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Everything posted by phore

  1. shaktipat

    I notice that chakras correspond to areas in the central nervous system (the spine and the brain). The dantiens seem to correspond to areas in the body that contain a high density of nerve fibers, the guts, heart and brain. Then the other points seem to be along the nerve fibers throughout the body. I usually call it higher energy, shen, spiritual energy, or shakti.
  2. shaktipat

    hey everyone, I updated the energy healing page and the front page Healing.html I use universal energies instead of the ones in my own body to avoid transferring personality traits and tastes in food. A skilled traveler leaves no tracks
  3. shaktipat

    the key is to be able to use all of your energies in harmony with each other. Reiki is just using universal healing energy. The attunements are just an innoventive way of transmiting the process. After many years of practice the initial reiki attunements should give way to an advanced skillset of channeling universal healing energies, and shaping them in creative ways. Also I mostly practice nontraditional forms of reiki, that really do not follow the rules of traditional usui reiki. Some forms are a lot stronger and do not rely on a bunch of symbols energetically inscribed on charkras. Most of the juice comes from kundalini and cosmic healing.
  4. shaktipat

    hmm i sense a trap for weary travelers. I guess my concept of mastery was taken from martial arts. In aikido and other japanese martial arts, a master is simply a person who knows the way well enough to transmit it to open students. usually 4th degree black belt. I was not implying mastery like Lao Tzu, or Thor. Ah well, I suppose the way reveals itself inadvertently. This skilled traveler will leave fewer tracks in the next update.
  5. shaktipat

    accidental post
  6. shaktipat

    5elementtao Santiago Dobles, who posts as vajrasattva on the taobums, and Susan carlson, who posts as shaktimama on taobums, were my teachers. I learned heavens way qigong and vajra yoga primarily from Santiago. I have been to a few hatha yoga classes (mostly asanas and relaxation with some pranayama). I actually know of the correspondence course in qigong you speak of, but I did not learn from it. Glenn Morris was a master of these techniques and passed them on through kap. I suppose It was a combination of past lives, the good spirits in the forests of the ozark mountains, Fantastic Teachers, a lot of practice, starting relatively young, and the adventuring spirit that allowed me to awaken the kundalini. I began experiencing the sparse awakenings you spoke of in your post, they came and went almost daily for 6 months. Then the bubbling springs activated and the mojo freight train left the station. After that it began rewiring my system, opening channels, running cosmic orbits, fine tuning alchemical mechanisms ect. I will take your advice into consideration as i write these updates. Im just a traveler along the way.
  7. shaktipat

    i have gotten 152 hits from this website in the past few days. i do not know if anyone has attempted to contact me through the sites contact form. The contact form has been down for several days and i was not aware of it. My email is on the contact me page now. Please contact me through my email. Thank you.
  8. shaktipat

    no i was struck by thunder. It was given to me by some elementals.
  9. shaktipat

    im in the middle of working on a huge update to the site. Heres a sample. more coming soon. Thank you for your support everyone.
  10. shaktipat

    if it is shaktipat or healing then i would usually tell the person what time i intend to send the energy work. then they can relax and tune in. i have used skype sessions before. I can also do the energy ninja thing if i need to. I usually send energy over several day periods. This builds up healing energy without shocking the system.
  11. shaktipat

    thanks for your support everyone. I am thinking of expanding the content of my site to include better descriptions of the services provided. ill be updating the content over the next few weeks. maybe some more pictures.
  12. Calling all weather magicians

    mal gains the achievement: Rider on the Storm.
  13. Blizzard Tao of the Midwest

    Theres cold wind blowin in the mountains.
  14. Into Wholeness

    I feel the waves of this one already.
  15. Blizzard Tao of the Midwest

    i meditated through a blizzard a few weeks ago. now my area is experiencing moderate temperatures, gentle rainfall, and a beautiful mist has enveloped us full of rainbows. We had a thunder storm yesterday I live in the south though.
  16. Calling all weather magicians

    Ive been having some success with weather magic lately, I summoned up a peaceful thunder storm and false spring for us last week in the dead of winter. Ill give it a go over the next few days.
  17. A Helpful Hippo

  18. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    I can slip in and out of polyphasic sleeping. It is a state where deep sleep is suspended or reduced (0-4 hours a night), and dream sleep is divided into 20 minute segments and sprinkled throughout the day (every 4 hours). During some of my wilder adventures Ive spent several days, while only pretending to sleep. I usually prefer 8 hours because its healthier.
  19. Rooting?

    the practice of rooting in shamanism is primarily an energy phenomonon. The biomechanics in the body are made to facilitate qi flow and support it. By learning to use your body in harmony with your qi you will become a much more effective rooter. Tai chi exercises the different qi meridians in the body. Long term taichi practice will develop internal power like long term weightlifting develops muscle mass. Certain qigongs are known to strengthen the tendons by feeding them with qi. you have to remain relaxed to root effectively. then it is a matter of intent and qi.
  20. Sweetness

    The greatest lesson you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.
  21. Meditation makes you dull

    zen meditation shouldnt make you dull, Zen is all about relaxed intensity. True masters of meditation usually become accomplished artists and musicians. In movement you become immersed in the flow of reality. In stillness you ride waves of energy across the universe. When it hits you it will be like you've just realized that the world isn't black and white.
  22. Best book on Tantra? This websight has great books and videos. Santiago is one of my teachers. Tantra has many arms. Some are sexual, some are alchemical. Tantra is expansion of the human personality and consciousness into "divine" personality and universal consciousness -umaatantra websight
  23. Black magic

    Hi heaven chi, If you will send me a picture of yourself, I will can send you several layers of shielding that will repell negative energies and black magic. I can probably get a few of my friends in my psychic defense group that i practice with to help shield you too.
  24. good guys finish last

    just pick a few guys who you know who seem to be naturals with women and emulate them. Through careful observation anyone can learn social skills. Its called modeling excellence in nlp. you need some positive role models. Through careful observation you too can learn social skills. Im betting that you mentally beat yourself up about your problem. My advice is approach the problem holistically. Forget about your problems and raise your vibational rate. Say ohm and project gratitude through your third eye into the universe. Its like exercise for your vibes. Once youve got your vibes under control, talking to women and getting laid is a piece of cake. Right now you are coming off as too needy. You need to come off as sexy. you must go on a quest to get your mojo back.
  25. good guys finish last

    This is just mental dissection of the experience. Love is a phenomenon that holographically spirals through layers of reality, creating everything from chemical spikes in the brain, to spiritual ecstacy, to children. Because love is quantum in nature, you have to believe in the experience of love at first sight to attract it. I suggest practicing certain mantras, to raise your vibrational rate. Breath deep on exhale say ohm while projecting gratitude to the universe. In conclusion, its all about mojo.