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Everything posted by phore

  1. Relaxation and Silence

    I tighten and relax, or breath out tension breath in relaxation, or just let go of tension and relax. I like to switch little things up every now and then just to keep freshness in the meditation.
  2. Relaxation and Silence

    My mind has yielded all of the conscious thinking ability to my kundalini at the moment and through the trance state i have trained myself to use it for its imagination/ visionary capacity. The key is to develop the quality of lucidity, which is spiritual awareness. The relaxation exercises i use are as follows: starting at the feet begin deep relaxation. Then slowly move up through the individual parts of the body, until you have deeply relaxed your entire body. Then you can wash waves of relaxation over yourself until you get as deep as you want to go. I try to relax a little more each day. The mind is perfectly capable of functioning in the theta state, it just takes some getting acclimatized to.
  3. fusing souls or ascension?

    Like all shamans at the end of their journey, they returned to the sky.
  4. "Right Bucks" by Ken Wilbur

    Kap was the best money ive ever spent hands down. Its the gift that keeps on giving. Its easily manifested more opportunities for financial prosperity than I could have gotten out of that money anyways Spiritual teachers need to eat too.
  5. Relaxation and Silence

    if you relax and silence enough you can enter the trance state. This is a state characterized by theta brain waves, heightened dmt presence in the brain, and a dream like quality of awareness. Meditation combined with yoga, qigong, and self-hypnosis, is the easiest way to get there. Once your there you will want to make an anchor to get back (nlp technique) Its a great place to explore the deeper more subtle layers of awareness.
  6. Relaxation and Silence

    I find that it helps to be in an environment that mirrors the quality that you wish to experience in meditation. I like to meditate out in a field surrounded by birds, crystals, plant life, and some hot yerba mate. Here i sit and forget all of my daily worries and try to cultivate purity within. Relaxation and silence are fundamental to my meditation practice. Energy flows more freely through a relaxed body. Silence is to the mind as relaxation is to the body.
  7. Plane of infinite awareness

    Project through your third eye a vision screen on the back of your hand, on the sky, on a blank wall, or on a pool of water. It's like opening a window to the dream world/ spirit world. That's the basic concept. I learned it from a fellow traveler so i think you should try to download the technology from the dream world. use your imagination. its the key to the third eye.
  8. Those who have power over their hearts...

    The mystery was what attracted me in the first place....
  9. Plane of infinite awareness

    I think that anyone who can have psychic dreams is a perfect person to practice the vision screen with. I just finished calling a friend who i had experimented with psychic dreaming in the past to get him to start practicing the vision screen with me.
  10. Chikung in the Basement

    It would be better to do it outside on the grass, near plants for maximum natural qi. While its cold though i would go for a basement or cave. I like to have some fire around while practicing to supplement the yang qi when its cold. If i ever need more earth i surround myself with crystals. I have tons of quartz.
  11. Those who have power over their hearts...

    pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind - John Lennon
  12. I think that his approach to taoism exemplified through his essays after the chapters is great. I have used his mantra meditations before but i havent felt the need to use the tao mantra yet.
  13. Plane of infinite awareness

    Yes i remember reading about some russian psychic experiments. The psychics they discovered were just regular people who had a more subtle awareness.
  14. Plane of infinite awareness

    We're all just travelers along the way.
  15. Plane of infinite awareness

    The universe is eternally greatful to people like you brother. May you have the courage to achieve your wildest dreams.
  16. Plane of infinite awareness

    I saw kap lineage gurus, primarily because they are my lineage I actually just turned 21 so its open to pretty much anyone beyond puberty. nice to hear from you vajrahridaya. The way i see psychic powers is as something that happen but not some thing that I get attached to. Its like positive feedback from the universe.
  17. Plane of infinite awareness

    It helps to start by projecting the screen onto a mirror, a clear sky, the back of your hand, or a pool of water.
  18. Plane of infinite awareness

    roflcoptor I loved the part where they were driving away.
  19. yea, your posture affects the flow of chi and alignment of your bones. I went to a class today and had some foundational mistakes corrected from being self taught and I could feel the chi flow freeing up as the teachers commented on my form and i adjusted it. and he was doing this stuff out of the corner of his eye while doing his own form.
  20. I am that I am

    I like to walk outside in the morning look, and around at my backyard. I take in evidence of the way of nature and heaven in wordless awe. Then i ask myself "can u dig it"
  21. The feeling is like every day from now on is going to be fantastic. I cannot express how shocked i was to find that for the first time after my awakening something negative happened. I have since mellowed out and realized that the negative things are just the universe giving you the chance to grow. My mind is completely opened to the idea that tomorrow i could lose a loved one, my own life, or win the lottery. everything is filled with new opportunities to have fun. It takes a lot to knock me off my spiritual center (especially with my psychic shields) but even when something does it only takes a little meditation to get back into alignment. The awakening isnt the end result. Its only the beginning.
  22. Darn, im going to be busy on 4-20
  23. I usually try to eat nearly all organic food. I drink lots of tea and yerba mate. I use almond milk and am currently considering switching to goats cheese because I'm a capricorn. The foods i eat are cooked lightly so they still have life energy left in them. I practice yoga, and qigong, daily. As susan said it all becomes natural movement. Its more fun to move your hands in circles when you can see and feel the energy that your playing with. In the back of my mind m always doing qigong breathing. Its better to use a small amount of effort doing it right than an immense amount doing it wrong. I like to go outside and watch animals, celestial bodies, trees, and other natural processes. Connect to the gaian mind. This is when i work on my earth chakras (see susans post). I like to go to the chiropractor and get massages. I use hemp seed based massage oil on my body to give my skin lots of good energy. I use a neti pot to keep my sinuses clear. I listen to music and draw lot. Children seem to like me since my awakening so i play with them sometimes. I practice dream yoga. I pray at my alter. I try to become involved in meaningful relationships. Im currently experimenting with a freelove lifestyle. Intuition takes me everywhere. All of these things have helped me get my kundalini running smoothly. They could certainly help most people who wish to have a smoother awakening.
  24. teaching qigong?

    IMO fixing qi sickness should be intuitive (a skilled teacher can tell you how to fix your specific problem before you finish explaining it). There is a complex interrelated system of chi circulatory channels running through the body that each have problems associated with each meridian. If the spine is slightly out of alignment during a spiritual awakening then the most peaceful person can quickly develop psychosis, just as an example of one of the things that can happen. I think that you should study healing modalities such as reiki or massage therapy. This will increase your knowledge of such things. Maybe hold off on teaching until you have some proficiency with healing. also aura vision is a useful skill to possess when guiding neophytes. I think Darin Hamel (who posts here and has a youtube channel) asserts that after your spiritual awakening has stabilized then there is a phase where you should pass on what you have learned. I find wisdom in this particular assertion. keep going, keep playing.