretty sure that I will not do another pop tantra workshop ever again. I probably Feel my batteries more charged from Meditating on Life force itself, and not on Its expressions or Facets, (like orgasmic energy) but each to there own Alfa - Of the various dodgy western Osho tantras available the -Ipsalu Tantra Bliss- crew are probably one of the best. garunteed saftey, you wont get finger fucked by a sleazy old osho sanyassin's, and the sexual energy techniques are good. Its worth doing just so you can do the level 2 which is really good - For the stuff you are asking about. You will also hear the most ridiculous assertions about spirituality and enlightenment you will probably ever hear as well as terrible translations of Sanskrit and completly faulty History, but never mind, these are my issues. Have fun.
  15. This is for the stubborn Vajrahridaya bodhisattva

    Hey Gold, whats this text called? thanks mate
  16. Burning Palm System

    Thanks, My striking power had gone turbo. The Muay Thai guys love it as they get weaker as they get fatigued, but my strikes if anything get Harder. I am not getting any of the Inner noises yet though. Will you offer any longer study workshops? I am quite interested. Cant wait to see it more... I would be willing to travel to Sydney for longer training sessions. And Melbourne?
  17. How to commit suicide?

    Master Phowa until you can Die consciously and unassisted when you are ready.
  18. What you think of Witchcraft?

    Spell working is pretty much the same formula as 'The Secret' stuff just in a smaller intensified package. Get a clear intention, put some sustained focus on it, raise energy towards it... 'Presto!' Working with spirits is different. Voudon Loa and many other traditions that work with spirits, especially the unbroken traditions are very powerful. I do think pacts are worth learning about but be very carefull. On the other hand, People say Saints and great Masters are literally surrounded by spirits on all levels that are being benefited and taught by the Master. Also they rush to help the Master without even being asked. No bargains spells or risks necessary. There are lots of stories in Buddhism about this, and I think that is because Many Buddhist masters spend so much time sending out Metta and blessings to all beings on all levels...
  19. Orgasm throughout the day (and night)

    Yes its possible but trust me it gets boring. I can Orgasm at will for as long as I like at nearly any intensity I like blah blah blah I pretty much almost never use that ability. This is not spiritual development and when you Die will have done nothing of value for you...
  20. I did it for a few years every day, often twice... It was really good. It developed some siddhi's and gave me a very tangible experience of 'presence' but I would advise that you don't associate with the nutbars that teach it much. I simply learnt it and got out of there and practice myself. I stopped in the end because its a go nowhere system. to progress in its practice and learn deeper levels you have to be part of their Cult and - No @##%! way! I would rather associate with systems and teachers that are 'clean'. Li Hong zi is a fraud. Have you tried Spring Forest?
  21. 2012 - The Movie

    lol, I couldnt even bring myself to finish watching the trailer. What utter crap.
  22. Burning Palm System

    Spirit Ape, do you ever come to Melbourne or do workshops here? Its a great looking system. Do you think It will complement Yang Mian? I know you know something of our tradition...
  23. DMT The Spirit Molecule Trailer

    No dmt ever adds up to real mystical experience. Nor is even the strongest trip equal to a near death experience. Although I do love Ahyehuesca and find it an amazing Healer and mind opener. But again its nothing on real spiritual experience. I would personally warn strongly against smoking dmt. I feel like it smashes all your subtle brain chemistry with a sledge hammer and takes nearly 6 months to come good again. There are alot of unsensitive dunderheads who cant feel this stuff and do it anyway. I have had the miss fortune of watching a number of friends who read 'the spirit molocule' and got excited, and started experimenting with smoking it, slowly Stir Fry themselves. In a couple of years they went from fresh open reasonably happy people to seriously Unintergrated, reptilian obsessed, wanna be shamans mumbling about 2012. The lack of stability is shocking. If I questioned them about it they would ramble on about how safe it is - "No man you dont get it, Its natural man its in the brain already, its what realisation is made of man..." have fun
  24. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    The Law of Attraction works and is one of the 7 Hermetic universal 'Laws' as written in the Kyballion. The Kyballion was not the only book Rhonda sourced when she made the Secret but it is pretty much the source for all the other source material she used. I think her understanding of it is a bit sque-wiff, and as an example she unfairly fired her Director when she realized that she was going to have to pay him a lot of money. She had hired him on a commission % of total profit which was a huge amount of money. My last House mate Funded the Sueing of Rhonda as he is friends with the Director. If she really believed in it she wouldnt have worried about paying up in fact it would have been a positive affirmation of wealth to the universe, to happily hand over many millions Anyway If you get really clear about what you want, then go out and try and get it, and put in good energy it is amazing what happens...