Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. Christian Mysticism

    Hmm I am not sure what else to say. The Heart is inherently relational, and while I have found Non Dual paths very blissfull and also very mentally satisfying {from both the incredible peace, and with the logical reason behind them} my heart never felt satisfied... But in Theurgy style paths, some aspects of Shamanism, Christian Mysticism and so on, the heart itself enters into deep communion and relationship with some exalted other, which totally uplifts, heals and transforms the heart, and via the heart, the Soul... For me personally it feels 'too good to be true' or so beyond my wildest expectations I cant figure out how I got so lucky... Its helping me appreciate why some Christians go so batshit "Horay Jesus" that they just want to stand around holding signs and trying to convert others all day long. When my heart is in communion with a true spiritual being, with all its incredible Goodness, grace, purity and holiness then it seems almost intolerable that others should not get to have that experience as well...
  2. Christian Mysticism

    Logos in neo platonism and in much esoteric christianity is the divine animating principle, the Gods creativity... I am trying to remember where Plotinus put it in his cosmology, I think with spirit/nous which is the Ones first expression and is the world of divine forms, but ill check that and get back to you...
  3. Christian Mysticism

    Very interesting. One of the things I love about the Christian tradition is how relationship focused it is. The ultimate healing it aims for is the healing of the heart, which comes about through the relationship of Jesus to the heart, by allowing Jesus to see and meet and love every dusty corner within it... I have been surprised to see how much genuine mysticism there is still alive and being practiced in Christianity today ~ Even seemingly dodgy exoteric communities. {I still dont like their dogma though lol} As a side note, the reason I could never stay too long with various Non duality paths, is that they bring complete satisfaction to the mind yet the heart stays wanting. The heart can only find perfect happiness within the deepest relationship...
  4. Christian Mysticism

    Some times yes. The Shekinah is referred to numerous times as being the world. I sometimes think of her as being the immanent side where God 'Is' the world as opposed the to God that 'contains' yet is beyond the world... Good night!
  5. Christian Mysticism

    not saying I agree necessarily, but the Holy Spirit is the Shekinah. Shekinah is the 'female' face of God, and some see part of her as being existence. The part of God that Is the World... Also in the flow of wisdom traditions the words Shekinah, Shakti and Sekhem all share the same root... Shak, Shek and Sek... Female power, and the manifest display...
  6. Christian Mysticism

    I see the second coming within a looser more allegorical frame. I see it as personal, although if enough of us get there, we may start awakening others... But it says Christ will return to the Hearts and Minds of all mankind. It describes seven mighty trumpets being played that open the 7 seals, and cause all mankind to drop to its knees. It describes a river passing 32 gates {vertebrae} and branching into 8 streams {cranial nerves}... {ill have to check that again, its been a while} Christ returns to our {personal} awareness, our seals/chakras open and we fall to our Knees rejoicing.
  7. Is doing 'nothing' the same as living in harmony with the earth, sustainably, and not driving the planet towards the brink of destruction? Is a great love of life and communion with nature in all her splendour 'just' savage tribalism?
  8. You might be able to get away with saying that you would need better positive Karma to be born among whichever race is currently doing very well for itself.. This of course would be completely arbitrary though. For instance the Egyptians {black} once had the height of civilisation, then the Persians maybe, Chinese for a period, Romans, English... Now though Its all multicultural, so as long as you are born in an affluent country how would it matter what race you are? Also the above examples are only relevant to the idea that it is better to be born in a so called 'civilised' culture...
  9. Christian Mysticism

    Let thine eye be single and thine whole body shall be filled with light... Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added unto thee... Two of my favourite quotes. Thanks for this thread by the way
  10. How many people experience god?

    Thank you for sharing such an uplifting prayer experience. When you say praise and worship, do you mean at a church? I have seen some very high energy charismatic services, but unfortunately I never found them among people who were not also extremely dogmatic and inflexible... I have heard these places do exist but am yet to find one personally...
  11. Hi Stefos. What are the major differences that stand out? I know much Christian mysticism borrowed heavily from Plotinus and that has the same cosmological structures as the Hermetic world views... I had thought Steiner at least would have similarities, but i find him very difficult to read. I still love his esoteric teachings though...
  12. I have been trying to cover this up as much as possible, but that annoying Dan Brown has been snooping around looking for much needed inspiration for a new novel, but not close enough to activate the FF himself, yet... As for the new member, I am concerned that all may be not as it seems. Frogulus may have done its job well. In scrying the event and with tea leaf readings I keep getting signs and omens of our ancient enemy, the Great Mecanoid Singularity Poodle. If our new member was indeed a plant, then things bode ill. We may have been mistaken as more promiscuous clones to be infiltrated and converted to their ways of the hysterical prude. Unfortunately if frogboy spent any time with us, he may have noticed our freedom from those dichotomies, which may jeopardize our ongoing operations within both those factions... LVX 93 and more importantly ?&!
  13. How many people experience god?

    Santa Muerte ~ Saint Death, the Skinny Girl or Pale Lady
  14. How many people experience god?

    I experience states i 'think' come from me, and others that come from God. For instance there are many bliss states, and states where my mind has an element of power that is able to cause events in my world. On the other hand, when i abandon myself through prayer, with every fiber of my being calling out with love and longing to that greater Intelligence that i sense is behind everything, then every now and then it sweeps me up, and it has the most vast and loving intelligence I could conceive of. I call that God. Every meeting makes me a better person, and leaves me with the knowledge of how to act better, with greater mortality and integrity. Oneness is but an aspect within the God that I describe. I personally experience Oneness fairly easily, but God {to me} is the cosmic Intelligence deeper within oneness. The mind that feels like it regulates all the forces in the universe with absolute perfection. It has an incredible harmony to it. Also as far as Oneness goes, I am not always totally 'One' during these experiences. When I say 'It' sweeps 'me' up, there is obviously still something of me there in the picture. To me, experiencing God is the single most amazing experience in the universe. It is absolutely incredible. I have had many many experiences where I felt as if every bit of myself was absolutely alive and saturated with bliss, but none of these compare to meeting the Mind of the Everything.
  15. Insights from a Christian monk. Esoteric Christianity as a legit Path

    Nice thread but it will go downhill fast... Once the anti-theism brigade arrives...
  16. Soul Mirrors and The Tarot

    Its easy to ridicule systems like tarot or astrology, and I am always up for good old clear thinking. But the skeptics I know who debunk everything as being illogical and ridiculous, and who look down on these 'sciences' and the people who practice them are weirdly the losers in the situation, not the person reading Tarot. I will leave aside the issue of whether the tarot is 'real' with its alleged oracular status, and instead focus on why the argument for it being stupid is actually one of its strong points. Skeptics love to point out the fact that when a reading is getting done, the person receiving it is in interpreting mode. And they start actively reaching for interpretations that fit their life story ~ over reaching some may say. So, the recipient of a reading is actually engaging themselves in an 'archetypal story' style of self enquiry, where they ask questions and look for meaning. They are not getting away scott free though, as even though they draw conclusions based on their conscious mind, the possibly random nature of the spread means they will still be facing surprising archetypal {or pictorial if that suits you better} reflections that have to do with the many areas of their own psyche. This leads to growth, self knowledge, and deeper insight into human experience. This is why the Taro/astro fans I know are generally 'high explorer' types, inquisitive, vivacious, and alive in that way that only someone who is regularly plumbing the unconscious can be. This is why I say that the skeptic loses, as the skeptics I know almost universally live in their heads, disembodied and shut off from the wonders of deep connection. Its funny but sad to think they would scoff at that sentence, as they really have no idea of what they are missing. As for the spiritual side, thats up to you to figure out, but to me, the Universe is a conscious thing, and archetypal patterns attract and reflect each other...
  17. Hi bums! I thought i should start this thread as its a confusing topic. Why do some texts/teachers put the MDT in the heart while others put it in the solar plexus? My own attempts at deciphering this have failed, including just following my own experience. When I cook chi in LDT there comes a point where an abundance of chi rises to my solar plexus, yet other energy movements will stimulate and open the heart, and the heart has that 'middle' kind of feeling to it, at least for me... Are these locations related in some way, Is one just wrong, or is one used for certain things while the other for other stuff? Please illuminate!
  18. Should spirits have people's rights?

    Good will and happiness to all sentient beings!
  19. Black/Grey Orbs

    Should this thread be in the Hermetic Occult section? It seems more General discussion to me...
  20. Heracleion Find.

    I wonder what else they will find? There are some great photos of some of these statues and steles...
  21. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    I have seen her do it, but maybe it is how she perceives the situation. I still have to question that though, because how does she stay so insulated in her bubble. Even the slightest poking of ones head into either the qigong healing world, or the exorcism world, will reveal hundreds of totally competent {some far more than her} healers and spirit workers. I believe it takes work to be that insulated from the rest of the world ~ and reality. I cant help feeling she wants to believe she is the only one, so she can justify $12000 charge. As I said above...
  22. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    Thats very unlikely. This could happen if the entity was the actual prompter to learn and practice qigong, in which case, unbeknownst to the host, it is the entity that is doing the practice, not the host. That would be highly unusual...
  23. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    Id also like to mention that I have a friend who did the long clearing thing and didnt feel like it did much of anything at all. I do think she does some or even many great treatments, and I really like her personally, but she is not some infallible god woman. I cant help but feel that she is not in her full integrity with her healings either. I feel that {similar to many chinese qi doctors} she points the bone at people. She tells them point blank that blah blah, they have this problem and that only she can help them, and if they don't do this then they will get very very sick and then they will die. Its a threaten them till they pay you tactic. Don't try to tell me this is not the case either, as she did exactly this to my partner. And her diagnosis was dead wrong, she did not get the huge sum of money she asked for, and my partner has become quite radiantly healthy... In any city around the world, you should probably be able to find hundreds or even thousands of healers who can deal with entities no problem. Many traditions have their methods, and {I hate to admit this} there are many new agers who also have these skills. Spiritualist churches/gatherings, entity removers, energy healers, qigong healers, shaman, faith healers, priests, magicians, witches... Jenny makes it seem like an impossible task that no one but her is qualified to do. That is called trying to dominate your market. Also it is incredibly dishonest. I have seen dozens of entity removal sessions over the years and done a number of them myself. Be well.
  24. I have met 2 people who were cured of mental illness, as recipients of tonglen. One had bipolar disorder for many years, till one of the gyuto monks asked him to sit in front of him while he meditated. The other was in the midst of a psychotic episode, and Lama Zopa {i think, or one of his entourage} did something similar. Both of them described feeling like the 'crazy' was literally being sucked out of them. Also, { i dont remember which account this belongs too} the monk in one of the stories told the recipient afterwards that he had a case of the 'evil' winds. I found this interesting as yet another friend who was having a psychotic episode ran into an Aboriginal healer who told him he was having an attack of the evil winds and promptly grabbed his head and sucked the crazy out, sucking just above his left eyebrow then spitting over and over. He had a massive hickey bruise there for a few weeks. It is the original, shamanistic form of cupping, which is also like tonglen I suppose. mouth sucking, cup sucking, energy sucking... lol
  25. Black/Grey Orbs
