Ryan T.

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Everything posted by Ryan T.

  1. Raw meat

    Good luck and please be careful. I hope you have a physician or TCMP who is able to help you with your goals.
  2. Raw meat

    I'd love to hear further detailing on your reasons and sources of information. And not to judge or criticize, but just for my own education. I am quite versed with most other types of diet from my years in natural foods.
  3. Raw meat

    Why are you doing this?
  4. Taiji Sword and Qi Questions

    I don't know about more necessarily but I find it much more noticeable. I believe this is why sword is so important, it is a practice for allowing the energy to move beyond our fingertips. Which Taiji sword form do you practice?
  5. Questionable Mak Tin Si Sect

    If you search you would see that MTS has been called out on these issues, rightly or wrongly is a matter of opinion, several times. I doubt you will find satisfactory answers to your questions.
  6. Wudang Taoism

    Thank you for your insightful post and I definitely appreciate your perspective based on your experiences. But I tend to question most anything coming out of post-cultural revolution China. Is anything that was before the Communist takeover still in any intact form? I look at the Tibet situation. When the Dalai Lama dies the Chinese government are sure to announce that they have "found" the next Dalai Lama. This person will, of course, be a pawn of the government to be used to further control and/or destroy the Tibetan culture. Should we not consider the same possibility with most things Taoist? Now granted I have not read these texts personally as I do not read Chinese but I have many friends who are either TCMPs, martial artists or Qigong practitioners, all who have been studying for over 30 years, who say the ancient texts all talk about avoiding grains and meat being fine. How the ancients(Taoists) were always wary of agriculture as it took people away from nature. At least this is what I have been told by people who I trust with my training as well as my health.
  7. Expanding the mind

    Some of the main benefits of Taiji are increased health, better body awareness, relaxation, meditation and, ultimately, self-defense. Like anything else, to become proficient you must practice and practice to have real benefits. If you were able to learn Taiji(form, weapons, push-hands, san-shou) and put even an hour a day in for ten years you would have some terrific benefits. But you would also only be scratching the surface of a very immense, subtle art. Really any of the Chinese internal boxing systems will give you most of what I am talking about. Taiji, Hsing- Yi, Ba Gua and Liu Ho Ba Fa are the four recognized internal boxing systems. All have their own flavor and personality. Nei Kung and qigong are part of most internal boxing styles so some extent. Specific outside qigong practices will also complement and supplement any particular style you may choose. Some say,"But I do not care about fighting(boxing), why should I study a boxing system?" In order to be fit for everything else you want to do a boxing system will give you full body health and the strength to achieve your other goals. As far as a Taoist master, first you should look into whether you wish to embrace philosophical Taoism or religious Taoism. Thus far, you seem to mostly be talking about the philosophical side of things but religious Taoism may hold everything you are looking for as well. Start by checking out some boxing schools that focus on the internal styles listed above. That will be a great place to start with your training.
  8. A Taoist Routine... HELP!

    Taiji is a great place to start. Find a good teacher.
  9. Zeitgeist

    Wiki says that it is "quasi-public (government entity with private components)". I take this to mean that the banks are for profit and the government steps in with regulations. Of course, most for profit entities will always be trying to wiggle around or out of regulating restraints such as what we are currently seeing with the fallout of CDOs. This tension between the two mindsets of public vs. private will always be at odds. Unfortunately, the profiteers usually seem to win at the expense of the common people.
  10. Energy of Rice

    Technically buckwheat is not a grain, though it is generally used as such. But I do agree with your sentiment that there are plenty of other options out there. But I would not say one is better than the other, just different. Each has its place.
  11. Energy of Rice

    The main problem with brown rice, whole grains in general, is that they have high levels of phytic acid. You will want to soak and actually try to start a mild fermentation on any brown rice. Phytates are an issue with whole grains and soy products as well. Soy should always be either fermented or served with ferments to make it digestable. Traditional cultures had this down. Tempeh is one, oats are generally soured overnight for porridge, even buttermilk pancakes are a form of fermented product. I could go on and on.
  12. "Stillness in stillness is not the true stillness."
  13. Dude. You seem super angry. That isn't going to go away just by going away into a cave and "meditating"! How can you even begin to think about helping others to "liberation" when you have such obvious contempt for people?
  14. why money?

    I suspect you haven't found a great teacher yet. I believe that once you find a great teacher you will be disappointed in yourself for not having more money to give that person as so many dedicated, skilled masters live on such meager means. But you should pay, it is only right. You expect that a master will teach like what...? LIke Mr. Miyagi in the "The Karate Kid" and then just go to his bar tending job or selling shoes or whatever? A person who has spent a lifetime dedicating themselves to a practice will rarely have money on their mind unless it is of necessity and generally is embarrassed to have to be concerned about it. The fact that you had a bad experience with a teacher is unfortunate. But you should see that you are bringing that experience with you and it seems to be tainting your ideas about this. There is plenty to be had for free but nothing can replace the tutelage and guidance of a real master...whatever the cost!
  15. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    More and more you seem lesser and lesser.
  16. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    The basic minimum amount...otherwise no service/product is performed/given. The basic minimum amount that you would SELL your service or product for. Again, there is nothing wrong with needing money for your temple and such. Things cost what they cost. And you SELL for a price.
  17. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    Actually, if I remember correctly, you had it all priced out ala carte. $50 for this and $50 for that. I don't remember specifics other than there was a specific charge for the "long distance" nature of the healing. Kind of reminds me of my cell phone bill. You can call it what your will but you are charging for your services. So if the Bums were able to put more money together the healing would work better? Stronger karmic rebalancing?
  18. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    I am sorry to say this MTS but once again your words ring hollow. It is not a donation. You set the price. That is where the $300+ came from to begin with. It's not like we got together and decided that $300 would be a good amount to "donate" to you in honor of your charity to Gossamer. You laid out very specific prices for your services. Otherwise, as far as I remember, you weren't going to help Gossamer. If you would have done the healing without the money then it can be called a donation. Otherwise you are engaged in commerce. There is nothing inherently wrong with selling goods and services. But please don't say that you aren't selling something. It just comes off as disingenuous and, IMO, it discredits other things you say that probably have a true depth and meaning!
  19. Is this the personal attack/argument forum? I'm sorry I thought I was in a Taoist discussion forum. Maybe you two could get a room or a ring or something?
  20. Taiji! My teacher had asthma from a pretty young age. After 3 years of regular taiji practice it was gone and still is. He attributes his recovery to taiji specifically.
  21. struggling in push hands

    T.T. Liang always said "Invest in loss", and "Small loss, small gain; big loss, big gain". I an very grateful to anyone who "boxes" me into a position that leaves me with no other option. This is how I learn my "weaknesses" and hopefully, if I am analytical enough, I will learn how to not get into those "boxes" in the future. TTC #33: "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power." And I agree with what MTS stated. I would also consult with your teacher about your experiences. And ultimately if this is the way these other people practice push hands you may want to find someone else to practice with; you will find it hard to develop if your partners do not have similar objectives as you.
  22. How to properly thank a person

    That and the fact that gih seems to have a bullying nature about his opinions and the inability to see that his opinions are not, in fact, fact! Really? gih may be sincere but what have you read that makes you think this thread sprouted from a good place vs. a place of malice and hubris. I've only seen the latter, at least in this thread.
  23. "The Way of the Sufi" by Idries Shah Here's a example(chosen for no particular reason in a mostly random fashion): Three Candidates Three men made their way to the circle of a Sufi, seeking admission to his teachings. One of them almost at once detached himself, angered by the erratic behaviour of the master. the second was told by another disciple(on the master's instructions) that the sage was a fraud. He withdrew very soon afterwards. The third was allowed to talk, but was offered no teaching for so long that he lost interest and left the circle. When they had all gone away, the teacher instructed his circle thus: 'The first man was an illustration of the principle: "Do not judge fundamental things by sight." The second was an illustration of the injunction: "Do not judge things of deep importance by hearing." The third was an example of the dictum: "Never judge by speech, or the lack of it."' Asked by a disciple why the applicants could not have been instructed in this matter, the sage retorted: 'I am here to give higher knowledge; not to teach what people pretend that they already know at their mothers' knees.'
  24. eye there

    I can't believe no one before you chose that user name. Amazing! And welcome!
  25. How to properly thank a person

    What seems clear is that you have it all figured out for everybody else how and what we should do. This whole thing seems to be based on your opinions and your ideas of what is correct. Which, I would think being on a "Taoist" forum, you would know is not necessarily what the path/way of others is to be. Your "logic" that by explaining your opinions somehow create a truth is misguided and quite common. You may want to just sit back and watch and listen for a while. I personally repay my debts as I see fit. If I need to thank someone I do it based on the impact of the gesture not on whether it was private or not. And certainly not because some guy on a forum has taken it upon himself to "enlighten" me to the "one true way" of repayment. Relax a bit!