Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. I want a diploma.

    well as I like to say, if your going to talk the talk, then you also have to look the walk! And what adds to looking the walk, more than a diploma hanging on your wall? {other than beads, robes, shaved hair, funny hats and stuff} Obviously the answer is two diplomas!!! why not get a double diploma, or a degree, or your Masters, and a PHD?!? infact, get them in several different but related fields to increase your 'zone of authority' and to make sure interlopers and upstarts cant get away with questioning you. If you wanted a diploma rather than a degree or higher, because you don't want to waste that much time, well why even bother with a diploma? Here in Aus, and maybe elsewhere you can do a 'certificate' course over like 6 evenings! That still gives you authority over the unwashed masses. if they dare to speak up at one of your talks, you can just point to your certificate on the wall and say nothing! People will listen to how you answered without using words, and they will know you are wise! Trust me, its a win win situation!
  2. Wooing the Echo

    Thanks 9th. That would have been very cool to have seen. While I am very sceptical of folks claiming unbroken lineage, I don't think it can be argued that at least 'parts' of traditions survived. This is where I like the reconstructionist movement. One Grannys line of herbalism, mixed with someones aunties spirit flight practices, with Isobell Gowdies confession letters, historical digs and anthropology, a grandpa's line of hexing practice, the local fairy/spirit lore from numerous rural settings, folk loric understandings... Out of this, people have put together amazing traditions. TW still copped a lot of flack for a while for being reconstructionist. That is slowing down though now. Radomir Ristic seems to have a genuine claim to an unbroken lineage in the Balkins, and since various authors from the TW field visited him there, they found his tradition to be extremely similar to what various groups have managed to 'reconstruct'..
  3. Wooing the Echo

    Here it is on Amazon: And the FB page: She (Lee) has written the 9th {and last book} book in the series, but this is the first one in print, so any help it gets will help get her other ones printed.. I really, really want to get to read the others, lol.
  4. The Angels of Atlantis

    Get that god damn hippy out of the Sekhmet temple! Also that 'orb' show is ridiculous and proves nothing..
  5. Strange they would not use some of the egyptian wording/ideas around these subjects... Fellowship of Isis/Kali&Shiva?
  6. I'm with manipur for LDT. There are just too many techniques that focus and build energy in manipur, {and treat it as a battery) that in some cases are identical to many taoist LDT filling exercises. Sure the channels and centers have differing conceptions, in Taoist or Hindu thought, and what they do with the energy differs as well, and even their theories on the purpose of the center, but the base mechanic is build energy in the belly region, and from there use it this way or that... Also just to confuse things further, there are Daoist practices that work with the LDT by focusing on the navel. As for the kunda, different texts place it in all kinds of crazy areas throughout the body, and one places it a bit below navel level, in the core of the body... LDT position... lol. As much as specifics change across traditions, the general or base ideas are often quite similar...
  7. The Satanic Bible

    ...and now they are Tibetan Buddhists!
  8. The Satanic Bible

    He deeply loved and was inspired by Ayn Rand, as well as others like Nietzsche... His daughter Zeena Schreck says he is a complete atheist, who never showed himself to have even the slightest belief in the powers he talked about. Satanism for him was a money spinner although I want to add that his book is quite an entertaining read... I prefer the ONA as a genuine western left hand path. Their philosophy is.. unique? {Not one you can get your head around in days, months or possibly years I might add. The desire to make rash knee jerk assumptions about them is part of their filtering system}
  9. To me a great meditation set would follow: 1. A shaking session, To remove blocks and Liberate energy. 2. Sensual integration, [gentle pelvic rocking and body undulations with soft voiced pleasure sounds, to increase pleasure conductivity and activate second chakra.] 3. Cobra breath, to start energy circulation and balance Ida & Pingala. 4. Om Namah Shivaya syllable/chakra meditation or something similar within shushumna itself 5. Sit contemplating Oneness, and surrender in Total, and whole-body/energy/mind let go, into it... Using the mantra 'OM SHIVA SVAHA!' to offer/return/let go, of anything that seems unnecessary or appropriate. Its always annoyed me that Cobra breath is not available online [at least anywhere I can find] for free, so here it is, and when I say 'it' I am really saying I have had the pleasure of Learning several versions all with slight variations and only some 'under oath' so to speak so here goes... [my favourite and the version I teach, which is not breaking any Oath or some company's tm sticker lol] Inhale, ujay or that slight rasping restricted epiglottis, darth vader breath: Mind - at beginning of inhale start at tip of Tail bone, move mind during Inhale up the back of your spine [towards the skin] over the head, [just under the skull on top of the brain] and finish Inhale at Brow centre. Body - at start of Inhale squeez pc [moolabhanda][and hold till exhale], when the energy passes abdomen draw in stomach muscles[udiyanabhanda] {navel toward spine} [hold till exhale], when energy reaches skull, pull chin towards chest [jalnabhanda] put tongue back into soft palate [kechari mudra], point eyes up and in at ajna, and focus there, take an extra sniff of air [to be full] and focus and hold without strain. Exhale, ssss kind of soft serpent noise, so obviously your tongue moves forward. Mind - At start of exhale, it passes from brow, in along the underside of the brain to brainstem, and over the rest of the exhale it passes down the smooth front side of the spine [towards the organs] and ends with the exhale at the tip of the spine. Body - just before you start the exhale, tip your head slightly back opening the throat lock, then as soon as you start the exhale relax all the Bhanda's completly. towards the end of the exhale, as the energy is sinking down, let your head return to a normal straight position on your shoulders. You may notice thats its path is a bit like the MCO's but around the spine and brain instead. The front and back chanel of the spine are a 'secret' version of Ida and Pingala. Its a lot to get at once at first. Try remembering 'Inhale 123' The 123 are the locks in succession over the course of the Inhale. 1Base, 2stomach, 3neck/tounge And the whole thing should be done in a gentle way, without tension, or relaxed as possible. Cobra breath moves in the front and back chanel of the spine, which are more 'secret' versions of Ida and Pingala. The next part or Part two Cobra breath, is to move deeper into the spine, Into shushumna, Kundalinis channel. It goes with OM NAMAH SHIVAYA which some may know is an elemental purifier. This entire process except at the Tip of spine and the crown point, happens in the hollow juicy part of the spine and brain. It Basicly breaks OM NAMAH SHIVAYA up into its syllables, and mentally 'sounds' them at the chakra points... Deep full breaths please, mentally sounding the mantra for the entire period of focus [the limit of the breath] like OOOOOMMMMMMM or NNNAAAAAAAA for the entire breath. OM... - Mid brain - as you exhale NA... - Coccyx - Inhale MA... - Sacrum - exhale SHI... - Navel - inhale VAI... - Heart, - exhale YA... - throat, - Inhale OM... - Midbrain - Exhale And so on... Shaking practice. This is the ULTIMATE manager of K when/if things start getting hairy. It also vastly enhances the possibility K will rise, the longer you go. If possible use awesome inspiring music that travels through many 'terains' or atmosphere's of feeling. My Loose guidelines are: Follow your self. getting puffed means slow down [but not always] Try not to get stuck in movement patterns. If you notice that you are moving in a pattern test the edges by introducing a new movement, but be aware as the pattern may be what you really want or need to do, and if so just go back to it. Follow yourself. You do not need to be extreme, [unless you really need to] as mad flailing may pull muscles if you are not sufficiently warmed up and will probably tire you quickly. Often gentler shaking over much longer will penetrate far deeper than one short massive burst. Keep it fun but stay authentic. Occasionally it may not be fun, so enjoy as much as you can. It keeps you motivated to do it again. It is not all literally shaking, its also wobbling, sensuous undulating, wwavverring, pulsing, throbing, sexual, chaotic, still, flowing... Follow yourself. Keep making sound as much as possible, even if its just a mild humming. Sound is like a speaker attached to your feelings. Express the tones of boredom, exhilaration, rage, joy, Insanity... Unless you really feel to be quite. Follow your self. Sensual Intergration [my name for it] Lite pelvic rocking or circulating, while focusing on sexual/sensual second chakra region feelings. Yum. The movements can be a bit exaggerated or slow down to barley perceptible, as long as you move in a way that 'connects' to, or activates 'those' feelings. Sounding any pleasurable sensation is crucial, even if it is only sub-audible. "mmm, ooh, aaah, gurgle!" lol! As you do this, soften any holding you find, especially noticing the front of the body and keeping it soft. Let your body Undulate. This is to Increase your 'pleasure conductivity' and thus melt any body armouring you may have. As always, follow your self with this exercise. I usually do this as the second half of my shaking/spontaneous movement session. Another very Important Saftey valve for K, is developing strong Spiritual aspirations. When you contemplate or meditate upon the Oneness, Divinity, the light... it stimulates the crown centre. When K activates, sometimes just Contemplating divinity is enough keep K 'on track' so to speak. This is where Bhakti Yoga is Incredibly useful. However you like to meditate on The One is good. Many people who have K problems were atheists or non spiritual, or just religious 'believers' [ooh, disgusting! lol] with no real activation or presence in their Crown chakra. Kundalini wants to go 'up' but an active Crown helps draw it up. The practice of Surrender. Once you feel the 'Light' or the 'One' really learn/practice letting go whole bodily into it. The more you can allow Oneness access to your nervous system the more stresses, holdings and grasping traits, it will just Eliminate. Meditate on the One being, set up rhythmic, deep but relaxed breathing, and just start surrendering everything to it. If distractions or fears or blocks, on any level come up, then Offer them to the One. "OM SHIVA SVAHA" is a Tantric way of doing this. Its an Offering mantra, usually used in Puja ceremony's. Shiva will take your stuckness as you are able to let it go and return it to you as Bliss. So Feel stuckness, breath in focusing your attention on it, breath out surrendering it, or using OM SHIVA SVAHA if that suits your philosophical outlook. There, thats the 'essential' core Kundalini practices that I teach. There are many other beneficial practices, and some which I will not teach online as they really are dangerous, buts that is a good solid Kundalini Sadhana with plenty of saftey valves..
  10. The Charge of the Goddess

    Thats the one
  11. The Charge of the Goddess

    Crowely was familiar with DeLaurence's work right? He wrote on Obeah as far as I remember...
  12. A sovereign God question

    Lol, have you read the corpus hermeticum? It is full of teachings about the nature of God... jeesh your condescending {trying to teach us} tone is hilarious in light of statements like that... wow... Oh really that is just so surprising, I had no Idea about any of that! thank you for teaching me! ...No, just kidding But 'Hermetic' as a description, gets generally used to describe the flow of {or belonging within} the mystery teachings, from Egypt via the Greek Corpus Hermeticum, to all the mystery schools/paths that grounded themselves in its Ideas, like Europes Hermetic Alchemists, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and so on...
  13. Hmm, who knows? That's probably my wisest response... On a less lofty note though, I wonder if ultimately all our destinies are fixed, yet we have endless room for fiddling and tweaking the road there... As for meddling with others destinies, I cant say I feel any particular way about it. I generally think about it as a waste of time or energy, but if someone I care about {or who pays me} ask's me to do something I usually will, or if i feel motivated to do something to or for someone, I also usually will As for good or bad intentions towards others, i wish to avoid the hubris of thinking that I could know that the outcome of a blessing will be more beneficial {ultimately} than a curse for someone. I have seen curses cause a total inner revolution in the victim, and I have seen people spiral down, deeper and deeper, by getting everything they want when they want it. That said i still lean much more strongly towards 'beneficial' acts... I tend to have a more natural view of it these days. At a very basic instinctual level, I do what I need to do, when I need to do it. I don't care for discussions about whether it really is just my ego deciding what I/they need as it seems irrelevant. If someone pisses me off too much, getting in my face there will be some kind of consequence. If I can't reach them physically there will be other consequences. This is rare though, cause my interpersonal and diplomatic skills are quite amazing. lol. With my friends or loved ones, sometimes I 'feel' that someone 'needs' something. I could sit around questioning it all day, pondering ethics, free will, rights and so on, but that is not really my cup of tea and only results in me feeling lousy that I didn't help when I could. I am quite aware just how much we impact each other. I impact others, they impact me, and the universe is not always nice and fluffy. I accept that and do what I feel I have to do. If I can help someone who needs it, or fuck off some asshole so be it. I am happy to do it. The more immersed in the sentient universe I became, the more natural all this felt to me. We are magical beings and the universe is full of adventure and happiness and despair and we play the parts we can. I guess it was shocking to me when I first began experiencing just how many spirits make up this world we live in, and just how little of who we think we are is actually who we are... Now though I love it. It seems to me that those who don't accept their capacity to influence and be influenced have deep walls up to participating with life. I am a force of nature, and I affect my universe and those within it who come into contact with me. That's just my shtick though and who cares really... There are probably a gazillion+ differing views, and I am deeply fulfilled by living the way I live.
  14. A sovereign God question

    Well, actually this is the Hermetic forum, which has been pointed out to you quite a few times now. The Hermetic God is not like most other false conceptions of God. It Is not a 'person' occupying some time and space, with wants and needs. it is far far vaster than that. God in the hermetic view, Gets called Nous or Mind, the All, the one, The Good, The Father, Universal Mother... It Basically boils down to being the mind of everything, the intelligence of all the universe/s and galaxies, and we and everything else are all thoughts or ideas within its mind. Being composed of Mind {as an Idea of God within God, made from God} we share in Gods Nature also, which allows us to walk the path back to remembering our oneness with God, as a node of God. We are the microcosm, of Nous. We even create the same way, or almost. We too create by Imagining, yet since we are still limited we must imagine then use our hands, unlike Nous which Imagines everything into being alone. Now some people get very concerned over what can be proven and what cant. To me that is fine for materialistic sciences which by their nature depend on good solid research and empirical evidence. Spiritual matters though require different modes of inquiry and exploration. The Mystic's quest is one such attempt at knowing something deeper, through direct personal investigation and experience. Mystics, 'accidental' mystics, inner explorers and Shamen for as long as we have existed, have continued to bump up against an area during 'inner experience' that is of an incredible foundational or underlying intelligence to existence. This has been experiences over and over again by so many people throughout time, and the experiencers began working out systems or ways to get their again, that became a science itself. Not a science that 'proves' Nous, but a science that reliably takes students to that inner state, over and over again. That is mysticisms area of repeatable evidence. Now while I think it would be awesome to prove 'Nous' I doubt it will ever happen, and I would far rather experience it directly than be told that it is scientifically 'real' which would feel pretty similar to growing up in bible school, were you get told every day that god is real. I don't care what people say, I value the direct experience...
  15. How to bring a family member to self-reflect?
  16. Back on topic though, Drunvalo is a con man, and so is anyone offering a saviour date or saviour figure. We have to pull ourselves out of our mess, all by ourselves unfortunately. We probably wont though, so we may well get the mythical apocalypse scenario, but it will unfortunately be lacking JC, Quetzacotal, aliens or the photon belt to sort us out...
  17. CHRISTIAN MAN CHRISTIAN MAN CHRISTIAN MAN CHRISTIAN MAN did all of that. CHRISTIAN MAN IS RESPONSIBLE. And here Christians sit, amidst all the wealth and social standing afforded them by the psychotic actions of their predecessors, trying to disavow themselves from their actions. I'll accept that it was humans rather than christianity per say, maybe after you organise a mass refund to every culture that lost everything to the church.

    He is demanding a non violent revolution and i think he is a brilliant, highly articulate man. Full support from the Seth panel.
  19. Spirit Science

    Poor old Satan gets such a bad rap...
  20. hatred vs. apathy

    I might add I would much rather be filled with hate than with apathy... Apathy is a disgusting state to be in!
  21. hatred vs. apathy

    Hmm. I think they are all false binaries to a degree, but... When I love something I care deeply for it. To me the opposite of that is apathy, in that I have gone so far in the other direction from caring that I am not even slightly concerned about anything at all to do with it... I personally see Hatred as a twisted expression of Love, as tied to love and not really loves opposite. So many people who hate someone used to love them, and are deeply hurt by their history. Part of what fuels their rage is that on some level they still care, they are still tied to that person by some deep bond. Another analogy is the rebel who is still totally invested in the nature of what he rebelled from. He is not actually free of it, thus he does not represent the opposite of what it was he rebelled from in the first place. She wont be that things opposite until she is really free of its grip on her existence... maybe Slavery and Freedom would explain it better? A slave who gets freed yet remains terrified of being recaptured, or spends the rest of their life fighting slavery {which may be honourable and necessary on a personal or social/political level} is not yet truly or entirely free...