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Posts posted by adept

  1. That's absolutely not what I said, in fact it's kind of the opposite.



    You make a lot of sweeping passive aggressive insults don't you! Then when I call bullshit on your 'mistakes' I'm the one that gets in trouble. I'm familiar with your type, and for two cents I'll put you on ignore.


    Good. I'm beginning to tire of your superiority laced overtones.

  2. What I want to know is how all the 'power is evil/power corrupts/power is an unworthy thing to work towards' people feel about martial arts? Power is power, right? And energetic power can be put to much more diverse use and much greater good than the ability to punch through someones skull. How is working to develop yourself energetically any worse than working to develop yourself martially?


    You can work to develop energetically and martially, as I've done for decades, without becoming power hungry though.

    There's a difference.

  3. It's not worse, in fact it's not bad at all to want power. Power is simply the ability to get things done effectively and NOTHING more. The problem is there are lots of weak people (who actually do want power) who make excuses by saying power is bad, and then the rest who connect power with their egomania give it a bad name.


    So anyone who says 'that wanting power is bad', is weak ?

    That's rather a sweeping generalization.

  4. Are there any Forums that have members with a similar viewpoint to the membership here (i.e. pro-spirituality anti-materialism) but without the Martial Arts guys (the "I'm going to spend 20 hours a day practicing until I am the most powerful being in the Universe - and btw My Master Is The Greatest" guys)?


    Or, if the Forum doesn't have the Taoist/Buddhist connection, is everything else going to be New-Age-I-Believe-Anything-And-Everything Forums ?




    I think you'll find a lot of folks here are very materialistic. You don't have to be anti-materialistic to be spiritual.

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  5. adept...

    This thread is assuming that Lao Zi does exist at time time, in order, to carry on with the discussion. You may start a new thread if you want.


    I'm sorry but I think it's an important point. Your thread is titled 'Time Table of the DDJ' If Laozi never existed (possibility), then the whole thread needs revising.

  6. Yeah the mainstream media like to sensationalize everything.


    If the guy was a christian they would say he found god's confirmation to kill by reading the Old Testament.


    Exactly. This is one of the reasons that people who practice meditation, qigong, and other Eastern disciplines are sometimes described as 'weird', by those that take mainstream media for the absolute truth.

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