Martial Development

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Everything posted by Martial Development

  1. Does Taoism presuppose a political viewpoint?

    Non-participation or non-interference are absolutely political viewpoints. If you refuse to toe the line, then your very existence is an act of sedition. And in a time of endless war, sedition is punishable by death. Didn't Zhuangzi made fun of Kong Qiu for trying to "change the world", and nearly killing himself in the process? Didn't it also say that a reasonable man would not sacrifice even one hair on his head "for the sake of the world"?
  2. Boycott Science!

    However you may feel about "science", consider how you will fare under the alternative. At least science won't light you on fire to check whether you're a witch.
  3. Does Taoism presuppose a political viewpoint?

    "If you're not with us, you're against us." Are Taoists "with us"? No.
  4. Bruce Lee?

    Who were the seniors in question? I can't remember, maybe Wong Shun Leung. I spoke to one of Bruce's classmates privately, who said Bruce's fast hands (not his training theories) were his greatest advantage. If you think Bruce Lee led a high-quality life, check his goals, or ask those who were close to him. Just don't ask anyone who has a financial interest in the answer.
  5. Why is science having such a hard time finding chi?

    Please be specific about which paper you read and what problems you observed in the experimental design.
  6. Bruce Lee?

    If I remember correctly... Even after Bruce Lee released his "innovative theory" of "doing what works for you", he occasionally visited his senior training brothers who had continued in "traditional" Wing Chun, and his brothers beat him in friendly competition. (Not to mention they outlived him too.) Make of that what you will.
  7. Why is science having such a hard time finding chi?

    Any scientist who relies on common sense is unfit for service. I've never said this before, and I may never say it again, but here goes...goldisheavy was right. There is no problem with "Western science" per se, but there is a problem with the people doing it.
  8. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    Five Questions With a Neigong Expert
  9. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    Regarding that interview--a lightly edited version of our conversation--there were some minor details that Jim and/or I did not want to publish. Nothing too important. If I didn't print them there, I'm sure you'll understand if I won't print them here either, and I don't presume to answer any questions on his behalf.
  10. 'Vermin' in the house - killing vs. relocation

    It is ethically permissible to kill rats in your house, so long as you eat them afterwards.
  11. Meditation for walking through walls?

    If "Yogic flying" is just hopping around on your butt--and the most popular version is exactly that!--then I have no interest in their other pseudo-powers.
  12. Only in the good old U.S of A
  13. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    If the mind is larger than the body, then having "the same neurology" does not mean having the same potential.
  14. Tucking the Tailbone in Taiji & Zhan Zhuang

    A true kung fu man is like a true scotsman, but with more chi.
  15. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    I hope you can see the contradictions here.
  16. How do you see chi and biology?

    Assuming for the sake of argument that the abilities in question were real, why would you assume that proving them to Randi's satisfaction would be a positive or selfless act? Why assume this would be good for anyone other than Randi himself?
  17. Ken Cohen is the real deal

    Here is another more recent interview.
  18. This is what chi really is

    Thank goodness, a Caucasian man has finally discovered what chi really is. Seriously though, it is an interesting topic. Both Reich and Mesmer were demonized as "sexual predators" by competing businessmen.
  19. RED CLIFF, the Film; ZHUGE LIANG, the Taoist

    You can also order a legit DVD copy from overseas.
  20. how to calm chi down

    Jogging, swimming or Tai Chi may help.
  21. What's the big-deal with this so Called "Wang Liping?"

    Da Mo did not charge his disciple any money. Does that please you? Instead, he let the guy chop off his fcuking arm! This is not about money, it is about sacrifice--and if you don't want to make one, then kindly get out of the way so that more serious students may pass.
  22. Is there a Taoist version of Dream Yoga?

    Zhuangzi said, and I quote: "A real man does not dream when he sleeps."
  23. what is the value of philosophical debate

    Paul, that is a thoughtful answer. (No offense intended.) And doesn't AA teach us that addicts may need to hit rock-bottom, before they are ready to accept a change? I presume that includes thought-addicts too.
  24. New Star Trek Movie - All the elements of Tao

    Sure it is, unless words have meanings.
  25. what is the value of philosophical debate

    Not right. Most people in America would not make that claim. And among the minority that would, most are not being honest; or more precisely, have not engaged in sufficient self-inquiry to make an honest judgment in the matter. Persons with language and education cannot simply drop them, and exist. Deconstruction or "controlled demolition" is the only viable option. It will happen whether they explicitly pursue it or not..and people like to talk about stuff that happens, so cut them a little slack, pal.